main tag in html / CSS - program-entry-point

I do have problems understand the tag </main>.
The project im looking at only has one </main> closing tag at the end, it has no opening tag of <main> which confuses me in the first place. It also has main {} in CSS. In order to try to understand what it does, I have played around with it a little.
As I comment out the </main> in html, absolutely nothing changes, which I understand if it has only informativ character, but the part where I get confused is, what is the main {....} in the CSS referring to, since when I comment this out, it will mess up the styling of the hole page.
edit: Since it seems to be unclear what my problem is: The problem is, that main {.....} in CSS does (!) influence the styling of the site, even without an opening <main> tag in html, and even without ANY <main> tag in html (for example if I remove the </main> tag in html.
How can a main {....} in CSS have influence on the styling, if there isn t even any <main> tag in the html whatsoever?

main{...} in css reffers to the styling of the main tag.
More about the element css selector
You can learn more about the main tag here
And more about css selectors here
Also note that the main tag must have opening amd closing tag

You have to either add a tag, or remove main{...}.

The tag specifies the main content of a document.
The content inside the element should be unique to the document. It should not contain any content that is repeated across documents such as sidebars, navigation links, copyright information, site logos, and search forms.
Note: There must not be more than one element in a document. The element must NOT be a descendant of an , , , , or element.

just refers to the main content of the page, it does nothing. Main{...} is styling in the CSS page.


typo3 bootstrap accordion - collapse the initial element

This is related to Typo3 with the bootstrap theme only please.
I'd like to have ALL elements of the accordion closed at page startup. Currently the top element is open like here
In do understand that it's only related to the in in the class of this statement
<div id="panel-425-0" class="panel-collapse collapse in">
but changing this in the source would have side effects to other locations which I'like to avoid.
So I'm looking for a solution to do the closure with CSS or javascript.
Any guidance welcome.
Here try this
So basically you get element by its Id and re-set its class attribute without the 'in' class.
document.getElementById('panel-425-0').setAttribute('class','panel-collapse collapse');
Just for completenes, my own reminder and to whom it might help the full TS to be put into the setup section of a template
# get some javascript into
# for hiding the first accordion element
page.jsFooterInline.20 = TEXT
page.jsFooterInline.20.value = document.getElementById('accordion-....').setAttribute('class','panel-collapse collapse');

Modals inside sub-routes

I'm using angular 2 in my web application.
My application uses a lot of bootstrap modals.
I noticed that the modals contained inside a sub-route component are not showed correctly.
Infact, the modals contained inside the navbar element (the navbar is in the main state and always visible) are shown correctly, but those that are contained in the sub-route (so the html is loaded dinamically) present a bug... the shadow seems to be above the dialog itself, so it is impossible to press the buttons.
This is a screenshot:
As you can see the backdrop is above the dialog. This happen only on mobile devices.
What am I doing wrong?
I would avoid to keep all the modals inside the navbar and then open them with global events...
Thanks a lot
EDIT: I found this document:
If the modal container or its parent element has a fixed or relative
position, the modal will not show properly. Always make sure that the
modal container and its parent elements don’t have any special
positioning applied. The best practice is to place a modal’s HTML just
before the closing </body> tag, or even better in a top-level position
in the document just after the opening <body> tag. This is the best
way to avoid other components affecting the modal’s appearance and
But is this the html of my modals (a lot of modals) is always in the dom. Isn't a heavy solution?
I fixed the problem using the following javascript code:
Thanks to Adam Albright for his post.

Exclude menu from content extraction with tika

I generate html documents that contain a menu and a content part. Then I want to extract the content of these document to feed it to a lucene index. However, I would like to exclude the menu from the content extraction and thus only index the content.
<div class="menu">my menu goes here</div>
<div class="content">my content goes here</div>
what is the simplest way to achieve this with apache tika?
As a more general solution (not just for you specific menu) I would advise looking at boilerpipe that deals with removing uninteresting parts from pages (menus, navigation etc).
I know it can be integrated in Solr/tika, have a look and you probably can integrate it in your scenario.
Have a look at this post which specifies how to handle DIVs during the HTML parse, by specifying whether they are safe to parse or not, in which case its ignored. For your problem, you could have some logic in the override methods which ignore only DIV elements with attribute value "menu" (i.e. tell TIKA parser this DIV is unsafe to parse).
You can parse the html with a parser to a xhtml dom object an remove the div tag cotaining the attribute class="menu".

Remove <div> generated around Shared Block in EPiServer 7

Episerver always wrap shared block in a tag. I would like to get rid of this. So if in my LinkBlock has a Template with only
I would not get a
in the view for a user.
If this is not possible how can I change <div> to any other tag, or put a CssClass on it. Like it is possible in not shared blocks:
<EPiServer:Property runat="server" PropertyName="RightContentArea" CustomTagName="aside" CssClass="column-2 sidebar"></EPiServer:Property>
I believe it is the rendering of the ContentArea property which adds the div tags around the blocks it contains.
EPiServer suggests that in order to preserve the editing functionality of the block elements themselves they need to have the div around them.
A possible solution might be for you to do your own custom rendering of content areas, but depending on the kind of block templates you're using it can be tricky to get editing to work. The example in the link is for rendering multiple blocks of the same type.
You can use the CustomTagName and CssClass properties of the Property control to format the container element.
You may also use RenderSettings to modify container elements of child elements (where applicable).
I use this trick in cshtml:
#* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *#
#* Render ContentArea without addition DIVs that EpiServer embed. That breaks layout a lot. *#
#helper RenderBlocks(EPiServer.Core.ContentArea content) {
if(null != content){
var blocks = content.FilteredContents.ToArray();
foreach(var block in blocks){
#Html.PropertyFor(x => block)
You can choose the tag using the CustomTagName attribute on the Property Control
Alternatively, if you wanted to remove the tag, you could use a control adapter. A good example is found here
You can also create a custom content area that doesn't render the divs when edited in live mode and only renders them in edit mode.
If you only need to do this once or twice I would still recommend going with the ChildrenCustomTagName route as it's a bit mroe flexible. If you need to do this a lot and you can't change your CSS easily then I would go custom content area. If you are interested in how to remove the div's I wrote a blog post and a sample site on github here Extra divs in content area how to remove them ?
Since i wasn't able to remove the <div>'s i didn't want, i put my own CSS class on them. This did the trick for me in Webforms. (If anyone still uses it)
Use <RenderSettings ChildrenCssClass="yourCssClass" />
<EPiServer:Property runat="server" PropertyName="RightContentArea"CustomTagName="aside" CssClass="column-2 sidebar"><RenderSettings ChildrenCssClass="yourCssClass"></RenderSettings></EPiServer:Property>

Safe hidden text in HTML?

I need to have some hidden text in HTML to parse as text when i read an actual HTML file
I used to include my text in hidden div using style but i knew that may record us as spammers in SEO
.hideme {
position : absolute;
left : -1000px;
Can i have this content as commented text in the HTML ?
will that be safe as i know that SEO crawlers ignores the comments in HTML
<!-- my hidden text -->
Please advice
The search engines only care about hidden text when it is used to manipulate a page's rankings. Typically this is defined as content that is presented to the search engines that is not presented to users. So if you hide text so users can't see it but crawlers can you will find yourself having issues with Google. An example of when hiding text is good is when you use display:none to hide dynamic content and then use JavaScript or CSS to display the content when an action is performed (i.e. mouseover, etc).
If you place this extra content within comments as you suggest in your question you will be fine as this content is not available to users and search engines ignore comments.
Try to avoid "hide" in naming your CSS class.
But the best way is to avoid hidden text by finding easy and creative ways to add the text to the content of a web-page without seeming like spam.
You can't parse html comments so instead use a hidden field:
<input type="hidden" value="my text" name="my_hidden_field/>
Some people for SEO doing this :
.hideme {
Why you do not use <meta> tags ?