VSCode displays 'Installing Kotlin Language Server' for a long time. Can I stop it? - kotlin

VScode displays this status when I open it:
Installing Kotlin Language Server...
It takes a long time to go away. It also seems to make it impossible for me to debug my Android projects.
How can I know how long it will take to complete?
Is it possible and safe to cancel the operation?
I don't believe I use Kotlin in my projects, so I don't think I need it.
Restart computer not solve this. it still become Installing.
Is it possible to show progress (like percent: 20%) ? I waiting for a while now, but I don't know when it can be finished.

For me made Disable the Kotlin extension in vscode make the error go away :)


When i click on the Kotlin Repl in IntelliJ Idea , the window never opens . Nothing happens . Please anyone tell me how to fix this

Kotlin Repl does not open ,nothing happens on clicking it
My solution/workaround. What happens is, and by the way the Intellij ide warns you about this, that you create the project and when naming it you use a space or similar unsupported character and the ide still seems to create the project just fine but actually it doesn't. Your project comes out misconfigured and you can't use Kotlin Repl. The simplest solution is to replace any spaces (or similar forbidden characters) with a hyphen "-" or an underscore "_" or simply use cammelCase. Best of luck to everybody and hope future learners of kotlin see this and spend less time troubleshooting such a simple issue.
Do you have a project open when you click it? This post states: "At this time the Kotlin REPL requires you to have a project open. You don't need to configure anything specific in the project; a Java project with the default settings will run just fine.
If you want to try Kotlin without configuring anything, you can use the online IDE at http://try.kotlinlang.org/"

Is there a way to view Dart pub serve output in WebStorm in a more 'build-error-list' way?

I'm experimenting with Dart/Angular/WebStorm for the first time. One thing which I've found a little jarring has been the build->error cycle. In Visual Studio, I am used to this work flow:
Write some code
Running a build
Having a fresh list of errors being created
Fixing a subset of them (some or all)
Go to 1.
I'm wondering what is the workflow with Dart?
I have the following issues:
I can't figure out a way to just run pub/transformer/whatever-it-is-that-roughly-equates-to-a-build. The only way I can do this is by attempting to run a configuration
When the transformer is run, it just dumps a gigantic error output to the Pub Serve window. It does not clear the existing output, so I end up with duplicate error or errors I've already fixed. So I'm left manually scrolling through the list but taking care not to So I must manually right-click and clear the output window and rerun it.
The transformer only runs when it detects a file change. This makes sense, but when coupled with 1 and 2, I've often cleared the output and I am running the transformer just to see a fresh list of errors. Which I don't get.
So my workflow becomes:
Write some code.
Close dartium browser window (I'm not actually interested in running it, just seeing my errors)
See a bunch of errors. Realise that I didn't clear the errors from the previous run.
Right click and clear the pub serve output window.
Run again
Close dartium browser window again
Realise that the transformer has not run because it already ran in steps 1-3 and I haven't changed a file.
Change a file
Run again
Close dartium browser window again
Scroll through error list to find errors to fix
I find this a little cumbersome. Perhaps there is a philosophical point here on relying too much on my tooling to identify and fix errors (although I thought that was the entire point) but I'm just wondering what other people do to simplify this - I'm faintly surprised I appear to be alone in this.
You may run 'Pub Build' (available in the right-click menu of pubspec.yaml file and also right in the editor when pubspec is open). It is not incremental, so it runs longer (i.e. runs from scratch each time) but it gives you the list of errors just as if you've cleared Pub Serve output, edited each file in the project, started run configuration and closed a browser.
Sometimes errors are only shown when pub serve generates output the first time. For reloads some errors aren't shown anymore.
I'm not sure if this is a limitation of pub serve or a bug in the transformers.
pub serve is going to be replaced a new build system that builds to disk instead of in-memory only.
DDC isn't perfect yet either, but it's the future and I'd suggest to try this instead. There are known performance problems with Angular, but they are working on it.
See also
- https://webdev.dartlang.org/tools/dartdevc
- https://github.com/dart-lang/build

IntelliJ idea slow/hang during debug make phase

Currently experiencing very slow debug start up times (between 25-45 seconds) with idea CE 14.1.5. To reproduce:
Make change in code that will cause javac to be invoked.
Hit debug.
Status bar shows "Make" and entire IDE hangs.
I'm using a 2015 Macbook pro and Java 1.8.0_60 64bit.
After profiling with advice from above, I tracked it down to this issue:
IntelliJ freezes for about 30 seconds before debugging
Which in turn points to an issue with InetAddress.getLocalHost() on *nix. Following the advice in this linked post certainly helped it go away:
InetAddress.getLocalHost() throws UnknownHostException
I had similar problems of starting debugging application and tried different workaround tips to figure it out, but in my case i had a lot of forgotten breakpoints marked in application and removing them all application starts and performs lightening fast.
So, my advice remove all the breakpoints from the code at least at application startup.
You should assign more memory. This almost always reduces lagging / hanging issues. You can find a guide how to change this setting in IntelliJ manual.

Can you set Flash Builder to kill previous runs when starting a fresh run?

I'd like Flash Builder to kill previous run instances when I run/debug.
It's driving me nuts that I can easily accumulate multiple instances of my project running outdated code if I don't go through and kill them individually each time I run.
Thank you
This is the best answer I was able to find thanks to Lee Burrows:
There is an unbound keybinding called "Terminate and Relaunch" in the general preferences which will terminate the run/debug that is currently connected to the debugger and start a new instance. So if you only use this you can avoid accumulating outdated instances.
Putting this as an answer, but I hope someone can make something that doesn't require a change in flow (still be able to use the debug button), and this will also not kill multiple instances if that somehow still happens.

What do I need to do to use com.jprofiler.agent.Controller in my code?

Could guys please tell me what exactly I need to do in order to use com.jprofiler.agent.Controller in my code ?
I have GWT/GAE application which I'm running under debugger of IntelliJ IDEA 11. I have JProfiler 7.0.1.
I googled a little and it seems I need to pass this "-agentpath:C:\Program Files (x86)\jprofiler7\bin\windows\jprofilerti.dll,config=C:\Program Files (x86)\jprofiler7\api\samples\common\config.xml"
"-Xbootclasspath/a:S:\Program Files (x86)\jprofiler7\bin\agent.jar" to JVM but it doesn't seem to work.
-agentpath:[path to jprofilerti.dll]
is enough. The process will wait for the JProfiler GUI to connect. This is so it can use the correct profiling settings with a minimum overhead.
To get immediate startup, pass
-agentpath:[path to jprofilerti.dll],nowait
The profiling agent will then have to retransform classes, depending on your filter settings.
And using the JProfiler plugin from the plugin manager will make all of this unnecessary.