Should REST API returns error 400 on request that should not have query? - api

Is there any standard in HTTP regarding how request should be handled in case where an endpoint/request URL that supposed to not receive any query but the requester supply a query anyway ?
if it exist, what the standard states ? if not, is there any other related standard/statement regarding this like how request query supposed to be handled in general or such within the HTTP standard ?
thank you

By default, when you receive more parameters than expected and if you don't need it, you don't care

Is there any standard in HTTP regarding how request should be handled in case where an endpoint/request URL that supposed to not receive any query but the requester supply a query anyway ?
From the perspective of HTTP, the entire target-uri in the request line is the identifier for the resource:
POST /123?456
In this example, the target-uri is /123?456.
RFC 7231 defines 404 Not Found
The 404 (Not Found) status code indicates that the origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
Which is to say, if you want to draw the clients attention to the spelling of the target-uri, 404 Not Found is the way to do that.
That said, there are no "rules" about how the server interprets the target-uri. If you want to ignore the query part, and provide the same representation that is used for /123 then that's fine.
when you receive more parameters than expected and if you don't need it, you don't care
In messaging, ignoring unrecognized parts of the message can be useful when trying to ensure that your schema is forwards/backwards compatible; old clients using the old specification can talk to new servers using the new specification, and vice versa.
The same principle is described in the header specification for HTTP
Other recipients SHOULD ignore unrecognized header fields. These requirements allow HTTP's functionality to be enhanced without requiring prior update of deployed intermediaries.


Rest API: Response HTTP status code for applicative semantic error

Suppose to have a REST API which updates the stock of some products in an e-commerce portal:
URL : /products/stock
"PRD001": 3,
"PRD002": 2
Where the request body is a map made of <<PRODUCT_CODE>> : <<USER_REQUIRED_QUANTITY>> entries
At some point, the server receives a well-formed syntactic request, but the logic behind the API fails because:
One or more of the sent PRODUCT CODES do not exist.
The USER_REQUIRED_QUANTITY requested for one of the products having PRODUCT_CODE is unavailable because of insufficient stock.
Which HTTP CODE should the REST API return for these "semantic applicative errors"?
In my opinion:
It shouldn't return 400 - BAD REQUEST because the REQUEST is well-formed from a syntactic perspective.
In the case of an inexistent product, it shouldn't return 404 -NOT FOUND because the resource is related to a stock and not to a specific product. Returning 404 - NOT FOUND could lead the client intto an error.
It could return a 409 - CONFLICT (The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource)
It could return a 422 Unprocessable Entity (The server understands the content type and syntax of the request entity, but still server is unable to process the request for some reason). Anyway, this status code is part of WebDAV specific and not part of the HTTP)
What do you think about this specific use case?
And, in a more general way, in which way do you handle HTTP Status codes according to applicative semantic errors?
Thank you
Important idea - status codes are metadata of the transfer of documents over a a network domain; they describe the semantics of the HTTP response so that general purpose HTTP components can do intelligent things (e.g. invalidate cached responses).
Which HTTP CODE should the REST API return for these "semantic applicative errors"?
The fact that the values in the request body are the problem strongly suggests that we want some flavor of 4xx Client Error semantics.
I'm inclined to guess that the simplest approach would be to use 403 Forbidden
The 403 (Forbidden) status code indicates that
the server understood the request but refuses
to fulfill it.
Any nuance that you need to share with the user/bespoke client is described in the body of the 403 response.
From what I can tell, 409 Conflict isn't right, but also isn't going to get you into a lot of trouble.
For a general purpose component, 403 and 409 are handled essentially the same way -- in theory a general purpose component could try to "resolve the conflict" on its own and resubmit the request, but in practice we don't have a standard for describing the nature of the conflict, which means that the component isn't going to know a way to modify the request.
So while I would decline a pull request (PR) that used a 409 here, I would also accept a PR that used a 409 and also included a decision record documenting the trade offs that the implementer had considered in this specific context (for example - it might be important that your human operators easily be able to distinguish this case from authentication issues when scanning access logs).
In other words, make the boring choice unless you have really good reasons to do something else. If you have really good reasons to do something else, write them down.
My doubt about this one is that it is not part to the HTTP specs.
Don't be worried at that. HTTP status codes are intended to be extensible. Anything you find in the IANA status code registry should be considered safe to use.
Also, today, the registered reference for 422 is the current HTTP Semantics specification (RFC 9110).
That said, I wouldn't use it here, because I don't think the semantics are as good a fit for your circumstance as 403.
The 422 (Unprocessable Content) status code indicates that the
server understands the content type of the request content
(hence a 415 (Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate),
and the syntax of the request content is correct, but it was unable
to process the contained instructions. For example, this status
code can be sent if an XML request content contains well-formed
(i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous XML
My interpretation of this is that we're trying to indicate that there's a problem specific to the semantics of the request body (ex: a required field is missing). It announces that we're unable to process the request, rather than announcing that the processing failed.
In other words, 422 is "I don't know what this means", where 403 is "I know what this means, but I won't do it."
We also have considered using the 403 - FORBIDDEN code, but it seems to be more related to authorization issues.
The specification gives wider latitude than the most common usage.
a request might be forbidden for reasons unrelated
to the credentials.
That said, choosing a different status code can be the right engineering trade off. If the benefits of doing the right thing are small, and the costs (in particular, the support and operational costs) are large, well... maybe being successful is more important than being right.

What response code corresponds in REST API to not finding a resource due to query params?

I found in my job that people are designing a RESTs API that has endpoints that return a single Json object (not a collection) based in query params (not path param).
For example:
with response body
{id:10, name="John", surname="Sparrow", gender="male"}
But what response code corresponds in REST API to not finding a resource due to query params?
For example:
(when John Smith doesn't exist).
I don't think it is a 404 error because /users endpoint exists, but I don't know if I must return a 400 error or a 200 without body (or null value) or other kind of response
Can you help me?
What is most appropriate depends on whether an empty result list is OK or a clear failure. Whether parameters are PathParams or QueryParams has no bearing on return codes.
My general approach is that search functions such as findStuffBySearchTerms always return a successful HTTP code such as 200 and either the results or an empty list. On the other hand, fetchStuffById where I expect the entity to be found will return HTTP 404 if it is not found.
What response code corresponds in REST API to not finding a resource due to query params?
404 Not Found.
I don't think it is a 404 error because /users endpoint exists,
The resource identifier includes the query params. Which is to say, the query parameters are part of the identifier in precisely the same sense that path segments are part of the identifier.
In your request body, you can describe the circumstances of your implementation as precisely as you like.
But the audience of HTTP status codes includes general purpose components (browsers, proxies, web crawlers), for whom the response code is the primary mechanism for describing the semantics of the response:
The status-code element is a 3-digit integer code describing the result of the server's attempt to understand and satisfy the client's corresponding request. The rest of the response message is to be interpreted in light of the semantics defined for that status code. -- RFC 7230
That said, your server owns its own resources, and therefore you get to decide whether or not a resource exists, and what it's current representation looks like.
GET /users?name=Dave HTTP/1.1
200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
Dave's not here, man.
From an HTTP/REST framing, that's a perfectly reasonable exchange; somebody asked for the latest representation of /users?name=Dave, and the latest representation is a plain text document. Absolutely fine.
The key idea here is that that HTTP status-code is metadata of the transfer of documents over a network domain.
HTTP is indifferent to the semantic meaning of the representations of resources.
That said, you should be considering in your design concerns like "what does this look like in our access logs?" If you want your operators to be able to distinguish this case from the similar case where the query parameters match information in your database, 200 vs 404 is the natural way to do that.
You'll normally prefer 404 to the other error status codes for this case because 404 indicates the response is cacheable, which is probably want you want when you are passed a request-target that has a spelling error in it somewhere.

Should Internal Server Error be documented in swagger?

I am writing a new API and documenting it using Swagger/OpenAPI. It seems to be a good standard to document error responses, that the developer can expect to encounter.
But I cannot find any guide lines or best practices about Internal Server Error. Every path could in theory throw an unhandled exception. I do not expect it to happen, but it might. Should all paths have a response with status code 500 "Internal Server Error" or should I only document responses the developer can do anything about, i.e. 2xx, 3xx and 4xx?
The offical documentation shows an example for specifying all 5xx status codes in the responses section, but it does not go into details about the specific status code, or the message returned. It also mentions that the API specification should only contain known errors:
Note that an API specification does not necessarily need to cover all possible HTTP response codes, since they may not be known in advance. However, it is expected to cover successful responses and any known errors. By “known errors” we mean, for example, a 404 Not Found response for an operation that returns a resource by ID, or a 400 Bad Request response in case of invalid operation parameters.
You could follow the same approach and specify it like in the example. I think it's not important or even recommended to try to describe it more specifically, since you might not be able to cover all cases anyway and the client is not expected to act on the message returned for internal server errors (possibly other than retrying later). So for example, I would not recommend specifying a message format for it.
Omitting any responses with 5xx HTTP error codes makes sense as well.


According REST API design recomendations, getting user by id must be
GET /users/{id}
How will look getting user by unique phone number?
GET /users/phone/{number}
GET /users/?phone=xxxxxxxxxxx
GET /phones/{number}/users
or anything else?
Or for example getting last user comments with limitation:
There are constraints or recomendations in such cases?
Which HTTP method is better to send request for making some actions (for example SMS sending).
There are a lot of different aspects in your question, so I am picking some and hope the answer is somewhat helpful to you.
Generally speaking, a URI ist he unique identifier of a certain ressource. Further more, "good REST-API URIs" contain only nouns (to 'name' the resource), not verbs (what should be done with the resource). URI parameters may be used to parameterize the ressources representation, e.g. sorting or filtering.
In your example,
would be a valid way to fetch a list of some sub-ressources (possibly the users comments), but here is nothing on the URI that refers to a specific property or sub-ressource (e.g. comments).
A more meaningful ressource URI would be
In this case, the first part (users/{id}/comments/) identifies the ressource, while the params are used to parameterize its representation. Proper URI's do not rely on URI params to uniquely identify ressources.
Filter criteria in the URI may be treated similiar. You could put them in parameters, but that may lead to problems with multiple and/or complex filters, e.g.
One way to do this could be to create a filter (maybe just temporarily) and then retrieving the filtered information with a subsequent GET request like this:
POST /users/filter
GET /useres/filter/mycomplexfilter
Hope this helps to shed some light on the topic
See this summary for an explanation of the commonly used HTTP methods (aka verbs): Which HTTP methods match up to which CRUD methods?
See this question for a similiar answer.
Initiating a server sent notification (perhaps via SMS) should be requested using POST (e.g. to the ressource URI /notifications) with text and recipient in the payload. HTTP headers could be used to indicate the desired type of the notfication, while the HTTP status codes indicate the success of the sending attempt. Status code 201 indicates successfull sending of the message, returning also the URI for the newly created ressource.
Client request:
POST /notifications
text="this is the SMS text"
Server response:
201 - Created
Location: /notifications/9876

Choose appropriate HTTP status codes in controversial situations or introduce subcodes?

I am developing iOS application running against a remote server, having another developer behind it. The project and an API draft we are writing are in initial phase.
The problem we are faced with is that we are not satisfied with existing amount of conventional status codes described by HTTP/REST specifications: there are cases where we are uncertain about what code to pick up.
Examples to provide minimal context:
Server-side validation errors. Fx. Client-side validations are ok, but server API has recently been changed slightly, so a server should return something indicating that it is exactly the validation problem.
An attempt to register user that already exists. SO topics do not provide any precise point on that.
A user is registered, and tries to log in without having the password confirmation procedure accomplished.
Two obvious approaches we see here:
Use fx 400 error for the cases when an appropriate conventional status code could not be found. This will lead us to parsing error text messages from JSON responses. Obviously, this approach will introduce superfluous complication in a client-side code.
Create our own sub-codes system and rely on it in our code. This one involves too much artificial conventions, which will lead us towards becoming too opinionated and arbitrary.
Feeling that the number of such cases is going to grow, we are thinking about an introduction of custom sub-codes in JSON responses our server should give (i.e. choose the second approach).
What I'm asking here:
What are the recommended approaches, strategies, even glues or hacks for these kinds of situations?
What are pros-cons of moving away from strictly following REST/HTTP conventions for status codes?
For validation problems, I use 422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV; RFC 4918)
The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. This is because the request did not fail because of malformed syntax, but because of semantics.
Then in order to communicate you just need to decide on your errors format, so for situation 1 if there is a required field you might return a 422 with the following.
"field": ["required"]
I would treat number two as a validation problem, since really it is a validation problem on username, so a 422 with the following.
"username": ["conflict"]
Number three I would treat as a 403 Forbidden because passing an authorization header will not help and will be forbidden until they do something other than pass credentials.
You could do something like oauth2 does and return a human readable description, a constant that people can code against that further clarifies the error and a uri for more information.
"error": "unfinished_registration",
"error_description": "Must finish the user registration process",
"error_uri": ""
Note: you will find that people disagree on what http codes map to what situation and if 422 should be used since is part of the WebDAV extensions, and that is fine, the most important thing you can do is document what the codes mean and be consistent rather than being perfect with what they mean.
There's no such thing as "sub-codes" in HTTP (Microsoft IIS is clearly violating the spec, and should be flogged).
If there's an appropriate status code, use it; don't say "this status code means that in my application" because that's losing the value of generic status codes; you might as well design your own protocol.
After that, if you need to refine the semantics of the status code, use headers and/or the body.
For the use cases you have described, you could use these error codes:
1) 400 Bad Request
The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
2) 409 Conflict
The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. This code is only allowed in situations where it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request. The response body SHOULD include enough
information for the user to recognize the source of the conflict. Ideally, the response entity would include enough information for the user or user agent to fix the problem; however, that might not be possible and is not required.
Conflicts are most likely to occur in response to a PUT request. For example, if versioning were being used and the entity being PUT included changes to a resource which conflict with those made by an earlier (third-party) request, the server might use the 409 response to indicate that it can't complete the request. In this case, the response entity would likely contain a list of the differences between the two versions in a format defined by the response Content-Type.
3) 401 Not Authorized
The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.47) containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable Authorization header field (section 14.8). If the request already included Authorization credentials, then the 401 response indicates that authorization has been refused for those credentials. If the 401 response contains the same challenge as the prior response, and the user agent has already attempted authentication at least once, then the user SHOULD be presented the entity that was given in the response, since that entity might include relevant diagnostic information. HTTP access authentication is explained in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication" [43].
For any other use case that you have, it varies. I would probably go with number 2 if there is truly no standard way of encoding specific errors.