I cannot find the syntax error in this code of a MIPS decoder. I am currently inside of the default case, and it gives me the errors
Decoder.v:104: syntax error.
Decoder.v:106: Syntax in assignment statement l-value
Here is the code:
module Decoder(
input [31:0] instr, // Instruktionswort
input zero, // Liefert aktuelle Operation im Datenpfad 0 als Ergebnis?
output reg memtoreg, // Verwende ein geladenes Wort anstatt des ALU-Ergebis als Resultat
output reg memwrite, // Schreibe in den Datenspeicher
output reg dobranch, // Führe einen relativen Sprung aus
output reg alusrcbimm, // Verwende den immediate-Wert als zweiten Operanden
output reg [4:0] destreg, // Nummer des (möglicherweise) zu schreibenden Zielregisters
output reg regwrite, // Schreibe ein Zielregister
output reg dojump, // Führe einen absoluten Sprung aus
output reg [2:0] alucontrol // ALU-Kontroll-Bits
// Extrahiere primären und sekundären Operationcode
wire [5:0] op = instr[31:26];
wire [5:0] funct = instr[5:0];
always #*
case (op)
6'b000000: // Rtype Instruktion
regwrite = 1;
destreg = instr[15:11];
alusrcbimm = 0;
dobranch = 0;
memwrite = 0;
memtoreg = 0;
dojump = 0;
case (funct)
6'b100001: alucontrol = 101; // TODO // Addition unsigned
6'b100011: alucontrol = 001; // TODO // Subtraktion unsigned
6'b100100: alucontrol = 111; // TODO // and
6'b100101: alucontrol = 110; // TODO // or
6'b101011: alucontrol = 000; // TODO // set-less-than unsigned
default: alucontrol = 011; // TODO // undefiniert
6'b100011, // Lade Datenwort aus Speicher
6'b101011: // Speichere Datenwort
regwrite = ~op[3];
destreg = instr[20:16];
alusrcbimm = 1;
dobranch = 0;
memwrite = op[3];
memtoreg = 1;
dojump = 0;
alucontrol = 011; // TODO // Addition effektive Adresse: Basisregister + Offset
6'b000100: // Branch Equal
regwrite = 0;
destreg = 5'bx;
alusrcbimm = 0;
dobranch = zero; // Gleichheitstest
memwrite = 0;
memtoreg = 0;
dojump = 0;
alucontrol = 001; // TODO // Subtraktion
6'b001001: // Addition immediate unsigned
regwrite = 1;
destreg = instr[20:16];
alusrcbimm = 1;
dobranch = 0;
memwrite = 0;
memtoreg = 0;
dojump = 0;
alucontrol = 101; // TODO // Addition
6'b000010: // Jump immediate
regwrite = 0;
destreg = 5'bx;
alusrcbimm = 0;
dobranch = 0;
memwrite = 0;
memtoreg = 0;
dojump = 1;
alucontrol = 011; // TODO
6'b001111: //Load upper immediate
regwrite = 1;
destres = intsr[20:16];
alusrcbimm = 1;
dobranch = 0;
memwrite = 1;
memtoreg = 0;
dojump = 0;
alucontrol = 011; // Bitshift.
6'b001101: //Bitwise or immediate
regwrite = 1;
destreg = instr[20:16];
alusrcbimm = 1;
dobranch = 0;
memwrite = 0;
memtoreg = 0;
dojump = 0;
alucontrol = 110; //Bitwise or.
default: // Default Fall
regwrite = 1'bx;
destreg = 5'bx;
alusrcbimm = 1'bx;
dobranch = 1'bx;
memwrite = 1'bx;
memtoreg = 1'bx;
dojump = 1'bx;
alucontrol = 011; // TODO
I get 2 compile errors.
The 1st is due to a missing end statement before the default:
6'b001101: //Bitwise or immediate
regwrite = 1;
destreg = instr[20:16];
alusrcbimm = 1;
dobranch = 0;
memwrite = 0;
memtoreg = 0;
dojump = 0;
alucontrol = 110; //Bitwise or.
end // <-------- This was missing.
default: // Default Fall
The 2nd compile error is fixed by changing:
destres = intsr[20:16];
// ^ ^
destreg = instr[20:16];
I need to get the tracking speed of the mouse on OSX 10.13. I found this code on the internet but NXOpenEventStatus is deprecated (as is IOHIDGetAccelerationWithKey), is there an alternative way?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDLib.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDParameter.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/event_status_driver.h>
int main()
kern_return_t kr;
double trackpadAcceleration, mouseAcceleration;
NXEventHandle h = 0;
h = NXOpenEventStatus();
if (h == nil)
return -1;
kr = IOHIDGetAccelerationWithKey( h, CFSTR(kIOHIDMouseAccelerationType), &mouseAcceleration);
return 0;
Since NXOpenEventStatus and IOHIDGetAccelerationWithKey are both part of the open-source IOKit distribution, you can look at how they're implemented. It turns out we can do what those functions do, using only non-deprecated functions.
To boil it down to the bare minimum, you can get a dictionary of the HID system's properties like this:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDLib.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
io_service_t service = IORegistryEntryFromPath(kIOMasterPortDefault, kIOServicePlane ":/IOResources/IOHIDSystem");
CFDictionaryRef parameters = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(service, CFSTR(kIOHIDParametersKey), kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions);
NSLog(#"%#", parameters);
return 0;
Output (for me on macOS 10.13.4):
2018-04-05 17:06:55.560590-0500 accel[11924:131983] {
ActuateDetents = 1;
Clicking = 0;
DragLock = 0;
Dragging = 0;
EjectDelay = 0;
FirstClickThreshold = 1;
ForceSuppressed = 0;
HIDClickSpace = (
HIDClickTime = 500000000;
HIDDefaultParameters = 1;
HIDF12EjectDelay = 250;
HIDFKeyMode = 1;
HIDInitialKeyRepeat = 250000000;
HIDKeyRepeat = 33333333;
HIDKeyboardModifierMappingPairs = (
HIDMouseAcceleration = 98304;
HIDMouseKeysOptionToggles = 0;
HIDPointerAcceleration = 45056;
HIDPointerButtonMode = 2;
HIDScrollAcceleration = 20480;
HIDScrollZoomModifierMask = 262144;
HIDSlowKeysDelay = 0;
HIDStickyKeysDisabled = 0;
HIDStickyKeysOn = 0;
HIDStickyKeysShiftToggles = 0;
HIDTrackpadAcceleration = 57344;
HIDWaitCursorFrameInterval = 16666667;
JitterNoClick = 1;
JitterNoMove = 1;
MouseButtonDivision = 55;
MouseButtonMode = TwoButton;
MouseHorizontalScroll = 1;
MouseMomentumScroll = 1;
MouseOneFingerDoubleTapGesture = 0;
MouseTwoFingerDoubleTapGesture = 0;
MouseTwoFingerHorizSwipeGesture = 0;
MouseVerticalScroll = 1;
"OutsidezoneNoAction When Typing" = 1;
"PalmNoAction Permanent" = 1;
"PalmNoAction When Typing" = 1;
SecondClickThreshold = 1;
"Trackpad Jitter Milliseconds" = 192;
TrackpadCornerSecondaryClick = 0;
TrackpadFiveFingerPinchGesture = 0;
TrackpadFourFingerHorizSwipeGesture = 2;
TrackpadFourFingerPinchGesture = 0;
TrackpadFourFingerVertSwipeGesture = 0;
TrackpadHandResting = 1;
TrackpadHorizScroll = 1;
TrackpadMomentumScroll = 1;
TrackpadPinch = 1;
TrackpadRightClick = 1;
TrackpadRotate = 1;
TrackpadScroll = 1;
TrackpadThreeFingerDrag = 0;
TrackpadThreeFingerHorizSwipeGesture = 2;
TrackpadThreeFingerTapGesture = 0;
TrackpadThreeFingerVertSwipeGesture = 0;
TrackpadThreeFingersRightClick = 0;
TrackpadTwoFingerDoubleTapGesture = 1;
TrackpadTwoFingerFromRightEdgeSwipeGesture = 0;
TwofingerNoAction = 1;
USBMouseStopsTrackpad = 0;
"Use Panther Settings for W" = 0;
UserPreferences = 1;
version = 1;
Program ended with exit code: 0
The kIOHIDMouseAccelerationType constant has value HIDMouseAcceleration. I also see HIDPointerAcceleration and HIDTrackpadAcceleration in there. There are kIOHID... constants for those too.
Note also that IOHIDGetAccelerationWithKey divides the registry value by 65536 before returning it. IOHIDSetAccelerationWithKey performs the opposite transformation.
I'm trying to achieve the following iptable command using libiptc, but cannot find any examples of how to do this.
iptables -A OUTPUT -j my_outbound_rules
I've tried using the following code:
int addChainToBuiltin(const char *_pChain, const char *_pTarget)
/*iptables -A OUTPUT -j <chain>*/
const char *pTable = "filter";
struct xtc_handle *pHandle;
struct ipt_entry *pEntry;
struct xt_entry_target *pTarget;
size_t entrySize = XT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_entry));
size_t targetSize = XT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct xt_entry_target));
pHandle = iptc_init(pTable);
if (! pHandle)
return errno;
pEntry = calloc(1, entrySize + targetSize);
pTarget = (struct xt_entry_target *)((char*)pEntry + entrySize);
strncpy(pTarget->u.user.name, _pTarget, sizeof(pTarget->u.user.name));
pTarget->u.target_size = targetSize;
pTarget->u.user.target_size = targetSize;
pTarget->u.user.revision = 1;
pEntry->target_offset = entrySize;
pEntry->next_offset = entrySize + targetSize;
pEntry->ip.src.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
pEntry->ip.smsk.s_addr = 0;
pEntry->ip.dst.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
pEntry->ip.dmsk.s_addr = 0;
pEntry->ip.proto = 0; // any
pEntry->ip.flags = 0;
pEntry->ip.invflags = 0;
pEntry->nfcache = NFC_UNKNOWN;
int res = applyRule(Append, _pChain, pEntry, pHandle);
if (res == 0)
res = commitAndFree(pHandle);
printf("Result: %d %s\n", res, iptc_strerror(res));
return res;
But I get an error 'Invalid Argument' from iptc_strerror, but cannot see which argument is invalid.
Many thanks
Solved it with the following code:
int addChainToBuiltin(const char *_pChain, const char *_pTarget)
/*iptables -A OUTPUT -j <chain>*/
const char *pTable = "filter";
struct xtc_handle *pHandle;
struct ipt_entry *pEntry;
struct xt_standard_target *pTarget;
size_t entrySize = XT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_entry));
size_t targetSize = XT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct xt_standard_target));
pHandle = iptc_init(pTable);
if (! pHandle)
return errno;
pEntry = calloc(1, entrySize + targetSize);
pTarget = (struct xt_entry_target *)((char*)pEntry + entrySize);
strncpy(pTarget->target.u.user.name, _pTarget, sizeof(pTarget->target.u.user.name));
pTarget->target.u.target_size = targetSize;
pTarget->target.u.user.target_size = targetSize;
pTarget->target.u.user.revision = 0;
pEntry->target_offset = entrySize;
pEntry->next_offset = entrySize + targetSize;
pEntry->ip.src.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
pEntry->ip.smsk.s_addr = 0;
pEntry->ip.dst.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
pEntry->ip.dmsk.s_addr = 0;
pEntry->ip.proto = 0; // any
pEntry->ip.flags = 0;
pEntry->ip.invflags = 0;
pEntry->nfcache = NFC_UNKNOWN;
printf("Adding: %s to %s\n", pTarget->target.u.user.name, _pChain);
int res = applyRule(Append, _pChain, pEntry, pHandle);
if (res == 0)
res = commitAndFree(pHandle);
return res;
This question already has answers here:
See NSUserDefaults file content
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have an app where I store all of the user preferences in NSUserDefaults. I would like to be able to see (for debugging purposes) the complete contents of the NSUserDefaults file.
Can it be done without providing each of the keys?
Can it be done without providing each of the keys?
You can use dictionaryRepresentation of NSUserDefaults like that below example:-
NSUserDefaults *def=[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[def setObject:#"test1" forKey:#"test1"];
[def setObject:#"test2" forKey:#"test2"];
NSLog(#"%#",[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]dictionaryRepresentation]);
When use dictionaryRepresentation it will print the complete information of user default, including extra value which is added in the defaults.
Below is the output of above code. Also you can see the value in the last which is extra included in the user defaults :-
AppleAntiAliasingThreshold = 4;
AppleGCIdleTimeInterval = "1.0";
AppleLanguages = (
AppleLocale = "en_US";
AppleMeasurementUnits = Inches;
AppleMetricUnits = 0;
AppleMiniaturizeOnDoubleClick = 0;
AppleShowScrollBars = Always;
AppleTextDirection = 0;
AppleUserLanguages = 1;
Country = US;
MultipleSessionEnabled = 1;
NSBoldSystemFont = ".LucidaGrandeUI-Bold";
NSButtonDelay = "0.4";
NSButtonPeriod = "0.075";
NSDocumentRevisionsDebugMode = YES;
NSDragAutoscrollAreaWidth = "5.0";
NSDragCancelLimit = "100000.0";
NSDraggingAutoscrollDelay = "0.4";
NSEnableAutoCollapseOutlineDuringDragsDefault = NO;
NSEnableAutoExpandOutlineDuringDragsDefault = YES;
NSFixedPitchFont = "Menlo-Regular";
NSFixedPitchFontSize = 11;
NSFont = Helvetica;
NSFontSize = 12;
NSInputServerLaunchTimeout = 60;
NSInterfaceStyle = macintosh;
NSLanguages = (
NSMargins = "72 72 90 90";
NSMenuFlashCount = 3;
NSMenuScrollingOffset = 3;
NSMenuScrollingSpeed = 5;
NSNavPanelFileLastListModeForOpenModeKey = 1;
NSNavPanelFileListModeForOpenMode2 = 1;
NSNavPanelSidebarKeyForOpen = (
NSNavPanelSidebarKeyForSave = (
NSNavRecentPlaces = (
"~/Documents/sample Project/learning_iOS",
NSPreferredSpellServerVendors = {
English = "NeXT-OpenStep";
NSPreferredWebServices = {
NSWebServicesProviderWebSearch = {
NSDefaultDisplayName = Google;
NSProviderIdentifier = "com.google.www";
NSQuotedKeystrokeBinding = "^q";
NSRequireAutoCollapseOutlineAfterDropsDefault = NO;
NSResetIncrementalSearchOnFailure = YES;
NSScrollAnimationEnabled = YES;
NSScrollerButtonAcceleration = 8;
NSScrollerButtonDelay = "0.5";
NSScrollerButtonPeriod = "0.05";
NSScrollerHasSeparateArrows = YES;
NSScrollerKnobCount = 2;
NSScrollerKnobDelay = "0.001";
NSSmartCMYKColorConversion = YES;
NSSystemFont = ".LucidaGrandeUI";
NSSystemFontSize = 13;
NSUIHeartBeatCycle = "0.03";
NSUseCocoaInputServers = YES;
NSUserDictionaryReplacementItems = (
NSWindowResizeTime = ".20";
NavPanelFileListModeForOpenMode = 1;
SGTRecentFileSearches = (
attributes = (
enforceStrictMatch = 0;
exactMatch = 0;
name = istsu;
scope = 4;
type = "com.apple.finder";
values = (
WebKitAVFoundationEnabled = 1;
WebKitAccelerated2dCanvasEnabled = 0;
WebKitAcceleratedCompositingEnabled = 1;
WebKitAcceleratedDrawingEnabled = 0;
WebKitAllowAnimatedImageLoopingPreferenceKey = 1;
WebKitAllowAnimatedImagesPreferenceKey = 1;
WebKitAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs = 1;
WebKitAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs = 1;
WebKitApplicationCacheDefaultOriginQuota = 9223372036854775807;
WebKitApplicationCacheTotalQuota = 9223372036854775807;
WebKitApplicationChromeModeEnabledPreferenceKey = 0;
WebKitAsynchronousSpellCheckingEnabled = 0;
WebKitAuthorAndUserStylesEnabledPreferenceKey = 1;
WebKitBackForwardCacheExpirationIntervalKey = 1800;
WebKitBackspaceKeyNavigationEnabled = 1;
WebKitCSSCompositingEnabled = 1;
WebKitCSSCustomFilterEnabled = 1;
WebKitCSSGridLayoutEnabled = 0;
WebKitCSSRegionsEnabled = 1;
WebKitCacheModelPreferenceKey = 0;
WebKitCanvasUsesAcceleratedDrawing = 0;
WebKitCursiveFont = "Apple Chancery";
WebKitDNSPrefetchingEnabled = 0;
WebKitDOMPasteAllowedPreferenceKey = 0;
WebKitDatabasesEnabledPreferenceKey = 1;
WebKitDefaultFixedFontSize = 13;
WebKitDefaultFontSize = 16;
WebKitDefaultTextEncodingName = "ISO-8859-1";
WebKitDeveloperExtrasEnabledPreferenceKey = 0;
WebKitDiagnosticLoggingEnabled = 0;
WebKitDisplayImagesKey = 1;
WebKitEditableLinkBehavior = 0;
WebKitEnableInheritURIQueryComponent = 0;
WebKitExperimentalNotificationsEnabledPreferenceKey = 0;
WebKitFantasyFont = Papyrus;
WebKitFixedFont = Courier;
WebKitFrameFlatteningEnabled = 0;
WebKitFullScreenEnabled = 0;
WebKitHiddenPageCSSAnimationSuspensionEnabled = 0;
WebKitHiddenPageDOMTimerThrottlingEnabled = 0;
WebKitHyperlinkAuditingEnabled = 1;
WebKitJavaEnabled = 1;
WebKitJavaScriptCanAccessClipboard = 0;
WebKitJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = 1;
WebKitJavaScriptEnabled = 1;
WebKitJavaScriptExperimentsEnabledPreferenceKey = 0;
WebKitKerningAndLigaturesEnabledByDefault = 1;
WebKitLoadSiteIconsKey = 0;
WebKitLocalFileContentSniffingEnabledPreferenceKey = 0;
WebKitLocalStorageEnabledPreferenceKey = 1;
WebKitLowPowerVideoAudioBufferSizeEnabled = 0;
WebKitMediaPlaybackAllowsInline = 1;
WebKitMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture = 0;
WebKitMinimumFontSize = 0;
WebKitMinimumLogicalFontSize = 9;
WebKitNotificationsEnabled = 1;
WebKitOfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled = 0;
WebKitPDFDisplayMode = 1;
WebKitPDFScaleFactor = 0;
WebKitPageCacheSupportsPluginsPreferenceKey = 1;
WebKitPictographFont = "Apple Color Emoji";
WebKitPlugInSnapshottingEnabled = 0;
WebKitPluginsEnabled = 1;
WebKitPrivateBrowsingEnabled = 0;
WebKitQTKitEnabled = 1;
WebKitRegionBasedColumnsEnabled = 0;
WebKitRequestAnimationFrameEnabled = 1;
WebKitRespectStandardStyleKeyEquivalents = 0;
WebKitSansSerifFont = Helvetica;
WebKitScreenFontSubstitutionEnabled = 0;
WebKitSerifFont = Times;
WebKitShouldDisplayCaptions = 0;
WebKitShouldDisplaySubtitles = 0;
WebKitShouldDisplayTextDescriptions = 0;
WebKitShouldPrintBackgroundsPreferenceKey = 0;
WebKitShouldRespectImageOrientation = 0;
WebKitShowDebugBorders = 0;
WebKitShowRepaintCounter = 0;
WebKitShowsToolTipOverTruncatedText = 0;
WebKitShowsURLsInToolTips = 0;
WebKitShrinksStandaloneImagesToFit = 0;
WebKitSpatialNavigationEnabled = 0;
WebKitStandardFont = Times;
WebKitStorageBlockingPolicy = 0;
WebKitSuppressesIncrementalRendering = 0;
WebKitTabToLinksPreferenceKey = 0;
WebKitTextAreasAreResizable = 0;
WebKitTextDirectionSubmenuInclusionBehaviorPreferenceKey = 1;
WebKitUseLegacyTextAlignPositionedElementBehavior = 0;
WebKitUsePreHTML5ParserQuirks = 0;
WebKitUseSiteSpecificSpoofing = 0;
WebKitUserStyleSheetEnabledPreferenceKey = 0;
WebKitUserStyleSheetLocationPreferenceKey = "";
WebKitUsesEncodingDetector = 0;
WebKitUsesPageCachePreferenceKey = 1;
WebKitWantsBalancedSetDefersLoadingBehavior = 0;
WebKitWebArchiveDebugModeEnabledPreferenceKey = 0;
WebKitWebAudioEnabled = 0;
WebKitWebGLEnabled = 0;
WebKitWebSecurityEnabled = 1;
WebKitXSSAuditorEnabled = 1;
WebKitZoomsTextOnly = 1;
"com.apple.AppleModemSettingTool.LastCountryCode" = US;
"com.apple.ColorSync.Devices" = {
"Device.cmra.00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000533630" = {
DeviceDescriptions = {
"en_US" = "NO NAME";
FactoryProfiles = {
555810816 = {
DeviceModeDescriptions = {
"en_US" = Default;
DeviceProfileURL = "/System/Library/Frameworks/ICADevices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Camera RGB Profile.icc";
DeviceDefaultProfileID = 555810816;
"Device.cmra.30303441-3030-3930-4637-393830304637" = {
DeviceDescriptions = {
"en_US" = "Lumia 520";
FactoryProfiles = {
555810816 = {
DeviceModeDescriptions = {
"en_US" = Default;
DeviceProfileURL = "/System/Library/Frameworks/ICADevices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Camera RGB Profile.icc";
DeviceDefaultProfileID = 555810816;
"Device.cmra.37616133-3566-6339-6362-303662336639" = {
DeviceDescriptions = {
"en_US" = iPhone;
FactoryProfiles = {
555810816 = {
DeviceModeDescriptions = {
"en_US" = Default;
DeviceProfileURL = "/System/Library/Frameworks/ICADevices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Camera RGB Profile.icc";
DeviceDefaultProfileID = 555810816;
"com.apple.TimeZonePref.Last_Selected_City" = (
"com.apple.preferences.timezone.selected_city" = {
CountryCode = US;
GeonameID = 5400075;
Latitude = "37.36883";
LocalizedNames = {
ar = "\U0633\U0627\U0646\U064a\U0641\U064a\U0644";
ca = Sunnyvale;
cs = Sunnyvale;
da = Sunnyvale;
de = Sunnyvale;
el = Sunnyvale;
en = Sunnyvale;
es = Sunnyvale;
fi = Sunnyvale;
fr = Sunnyvale;
he = "\U05e1\U05d0\U05e0\U05d9\U05d5\U05d5\U05dc";
hr = Sunnyvale;
hu = Sunnyvale;
id = Sunnyvale;
it = Sunnyvale;
ja = "\U30b5\U30cb\U30fc\U30d9\U30fc\U30eb";
ko = "\Uc11c\Ub2c8\Ubca0\Uc77c";
ms = Sunnyvale;
nb = Sunnyvale;
nl = Sunnyvale;
pl = Sunnyvale;
pt = Sunnyvale;
"pt-PT" = Sunnyvale;
ro = Sunnyvale;
ru = "\U0421\U0430\U043d\U043d\U0438\U0432\U0435\U0439\U043b";
sk = Sunnyvale;
sv = Sunnyvale;
th = Sunnyvale;
tr = Sunnyvale;
uk = "\U0421\U0430\U043d\U043d\U0456\U0432\U0435\U0439\U043b";
vi = Sunnyvale;
"zh-Hans" = "\U6851\U5c3c\U7ef4\U5c14";
"zh-Hant" = "\U6851\U5c3c\U7dad\U723e";
Longitude = "-122.0363";
Name = Sunnyvale;
Population = 140081;
RegionalCode = CA;
TimeZoneName = "America/Los_Angeles";
Version = 1;
"com.apple.springing.delay" = "0.5";
"com.apple.springing.enabled" = 1;
"com.apple.trackpad.enableSecondaryClick" = 1;
"com.apple.trackpad.fiveFingerPinchSwipeGesture" = 2;
"com.apple.trackpad.fourFingerHorizSwipeGesture" = 2;
"com.apple.trackpad.fourFingerPinchSwipeGesture" = 2;
"com.apple.trackpad.fourFingerVertSwipeGesture" = 2;
"com.apple.trackpad.momentumScroll" = 1;
"com.apple.trackpad.pinchGesture" = 1;
"com.apple.trackpad.rotateGesture" = 1;
"com.apple.trackpad.scrollBehavior" = 2;
"com.apple.trackpad.threeFingerDragGesture" = 0;
"com.apple.trackpad.threeFingerHorizSwipeGesture" = 2;
"com.apple.trackpad.threeFingerTapGesture" = 2;
"com.apple.trackpad.threeFingerVertSwipeGesture" = 2;
"com.apple.trackpad.twoFingerDoubleTapGesture" = 1;
"com.apple.trackpad.twoFingerFromRightEdgeSwipeGesture" = 3;
"com.apple.trackpad.version" = 5;
"com.apple.updatesettings_did_disable_ftp" = 1;
test1 = test1;
test2 = test2;
I've solved an lp using CPLEX callable library (in VS2010). The lp is the following:
obj: x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3
Subject To
c1: - x1 + x2 + x3 <= 20
c2: x1 - 3 x2 + x3 <= 30
0 <= x1 <= 40
The code is given beneath. Now I would like to make it an MIP (additional integrality constraints on the x's). I tried to do so by changing status = CPXlpopt (env, lp); into status = CPXmipopt (env, lp);. This does not work and I get the error 3003: not a mixed-integer problem. Does anybody know what I am missing here?
int main ()
/* Declare and allocate space for the variables and arrays where we
will store the optimization results including the status, objective
value, variable values, dual values, row slacks and variable
reduced costs. */
int solstat;
double objval;
double *x = NULL;
double *pi = NULL;
double *slack = NULL;
double *dj = NULL;
CPXENVptr env = NULL;
CPXLPptr lp = NULL;
int status = 0;
int i, j;
int cur_numrows, cur_numcols;
/* Initialize the CPLEX environment */
env = CPXopenCPLEX (&status);
/* Turn on output to the screen */
status = CPXsetintparam (env, CPX_PARAM_SCRIND, CPX_ON);
/* Turn on data checking */
status = CPXsetintparam (env, CPX_PARAM_DATACHECK, CPX_ON);
/* Create the problem. */
lp = CPXcreateprob (env, &status, "lpex1");
/* Now populate the problem with the data. */
#define NUMROWS 2
#define NUMCOLS 3
#define NUMNZ 6
/* To populate by column, we first create the rows, and then add the columns. */
int status = 0;
double obj[NUMCOLS];
double lb[NUMCOLS];
double ub[NUMCOLS];
char *colname[NUMCOLS];
int matbeg[NUMCOLS];
int matind[NUMNZ];
double matval[NUMNZ];
double rhs[NUMROWS];
char sense[NUMROWS];
char *rowname[NUMROWS];
CPXchgobjsen (env, lp, CPX_MAX); /* Problem is maximization */
/* Now create the new rows. First, populate the arrays. */
rowname[0] = "c1";
sense[0] = 'L';
rhs[0] = 20.0;
rowname[1] = "c2";
sense[1] = 'L';
rhs[1] = 30.0;
status = CPXnewrows (env, lp, NUMROWS, rhs, sense, NULL, rowname);
if ( status ) goto TERMINATE;
/* Now add the new columns. First, populate the arrays. */
obj[0] = 1.0; obj[1] = 2.0; obj[2] = 3.0;
matbeg[0] = 0; matbeg[1] = 2; matbeg[2] = 4;
matind[0] = 0; matind[2] = 0; matind[4] = 0;
matval[0] = -1.0; matval[2] = 1.0; matval[4] = 1.0;
matind[1] = 1; matind[3] = 1; matind[5] = 1;
matval[1] = 1.0; matval[3] = -3.0; matval[5] = 1.0;
lb[0] = 0.0; lb[1] = 0.0; lb[2] = 0.0;
ub[0] = 40.0; ub[1] = CPX_INFBOUND; ub[2] = CPX_INFBOUND;
colname[0] = "x1"; colname[1] = "x2"; colname[2] = "x3";
status = CPXaddcols (env, lp, NUMCOLS, NUMNZ, obj, matbeg, matind, matval, lb, ub, colname);
/* Optimize the problem and obtain solution. */
status = CPXlpopt (env, lp);
cur_numrows = CPXgetnumrows (env, lp);
cur_numcols = CPXgetnumcols (env, lp);
x = (double *) malloc (cur_numcols * sizeof(double));
slack = (double *) malloc (cur_numrows * sizeof(double));
dj = (double *) malloc (cur_numcols * sizeof(double));
pi = (double *) malloc (cur_numrows * sizeof(double));
status = CPXsolution (env, lp, &solstat, &objval, x, pi, slack, dj);
/* Write the output to the screen. */
printf ("\nSolution status = %d\n", solstat);
printf ("Solution value = %f\n\n", objval);
for (i = 0; i < cur_numrows; i++) {
printf ("Row %d: Slack = %10f Pi = %10f\n", i, slack[i], pi[i]);
for (j = 0; j < cur_numcols; j++) {
printf ("Column %d: Value = %10f Reduced cost = %10f\n",
j, x[j], dj[j]);
/* Finally, write a copy of the problem to a file. */
status = CPXwriteprob (env, lp, "lpex1.lp", NULL);
/* Free up the solution */
... (additional code to free up the solution)...
In your code, you are not declaring any decision variables to be integer. That's why cplex is complaining when you try to solve your problem using a MIP solver. You are doing column-wise modeling and CPXaddcols doesn't have have a parameter for the variable type, but you can use CPXcopyctype or CPXchgctype. Since you the bounds on your decision variables are all greater than 1, you are looking for the 'I' variable type, instead of 'B' for binary.
char *ctype;
ctype = (char *) malloc(cur_numcols * sizeof(char);
for (j = 0; j < cur_numcols; j++) {
ctype[j] = 'I';
status = CPXcopyctype(env, lp, ctype);
/* verify status */
status = CPXmipopt (env, lp);
/* verify status */
I am using X264 and librtmp to send my live camera frame, all the things seems right. but my web test flash can't show the correct video. Sometimes it seems correct, but when I re-click play button, it doesn't show any picture on the flash.
Here is my X264 config code
x264_param_default_preset(&x264param, "ultrafast", "zerolatency");
x264param.i_threads = 2;
x264param.i_width = width;
x264param.i_height = height;
x264param.i_log_level = X264_LOG_DEBUG;
x264param.i_fps_num = x264param.i_timebase_num= fps;
x264param.i_fps_den = x264param.i_timebase_den=1;
x264param.i_frame_total = 0;
x264param.i_frame_reference =1;
//x264param.i_frame_reference = 2;
x264param.i_keyint_min = 25;
x264param.i_keyint_max = fps*3;
x264param.i_scenecut_threshold = 40;
x264param.b_deblocking_filter = 1;
x264param.b_cabac = 0;
x264param.analyse.i_trellis = 0;
x264param.analyse.b_chroma_me = 1;
x264param.vui.i_sar_width = 0;
x264param.vui.i_sar_height = 0;
x264param.i_bframe_bias = 0;
x264param.b_interlaced= 0;
x264param.analyse.i_subpel_refine = 6; /* 0..5 -> 1..6 */
x264param.analyse.i_me_method = X264_ME_DIA;//X264_ME_HEX?X264_ME_DIA
x264param.analyse.i_me_range = 16;
x264param.analyse.i_direct_mv_pred = X264_DIRECT_PRED_AUTO;
x264param.i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 = 0;
x264param.i_deblocking_filter_beta = 0;
//x264param.analyse.intra = X264_ANALYSE_I4x4;
x264param.analyse.intra = X264_ANALYSE_I4x4;// | X264_ANALYSE_PSUB16x16 | X264_ANALYSE_BSUB16x16;
x264param.analyse.inter = X264_ANALYSE_I4x4 | X264_ANALYSE_PSUB16x16 | X264_ANALYSE_BSUB16x16;
//edit 2014-7-28
x264param.analyse.b_transform_8x8 = 1;
//x264param.analyse.b_transform_8x8 = 0;
x264param.analyse.b_fast_pskip = 1;
x264param.i_bframe = 0;
x264param.analyse.b_weighted_bipred = 0;
//// Intra refres:
x264param.i_keyint_max = 250;
x264param.b_intra_refresh = 0;
////Rate control:
//x264param.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF;
//Rate Control
x264param.rc.f_ip_factor = 1.4f;
x264param.rc.f_pb_factor = 1.3f;
x264param.rc.f_qcompress = 1.0;
x264param.rc.i_qp_min = 20;//20;
x264param.rc.i_qp_max = 32;
x264param.rc.i_qp_step = 1;
switch (0)
case 0: /* 1 PASS ABR */
x264param.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_ABR;
x264param.rc.i_bitrate = 300; // max = 5000
x264param.rc.b_mb_tree = 0;
case 1: /* 1 PASS CQ */
x264param.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CQP;
x264param.rc.i_qp_constant = 26;//10 - 51
//For streaming:
x264param.b_repeat_headers = 1;
x264param.b_annexb = 1;
x264_param_apply_profile(&x264param, "baseline");
encoder = x264_encoder_open(&x264param);
x264_picture_init( &pic_in );
x264_picture_alloc(&pic_in, X264_CSP_I420, width, height);
pic_in.img.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420|X264_CSP_VFLIP;
pic_in.img.i_plane = 3;
pic_in.i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
Sending To RTMP:
sws_scale(convertCtx,&a,&scribe,0,height, pic_in.img.plane, pic_in.img.i_stride);
int i_nal;
int i_frame_size = x264_encoder_encode( encoder, &nal, &i_nal, &pic_in, &pic_out );
if(i_frame_size <= 0){
printf("\t!!!FAILED encode frame \n");
for (int i = 0,last=0; i < i_nal;i++)
fwrite(nal[i].p_payload, 1, i_frame_size-last, fpw1);
if (nal[i].i_type == NAL_SPS) {
sps_len = nal[i].i_payload-4;
sps = new unsigned char[sps_len];
} else if (nal[i].i_type == NAL_PPS) {
pps_len = nal[i].i_payload-4;
pps = new unsigned char[sps_len];
} else {
last += nal[i].i_payload;
Send PPS and SPS
void send_video_sps_pps(){
if(rtmp!= NULL){
RTMPPacket * packet;
unsigned char * body;
int i;
packet = (RTMPPacket *)malloc(RTMP_HEAD_SIZE+1024);
packet->m_body = (char *)packet + RTMP_HEAD_SIZE;
body = (unsigned char *)packet->m_body;
i = 0;
body[i++] = 0x17;
body[i++] = 0x00;
body[i++] = 0x00;
body[i++] = 0x00;
body[i++] = 0x00;
body[i++] = 0x01;
body[i++] = sps[1];
body[i++] = sps[2];
body[i++] = sps[3];
body[i++] = 0xff;
body[i++] = 0xe1;
body[i++] = (sps_len >> 8) & 0xff;
body[i++] = sps_len & 0xff;
i += sps_len;
body[i++] = 0x01;
body[i++] = (pps_len >> 8) & 0xff;
body[i++] = (pps_len) & 0xff;
i += pps_len;
packet->m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO;
packet->m_nBodySize = i;
packet->m_nChannel = 0x04;
packet->m_nTimeStamp = 0;
packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM;
packet->m_nInfoField2 = rtmp->m_stream_id;
rtmp_start_time = GetTickCount();
std::cout<<"RTMP is not ready"<<std::endl;
Send video Frame
void send_rtmp_video(unsigned char * buf,int len){
RTMPPacket * packet;
long timeoffset = GetTickCount() - rtmp_start_time;
int type = buf[0]&0x1f;
packet = (RTMPPacket *)malloc(RTMP_HEAD_SIZE+len+9);
packet->m_body = (char *)packet + RTMP_HEAD_SIZE;
packet->m_nBodySize = len + 9;
/*send video packet*/
unsigned char *body = (unsigned char *)packet->m_body;
/*key frame*/
body[0] = 0x27;
if (type == NAL_SLICE_IDR) {
body[0] = 0x17;
body[1] = 0x01; /*nal unit*/
body[2] = 0x00;
body[3] = 0x00;
body[4] = 0x00;
body[5] = (len >> 24) & 0xff;
body[6] = (len >> 16) & 0xff;
body[7] = (len >> 8) & 0xff;
body[8] = (len ) & 0xff;
/*copy data*/
packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
packet->m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO;
if(rtmp != NULL){
packet->m_nInfoField2 = rtmp->m_stream_id;
packet->m_nChannel = 0x04;
packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
packet->m_nTimeStamp = timeoffset;
if(rtmp != NULL){
Try changing:
pps = new unsigned char[sps_len];
pps = new unsigned char[pps_len];