How to stop Microsoft Cognitive TTS audio playing? - text-to-speech

I am using the JavaScript version of Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK from
The audio is played by the browser when synthesizer.speakTextAsync is called. When the audio is too long I want to stop the audio play but I couldn't find any documentation on how to do that?
Any help is appreciated!
synthesizer = new SpeechSDK.SpeechSynthesizer(speechConfig,
result => {
if (result) {
error => {

Stopping audio playing is supported.
You need to create a SpeechSDK.SpeakerAudioDestination() object and use it to create audioConfig like this.
var player = new SpeechSDK.SpeakerAudioDestination();
var audioConfig = SpeechSDK.AudioConfig.fromSpeakerOutput(player);
var synthesizer = new SpeechSDK.SpeechSynthesizer(speechConfig, audioConfig);
Then you can call player.pause() and player.resume() to pause and resume the playback.
You can find more info from the doc and sample.


How to play webrtc playback in VideoJs

I have tried two use cases to play webrtc playback on videojs.
After getting MediaStream from webrtc and add like the following:
If i do like following, I'm not getting any error but video does not play either.
Calling doesn't change anything.
Does anybody has any insight about it?
You can rewrite the play function to achieve,like this
if (player) {
const videoDom =
videoDom && (videoDom.srcObject = stream) = () => {

Switch front/back camera on Android while on WebRTC call using Circuit SDK

I am able to make a direct call between a Circuit WebClient and the example SDK app at
When running the SDK example on a PC with a second camera (USB), the switching between the built-in camera and the USB camera works fine. But trying the same on my Android device (Samsung Galaxy S6) the switching does not work.
My code uses navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() to get the cameras and then uses the Circuit SDK function setMediaDevices to switch to the other camera.
async function switchCam() {
let availDevices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
availDevices = availDevices.filter(si => si.kind === 'videoinput');
let newDevice = availDevices[1]; // secondary camera
await client.setMediaDevices({video: newDevice.deviceId})
Can somebody explain why this doesn’t work on an Android device?
We have seen Android devices that don't allow calling navigator.getUserMedia while a video track (and therefore a stream) is still active. I tried your example above with a Pixel 2 without any issues though.
If you remove the video track from the stream and stop the track before calling client.setMediaDevices, the switch should work.
async function switchCam() {
const stream = await client.getLocalAudioVideoStream();
const currTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
console.log(`Remove and stop current track: ${currTrack.label}`);
let availDevices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
availDevices = availDevices.filter(si => si.kind === 'videoinput');
let newDevice = availDevices[1]; // secondary camera
await client.setMediaDevices({video: newDevice.deviceId})
There is a complete switch camera example on JSBin at

setSinkId change muliple audio ouputs

Here is the problem,
First I enumerate all the devices that I have available with in select elements:
When I change one output, it sounds in the device that I choose.
After if I play another audio and change the device output (setSinkId), it changes also the first one to the last deviceId. So I have both sounds in the same device.
Do I need to have the last adapter.js version to implement properly that problem?
********* EDITED **********
Following the above comment, it try the web audio, but not success. With getUserMedia everything is fine.
navigator.getUserMedia( { audio: true, video: false },
function (mediaStream) {
// Create an audio context for the audio
var ac = new (window.AudioContext || window.webKitAudioContext)();
// Create a clone of the stream, if not the id of all the stream is default
//var streamClone = stream.clone();
var ss = ac.createMediaStreamSource(mediaStream);
// Create a destination
var sd = ac.createMediaStreamDestination()
element.srcObject =;
// Play the sound;
element.setSinkId(deviceId).then(function() {
console.log('Set deviceId('+deviceId+') in the selected audio element');
function (error) {
But using my remote stream, I cannot get any noise
var ac = new (window.AudioContext || window.webKitAudioContext)();
// Create a clone of the stream, if not the id of all the stream is default
var streamClone = stream.clone();
var ss = ac.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
// Create a destination
var sd = ac.createMediaStreamDestination()
// Element is my HTMLMediaElement
element.srcObject =;
// Play the sound;
element.setSinkId(deviceId).then(function() {
console.log('Set deviceId('+deviceId+') in the selected audio element');
this is most likely caused by how Chrome renders audio. See here for a description which also suggests using webaudio to workaround the problem.
adapter.js can not fix this.

How to stream audio file with opentok?

In opentok, with OT.initPublisher, you only can pass a deviceId to the audioSource. Does someone know a method to stream an audio file ?
For example, I have done this:
navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: false},
function(stream) {
var context = new AudioContext();
var microphone = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
var backgroundMusic = context.createMediaElementSource(document.getElementById("song"));
var mixedOutput = context.createMediaStreamDestination();
Like this, I can have a stream with the voice and my music but how to put this stream to a publisher ? Is it possible or is there another way to do this ?
Update: There is now an official way to do this, using the videoSource and audioSource properties provided to OT.initPublisher, please see the documentation:
This is an example of how to stream a canvas element as a video track:
You can apply the same technique to stream an audio track.
Old Answer:
It's not currently possible with the officially supported API but there is a way to do it.
Please see the TokBox blog post about Camera Filters:
In order to modify the stream before it reaches the OpenTok JS SDK we use the mockGetUserMedia function to intercept the stream:
You could invoke mockGetUserMedia with a function which does your audio mixing. Something like this:
mockGetUserMedia(function(originalStream) {
var context = new AudioContext();
var microphone = context.createMediaStreamSource(originalStream);
var backgroundMusic = context.createMediaElementSource(document.getElementById("song"));
var mixedOutput = context.createMediaStreamDestination();
var stream =;
originalStream.getVideoTracks().map(function(track) {
return stream;
Note: I have not tested this function but it should lead you in the right direction. Remember that this technique is error prone and not officially supported by TokBox.
We are currently working on a new feature which will enable this use case but I cannot give a time estimate of when it will be available.
Thank you for the help but we cannot make it work since this morning.
So we made a different file with this code which is implemented before the opentok library in our html :
function mockGetUserMedia(mockOnStreamAvailable) {
var oldGetUserMedia = void 0;
if (navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia) {
oldGetUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia = function getUserMedia(constraints, onStreamAvailable, onStreamAvailableError, onAccessDialogOpened, onAccessDialogClosed, onAccessDenied) {
return, constraints, function (stream) {
}, onStreamAvailableError, onAccessDialogOpened, onAccessDialogClosed, onAccessDenied);
} else {
console.warn('Could not find getUserMedia function to mock out');
mockGetUserMedia(function(stream) {
var context = new AudioContext();
var bgMusic = context.createMediaElementSource(document.getElementById("song"));
var microphone = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
var destination = context.createMediaStreamDestination();
var mixedStream =;
stream.getVideoTracks().map(function(track) {
return mixedStream;
In our angular, we init the session, create a publisher and publish it but get the error :
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'createMediaElementSource' on 'BaseAudioContext': HTMLMediaElement already connected previously to a different MediaElementSourceNode.
This error, I think, is throw because the function is executed twice. When the js load, and when we publish.
I am not sure how to use this mockGetUserMedia function, do you know what is wrong with our code ?
We made it work with some if condition. Thank you so much man, very appreciated.

Stop Video Capture programmatically in WinJS

I have a winJS where I am recording video. While I can make it work, I want to stop the camera recording automatically after 15 seconds. Currently the cam records more than 15 secs then trims out 15 secs from the video. I want the camera turned off/stop recording after 15secs automatically. I have the following code:
function captureVideo() {
WinJS.log && WinJS.log("", "sample", "status");
// Using Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUI API to capture a video
var dialog = new Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUI();
dialog.videoSettings.allowTrimming = true;
dialog.videoSettings.format = Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUIVideoFormat.mp4;
dialog.videoSettings.maxDurationInSeconds = document.getElementById("txtDuration").value;
dialog.captureFileAsync( (file) {
if (file) {
var videoBlobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file, {oneTimeOnly: true});
document.getElementById("capturedVideo").src = videoBlobUrl;
localSettings.values[videoKey] = file.path;
} else {
WinJS.log && WinJS.log("No video captured.", "sample", "status");
}, function (err) {
WinJS.log && WinJS.log(err, "sample", "error");
The CameraCaptureUI that you are using sacrifices power for the ease of use and standard interface. If you need more power such as the ability to start and stop the recording, you should use the MediaCapture object. See my mediacap demo in codeSHOW. In it I am using the MediaCapture for recording audio, but you can likely figure out how to record video instead and add your concept of timing.