Custom response in token endpoint in IdentityServer4 -

API details:.Net Core 3.1 REST API using IdentityServer4 version 3.1.3
I have many APIs which send responses in a specified format.
For e.g. Register endpoint returns below response:
"responseCode": 0,
"developerMessage": "Response code not specified.",
"clientMessage": null,
"data": {"id":123},
"exception": null
I developed the authentication server using IdentityServer4.
But, my token endpoint returns below response:
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik...",
"expires_in": 1209600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": "1u8_VOFHTaeqWEWd6R...",
"scope": "offline_access api1"
Now the requirement is that all the endpoints of the API should return the response in the same format.
Which means I need to change the response of the token (or more) endpoints.
I looked into the ICustomTokenResponseGenerator service (mentioned here) but all it does is adding more fields to the response. And it is from IdentityServer3
class CustomTokenResponseGenerator : ICustomTokenResponseGenerator
public Task<TokenResponse> GenerateAsync(ValidatedTokenRequest request, TokenResponse response)
response.Custom.Add("custom_field", "custom data");
return Task.FromResult(response);
But, I want to completely change the response.
Is there any other service that I can use to get the below response?
"responseCode": 0,
"developerMessage": "Response code not specified.",
"clientMessage": null,
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik...",
"expires_in": 1209600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": "1u8_VOFHTaeqWEWd6R...",
"scope": "offline_access api1"
"exception": null

As explained in your GitHub ticket:
IdentityServer is an OAuth implementation - what you are suggesting would be incompatible with OAuth and thus is not supported by us.
If you need to change the complete payload to something custom - write some middleware to intercept the response.


ADFS WebProvider returns 401 for UserInfo endpoint

After integrating the WebProvider for ActiveDirectoryFederationServices from preview 4.1.0-preview-1.23108.18, a 401 occurs after the frontchannel redirect and userinfo call.
Probably this is due to the behavior described here: ADFS 4.0 (2016) OpenID Connect userinfo endpoint returns 401 when provided with access token.
Apparently the attachment of the resource = urn:microsoft:userinfo is missing.
In my experience when trying to hit the ADFS OIDC userinfo endpoint you need to pass a querystring key value pair (resource=urn:microsoft:userinfo)
The retrieval and validation of the token was successful.
The token response returned by https://[redacted]/adfs/oauth2/token/ was successfully extracted: {
"access_token": "[redacted]",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"resource": "8f238a5c-2dea-42cd-80eb-abf7638fcadd",
"refresh_token": "[redacted]",
"refresh_token_expires_in": 26751,
"scope": "openid",
"id_token": "[redacted]"
Is there any way to set the resource or disable the retrieval of user info?

google translate API authorisation problem

I am trying to translate some text using GCP translation service with REST api
I'm using API key auth method.
url and
"content": ["Hello"],
"sourceLanguageCode": "en",
"targetLanguageCode": "ru"
However I got
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See",
Could anyone explain me what is wrong I do?

Invalid Authentication Token when using Microsoft OneDrive REST API

I'm trying to integrate my app with OneDrive. I'm following this tutorial: For oauth I'm using Azure AD v2.0 endpoint.
To get the access token, I'm calling and it successfully answers with some json:
{ token_type: 'Bearer',
scope: 'onedrive.readwrite',
expires_in: 3600,
ext_expires_in: 3600,
access_token: '...',
refresh_token: '...' }
When using the access_token that I received to call, I get this response:
"error": {
"code": "InvalidAuthenticationToken",
"message": "CompactToken parsing failed with error code: 8004920A",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "5eda75b0-c2d5-467f-a728-8006490c00b2",
"date": "2019-08-19T15:56:10"
This error is pretty cryptic and for the life of me I can't work out why that token won't work with this endpoint. Can someone help?
Never mind -- needed to set the scope as files.readwrite.all instead of onedrive.readwrite

unable to get response from an api

I a requesting an API to get response but it gives below some "JWT_TOKEN_MiSSING" response:
"response": {
"ids": "",
"time": 1505890122982,
"status": "failure"
API is: ""
I tried passing all the headers but no luck.
It seems that this API use JWT TOKEN or other tokens (such as HTTP BASIC AUTHENTICATION) to authenticate, you need to know this and add it to your request headers.

oAuth server response format

I am using as a the format for the responses of my api. I am however a little puzzled how to correctly respond to a request for an access token.
As far as I am aware, from the oAuth side I need to return the following:
"access_token": "abc1234...",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600
From the jsonapi docs I got that every request needs to return a resource object. And every resource object needs a data element with type and id.
However I feel this is not correct for the oAuth token request. Please help me how to do this correctly. Thanks.
I asked in the jsonapi forum and tyler kellen provided a very good answer ( I settled for this now:
"jsonapi": {
"version": "1.0"
"data": {
"id": "Qcg6yI1a5qCxXgKWtSAbZ2MIHFChHAq0Vc1Lo4TX",
"type": "token",
"attributes": {
"access_token": "Qcg6yI1a5qCxXgKWtSAbZ2MIHFChHAq0Vc1Lo4TX",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600