$amount is not showing when executing PigLatin DUMP command - apache-pig

Here is a partial data set in my input file called transactions.csv in HDFS with 6 fields (columns)
as following:
TransactionID, Date, CustomerID, $Amount, Category, Product
00000000,11/03/2016,4001992,$699.37,Computers,Mother Board
00000006,05/11/2019,4004244,$83.68,Tools,Screw Driver
00000010,07/14/2014,4001082,$14.22,Home,Table Cloth White
00000017,11/23/2017,4003326,$164.69,Home,Outdoor Chair
I'm using the following PigLatin Command to load the file with a defined schema
txn = LOAD '/user/pig/input/retail/transactions.csv' USING PigStorage(',') AS
The following command is used to display the output on the screen
DUMP txn;
Here is the generated output
00000000,11/03/2016,4001992,,Computers,Mother Board
00000006,05/11/2019,4004244,,Tools,Screw Driver
00000010,07/14/2014,4001082,,Home,Table Cloth White
00000017,11/23/2017,4003326,,Home,Outdoor Chair
Somehow the $amount field which is defined as double data type in the schema is not displaying and showing ,,
What will be the reason that $amount field is not shown?

Your data also has a $ in the column $Amount and you are trying to load that into a double datatype field. This will not work.
A workaround is to load that column to a chararray field, replace the $ sign and cast it to double.
txn = LOAD '/user/pig/input/retail/transactions.csv' USING PigStorage(',') AS
product:chararray -- Remove comma
txn_amt = foreach txn generate txnid,date,custid,(double)(replace(amount,'\\\$','')),category,product;


In pig how do i write a date, like in sql we write where date =''

I am new to Pig scripting but good with SQL. I wanted the pig equivalent for this SQL line :
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Date='2008-11-11'.
Basically I want to load data for one id or date how do I do that?
I did this and it worked, used FILTER in pig, and got the desired results.
`ivr_src = LOAD '/raw/prod/...;
info = foreach ivr_src generate timeEpochMillisUTC as time, cSId as id;
Filter_table= FILTER info BY id == '700000';
sorted_filter_table = Order Filter_table BY $1;
store sorted_filter_table into 'sorted_filter_table1' USING PigStorage('\t', '-

data processing in pig , with tab separate

I am very new to Pig , so facing some issues while trying to perform very basic processing in Pig.
1- Load that file using Pig
2- Write a processing logic to filter records based on Date , for example the lines have 2 columns col_1 and col_2 ( assume the columns are chararray ) and I need to get only the records which are having 1 day difference between col_1 and col_2.
3- Finally store that filtered record in Hive table .
Input file ( tab separated ) :-
2016-01-01T16:31:40.000+01:00 2016-01-02T16:31:40.000+01:00
2017-01-01T16:31:40.000+01:00 2017-01-02T16:31:40.000+01:00
When I try
A = LOAD '/user/inp.txt' USING PigStorage('\t') as (col_1:chararray,col_2:chararray);
The result I am getting like below :-
Not sure Why ?
Please can some one help me in this how to parse tab separated file and how to covert that chararray to Date and filter based on Day difference ?
Convert the columns to datetime object using ToDate and use DaysBetween.This should give the difference and if the difference == 1 then filter.Finally load it hive.
A = LOAD '/user/inp.txt' USING PigStorage('\t') as (col_1:chararray,col_2:chararray);
B = FOREACH A GENERATE DaysBetween(ToDate(col_1,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'),ToDate(col_2,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) as day_diff;
C = FILTER B BY (day_diff == 1);
STORE C INTO 'your_hive_partition' USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer();

How to right Pig Script if line contains more than one same delimiter?

Here I have a line in my "test.csv" file as follows:
1987654,file not uploaded,please try again,Johnson
I would like to get output as follows using Pig
Task ID
file not uploaded,please try again
Since all lines have the same format, the simple solution is to load it into 4 fields with comma as the delimiter and then use CONCAT to join the 2nd and 3rd field along with a comma.
A = LOAD 'data.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (a1:int,a2:chararray,a3:chararray,a4:chararray);

Apache Pig how to replace all comma in chararray

I'm trying to replace all comma in a chararray like this:
Example of input lines:
1,compras com cartão, comprei (cp1,cp2,cp3), 206-01-01 00:00:00
Output example:
1,compras com cartão, comprei (cp1 cp2 cp3), 206-01-01 00:00:00
Using this approach:
raw_data = LOAD 's3://datalake/example'
USING org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.CSVExcelStorage(',','NO_MULTILINE') AS (id:int, transaction:chararray, transaction_name:chararray, date:chararray);
apply_cleanness = FOREACH raw_data GENERATE id:int, ransaction:chararray, REPLACE(transaction_name,',','') as transaction_name, date:chararray;
But this command just remove the first occurrence of comma, and the result is:
1,compras com cartão, comprei (cp1 cp2, cp3), 206-01-01 00:00:00
What i'm doing wrong?
There is no clear demarkation of the 3rd field.You have 2 options.Enclose the 3rd field in quotes and then use the pigscript you have.
1,compras com cartão, "comprei (cp1,cp2,cp3)", 206-01-01 00:00:00
raw_data = LOAD 's3://datalake/example' USING org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.CSVExcelStorage(',','NO_MULTILINE') AS (id:int, transaction:chararray, transaction_name:chararray, date:chararray);
apply_cleanness = FOREACH raw_data GENERATE id:int, ransaction:chararray, REPLACE(transaction_name,',','') as transaction_name, date:chararray;
Alternatively, you can load the fields using comma as the delimiter and then generate the 3rd field as the combination of 3,4,5 fields in the load.See below
A = LOAD 'test16.txt' USING org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.CSVExcelStorage(',');
B = FOREACH A GENERATE $0 as id:int,$1 as transaction:chararray,CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT($2,' '),$3),' '),$4) as transaction_name:chararray,$5 as date:chararray;

how to define a constant array and check if a value is in the array for Pig Latin

I want to define an array of user Ids in Pig and then filter data if the userId from the input is NOT in that array,
How do I do this in pig latin? Below is the example of what I intend to do
inputData = load '$INPUT' USING PigStorage('|') AS (useriD:chararray,controllerAction:chararray,url:chararray,browserName:chararray,IsMobile:chararray,exceptionDetails:chararray,renderTime:int,serviceHostId:int,auditEventTime:chararray);
filteredInput = filter inputData by controllerAction is not null and auditEventTime is not null and serviceHostId is not null and renderTime is not null and useriD in ('2be2df06-f4ba-4d87-8938-09d867d3f2fe','ac1ac6bf-d151-49fc-8c7c-2b52d2efbb58','f00aec16-36e5-46ae-b7cb-a0f1eeefe609','258890f9-102a-4f8e-a001-ae24d2e25269','cf221779-a077-472c-b377-cca4a9230e1b');
Thanks Murali..I tried the approach of declaring a variable and then using Flatten and stringSplit to join..However I get the following error
Syntax error, unexpected symbol at or near 'flatteneduserids'
%declare REQUIRED_USER_IDS 'xxxxx,yyyyy,sssss' ;
inputData = load '$INPUT' USING PigStorage('|') AS (useriD:chararray,controllerAction:chararray,url:chararray,browserName:chararray,IsMobile:chararray,exceptionDetails:chararray,renderTime:int,serviceHostId:int,auditEventTime:chararray);
filteredInput = filter inputData by controllerAction is not null and auditEventTime is not null and serviceHostId is not null and renderTime is not null;
flatteneduserids = FLATTEN(STRSPLIT('$REQUIRED_USER_IDS',',')) AS (uid:chararray);
useridfilter = JOIN filteredInput BY useriD, flatteneduserids BY uid USING 'replicated';
so Now I tried another way of declaring flatteneduserids which results in the error Undefined alias: IN
flatteneduserids = FOREACH IN GENERATE FLATTEN(STRSPLIT('$REQUIREDUSERIDS',',')) AS (uid:chararray);
Had a similar use case. Tried the approach by declaring the constant value in %define and accessing the same inside IN clause, was not able to achieve the objective. (Refer : Declare a comma seperated string constant)
A thought worth contemplating ....
If the condition inside IN clause is a static/ reference/ meta kind of data, then would suggest to declare this in a static file. We can then read the data at run time and do an inner join with input data to retrieve the matching records.
input_data = LOAD '$INPUT' USING PigStorage('|') AS (user_id:chararray ...)
static_data = LOAD ... AS (req_user_id:chararray
required_data = JOIN input_data BY useriD, static_data BY req_user_id USING 'replicated';
required_data_fmt = -- project required fields.
I was not able to figure out how to do this in memory
So as per Murali's suggestion I added the user ids in a file..load the file and then do a join...that worked as expected for mr