Cypress Spying on Vue components - vue.js

I'm trying to write an e2e test using Cypress on my Vue app. I want to test if request on form submit returns correct value.
I know i need to use cy.spy. I also know I neet to spy on fetch method but I have no idea which object to tie it to.
From documantation:
The object that has the method to be wrapped.
Which for me would be the component I'm trying to test? I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this argument correctly. Can anyone explain?
My guess is that I need to use methods? But if I try to import them into my test_spec.js I get Cannot find module...

To spy over a response, you can use the route command instead of spy.
it('Example Test', function () {
cy.server(); // cy.server needs to be invoked first in order to use cy.route command
url: `**/your/request/path/**`,
method: 'POST',
onResponse: (xhr) => {
// here you can assert on xhr.response.body values


How to use Cypress tests with vue axios?

I have some vue ant-design code
<button #click="submit"
methods: {
submit() {
return this.axios({
method: "POST",
data: this.form
i want to create e2e test, which type form and submit this by click button.
but how i can wait when submit axios will call then-callback?
cy.wait() is a bad solution for this.
use cy.request it is not 100% user case, its javascript trigger
The usual way to go about this is:
define a route with cy.intercept()
click the button
wait for the response with cy.wait() to the route from 1.
To show it in one example:
cy // 1.
.intercept('POST', '/change-ad')
cy // 2.
cy // 3.
.should('eq', 201);
Obviously you can check other things on the UI after the response has arrived, that is after 3.
For some specific cases where you want to check how the UI reacts to some backend data without actually setting up the backend data first, you can "fake" the response (and status code and what not) in cy.intercept(). This is called stubbing.

Cypress - Unable to get the Response Headers - API Automation

I have an API automation test suite using Cypress and one of the issue I am facing in one of the test is to validate the response headers.
For some reason, I am not able to read the response headers using Cypress.
The code is below
followRedirect: false,
'Accept': "/*"
}).then((response) => {
const rbody = (response.body);
cy.wrap(response.headers['X-Frame-Options']).then(() => {
return response.headers['X-Frame-Options'];
return response.headers['X-Frame-Options']
return response.headers
None of the above options gives me the header information. Infact I am confused with the order of execution too.
This is my output.
for the following code.
const rbody = (response.body);
return response.headers['X-Frame-Options']
Also, not very sure what Object{9} indicates. Can anyone please explain what is happening here.
I am aware of Cypress flow of execution and the code is written in then block as a call back function.
Option 3 is very scary as it gives an error
cy.then() failed because you are mixing up async and sync code.
In your callback function you invoked 1 or more cy commands but then returned a synchronous value.
Cypress commands are asynchronous and it doesn't make sense to queue cy commands and yet return a synchronous value.
You likely forgot to properly chain the cy commands using another cy.then().
The value you synchronously returned was: Object{9}
Can anyone please help me here as in what is the correct way of doing it. I know Cypress is very quick and easy to use but to move away from Selenium, we need to make coding easier for developers with meaningful error message. Object{9} is not very helpful.
Also, Do I need to use Cy.log ? As the sequence of prints is not what I have written in the code. Thanks very much for your time on this.
Please use like this:
The "mixing async and sync code" message is basically saying you should keep the .then() callback simple.
But you can chain more than one .then() to run the async and sync code separately.
Use an alias to "return" the value. Since cy.request() is asynchronous, you will need to wait for the value and the alias pattern is the most straight-forward way to do this reliably.
WRT Object{9}, it's the result of the way Cypress logs complex objects.
Don't use cy.log() to debug things, use console.log().
cy.request( ... )
.then(response => {
expect(response.status).to.equal(200) // assert some properties
.then(response => response.headers) // convert response to response.headers
.then(headers => {
Since this was originally posted a year ago and Cypress has had many versions since then, the behavior may have changed, however this works in Cypress 11.
You can access the response.headers array as you would normally expect, however the casing of the header name was not as expected, Postman reported the header as X-Frame-Options, but Cypress would only allow me to access it if I used a lower-cased version of the header name (x-frame-options).
url: '<Url>',
method: 'GET',
failOnStatusCode: false
.then((response) => {
.then((response) => {
// Add your response testing here

Cypress vue.js: CypressError "Timed out retrying: Expected to find content"

Problem description
CypressError: Timed out retrying: Expected to find content: 'mm'
within the element: but
never did.
I have mounted the component on cypress with mock data. Then I tried to get an element using below source code and receive the above error:
Current situation
I have a vue.js application which contains a component and it consumes data from an API. Please find the source code below that I tried to write unit test for that component using Cypress.
describe('Edit highlights component ', () => {
it('Stub the mock data to the component edit highlights', () => {
method: 'GET',
url: '/drupal/api/v1/getHighlightData/*',
response: data().highlightModel
I got the tutorial from
I was not able to get the element #edit-highlights-form1 using the cypress command cy.get(). I solved this issue by using the command cy.get("#edit-highlights-form1").should( "have.value", '2m' );

XMLHttpRequest is not defined when testing react-native app with jest

i am trying to test a apiwrapper in a react-native based app using jest (integration testing).
When i run it in the iOs simulator everything runs fine however it wont run my jest tests correctly - i always get:
ReferenceError: XMLHttpRequest is not defined
when i try to run tests using my api wrapper, eg.:
it('Login successful with correct data', () => {
let api = Api.getInstance();
return api.login("test", "testpass")
.then(result => expect(result).toEqual('login_successful'));
the api class i am trying to test here does use the fetch api (not vanilla xhr). I assume its something related to jest trying to mock something but have not found a way to make it work yet.
Thanks in advance.
In my case, I'm not testing the search code but only importing it somewhere in my code path, so I decided to just mock it at the global level in a setup.js file (loaded using --require at test run). The following works for me:
// needed in react-instantsearch
class XMLHttpRequest {}
global.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;
I had a similar problem with lokka using XMLHttpRequest. I made a mock for lokka, which my api wrapper class depends on. You could try mocking your api wrapper.
This is what my lokka mock looks like for now. I'll add more to it when I start testing error handling.
export default class {
query() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
You might be able to mock your api wrapper with something similar:
export default class Api {
getInstance() {
\\ However you implemented getInstance
login(user, password) {
return new Promise(resolve => {

How to set jasmine for karma e2e for testing angular app?

I try to create e2e tests with karma and jasmine with yeoman. In my karma-e2e.conf.js I add jasmine:
files = [
A need async testing so I need to use runs, waits, waitsFor (
But if I try to use it:
it('test', function () {
runs(function () {
Scenatio test runner returns this:
TypeError: Cannot call method 'runs' of null
at runs (http://localhost:8080/adapter/lib/jasmine.js:562:32)
at Object.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/base/test/e2e/eduUser.js:42:3)
at (http://localhost:8080/adapter/lib/angular-scenario.js:27057:15)
at (http://localhost:8080/adapter/lib/angular-scenario.js:10169:18)
I don't know where the problem is. Can you help me please?
Angular e2e tests with Karma don't and can't use the JASMINE adapter. Instead you have the ANGULAR_SCENARIO_ADAPTER which has a similar feel to writing Jasmine tests.
All commands in the adapter's API are asynchronous anyway. For example element('#nav-items').count() doesn't return a number, it returns a Future object. Future objects are placed in a queue and executed asynchronously as the runner progresses. To quote the API docs:
[...] All API statements return a future object, which get a value assigned after they are executed.
If you need to run your own asynchronous test code, you can extend the adapter's DSL, this is easier than it might sound. The idea is that you return your own Future which can be evaluated by a matcher such as toBe(). There are some examples on how to do this in the e2e-tests.js Gist from Vojta. Just remember to call done(null, myRetrunValue); when your test code is successful (myRetrunValue is the value evaluated by your matcher). Or done('Your own error message'); if you want the test to fail.
UPDATE: In response to question below. To simulate a login, first add a function called login to the dsl:
angular.scenario.dsl('login', function() {
return function(selector) {
// #param {DOMWindow} appWindow The window object of the iframe (the application)
// #param {jQuery} $document jQuery wrapped document of the application
// #param {function(error, value)} done Callback that should be called when done
// (will basically call the next item in the queuue)
return this.addFutureAction('Logging in', function(appWindow, $document, done) {
// You can do normal jQuery/jqLite stuff here on $document, just call done() when your asynchronous tasks have completed
// Create some kind of listener to handle when your login is complete
$'loginComplete', function(e){
done(null, true);
}).one('loginError', function(e){
done('Login error', false);
// Simulate the button click
var loginButton = $document.find(selector || 'button.login');;
And then call:
beforeEach( function()
expect( login('button.login') ).toBeTruthy();