Requests to an API endpoint denied due to Testcafe prepending request URLs - solutions? - testing

When Testcafe runs against our local site, every request it makes during the test steps are prepended with something like (port number varies per run).
For the most part this works, but our web application makes calls to certain APIs during a user journey, and within TestCafe they might look like: which come back with a 401 and response body of 'unauthorized'. Some API calls are fine, however.
I guess my question is:
Are there any way to get around this from my side, such as rewrite certain requests, or do I need to contact the API provider - and if so, what would they be potentially looking to do to allow these requests to go ahead?

You have faced this issue: It was fixed. Try to run your tests with the latest TestCafe version (1.8.8-alpha.3).


Internet Explorer 11 automatically retrying failed ajax requests

I have a single-page app built using React, and I've noticed intermittent issues from users who are using Internet Explorer 11, where IE is repeating ajax requests multiple times (which is an issue given that the API in question is not idempotent).
The most common case I've seen are where the request errors out with a "Network Error" Error, but IE retries the request multiple times. I've been able to recreate this using Fiddler and having it just drop those requests, in which case I can see multiple requests being made, although the network tab in IE dev tools only shows a single request. This also only seems to occur after a successful request, so this may be related to persistent connections?
The single page app is using axios, but I've been able to get it to occur with fetch and straight XHR as well, so I'm assuming this is something in IE11 itself. So the questions I'm trying to answer are:
Is this intended functionality, or is it a quirk of IE11?
Is there any way to configure or control this behaviour?

Windows Authentication issue with .Net Reverse Proxy using IIS custom HTTP module

We use a custom HTTP module in IIS as a reverse proxy for web applications. Generally this works well and has done for some time, but we've come across an issue with Windows Authentication (WA). We're using IE 11, IIS 10 and Server 2016.
When accessing the target site directly, WA works fine - we get a browser login dialog when the initial HTML page is requested and the subsequent requests (CSS, JS, etc) go through fine.
When accessing via our proxy, the same (correct behaviour) happens for the initial html page, the first CSS/JS request authenticates ok too, but the subsequent ones cause a browser login to popup.
What seems to happen on the 'bad' requests (i,.e. those that cause the login dialog) is:
1) Browser decides it needs to authenticate, so sends an Authorization header (Negotiate, with an NTLM token)
2) Server responds (401) with a WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate response with a full NTLM token
3) Browser re-requests with an Authorization header (Negotiate, with a full NTLM token)
4) Server responds (401) with a WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate (with no token), which causes the browser to show the login dialog
5) With login credentials entered, Browser sends the same request as in (1) - identical NTLM token, server responds as in (2), Browser re-requests as in (3), but this time it works!
We've set up a test web site with one html page, requesting 3 JS and 2 CSS files to replicate this. On our test server we've got two sites, one using our reverse proxy and one using ARR. The ARR site works fine. Also, since step (5) above works, we believe that the proxy pass-through is fundamentally working, i.e. NTLM tokens are not being messed up by dodgy encoding, etc.
One thing that does work, is that if we use Fiddler and put breakpoints on each request, we're able to hold back on the 5 sub-requests (JS & CSS files), letting one go through at a time. If we let each sequence (i.e. NTLM token exchange for each URL/file, through to the 200 response), then it works. This made us think that there is some inter-leaving effect (e.g. shared memory corruption) in our proxy, this is still a possibility.
So, we put code at the start of BeginRequest and end of EndRequest with a Synclock and a shared var to store the Path (AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath). This was for our code to 'Single Thread' each of these request/exchanges. This does what we expected, i.e. only allowing one auth exchange to happen and resulting in a 200 before allowing the next. However, we still have the same problem of the server rejecting the first exchange. So, does this indicate something happening in/before BeginRequest, where if we hold the requests back in Fiddler then they work, but not if we do it in our http module?
Or is there some sort of timing issue where the manual breakpoints in Fiddler also mean we’re doing it at ‘human’ speed and therefore allowing things to work better?
One difference we can see is the ‘Connection: Keep-Alive’. That header is in the request from the browser to our proxy site, but not passed from our proxy to the base site, yet the ARR site does pass that through... It’s all using HTTP 1.1. and so we can't find a way to set Keep-Alive on our outgoing request - could this be it?
Regarding 'things to try', we think we've eliminated things like having the site in the Intranet Zone for IE by having the ARR site work ok, and having the same IE settings for that site. Clearly, something is not right, so we could have missed something here!
In short, we've been working on this for days, and have tried most of what we can find on SO and elsewhere, but can't figure out what the heck is going on.
Any suggestions - let me know if you want any further info. All help will be very gratefully received!

Jquery serialize() triggering 403 when open PHP tag entered in textarea

So I've been going through my forms recently to check my SQL queries are secure along with sanitizing any input and have just found that entering <? into a text box triggers a 403 before it even hits the processing file, I can only assume it must be related to mod_security??
My question is, is this something to just not worry about if it's controlled by the web host as I'm using shared hosting.
I recently ran into a problem with submitting form data via a GET request to the server after using jQuery's .serialize() function for the submitted variables. These were web apps that had worked flawlessly for years. It turned out that after a recent ModSecurity rule set update, I was triggering the 211700 (HTTP redirect) and 217280 (smuggling attack) rules in Comodo's WAF ruleset, which the server uses with ModSecurity. I wasn't getting a 403. My IP address got blocked by the firewall. :(
The fix was switching my AJAX code to use to POST instead of GET, and not using .serialize(). I still have some web apps that use .serialize() and GET requests via AJAX without triggering ModSecurity, so I believe it is also necessary to pass suspect characters, as you discovered, though in my testing, all I was using was parentheses.
Since you're on a shared server, it's probably not possible--or worth your time--to find out what rule set the host is using, so your best bet is most likely to switch your form submissions to using POST instead of GET, and not use .serialize(). I figure those rules are there for a reason, and a better approach is to avoid having my code look like it's doing something nefarious than to disable the rules.

Google AppEngine API Explorer redirects and lists no URLs

I'm having an unending issue trying to use the AppEngine API explorer with the stupidly simple helloworld example.
When trying to navigate to the url to explore the API my Chrome browser redirects to HTTPS from the default HTTP and no API's are listed. I have gone through every possible fix I can find (Like this, and all of these) and none are working reliably.
What's the most infuriating is I have gotten the API listed TWICE but now no longer displays with any of the methods below.
The setup I had when it worked the first time:
Chrome launched with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\Chrome.exe" --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=http://localhost:8080 (As per the tutorial)
The url being: (http://)
The second time it worked was using also using the above URL but lasted only a second before being redirected to HTTPS and not listing anything.
Some specifics:
Windows 10 OS.
Every time the page loads I get the "The API you are exploring is hosted over HTTP, which can cause problems. Learn how to use Explorer with a local HTTP API." message, even the times the API displayed correctly.
Every time I now load any of the API Explorer URLs I get redirected to HTTPS, and nothing is listed. Also the URL is escaped (%3A instead of ':'). Not sure if it's important but the first time it worked the URL was HTTP and NOT escaped.
I have tried the shield in the search bar and enabling Load unsafe scripts ( from here).
Tried launching Chrome as usual and with the flags --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=http://localhost:8080 and/or --allow-running-insecure-content (from this answer).
Tried http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/explorer
http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin works correctly and shows the Admin console every time.
Since the API's being listed once I haven't touched the project code, but restarted the server, Chrome, and tried different URLs on more occasions than I care to count.
I also tried accessing the API URL directly as explained in this answer but cannot find the correct URL to access the helloworld /sayHi endpoint. Maybe someone can help me work out what I need to prefix it with as all of the variations I try give me a 404.
Any help would be a very very appreciated.

Instagram realtime api https

I'm coding an app in PHP and I've had issues starting a tag subscription when I don't use HTTPS, I've tested both ways and would prefer to use HTTP if possible.
Has anyone else run into this and know of a solution?
Their documentation doesn't show the need for https. When I use HTTP I get the error
Unable to reach callback URL "http://...
My issue wasn't https vs http. It was my function that curls the post data. I rebuilt it and it works now.
A note for future people trying to use the Realtime API it returns zero data about the Instagram post which I find odd, why note include a post id at the very least. All it currently does is ping your server with data about your subscription effected. Its also worth noting to see that data you have to use this command in PHP
$igdata = file_get_contents("php://input");