Courier New font is blurry/sponge when printing to dotmatrix printer - pdf

When printing to dotmatrix printer, I noticed the texts in "Courier New" font are blurry/sponge when using GrapeCity's Document PDF.
To make sure it's not a printer driver issues, I used MS Word & set that text to "Courier New" with same font size as the one used in GrapeCity PDF. I then print it from MS Word, the text are crystal clear so I know the printer driver & Windows 10 printer setup is ok.
Does anyone know why it doesn't work too good in GrapeCity.Documents.PDF? How do we fix this script bug properly?
var pdfDocument = new GcPdfDocument(PdfEditor.GrapeCityLicense);
var pdfPage = pdfDocument.NewPage();
pdfPage.PaperKind = PaperKind.Legal;
pdfPage.Landscape = false;
var rectangleField = new RectangleF(10f, 20f, 200f, 10f);
var pdfGraphic = pdfPage.Graphics;
"Hello World! My car is 2008 Toyota LE Sedan 4 Camary. VIN is 4T1B346K88U780470",
new TextFormat()
FontName = "Courier New",
FontSize = 10.0f,
ForeColor = Color.Black,
Language = Language.English,
FontSizeInGraphicUnits = false,
FontStyle = FontStyle.Regular
using (var pdfStream = new MemoryStream())
pdfStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
pdfBytes = pdfStream.ToArray();
Edited: Attached image as per commenter's request.


allow arabic text in pdf table using itext7 (xamarin android)

I have to put my list data in a table in a pdf file. My data has some Arabic words. When my pdf is generated, the Arabic words don't appear. I searched and found that I need itext7.pdfcalligraph so I installed it in my app. I found this code too and tried to do something similar to allow Arabic words in my table but I couldn't figure it out.
This is a trial code before I apply it to my real list:
var path2 = global::Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath;
filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(path2.ToString(), "myfile2.pdf");
stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create);
PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(stream);
PdfDocument pdf2 = new iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument(writer);
Document document = new Document(pdf2, PageSize.A4);
FontSet set = new FontSet();
document.SetFontProvider(new FontProvider(set));
document.SetProperty(Property.FONT, "Arial");
string[] sources = new string[] { "يوم","شهر 2020" };
iText.Layout.Element.Table table = new iText.Layout.Element.Table(2, false);
foreach (string source in sources)
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph();
Bidi bidi = new Bidi(source, Bidi.DirectionDefaultLeftToRight);
if (bidi.BaseLevel != 0)
table.AddCell(new Cell(1, 1).SetTextAlignment(iText.Layout.Properties.TextAlignment.CENTER).Add(paragraph));
I updated my code and added the arial.ttf to my assets folder . i'm getting the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'FontProvider and FontSet are empty. Cannot resolve font family name (see ElementPropertyContainer#setFontFamily) without initialized FontProvider (see RootElement#setFontProvider).'
and I still can't figure it out. any ideas?
thanks in advance
- C #
I have a similar situation for Turkish characters, and I've followed these
steps :
Create a folder under projects root folder which is : /wwwroot/Fonts
Add OpenSans-Regular.ttf under the Fonts folder
Path for font is => ../wwwroot/Fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf
Create font like below :
public static PdfFont CreateOpenSansRegularFont()
var path = "{Your absolute path for FONT}";
return PdfFontFactory.CreateFont(path, PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H, true);
and use it like :
.SetFont(FontFactory.CreateOpenSansRegularFont()); //set font in here
table.AddCell(new Cell(1, 1)
This is how I used font factory for Turkish characters ex: "ü,i,ç,ş,ö"
For Xamarin-Android, you could try
string documentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
var path = Path.Combine(documentsPath, "Fonts/Arial.ttf");
Look i fixed it in java,this may help you:
String font = "your Arabic font";
//the magic is in the next 4 lines:
FontProgram fontProgram = FontProgramFactory.createFont(font, true);
PdfFont f = PdfFontFactory.createFont(fontProgram, PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H);
LanguageProcessor languageProcessor = new ArabicLigaturizer();
//and look here how i used setBaseDirection and don't use TextAlignment ,it will work without it
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument tempPdfDoc = new com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument(new PdfReader(pdfFile.getPath()), TempWriter);
com.itextpdf.layout.Document TempDoc = new com.itextpdf.layout.Document(tempPdfDoc);
com.itextpdf.layout.element.Paragraph paragraph0 = new com.itextpdf.layout.element.Paragraph(languageProcessor.process("الاستماره الالكترونية--الاستماره الالكترونية--الاستماره الالكترونية--الاستماره الالكترونية"))

Adding external pdf content generated from SVG using apache batik to Source PDF using Itext with header and footer

I have the below requirement.
Convert the SVG to PDF using Apache batik
Prepare source PDF document with Header and Footer using IText 7
Take the converted PDF and embed it in the content of the source PDF
I have seen IText supports converting an SVG to Image but the output is not proper. The output from batik seems to be perfect.
Below is my code. Can anyone please suggest a proper approach ? I am not able to achieve it
SVG to PDF using batik
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(Paths.get("Input").toAbsolutePath()+"/test.svg"));
byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);
FileOutputStream pdfOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(Paths.get("Output").toAbsolutePath()+"/convertedSvg.pdf"));
Transcoder transcoder = new PDFTranscoder();
TranscoderInput transcoderInput = new TranscoderInput(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
TranscoderOutput transcoderOutput = new TranscoderOutput(pdfOutputStream);
int dpi = 300;
transcoder.addTranscodingHint(PDFTranscoder.KEY_WIDTH, new Float(dpi * 29.7));
transcoder.addTranscodingHint(PDFTranscoder.KEY_HEIGHT, new Float(dpi * 42.0));
transcoder.addTranscodingHint(PDFTranscoder.KEY_PIXEL_UNIT_TO_MILLIMETER,(25.4f / 72f));
transcoder.transcode(transcoderInput, transcoderOutput);
iText Code
PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(Paths.get("Output").toAbsolutePath()+"/final.pdf")));
PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(writer);
NormalPageHeader headerHandler = new NormalPageHeader(Paths.get("images").toAbsolutePath() + "\\logo.png", pdfFontMap);
pdfDoc.addEventHandler(PdfDocumentEvent.START_PAGE, headerHandler);
PageEndEvent pageEndEvent = new PageEndEvent(Paths.get("images").toAbsolutePath() + "\\FooterLineExternal.png" ,pdfFontMap);
pdfDoc.addEventHandler(PdfDocumentEvent.END_PAGE, pageEndEvent);
Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc);
Table imageTable = new Table(1);
Cell cell = new Cell();
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph("Horizontal Trajectory");

How to add Code128 Barcode image to existing pdf using pdfbox(1.8.12) with barcode4j library?

I am trying to generate the barcode from barcode4j library(code128bean, other barcode beans) and try to add to the existing pdf. The barcode image is getting created locally using the below code.
//Create the barcode bean
Code128Bean code128Bean = new Code128Bean();
final int dpi = 150;
code128Bean.setModuleWidth(UnitConv.in2mm(1.0f / dpi)); //makes the narrow bar
//width exactly one pixel
//Open output file
File outputFile = new File("D:/barcode4jcod128.png"); //I dont want to create it
OutputStream code128Stream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
try {
//Set up the canvas provider for monochrome PNG output
BitmapCanvasProvider canvas1 = new BitmapCanvasProvider(
code128Stream, "image/x-png", dpi, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY, false, 0);
//Generate the barcode
code128Bean.generateBarcode(canvas1, "123456");
//Signal end of generation
} finally {
My problem is I don't want to create an image and save it locally in filesystem and then add it as image to pdf. I just want to create dynamically i mean just create the barcode image dynamically and add it to the pdf.
How do I set the pagesize (like PDPage.PAGE_SIZE_A4) to the existing PDPages which I retrieved from catalog.getAllPages() method, like (List<PDPage> pages = catalog.getAllPages();)
Can somebody help on this?
Thank you so much for your help Tilman. Here is what i did
public static BufferedImage geBufferedImageForCode128Bean(String barcodeString) {
Code128Bean code128Bean = new Code128Bean();
final int dpi = 150;
code128Bean.setModuleWidth(UnitConv.in2mm(1.0f / dpi)); //makes the narrow bar
BitmapCanvasProvider canvas1 = new BitmapCanvasProvider(
dpi, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY, false, 0
//Generate the barcode
code128Bean.generateBarcode(canvas1, barcodeString);
return canvas1.getBufferedImage();
// main code
PDDocument finalDoc = new PDDocument();
BufferedImage bufferedImage = geBufferedImageForCode128Bean("12345");
PDXObjectImage pdImage = new PDPixelMap(doc, bufferedImage);
PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(
finalDoc, pdPage, true, true, true
contentStream.drawXObject(pdImage, 100, 600, 50, 20);
finalDoc.addPage(pdPage); File("D:/Test75.pdf"));
The barcode is getting created the but it is created in vertical manner. i would like to see in horizontal manner. Thanks again for your help.
1) add an image to an existing page while keeping the content:
BitmapCanvasProvider canvas1 = new BitmapCanvasProvider(
dpi, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY, false, 0
code128Bean.generateBarcode(canvas1, "123456");
BufferedImage bim = canvas1.getBufferedImage();
PDXObjectImage img = new PDPixelMap(doc, bim);
PDPageContentStream contents = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, true, true, true);
contents.drawXObject(img, 100, 600, bim.getWidth(), bim.getHeight());
2) set the media box to A4 on an existing page:

convert HTML into word in .net application

Can anyone suggest how to show value stored in SQL in HTML form to word file. I am using open xml tool to generate my word from my MVC application and it works fine but now I am stuck in one point where there is a bullet points entry stored in my DB field and I have to show it in my table cell text property?
actual value stored in DB field: "<ul><li>tapan</li><li>gupta</li></ul><p> </p>"
Run run362 = new Run();
RunProperties runProperties358 = new RunProperties();
RunFonts runFonts851 = new RunFonts() { Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia, Ascii = "Helvetica", HighAnsi = "Helvetica", ComplexScript = "Arial" };
FontSize fontSize833 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" };
Languages languages772 = new Languages() { EastAsia = "zh-HK" };
Text text299 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve };
text299.Text = **my field value**
Try Html to Open XML.
Refer Here :
Hope this helps! itextsharp convert the file format files to PDF

When I tried to use the code to convert the file format files to PDF using itextsharp. The problem appears when converting texts written in Arabic. The result came without the written text in Arabic.
I hope you to help me overcome the problems.
Thank you very much
Here's a summary of the process:
Wrap Paragraph objects in one of the two iText IElement classes that support Arabic text: PdfPCell and ColumnText.
Use a font that has Arabic glyphs.
Set the text run direction and alignment.
Something like this:
using (Document document = new Document()) {
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, STREAM);
string arabicText = #"
iText ® هي المكتبة التي تسمح لك لخلق والتلاعب وثائق PDF. فإنه يتيح للمطورين تتطلع الى تعزيز شبكة الإنترنت وغيرها من التطبيقات مع دينامية الجيل ثيقة PDF و / أو تلاعب.
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1);
table.WidthPercentage = 100;
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell();
cell.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER;
cell.RunDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL;
Font font = new Font(BaseFont.CreateFont(
Paragraph p = new Paragraph(arabicText, font);
p.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
Sorry if the example text above is poor, incorrect, or both. I had to use Google translate, since my native language is English.