ngxDaterangepickerMd in trigger event on selection of start/end date - angular5

I want to set dynamically min and max date in ngx-daterangepicker-material. Please help me to find out the event in ngxDaterangepickerMd.

I have found the answer.
startDateClicked($event) {
this.maxDate = moment($event.startDate._d).add(1, 'month');
endDateClicked($event) {
this.minDate = moment($event.endDate._d).subtract(1, 'month');
<input type="text" ngxDaterangepickerMd [(ngModel)]="selected" [showCustomRangeLabel]="true"
[ranges]="ranges" [showCancel]="true" [keepCalendarOpeningWithRange]="keepCalendarOpeningWithRange"
[showRangeLabelOnInput]="showRangeLabelOnInput" opens="right" [timePicker]="true"
[locale]="{format: 'MM/DD/YYYY'}" (datesUpdated)="applyFilter()" [minDate]="minDate"
[maxDate]='maxDate' (startDateChanged)="startDateClicked($event)"


Vuejs update a value used with v-for dynamically

So I'm making an attendance tracker with Vuejs and Vuetify, and I want it to look like this:
A Calender made up of v-card components, and a list of absences read in from a database. I have my API set up and am able to retrieve a list of absences without any issues, but when it comes to putting them on the screen I have some issues. What I want to do is this:
The user selects the month and year. Each card then shows one day of this month. I have a function called getAbsDate(date) that returns a list of absences for the date passed to it. I want it to work something like this in each card:
<v-card min-height="170" tile>
<v-card-text class="text-center black--text">
v-for="abs in getAbsDate(i+'.'+monthsNums[selMonth]+'.'+selYear)"
selMonth is the month the user selected, and selYear is the year the user selected. This doesn't work however. I don't get any errors, the cards are just empty. getAbsDate() returns a list of objects. Any ideas as to why this doesn't work?
Here is the declaration of my getAbsDate() function.
getAbsDate: function(date) {
let l = [];
this.absences.forEach(abs => {
if (abs["start"] == date) {
if (abs["end"] == date) {
let day_start = moment(abs["start"].replace(".", "/"), "DD/MM/YYYY")
let day_end = moment(abs["end"].replace(".", "/"), "DD/MM/YYYY")
let day_date = moment(date.replace(".", "/"), "DD/MM/YYYY")
if (day_start <= day_date && day_date <= day_end) {
return l;
The formatting is not quite right at the .toDate() and the .getTime(), but in my file it is, s it is not the issue.

Show date from database on Picker materialize

I have the following code, when I click on the Picker I want to see the date 01/01/2018 selected in the calendar.
I need the calendar to select the date that contains the value of the imput.
$var_date = '01/01/2018';
<input type="text" name="date" name="date" class="datepicker" value="<?php echo $var_date; ?>">
<label for="first_name">Date</label>
This can be done with the help of instance.setDate(new Date()).
<input type="text" class="datepicker">
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var elems = document.querySelector('.datepicker');
var instance = M.Datepicker.init(elems);
//; This will open your datepicker on its own when page is loaded completely
instance.setDate(new Date(2018, 2, 8));
Note- new Date(year, monthIndex [, day [, hours [, minutes [, seconds [, milliseconds]]]]]);
The argument monthIndex is 0-based. This means that January = 0 and December = 11
MDN - Date
Materialize - Pickers

VueJS: How to bind a datetime?

I receive from a WebAPI a JSON object that has this property:
"BirthDate": "2018-02-14T15:24:17.8177428-03:00",
the HTML:
<input type="date" v-model="BirthDate" />
I bind that object using VueJS, but
VueJS give this message in the console:
The specified value "2018-02-14T15:24:17.8177428-03:00" does not conform to the required format, "yyyy-MM-dd".
On this case the only relevant part is 2018-02-14, I can discard the other information.
I tried to create a Two Way filter to convert that Date Time to the required format but did not have success. See VueJS two way filter
How can I convert and bind that Date/Time format to the required Date Format of the HTML date input ?
Considering myDate is your property, you can use:
<input type="date" :value="myDate && myDate.toISOString().split('T')[0]"
#input="myDate = $">
Since v-model is only syntactic sugar to :value and #input, you can use them instead. In this case, we used and changed them a little (to format the String that is the output of the date input to a Date object and vice-versa).
Check demo and caveats below.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue.js!',
myDate: new Date('2011-04-11T10:20:30Z')
methods: {
setMyDateToToday() {
this.myDate = new Date();
addADayToMyDate() {
if (this.myDate) // as myDate can be null
// you have to set the this.myDate again, so vue can detect it changed
// this is not a caveat of this specific solution, but of any binding of dates
this.myDate = new Date(this.myDate.setDate(this.myDate.getDate() + 1));
// Notes:
// We use `myDate && myDate.toISOString().split('T')[0]` instead
// of just `myDate.toISOString().split('T')[0]` because `myDate` can be null.
// the date to string conversion myDate.toISOString().split('T')[0] may
// have timezone caveats. See:
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<input type="date" :value="myDate && myDate.toISOString().split('T')[0]"
#input="myDate = $">
myDate: {{ myDate }}</code>
<button #click="setMyDateToToday">Set date one to today</button>
<button #click="addADayToMyDate">Add a day to my date</button>
i think this not related to vueJs , the input type="date" expected a date in YYYY-MM-DD format, or empty
see here :,
it would be better if you split date object as date and time field
Correction to #acdcjunior in that this shouldn't be off by one day
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue.js!',
myDate: new Date('2011-04-11T10:20:30Z')
methods: {
setMyDateToToday() {
this.myDate = new Date();
addADayToMyDate() {
if (this.myDate) // as myDate can be null
// you have to set the this.myDate again, so vue can detect it changed
// this is not a caveat of this specific solution, but of any binding of dates
this.myDate = new Date(this.myDate.setDate(this.myDate.getDate() + 1));
getDateClean(currDate) {
// need to convert to UTC to get working input filter
let month = currDate.getUTCMonth() + 1;
if (month < 10) month = "0" + month;
let day = currDate.getUTCDate();
if (day < 10) day = "0" + day;
const dateStr =
currDate.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + month + "-" + day + "T00:00:00";
const d = new Date(dateStr);
return d;
// Notes:
// We use `myDate && myDate.toISOString().split('T')[0]` instead
// of just `myDate.toISOString().split('T')[0]` because `myDate` can be null.
// the date to string conversion myDate.toISOString().split('T')[0] may
// have timezone caveats. See:
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<input type="date" :value="myDate && myDate.toISOString().split('T')[0]"
#input="myDate = getDateClean($">
myDate: {{ myDate }}</code>
<button #click="setMyDateToToday">Set date one to today</button>
<button #click="addADayToMyDate">Add a day to my date</button>

Bootstrap DatePicker Splitting Date

I'm in the process of updating an old booking systems views and I am presently stuck on a solution for updating the calendar widget. As the site is responsive I have opted for the bootstrap datepicker supplied by eternicode
OK here the issue. I have an old Datepicker that splits the checkin & checkout dates into 3 parts and then formats the date for PHP (n = Month no leading zero)) (j = Day no leading zero) & (Y = Year 4 digit numeric).
// Initiate Params
$checkInDate = mktime(0,0,0,date("n"),date("j") + 1,date("Y"));
$checkOutDate = mktime(0,0,0,date("n"),date("j") + 3,date("Y"));
if (!isset($daysI)){
$daysI = date("j",$checkInDate);
if (!isset($monthsI)){
$monthsI = date("n",$checkInDate);
if (!isset($yearI)){
$yearI = date("Y",$checkInDate);
if (!isset($daysS)){
$daysS = date("j",$checkOutDate);
if (!isset($monthsS)){
$monthsS = date("n",$checkOutDate);
if (!isset($yearS)){
$yearS = date("Y",$checkOutDate);
The input boxes markup is as below.
<input type='text' id='fulldate' name='fulldate'>
<label>Enter Day of Arrival (in the format DD) </label>
<input type="text" name="daysI" id="daysI" size="6" maxlength="6" />
<label>Enter Month of Arrival (in the format MM) </label>
<input type="text" name="monthsI" id="monthsI" size="6" maxlength="6" />
<label>Enter Year of Arrival (in the format YYYY) </label>
<input type="text" name="yearI" id="yearI" size="6" maxlength="6" />
Here's where I'm having the problem. The following function works with jQuery UI:
showAnim: 'fadeIn',
dateFormat: 'd/m/yy',
onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
var pieces = dateText.split('/');
However I cannot get a similar solution to work with the bootstrap-datepicker which I am using as a replacement for jQuery UI ie:
format: "d/m/yyyy",
todayBtn: "linked",
todayHighlight: true
onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
var pieces = dateText.split('/');
Thank in advance for any solution..
The documentation gives an example of how to capture the date changed event: bootstrap-datepicker Docs - Change Date Event
Something like this should be in the right direction (untested):
.on('changeDate', function(ev){
var newDate = new Date(;

Html5 type date - need full date value in database

it is my html code
<div class="required" id="join_form">
<label for="DOB">DateOfBirth:</label>
<input type="date" name="date" id="date" required pattern="(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)\d\d" aria-required="true" aria-describedby="age-format" max="2004-12-31" min="1940-12-31" />
<span id="age-format" class="help" align="center">Format: mm/dd/yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, mm.dd.yyyy, mm dd yyyy</span>
javascript to validate this type=date in other browsers
var mydate = document.getElementById('date'),
mydateError = document.getElementById('age-format');
mydate.addEventListener('input', function() {
if (!mydate.value.match(/\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}/)) {
mydateError.innerHTML = 'Please specify a valid date in the form 1940-2004 '; = 'inline-block;font-size:6pt;text-align:center;';
} else {
var value = new Date(date.value),
min = new Date(date.min),
max = new Date(date.max);
if (value < min || value > max) {
mydateError.innerHTML = 'Date has to be between ' + min.toDateString() + ' and ' + max.toDateString(); = 'inline-block';
} else { = 'none';
php validation and insert for date
$sql="INSERT INTO register(DOB) VALUES("$DOB");
i want to get whole date of birth like mm/dd/year but in my database i am only getting year like 1970 or 1987 like that....i cant figure out where i got wrong
PHP mysql insert date format
This Link did help me I used this to validate and insert type="date" in database
$timestamp = strtotime($DOB);
$date = date('d-m-y', $timestamp);
$sql="INSERT INTO register(DOB) VALUES(FROM_UNIXTIME($timestamp))";
and my other Mistake was to set DOB as int in database
Data type required in a mysql for a date containing day-month-year
it should be DATE or DATETYPE
#Tonywilk Thankx :D