Blue Badge with sprint name - youtrack

I've created a project using the Scrum template and don't change the default configuration. I have some issues in the backlog with the Epic->User Story->Task hierarchy. User Stories are displayed as swimlanes and I move a User Story to the board and It stays in the backlog with a nice blue badge with Sprint name.
Just like the one in the picture
But then I move another User Story to the board and it just disappears from the backlog. At first glance, both User Stories look the same, so I can't figure out what it depends on. Could you give me a hand with that?
Thank you in advance.

To help you find out why it happens, I need to take a look at the board settings and issue's properties. So please share the following details:
a screenshot of the board settings (General, Columns and Swimlanes)
a screenshot of the issue page that disappears
You can send the details to Youtrack support directly at


Template 10:Using MasterDetail along with Hamburger Template

I am using template 10 for developing a UWP app and i'm using hamburger template so when a user clicks on a particular category i would like to navigate him to a event list in a master detail view where on left is complete event list in that category and on right selected event details.There is a sample provided and its difficult to understand and don't know how to use the sample in my app along with hamburger navigation.Also as an extra feature if the user clicks on a particular category the hamburger panel should hide and masterdetail view of event should come.And when user click on back button the panel should appear again with that page.
If anyone could help me it would be of great help.Thanks in advance.
There is a really detailed sample in the repository. It has 2 examples in total. 1 a control being developed by a community member. The other is a design based around using basic XAML with visual states along with responsive triggers for screen sizing.
I've implemented the response non-usercontrol variant and it works very well. The other control based scenario has some good features and is being updated often for feature additions and corrections.
Master Detail Sample
I think what you might be looking for here is a slightly simpler thing that we are able to give you. Master/Detail is certainly not splitting the atom. That being said, it's not just a drag and drop thing either. Your are going to need to take a look at the sample. Try to reproduce it exactly into a blank project. It's a great resource, but it's not a control for you to use as much as a sample for you to refer to. I certainly wish I had a simpler answer for you, but this is going to take a little effort on your side to understand the mechanics and implement it. In the end, once you pass that "ah ha" moment, I think you will look back and realize it's simpler than you thought. But until you understand how it works at a fundamental level, it's just going to continue to confuse you. I agree with #mvermef that the visual-state approach (the primary approach) is the easiest and uses the skills you will want to learn for future development, too. But, to that end, please recognize there are TWO approaches in that sample. One uses view-states and the other uses a custom user control. If I were you, don't pick the second approach. The first approach will be easy to understand, easy to implement, and wonderfully helpful to understand for other things later down the road.

Remove test score via iTunesConnect

On WWDC session 605, it is said test data can be management via iTunesConnect. But I currently can't find how to achieve this.
It is live or am I missing something?
You should follow these steps:
Login in iTunesConnect with appropriate AppleID (the one associated with your iTunesConnect account).
Go to MyApps
Click on your app
Click on Features
Choose GameCenter (among other features) in left side menu
From dropdown menu located in right part of the screen choose "Manage scores and players"
From there, choose the leaderboard you want to manage and click on "manage" button. All scores will show up and you can choose what scores you want to remove, or which player to block.
Just noticed that you are trying to delete all test data before submitting an app to the Store instead of managing already submitted game.
In that case, just chose "Delete test data" from dropdown menu from the picture above. This action can take about 24 hours to happen. So be patient.
Hope this helps!

Double numeration invoice Odoo v8

I'm working for a company as a scholar. And they've asked me to implement an ERP to handle their invoices.
I've selected odoo coz its the only one I can somehow handle. Im not an expert developer and im even worse in ERP/Odoo.
The thing is, that the company has 2 different numeration mask(L2M000 & IW000) for invoices and i can just set one from the account module configuration.
I've tried many things and ive manage to get 2 different print pdf layouts, but i dont know how to set 2 different numeration masks.
Hope someone can help me, thanks!
Hello follow these steps to change Sequence numbers for desired apps.
You now have to activate Developer Mode to get access to the Technical sub menu within Settings, where all of the familiar administrative management menus are.
First, click the arrow next to the question mark inside the circle (this is found on the right hand side of the screen within the purple bar {Enterprise} or black bar {Community}), and select About.
Next, click Activate Developer Mode.
Finally, visit Settings -> Technical --> Sequences and Identifiers --> Sequences.
You will get options as shown below.
Then edit the one which you want to.

OS X menubar extras + Apple HIG + UX pattern in conflict - when quit isn't quit

A quick search of Apple's Human Interface Guidelines and Developer Library yields an unequivocal guideline:
Users, and not apps, place menu bar extras in the menu bar.
Anecdotal data backs that up: submitting an app where - upon quit of a dock process/main view, the extra is left running - yields a tidy rejection.
Now - I'm a User experience designer (UXD) who typically plays, I mean, works in the mobile and web space. So please pardon my lack of Obj C chops, thanks.
I understand well the guideline and behavior/pattern: apps like Skitch, Wunderlist, Evernote, et al however very clearly leave the extra (often termed HelperApp) running in the menu bar on quit of main app. They all, do offer explicit user toggle of this w/i preferences.
There's no additional Human Interface Guidelines w/ specifics around handling this requirement for user control. Must this be included in onboarding? Dialog at 1st quit? Again: I can speak to best behavior UX wise, but my (very senior) dev wants the mandate - how are others not getting rejected?
Focus: what means of user control is/are mandated to avoid rejection?
Known/given: include in preferences
Other: ???
After hours of searching online and Apple Dev guidelines, I humbly bring this question here. There simply isn't time to play a carnival game of requirements: guess, get rejected, repeat. Thanks in advance.
Do you have a button somewhere in your user interface that adds the menu extra to the menu bar? Or does your app just do it automatically without the user telling it to do so?
I think that's the distinction, your app must only add an extra when instructed to do so. Also if the primary purpose of your app is to create a menu extra (eg, I have one that puts a calendar in the menu bar) then just launching the app is an implicit instruction, so it can be added automatically.
Ultimately, this rule really is vague and can't be clarified. What it comes down to, is that there should not be many menu extras in a user's menu bar unless the user explicitly chooses to have them. So unless your app really needs a menu extra, you must disable it by default.
If you think the reviewer should have allowed your app through then reply to the rejection explaining your position. I've had an app change to approved once after doing that.
If they still reject your app, then you can appeal the app rejection.
Alternatively, just disable the menu extra by default and have a button somewhere to add it to the menu bar.
Also, all of this assumes you are using NSStatusItem and not the "real" menu extra system — which is a private API. Only NSStatusItem menu extras can be placed in the app store as far as I know.

Windows 8 app live tile has "X" in the bottom right corner

Just today I started noticing an "X" symbol in the bottom right of my live tiles, see picture.
I'm a little concerned, as I'm currently in the certification queue, that this means I've missed something from the package - a default badge image, for example. Do you know what this means?
The answer appears to be that your developer licence has expired!
when I tried to build something I got a popup alerting me to the problem and asking me to log in to my account again. At which point I was given a new developer licence, was able to build again, and all the crosses magically disappeared! :o)
I imagine the only reason your apps were still working was because they were still in a suspended state so weren't going through a proper launch cycle. The X means it won't run anymore as you don't have a valid licence.