d3 Zoomable Circle Packing in vue js - vue.js
how can i create d.3js Zoomable Circle Packing in vue js
like this
I just created an example with the chart from the link. The main thing is that you have to call D3 code in the mounted() life-cycle hook of the Vue instance and you also need to have the SVG element in your <template>
Example with the same chart:
const jsonData = {"name":"variants","children":[{"name":"2","children":[{"name":"p23.3","children":[{"name":"IFT172","children":[{"name":"undefined","size":28},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaaaq","size":3},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaaci","size":6},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaabe","size":6},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaacm","size":1},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaaca","size":8},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaace","size":7},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaab4","size":5},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaaae","size":3},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaace","size":9},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaacq","size":9},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaaa4","size":4},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaaau","size":13},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaaay","size":5},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaaby","size":6},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaabq","size":5},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaaam","size":6},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3iascvqjaabaaaq","size":6},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaabi","size":5},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3iascvqjaabaaae","size":3},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaacu","size":2},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaabm","size":3},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaabu","size":3},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3iascvqjaabaaai","size":7},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaac4","size":3},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaabq","size":4},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaaay","size":6},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaabm","size":2},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3iascvqjaabaaa4","size":5},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3iascvqjaabaaau","size":7},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaabi","size":5},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3iascvqjaabaaba","size":12},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3iascvqjaabaaay","size":4},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaaca","size":6},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaacq","size":4},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaaa4","size":4},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3iascvqjaabaabi","size":5},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3iascvqjaabaabe","size":1},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaaci","size":4},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaaai","size":4},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaaba","size":2},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaada","size":1},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaabe","size":2},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaacm","size":5},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaaau","size":2},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3iascvqjaabaaam","size":1},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3eascvqjaabaaba","size":1},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjs3gascvqjaabaab4","size":3}]}]}]},{"name":"3","children":[{"name":"p21.31","children":[{"name":"CACNA2D2","children":[{"name":"aaaacxi7gjufoascvqjaabaafi","size":2},{"name":"undefined","size":1},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjufqascvqjaabaaae","size":2},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjufqascvqjaabaadu","size":1},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjufqascvqjaabaaee","size":2},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjufqascvqjaabaace","size":1},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjufqascvqjaabaaca","size":2},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjufqascvqjaabaad4","size":2}]},{"name":"LARS2","children":[{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaag4","size":30},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaagy","size":9},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaaga","size":16},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaagq","size":8},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaahi","size":11},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaagm","size":14},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaage","size":1},{"name":"undefined","size":10},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaaia","size":12},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaahy","size":15},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaafq","size":8},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaaha","size":10},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaagu","size":12},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaaf4","size":10},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj6pmascvqjaabaahq","size":10}]}]}]},{"name":"7","children":[{"name":"q22.1","children":[{"name":"TFR2","children":[{"name":"aaaacxi7gjz4wascvqjaabaadq","size":2},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjz4yascvqjaabaaaq","size":1},{"name":"undefined","size":24},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjz4wascvqjaabaacq","size":4},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjz4yascvqjaabaaay","size":1},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjz4wascvqjaabaadm","size":1},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjz4wascvqjaabaacy","size":2},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjz4yascvqjaabaabi","size":2},{"name":"aaaacxi7gjz4yascvqjaabaaau","size":6}]}]}]},{"name":"9","children":[{"name":"q22.2","children":[{"name":"SECISBP2","children":[{"name":"undefined","size":30},{"name":"aaaacxi7gkabkascvqjaabaaea","size":9},{"name":"aaaacxi7gkabkascvqjaabaae4","size":6},{"name":"aaaacxi7gkabkascvqjaabaaf4","size":6},{"name":"aaaacxi7gkabkascvqjaabaaey","size":7},{"name":"aaaacxi7gkabkascvqjaabaafq","size":10}]}]}]},{"name":"12","children":[{"name":"q15","children":[{"name":"NUP107","children":[{"name":"undefined","size":16},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj74sascvqjaabaaby","size":10},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj74sascvqjaabaade","size":7},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj74sascvqjaabaadq","size":9},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj74sascvqjaabaab4","size":7},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj74sascvqjaabaacu","size":9},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj74sascvqjaabaaem","size":7},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj74sascvqjaabaaa4","size":3},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj74sascvqjaabaace","size":8},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj74sascvqjaabaaee","size":7},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj74sascvqjaabaady","size":3},{"name":"aaaacxi7gj74sascvqjaaba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// vue configuration
var Main = {
data () {
return {
mounted() {
methods: {
var svg = d3.select("svg"),
margin = 20,
diameter = +svg.attr("width"),
g = svg.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + diameter / 2 + "," + diameter / 2 + ")");
var color = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([-1, 5])
.range(["hsl(152,80%,80%)", "hsl(228,30%,40%)"])
var pack = d3.pack()
.size([diameter - margin, diameter - margin])
var root = d3.hierarchy(jsonData)
.sum(function(d) { return d.size; })
.sort(function(a, b) { return b.value - a.value; });
var focus = root,
nodes = pack(root).descendants(),
var circle = g.selectAll("circle")
.attr("class", function(d) { return d.parent ? d.children ? "node" : "node node--leaf" : "node node--root"; })
.style("fill", function(d) { return d.children ? color(d.depth) : null; })
.on("click", function(d) { if (focus !== d) zoom(d), d3.event.stopPropagation(); });
var text = g.selectAll("text")
.attr("class", "label")
.style("fill-opacity", function(d) { return d.parent === root ? 1 : 0; })
.style("display", function(d) { return d.parent === root ? "inline" : "none"; })
.text(function(d) { return d.data.name; });
var node = g.selectAll("circle,text");
.style("background", color(-1))
.on("click", function() { zoom(root); });
zoomTo([root.x, root.y, root.r * 2 + margin]);
function zoom(d) {
var focus0 = focus; focus = d;
var transition = d3.transition()
.duration(d3.event.altKey ? 7500 : 750)
.tween("zoom", function(d) {
var i = d3.interpolateZoom(view, [focus.x, focus.y, focus.r * 2 + margin]);
return function(t) { zoomTo(i(t)); };
.filter(function(d) { return d.parent === focus || this.style.display === "inline"; })
.style("fill-opacity", function(d) { return d.parent === focus ? 1 : 0; })
.on("start", function(d) { if (d.parent === focus) this.style.display = "inline"; })
.on("end", function(d) { if (d.parent !== focus) this.style.display = "none"; });
function zoomTo(v) {
var k = diameter / v[2]; view = v;
node.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + (d.x - v[0]) * k + "," + (d.y - v[1]) * k + ")"; });
circle.attr("r", function(d) { return d.r * k; });
var Ctor = Vue.extend(Main)
new Ctor().$mount('#app')
<meta charset="utf-8">
.node {
cursor: pointer;
.node:hover {
stroke: #000;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
.node--leaf {
fill: white;
.label {
font: 11px "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
text-anchor: middle;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff, 1px 0 0 #fff, -1px 0 0 #fff, 0 -1px 0 #fff;
.node--leaf {
pointer-events: none;
<div id="app">
<svg width="960" height="960"></svg>
<script src="//unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
I hope this helps.
Selecting a field in an ArcGis layer/map in a Nuxt application result in adding legend colorSlider on top of each other in the same div
I am using ArcGis in a Nuxt application. I have got a map with a feature layer (hosted on ArcGis) and a legend with a color slider in the top-right corner. The user can visualise different fields from the layer. For each field selected a new renderer is generated and therefore a new colorSlider. My problem is that every time the user select a new field, a new colorSlider is added above the previous one and I end up with three coloSliders in the legend. How can I fix that ?? I tried to destroy the previous colorSlider when I select a new field but it seems to destroy the div which contains the slider and then I have no slider at all anymore... This is the code => <template> <div> <div id="viewDiv"></div> <div id="legend"></div> <div id="containerDiv" class="esri-widget"> <span id="title" class="esri-widget">impact legend</span> <div id="slider" ref="sliderr"></div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Map from '#arcgis/core/Map' import MapView from '#arcgis/core/views/MapView' import esriConfig from '#arcgis/core/config' import FeatureLayer from '#arcgis/core/layers/FeatureLayer' import * as colorRendererCreator from '#arcgis/core/smartMapping/renderers/color' import ColorSlider from '#arcgis/core/widgets/smartMapping/ColorSlider' export default { props: { selectedTab: { type: Number, default: 1, }, }, data() { return { url: 'https://blablabla', countries: 'https://blablabla', projectLyr: undefined, countryLyr: undefined, map: new Map({ basemap: 'osm-light-gray' }), view: undefined, fieldName: '', renderer: {}, filter: '', rendererResult: undefined, colorSlider: undefined, } }, mounted() { esriConfig.apiKey = 'myApiKey' this.projectLyr = new FeatureLayer({ url: this.url, outFields: ['*'], }) this.countryLyr = new FeatureLayer({ url: this.countries, outFields: ['*'], }) this.view = new MapView({ map: this.map, center: [15, 50], zoom: 6, container: 'viewDiv', }) this.updateLayer({ layer: this.projectLyr, value: 'Impact_PA_area' }) this.$nuxt.$on('filter-selected', this.updateLayer) }, beforeDestroy() { this.$nuxt.$off('tab-selected') this.$nuxt.$off('filter-selected') }, methods: { generateRenderer(lyr) { const colorParams = { layer: lyr.layer, field: `${lyr.field}`, view: this.view, theme: 'above-and-below', } colorRendererCreator .createContinuousRenderer(colorParams) .then((response) => { // Set the renderer to the layer and add it to the map this.rendererResult = response lyr.layer.renderer = this.rendererResult.renderer }) .then(() => { // Construct a color slider from the result of smart mapping renderer this.colorSlider = ColorSlider.fromRendererResult(this.rendererResult) this.colorSlider.container = 'slider' this.colorSlider.primaryHandleEnabled = true this.colorSlider.viewModel.precision = 1 this.view.ui.add('containerDiv', 'top-right') function changeEventHandler() { const renderer = lyr.layer.renderer.clone() const colorVariable = renderer.visualVariables[0].clone() const outlineVariable = renderer.visualVariables[1] colorVariable.stops = this.colorSlider.stops renderer.visualVariables = [colorVariable, outlineVariable] lyr.layer.renderer = renderer } this.colorSlider.on( ['thumb-change', 'thumb-drag', 'min-change', 'max-change'], changeEventHandler ) }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error: ', error) }) }, filtering(value) { if (value.value.isFilter) { this.filter = `${value.value.value}` this.projectLyr.definitionExpression = this.filter } else { this.projectLyr.definitionExpression = `${value.value.value} AND IS NOT NULL` if (this.filter !== '') { this.projectLyr.definitionExpression = this.filter } value.isCountry ? this.generateRenderer({ layer: this.countryLyr, field: value.value.value, }) : this.generateRenderer({ layer: this.projectLyr, field: value.value.value, }) } }, updateLayer(value) { this.$nextTick(() => { if (this.selectedTab === 0) { this.map.remove(this.projectLyr) this.map.add(this.countryLyr) this.filtering({ value, isCountry: true }) } else { this.map.remove(this.countryLyr) this.map.add(this.projectLyr) this.filtering({ value, isCountry: false }) } }) }, }, } </script> <style scoped> #import 'https://js.arcgis.com/4.23/#arcgis/core/assets/esri/themes/light/main.css'; #viewDiv { padding: 0; margin: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; } #containerDiv { background-color: white; padding: 3px; text-align: center; min-width: 260px; } </style>
I think you can just update the ColorSlider with the new ContinuousRendererResult data instead of trying to destroy/recreate. In a similar way you create it, use updateFromRendererResult method to update it (ArcGIS JS API - ColorSlider).
How can I connect Three.js correctly to the Vue component?
I tried to connect Three.js is the standard way to the Vue component, but for some reason this method turned out to be non-working for me.. The component connects, but does not display anything. What could be the problem? Here is my test component: <template> <div id="container"></div> </template> <script> import * as THREE from 'three' export default { name: 'ThreeTest', data() { return { } }, methods: { init: function() { let container = document.getElementById('container'); this.scene = new THREE.Scene() this.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, container.innerWidth / container.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 ) this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer() this.renderer.setSize(container.innerWidth, container.innerHeight) document.body.appendChild(this.renderer.domElement) const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1) const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 }) this.cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material) this.scene.add(this.cube) this.camera.position.z = 5 }, animate: function() { requestAnimationFrame(this.animate) this.cube.rotation.x += 0.01 this.cube.rotation.y += 0.01 this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera) } }, mounted() { this.init() this.animate() } } </script> <style scoped> #container { width: 500px; height: 500px; } </style>
ThreeJs black screen in VueJs application
I have been studying some basics of Three.js into a Vue.JS application. I am following a tutorial and the code is the same as the original autor. A cube geometry was added as a initial test, but my screen canvas goes black, and since i'm new to vuejs I can't find the error. See some of the code below.. thank you all! <template> <div id="space"> <div id="container"></div> </div> </template> <script> import * as THREE from "three"; import { OrbitControls } from "three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls"; export default { name: "space", data() { return { scene: null, camera: null, renderer: null, controls: null, iR: null, }; }, mounted() { let that = this; this.Awake(); window.addEventListener("resize", onWindowResize, false); function onWindowResize() { that.camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight; that.camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); that.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); } onWindowResize(); }, methods: { Awake() { let container = document.getElementById("container"); this.scene = new THREE.Scene(); this.scene.background = new THREE.Color(0x222222); this.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 25, window.clientWidth / window.clientHeight, 1, 100 ); this.camera.position.set(8, 4, 0); this.iR = new THREE.Group(); this.iR = "Interactive Root"; this.scene.add(this.iR); let light0 = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xfafafa, 0.25); let light1 = new THREE.PointLight(0xfafafa, 0.4); light1.position.set(200, 90, 40); let light2 = new THREE.PointLight(0xfafafa, 0.4); light2.position.set(200, 90, -40); this.scene.add(light0); this.scene.add(light1); this.scene.add(light2); let gridHelper = new THREE.GridHelper( 60, 150, new THREE.Color(0x555555), new THREE.Color(0x333333) ); this.scene.add(gridHelper); //mesh geometry to test let geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1); let material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 }); let mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); this.scene.add(mesh); this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true }); this.renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio); this.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); container.appendChild(this.renderer.domElement); this.controls = new OrbitControls(this.camera, this.renderer.domElement); this.controls.enableDamping = true; this.controls.dampingFactor = 0.25; this.controls.screenSpacePanning = false; this.controls.maxDistance = 800; this.controls.update(); this.Update(); this.GetGeoJson(); }, Update() { requestAnimationFrame(this.Update); this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); this.controls.update(); }, GetGeoJson() { fetch("./assets/ufpe.geojson").then((res) => { res.json().then((data) => { console.log(data); //this.LoadBuildings(data) }); }); }, }, }; </script> <style scoped> </style>
Vue Youtube teaser playing in the thumnail to the right
I am having a video site. Where users can upload YouTube videos. The teasers of the videos should be playing on top of the same thumbnail. However they are playing on the thumbnail to the right behind the next thumbnail. and the last one is playing outside the container. Below is my code kYoutube.vue <script> const getLogger = require('webpack-log'); const log = getLogger({ name: 'vue-khal' }); import VueYoutube from 'vue-youtube'; export default { extends: VueYoutube, methods : { playerStateChange(e) { log.info ("PSC on " + e.data); if (e.data !== null && e.data !== -1) { this.$emit(this.events[e.data], e.target) } } } } </script> PreVideo.vue <template> <div class="vid-cont"> <div class="thumb-place"> <PreImage :post="post" :sizes="sizes" #loaded="handleLoad"></PreImage> </div> <label v-if="post.proof_img == null"> <div #mouseover="startVideo" #click="emitClick" v-bind:class="thumbZ"> <img ref="pimage" :src="post.post_image.image" :srcset="post.post_image.thumbs" :sizes="sizes" style="object-fit: cover;"/> <img v-if="playImg" class="pre-play-button" :src="playImg" :key="playImg"/> </div> <div v-if="iReady" class="player-cont" :key="iReady"> <youtube :video-id="videoId" ref="youtube" #playing="playing" #ended="ended" #cued="ended" #paused="paused" :width="width" :height="height" :player-vars="playerVars" :fitParent="true"></youtube> </div> <div class="player-cont player-trans" #mouseout="pausePreview" #click="emitClick"> </div> </label> </div> </template> <script> import PreImage from './PreImage'; const getLogger = require('webpack-log'); const log = getLogger({ name: 'vue-khal' }); export default { name: 'Video', props: [ 'post', 'sizes', ], components: { PreImage //VueYoutube }, data() { return { 'first': this.post.post_image, 'videoId': this.post.video_id, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'iReady': false, 'playerVars': { 'autoplay': 0, 'rel': 0, 'enablejsapi': 1, 'controls': 0, 'disablekb': 1, 'fs': 0, 'modestbranding': 1, 'cc_load_policy': 0, 'origin': document.location.origin }, 'playImg': null, 'pReload': false, 'rates': [], 'preview': false, 'duration': 0, 'count': 1, 'userState': -1, 'numSkips': 3, }; }, computed: { thumbZ: function() { return { 'thumb-cont': true, 'thumb-top': (this.userState < 3) }; }, }, mounted() { var that = this; this.api.map_prom.then(() => { that.playImg = that.api.mkstatic("youtube_red.png"); that.pReload = !that.pReload; }); }, updated() { var that = this; this.$nextTick(function() { if (that.iReady && that.userState < 0) { that.$refs.youtube.player.mute().then(() => { that.toState(0); that.$refs.youtube.player.playVideo().then(() => { }); }); } }); }, methods: { emitClick() { this.$emit("clicked"); }, pausePreview() { this.toState(1); this.$refs.youtube.player.stopVideo(); }, delayedPause() { var that = this; this.toState(2); that.$refs.youtube.player.pauseVideo().then(function(){ //log.info ("Paused ?? "); that.$refs.youtube.player.getPlayerState();/*.then(data => { //log.info ("STATE is " + data); });*/ }); }, jump() { if (this.userState <= 2) return; var that = this; var ct = parseInt(this.duration * this.count / this.numSkips); //log.info ("Jump call " + that.count); if (this.count <= this.numSkips) { this.$refs.youtube.player.seekTo(ct, true).then(function(){ //that.$refs.youtube.player.getPlayerState().then(data => { //log.info ("STATE " + data + " Jumped to " + ct + " at " + (new Date()).getTime()); that.count++; that.$refs.youtube.player.pauseVideo().then(function(){ /*that.$refs.youtube.player.playVideo().then(function(){ //setTimeout(that.jump.bind(that), 10000); });*/ }); //}); }); } else { this.$refs.youtube.player.stopVideo(); } }, toState(state) { //log.info ("From " + this.userState + " to " + state); this.userState = state; }, /* If you are paused, play */ paused() { switch (this.userState) { case 2: //log.info ("Paused, playback " + this.count); if (this.count <= this.numSkips) { this.toState(3); this.$refs.youtube.player.playVideo(); } else { this.$refs.youtube.player.stopVideo(); } break; case 3: case 4: var that = this; that.$refs.youtube.player.playVideo().then(function(){ setTimeout(that.jump.bind(that), 2000); }); break; } }, /* If you're playing, pause in a sec */ playing() { //log.info ("Playing called " + this.userState); switch (this.userState) { case 0: var that = this; that.$refs.youtube.player.pauseVideo().then(() => { if (!that.duration) { that.$refs.youtube.player.mute().then(() => { that.$refs.youtube.player.getDuration().then(data => { that.duration = data; //log.info ("Duration " + that.duration); that.$refs.youtube.player.getAvailablePlaybackRates().then (data => { //log.info ("Data is " + data); that.rates = data; let rate = Math.max.apply(null, that.rates); that.$refs.youtube.player.setPlaybackRate(rate).then(() => { //log.info ("Suggested is " + rate); this.toState(1); }); }); }); }); } else { this.toState(1); } }) break; case 3: this.toState(4); setTimeout(this.jump.bind(that), 2000); } }, startVideo() { if (this.userState == 1) { this.toState(2); this.paused(); } }, handleLoad(ev, post) { this.post = post; if (!this.$parent.modalOpen) { //this.post.post_image = post_image; this.height = ev.target.clientHeight; this.width = ev.target.clientWidth; log.info ("PREvid handle load** " + this.width); this.iReady = true; } }, ended() { //log.info ("ENDED indeed"); this.count = 1; this.toState(0); this.$refs.youtube.player.playVideo(); }, } } </script> <style> </style> PostList.vue <template> <div> <div ref="me" :class="postListClass" :style="`top: -${scrollOff}px`"> <Loading :loading="loading == 'L'" :loaderror="loading =='E'"></Loading> <table class="table"> <tbody> <tr v-for="row in posts" :key="row"> <td v-for="post in row" :key="post"> <div class="post-grid" v-if="post.post_image != null" ref="postgrid" :key="post"> <PreVideo v-if="post.video_id" :post="post" :sizes="sizes" #clicked="selectPost(post.pk)"> </PreVideo> <PreVideoFile v-else-if="post.video_file" :post="post" :sizes="sizes" #clicked="selectPost(post.pk)"> </PreVideoFile> <PreImage v-else :post="post" :sizes="sizes" #clicked="selectPost(post.pk)"> </PreImage> <div class="post-title" #click="selectPost(post.pk)"> <KTruncate :inhtml="post.title" :stripped="post.title" :nomore="true" length="30"></KTruncate> </div> <div class="post-user"> by <a :href="post.user.profile.url">{{post.user.full_name}}</a> </div> <div class="post-synopsis"> <KTruncate :inhtml="post.message" :stripped="post.stripped" :nomore="true" length="60"> </KTruncate> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="way-container" v-if="nextPageURL !== '' || loading == 'E'"> <Loading :loading="'L'" :key="loading" :loaderror="loading == 'E'" class="way-div" v-waypoint="{ active: true, callback: onWaypoint, options: intersectionOptions }" id="More"> </Loading> </div> </div> <PostModal v-if="selectedPost > 0" ref="modal" :pk="selectedPost" #closed="onHideDetail" #modalOut="onModalOut" :key="selectedPost"></PostModal> </div> </template> <script> /* eslint-disable no-console */ import Loading from './Loading'; import PostModal from './PostModal'; import KTruncate from './KTruncate'; import PreVideo from './PreVideo'; import PreVideoFile from './PreVideoFile'; import PreImage from './PreImage'; const getLogger = require('webpack-log'); const log = getLogger({ name: 'vue-khal' }); const getOffsetTop = element => { let offsetTop = 0; while(element) { offsetTop += element.offsetTop; element = element.offsetParent; } return offsetTop; } export default { name: 'PostList', components: { Loading, PostModal, KTruncate, PreVideo, PreVideoFile, PreImage }, data() { return { scrollOff: 0, origTop: null, postListClass: "post-scroll", selectedPost:0, posts: [], numberOfPages:0, pages : [], numberOfPosts:0, loading: null, //false, nextPageURL:'', previousPageURL:'', size:'', winWidth: window.innerWidth, intersectionOptions: { root: null, //rootMargin: '0px 0px 0px 0px', threshold: [0.25, 0.75] // [0.25, 0.75] if you want a 25% offset! }, divisor: 4, modalOpen: false, }; }, watch: { pk: function (newpk, oldpk) { log.info ("Change from " + oldpk + " to " + newpk); } }, methods: { onWaypoint ({ going, direction }) { if (!this.loading) { // going: in, out // direction: top, right, bottom, left if (going === this.$waypointMap.GOING_IN && direction === this.$waypointMap.DIRECTION_TOP && this.nextPageURL != '') { log.info ("Waypoint " + this.nextPageURL + " ??"); this.loading = 'L'; //true; this.api.getItemsByURL(this.nextPageURL).then((page) => { this.posts = this.posts.concat(this.breakupPosts(page.data));// this.posts = page.data; this.nextPageURL = page.nextlink; this.previousPageURL = page.prevlink; this.loading = null; //false; }).catch (err => { log.info ("Waypoint err " + err.code + " " + err.message); this.loading = 'E'; }); } } }, breakupPosts(data) { let posts = []; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let row = parseInt(i / this.divisor); if (row >= posts.length) posts.push([]); posts[parseInt(i / this.divisor)].push(data[i]); } return posts; /*this.posts = page.data.reduce((acc, k) => { acc[parseInt(k/3)].push(page.data[k]) return acc; }, {});*/ }, getPosts(){ if (this.origTop == null) { this.origTop = getOffsetTop(this.$refs.me); } this.loading = 'L'; //true; this.api.getFeedPosts().then((page) => { this.setPage(page); this.numberOfPosts = page.count; this.numberOfPages = page.numpages; if(this.numberOfPages) { for(var i = 1 ; i <= this.numberOfPages ; i++) { const link = `/api/posts/?page=${i}`; this.pages.push({pageNumber: i , link: link}) } } }).catch (err => { log.info ("Final status* " + err.code + " " + err.message); this.loading = 'E'; }); }, getPage(link){ this.loading = 'L'; //true; this.api.getItemsByURL(link).then((page) => { this.setPage(page); }).catch (err => { log.info ("GetPage err " + err.code + " " + err.message); this.loading = 'E'; }); }, getNextPage(){ this.loading = 'L'; // true; this.api.getItemsByURL(this.nextPageURL).then((page) => { this.setPage(page); }).catch (err => { log.info ("GetNextPage err " + err.code + " " + err.message); this.loading = 'E'; }); }, setPage(page) { this.posts = this.breakupPosts(page.data);//this.posts = page.data; this.nextPageURL = page.nextlink; this.previousPageURL = page.prevlink; this.sizes = page.sizes; this.loading = null; //false; }, getPreviousPage(){ this.loading = 'L'; // true; this.api.getItemsByURL(this.previousPageURL).then((page) => { this.setPage(page); }).catch (err => { log.info ("Get Prev err " + err.code + " " + err.message); this.loading = 'E'; }); }, onHideDetail() { this.postListClass = "post-scroll"; let sides = document.getElementsByClassName ("tofix"); for (let i = 0; i < sides.length; i++) { sides[i].classList.remove ("postbg-fixed"); } log.info ("On hide detail " + this.selectedPost); this.selectedPost = 0; }, onModalOut() { setTimeout(this.scroller.bind(this), 100); }, scroller() { document.documentElement.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop = this.scrollOff + this.origTop; //document.body.scrollTop = this.scrollOff; this.scrollOff = 0; }, selectPost(post) { log.info ("Select post called " + post ); this.selectedPost = post; this.modalOpen = true; this.scrollOff = (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop) - this.origTop; this.postListClass = "post-fixed"; let sides = document.querySelectorAll ("tofix"); for (let i = 0; i < sides.length; i++) { sides[i].classList.add ("postbg-fixed"); } log.info ("Select post done " + this.selectedPost); }, getDivisor() { let u600 = window.matchMedia('(min-width: 600px)'); let u900 = window.matchMedia('(min-width: 900px)'); this.divisor = u600.matches ? (u900.matches ? 4 : 3) : 2; }, handleResize() { if (window.innerWidth != this.winWidth) { this.winWidth = window.innerWidth; this.getDivisor(); this.posts = this.breakupPosts(this.posts.flat()); } }, }, beforeDestroy() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize); }, updated() { }, mounted() { this.getPosts(); this.getDivisor(); window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize); }, } </script> <style scoped> .table>tbody>tr>td { border-top: transparent; } .post-fixed { position: fixed; z-index: -1; opacity: 0; } #More { -height: 100px; } </style>
loading lottie-web animation issue vuejs
so I am trying to mimic this code pen https://codepen.io/airnan/pen/ZLVJmq but when I try to load the same animation in with lottie-web npm package everything works great until the last animation. Then it all gets messed up. I'm trying to figure it out but I am so confused. Any ideas as to why? The JSON file is exactly the same except for text_data variable. I just import the whole thing and access it directly. Heres the code. it's just the last frame that doesn't work. it doesn't animate the text at all instead it looks like this. <template> <div> <button #click="render">Render</button> <h2>Backgrounds</h2> <template v-for="background in backgrounds"> <img :src="background.poster" class="backgrounds" #click="changeBackground(background.video)" /> </template> <h2>Images</h2> <template v-for="image in images"> <img :src="image.source" #click="addImage(image.source, image.type || null)" class="images" /> </template> <br /> <button #click="addText">Add Text</button> <button v-if="selectedNode" #click="removeNode"> Remove selected {{ selectedNode.type }} </button> <label>Font:</label> <select v-model="selectedFont"> <option value="Arial">Arial</option> <option value="Courier New">Courier New</option> <option value="Times New Roman">Times New Roman</option> <option value="Desoto">Desoto</option> <option value="Kalam">Kalam</option> </select> <label>Font Size</label> <input type="number" v-model="selectedFontSize" /> <label>Font Style:</label> <select v-model="selectedFontStyle"> <option value="normal">Normal</option> <option value="bold">Bold</option> <option value="italic">Italic</option> </select> <label>Color:</label> <input type="color" v-model="selectedColor" /> <button v-if="selectedNode && selectedNode.type === 'text'" #click="updateText" > Update Text </button> <template v-if="selectedNode && selectedNode.lottie"> <input type="text" v-model="text"> <button #click="updateAnim(selectedNode.lottie.imgSrc, 'anim')"> Update Animation </button> </template> <br /> <video id="preview" v-show="preview" :src="preview" :width="width" :height="height" preload="auto" controls /> <a v-if="file" :href="file" download="dopeness.mp4">download</a> <div id="container"></div> </div> </template> <script> import lottie from "lottie-web"; import * as animationData from "../data.json"; animationData.layers[0].t.d.k[0].s.t = "text"; animationData.layers[1].t.d.k[0].s.t = "text"; animationData.layers[2].t.d.k[0].s.t = "text"; animationData.layers[3].t.d.k[0].s.t = "text"; animationData.layers[4].t.d.k[0].s.t = "text"; export default { data() { return { source: null, stage: null, layer: null, video: null, animations: [], text: "", animationData: animationData.default, captures: [], backgrounds: [ { poster: "/api/files/stock/3oref310k1uud86w/poster/poster.jpg", video: "/api/files/stock/3oref310k1uud86w/main/1080/3oref310k1uud86w_1080.mp4" }, { poster: "/api/files/stock/3yj2e30tk5x6x0ww/poster/poster.jpg", video: "/api/files/stock/3yj2e30tk5x6x0ww/main/1080/3yj2e30tk5x6x0ww_1080.mp4" }, { poster: "/api/files/stock/2ez931ik1mggd6j/poster/poster.jpg", video: "/api/files/stock/2ez931ik1mggd6j/main/1080/2ez931ik1mggd6j_1080.mp4" }, { poster: "/api/files/stock/yxrt4ej4jvimyk15/poster/poster.jpg", video: "/api/files/stock/yxrt4ej4jvimyk15/main/1080/yxrt4ej4jvimyk15_1080.mp4" }, { poster: "https://images.costco-static.com/ImageDelivery/imageService?profileId=12026540&itemId=100424771-847&recipeName=680", video: "/api/files/jedi/surfing.mp4" }, { poster: "https://thedefensepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/us-soldiers-afghanistan-4308413-1170x610.jpg", video: "/api/files/jedi/soldiers.mp4" } ], images: [ { source: "/api/files/jedi/solo.jpg" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/yoda.jpg" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/yodaChristmas.jpg" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/darthMaul.jpg" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/darthMaul1.jpg" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/trump.jpg" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/hat.png" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/trump.png" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/bernie.png" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/skywalker.png" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/vader.gif" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/vader2.gif" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/yoda.gif" }, { source: "api/files/jedi/kylo.gif" }, { source: "https://media3.giphy.com/media/R3IxJW14a3QNa/source.gif", type: "anim" } ], backgroundVideo: null, imageGroups: [], anim: null, selectedNode: null, selectedFont: "Arial", selectedColor: "black", selectedFontSize: 20, selectedFontStyle: "normal", width: 1920, height: 1080, texts: [], preview: null, file: null, canvas: null }; }, mounted: function() { this.initCanvas(); }, methods: { changeBackground(source) { this.source = source; this.video.src = this.source; this.anim.stop(); this.anim.start(); this.video.play(); }, removeNode() { if (this.selectedNode && this.selectedNode.type === "text") { this.selectedNode.transformer.destroy( this.selectedNode.text.transformer ); this.selectedNode.text.destroy(this.selectedNode.text); this.texts.splice(this.selectedNode.text.index - 1, 1); this.selectedNode = null; this.layer.draw(); } else if (this.selectedNode && this.selectedNode.type == "image") { this.selectedNode.group.destroy(this.selectedNode); this.imageGroups.splice(this.selectedNode.group.index - 1, 1); if (this.selectedNode.lottie) { clearTimeout(this.animations.interval); this.selectedNode.lottie.destroy(); this.animations.splice(this.selectedNode.lottie.index - 1, 1); } this.selectedNode = null; this.layer.draw(); } }, async addImage(src, anim, isUpdate) { let lottieAnimation = null; let imageObj = null; const type = anim || src.slice(src.lastIndexOf(".")); const vm = this; function process(img) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { img.onload = () => resolve({ width: img.width, height: img.height }); }); } imageObj = new Image(); imageObj.src = src; imageObj.width = 200; imageObj.height = 200; await process(imageObj); if (type === ".gif") { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.setAttribute("id", "gif"); async function onDrawFrame(ctx, frame) { ctx.drawImage(frame.buffer, frame.x, frame.y); // redraw the layer vm.layer.draw(); } gifler(src).frames(canvas, onDrawFrame); canvas.onload = async () => { canvas.parentNode.removeChild(canvas); }; imageObj = canvas; const gif = new Image(); gif.src = src; const gifImage = await process(gif); imageObj.width = gifImage.width; imageObj.height = gifImage.height; } else if (type === "anim") { if(!isUpdate){this.text = "new text";} const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.style.height = 200; canvas.style.width = 200; canvas.setAttribute("id", "animationCanvas"); const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); const div = document.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("id", "animationContainer"); div.style.display = "none"; canvas.style.display = "none"; this.animationData.layers[0].t.d.k[0].s.t = this.text; this.animationData.layers[1].t.d.k[0].s.t = this.text; this.animationData.layers[2].t.d.k[0].s.t = this.text; this.animationData.layers[3].t.d.k[0].s.t = this.text; this.animationData.layers[4].t.d.k[0].s.t = this.text; lottieAnimation = lottie.loadAnimation({ container: div, // the dom element that will contain the animation renderer: "svg", loop: true, autoplay: true, animationData: this.animationData }); lottieAnimation.imgSrc = src; lottieAnimation.text = this.text; const timer = setInterval(async () => { const svg = await div.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0]; const xml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg); const svg64 = window.btoa(xml); const b64Start = "data:image/svg+xml;base64,"; const image64 = b64Start + svg64; imageObj = new Image({ width: 200, height: 200 }); imageObj.src = image64; await process(imageObj); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); this.layer.draw(); }, 1000 / 30); this.animations.push({ lottie: lottieAnimation, interval: timer }); imageObj = canvas; canvas.onload = async () => { canvas.parentNode.removeChild(canvas); }; } const image = new Konva.Image({ x: 50, y: 50, image: imageObj, width: imageObj.width, height: imageObj.height, position: (0, 0), strokeWidth: 10, stroke: "blue", strokeEnabled: false }); const group = new Konva.Group({ draggable: true }); // add the shape to the layer addAnchor(group, 0, 0, "topLeft"); addAnchor(group, imageObj.width, 0, "topRight"); addAnchor(group, imageObj.width, imageObj.height, "bottomRight"); addAnchor(group, 0, imageObj.height, "bottomLeft"); imageObj = null; image.on("click", function () { vm.hideAllHelpers(); vm.selectedNode = { type: "image", group, lottie: lottieAnimation }; if(lottieAnimation && lottieAnimation.text){vm.text = lottieAnimation.text} group.find("Circle").show(); vm.layer.draw(); }); image.on("mouseover", function(evt) { if (vm.selectedNode && vm.selectedNode.type === "image") { const index = image.getParent().index; const groupId = vm.selectedNode.group.index; if (index != groupId) { evt.target.strokeEnabled(true); vm.layer.draw(); } } else { evt.target.strokeEnabled(true); vm.layer.draw(); } }); image.on("mouseout", function(evt) { evt.target.strokeEnabled(false); vm.layer.draw(); }); vm.hideAllHelpers(); group.find("Circle").show(); group.add(image); vm.layer.add(group); vm.imageGroups.push(group); vm.selectedNode = { type: "image", group, lottie: lottieAnimation }; vm.layer.draw(); function update(activeAnchor) { const group = activeAnchor.getParent(); let topLeft = group.get(".topLeft")[0]; let topRight = group.get(".topRight")[0]; let bottomRight = group.get(".bottomRight")[0]; let bottomLeft = group.get(".bottomLeft")[0]; let image = group.get("Image")[0]; let anchorX = activeAnchor.getX(); let anchorY = activeAnchor.getY(); // update anchor positions switch (activeAnchor.getName()) { case "topLeft": topRight.y(anchorY); bottomLeft.x(anchorX); break; case "topRight": topLeft.y(anchorY); bottomRight.x(anchorX); break; case "bottomRight": bottomLeft.y(anchorY); topRight.x(anchorX); break; case "bottomLeft": bottomRight.y(anchorY); topLeft.x(anchorX); break; } image.position(topLeft.position()); let width = topRight.getX() - topLeft.getX(); let height = bottomLeft.getY() - topLeft.getY(); if (width && height) { image.width(width); image.height(height); } } function addAnchor(group, x, y, name) { let stage = vm.stage; let layer = vm.layer; let anchor = new Konva.Circle({ x: x, y: y, stroke: "#666", fill: "#ddd", strokeWidth: 2, radius: 8, name: name, draggable: true, dragOnTop: false }); anchor.on("dragmove", function() { update(this); layer.draw(); }); anchor.on("mousedown touchstart", function() { group.draggable(false); this.moveToTop(); }); anchor.on("dragend", function() { group.draggable(true); layer.draw(); }); // add hover styling anchor.on("mouseover", function() { let layer = this.getLayer(); document.body.style.cursor = "pointer"; this.strokeWidth(4); layer.draw(); }); anchor.on("mouseout", function() { let layer = this.getLayer(); document.body.style.cursor = "default"; this.strokeWidth(2); layer.draw(); }); group.add(anchor); } }, async updateAnim(src, type){ this.addImage(src, type, true); this.removeNode(); }, hideAllHelpers() { for (let i = 0; i < this.texts.length; i++) { this.texts[i].transformer.hide(); } for (let b = 0; b < this.imageGroups.length; b++) { this.imageGroups[b].find("Circle").hide(); } }, async startRecording(duration) { const chunks = []; // here we will store our recorded media chunks (Blobs) const stream = this.canvas.captureStream(30); // grab our canvas MediaStream const rec = new MediaRecorder(stream, { videoBitsPerSecond: 20000 * 1000 }); // every time the recorder has new data, we will store it in our array rec.ondataavailable = e => chunks.push(e.data); // only when the recorder stops, we construct a complete Blob from all the chunks rec.onstop = async e => { this.anim.stop(); const blob = new Blob(chunks, { type: "video/webm" }); this.preview = await URL.createObjectURL(blob); const video = window.document.getElementById("preview"); const previewVideo = new Konva.Image({ image: video, draggable: false, width: this.width, height: this.height }); this.layer.add(previewVideo); console.log("video", video); video.addEventListener("ended", () => { console.log("preview ended"); if (!this.file) { const vid = new Whammy.fromImageArray(this.captures, 30); this.file = URL.createObjectURL(vid); } previewVideo.destroy(); this.anim.stop(); this.anim.start(); this.video.play(); }); let seekResolve; video.addEventListener("seeked", async () => { if (seekResolve) seekResolve(); }); video.addEventListener("loadeddata", async () => { let interval = 1 / 30; let currentTime = 0; while (currentTime <= duration && !this.file) { video.currentTime = currentTime; await new Promise(r => (seekResolve = r)); this.layer.draw(); let base64ImageData = this.canvas.toDataURL("image/webp"); this.captures.push(base64ImageData); currentTime += interval; video.currentTime = currentTime; } this.layer.draw(); }); }; rec.start(); setTimeout(() => rec.stop(), duration); }, async render() { this.captures = []; this.preview = null; this.file = null; console.log(this.captures.length); this.hideAllHelpers(); this.selectedNode = null; this.video.currentTime = 0; this.video.loop = false; const duration = this.video.duration * 1000; this.startRecording(duration); this.layer.draw(); }, updateText() { if (this.selectedNode && this.selectedNode.type === "text") { const text = this.selectedNode.text; const transformer = this.selectedNode.transformer; text.fontSize(this.selectedFontSize); text.fontFamily(this.selectedFont); text.fontStyle(this.selectedFontStyle); text.fill(this.selectedColor); this.layer.draw(); } }, addText() { const vm = this; const text = new Konva.Text({ text: "new text " + (vm.texts.length + 1), x: 50, y: 80, fontSize: this.selectedFontSize, fontFamily: this.selectedFont, fontStyle: this.selectedFontStyle, fill: this.selectedColor, align: "center", width: this.width * 0.5, draggable: true }); const transformer = new Konva.Transformer({ node: text, keepRatio: true, enabledAnchors: ["top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right"] }); text.on("click", async () => { for (let i = 0; i < this.texts.length; i++) { let item = this.texts[i]; if (item.index === text.index) { let transformer = item.transformer; this.selectedNode = { type: "text", text, transformer }; this.selectedFontSize = text.fontSize(); this.selectedFont = text.fontFamily(); this.selectedFontStyle = text.fontStyle(); this.selectedColor = text.fill(); vm.hideAllHelpers(); transformer.show(); transformer.moveToTop(); text.moveToTop(); vm.layer.draw(); break; } } }); text.on("mouseover", () => { transformer.show(); this.layer.draw(); }); text.on("mouseout", () => { if ( (this.selectedNode && this.selectedNode.text && this.selectedNode.text.index != text.index) || (this.selectedNode && this.selectedNode.type === "image") || !this.selectedNode ) { transformer.hide(); this.layer.draw(); } }); text.on("dblclick", () => { text.hide(); transformer.hide(); vm.layer.draw(); let textPosition = text.absolutePosition(); let stageBox = vm.stage.container().getBoundingClientRect(); let areaPosition = { x: stageBox.left + textPosition.x, y: stageBox.top + textPosition.y }; let textarea = document.createElement("textarea"); window.document.body.appendChild(textarea); textarea.value = text.text(); textarea.style.position = "absolute"; textarea.style.top = areaPosition.y + "px"; textarea.style.left = areaPosition.x + "px"; textarea.style.width = text.width() - text.padding() * 2 + "px"; textarea.style.height = text.height() - text.padding() * 2 + 5 + "px"; textarea.style.fontSize = text.fontSize() + "px"; textarea.style.border = "none"; textarea.style.padding = "0px"; textarea.style.margin = "0px"; textarea.style.overflow = "hidden"; textarea.style.background = "none"; textarea.style.outline = "none"; textarea.style.resize = "none"; textarea.style.lineHeight = text.lineHeight(); textarea.style.fontFamily = text.fontFamily(); textarea.style.transformOrigin = "left top"; textarea.style.textAlign = text.align(); textarea.style.color = text.fill(); let rotation = text.rotation(); let transform = ""; if (rotation) { transform += "rotateZ(" + rotation + "deg)"; } let px = 0; let isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1; if (isFirefox) { px += 2 + Math.round(text.fontSize() / 20); } transform += "translateY(-" + px + "px)"; textarea.style.transform = transform; textarea.style.height = "auto"; textarea.focus(); // start function removeTextarea() { textarea.parentNode.removeChild(textarea); window.removeEventListener("click", handleOutsideClick); text.show(); transformer.show(); transformer.forceUpdate(); vm.layer.draw(); } function setTextareaWidth(newWidth) { if (!newWidth) { // set width for placeholder newWidth = text.placeholder.length * text.fontSize(); } // some extra fixes on different browsers let isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test( navigator.userAgent ); let isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1; if (isSafari || isFirefox) { newWidth = Math.ceil(newWidth); } let isEdge = document.documentMode || /Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent); if (isEdge) { newWidth += 1; } textarea.style.width = newWidth + "px"; } textarea.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { // hide on enter // but don't hide on shift + enter if (e.keyCode === 13 && !e.shiftKey) { text.text(textarea.value); removeTextarea(); } // on esc do not set value back to node if (e.keyCode === 27) { removeTextarea(); } }); textarea.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { let scale = text.getAbsoluteScale().x; setTextareaWidth(text.width() * scale); textarea.style.height = "auto"; textarea.style.height = textarea.scrollHeight + text.fontSize() + "px"; }); function handleOutsideClick(e) { if (e.target !== textarea) { text.text(textarea.value); removeTextarea(); } } setTimeout(() => { window.addEventListener("click", handleOutsideClick); }); // end }); text.transformer = transformer; this.texts.push(text); this.layer.add(text); this.layer.add(transformer); this.hideAllHelpers(); this.selectedNode = { type: "text", text, transformer }; transformer.show(); this.layer.draw(); }, initCanvas() { const vm = this; this.stage = new Konva.Stage({ container: "container", width: vm.width, height: vm.height }); this.layer = new Konva.Layer(); this.stage.add(this.layer); let video = document.createElement("video"); video.setAttribute("id", "video"); video.setAttribute("ref", "video"); if (this.source) { video.src = this.source; } video.preload = "auto"; video.loop = "loop"; video.style.display = "none"; this.video = video; this.backgroundVideo = new Konva.Image({ image: vm.video, draggable: false }); this.video.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function(e) { vm.backgroundVideo.width(vm.width); vm.backgroundVideo.height(vm.height); }); this.video.addEventListener("ended", () => { console.log("the video ended"); this.anim.stop(); this.anim.start(); this.video.loop = "loop"; this.video.play(); }); this.anim = new Konva.Animation(function() { console.log("animation called"); // do nothing, animation just need to update the layer }, vm.layer); this.layer.add(this.backgroundVideo); this.layer.draw(); const canvas = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0]; canvas.style.border = "3px solid red"; this.canvas = canvas; } } }; </script> <style scoped> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: #f0f0f0; } .backgrounds, .images { width: 100px; height: 100px; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; } </style>
You must use keyframes in order to get the animation to render properly once you do that you will have no issues.