how to get the names of non-contact member in a skype group conversation? - api

I want to know how to get the names of non-friends in multi-person conversation in
For example: in a multi-person conversation, there is a user A who is not my contact, but the web page can display the name of user A. Through Chrome's network tools, I am only getting a conversation history message record request I have seen the name of user A, but if user A has not sent a message, all the data obtained by request does not contain the name of user A.
If anyone knows and tells me how to get it, I would appreciate it

Skype dont provide an API who can do that, you need to implement a bot to give you this information.


How can I find telegram user by id

I'm using telegram bot and can get user id from incoming message.
Sometimes I want to find users who communicate with telegram bot and write them message by myself.
I have only user id and have not some additional information about the user.
Can I somehow find users by id or anonimity with only id available is by design?
At least what I've been using...
Program your bot to send you a message with link to that user.
This can be done by using link in your message (must be used as message entity or inline keyboard button):
Or in case you are using MarkdownV2 for formatting
[inline mention of a user](tg://user?id=<user_id>)
Then, by clicking on that link, you will open a user profile, where you can message your target.
Note, user can change his privacy settings, and disable mentions. In this case these links will not work.

Identify unique user in Dialogflow V1

So I am testing out Dialogflow and one of the first questions I have is: how does my bot know who it is talking to? I need to identify a user and keep that information for as long as I can. The basic scenario being:
User starts his/her first conversation.
Chatbot send a fulfillment request to the server trying to match a user within its own database.
The user is found, the information (as a JWT or some other token) is sent back to Dialogflow and stored there for further communication. In reality, this part would involve asking for user email, sending a verification code to that email and then verifying the user with the code.
User then starts chatting with a bot and all fulfillment requests get the unique token stored for this very user, so that my REST API knows which user is being served with the response.
Couldn't find anything about it in the docs (maybe I am looking in the wrong places).
There will be several integrations, like Messenger, Viber, Telegram. I dunno, maybe those APIs add some unique information on the user?...
Thanks for the help!
Sorry, I know it's been a while, but maybe this will help someone else.
The right solution here is a user id, not a session id. A user id is provided by the chat platform (Facebook, Slack etc) and is consistent across sessions for the same user.
To get the user id, go to the Fulfillment tab, enable the editor and use a function like so:
let r = request.body.originalDetectIntentRequest
//this makes sure that you're on an integration
if (r["source"]){
To tie together ids from different platforms, you probably have to have some kind of log-in process every time you encounter a new id on a platform.
Sessions are built in already into DialogFlow requests to your fulfilment service, if you check the payload you will find a sessionId, it remains the same for the same client until it expires.
However if you want to identify the user from any of the clients that you can connect to DialogFlow like Messenger then from the same request payload to you you will notice that there is an object named originalRequest that is only available when requests are coming from those clients.
You can personalize those users response eg using their FB firstname in a message to them.

How to get authenticated by Telegram bot in Group chats?

Please kindly someone explain me how can the Telegram bot could understand who is sending the command in group chats and respond it with the the unique answer which is just for that user.
Surely in this case security issues should be considered and a user must not send command as another user.
I guess I can use username to send along with command.
Any suggestions...
The Message Object contains two objects apart from other objects:
Chat, message['chat'] which represents the Chat from which the message is coming. In your case the group.
User, message['from'] which represents the user that sent the message/command.
So it's easy to differentiate which user sent the message. And in case of Private chats, both the Chat object and the User Object are same.

Accessing Bigcommerce' s %%GLOBAL_CustomerId%% variable

How can I have access to bigcommerce's %%GLOBAL_CustomerId%% variable?
I create a sample template and logged in with as a user. That variable doesn't show up. Isn't it suppose to be a Global variable?
Background: I want to create an app for bigcommerce that can identify a user base on their customerID. If I can't grab that variable, you guys see any other way to work around this?
It's not immediately clear in the docs, but you can use %%GLOBAL_CurrentCustomerEmail%% anywhere on the template to get the email address of the currently logged in user.
If you need the customer's ID, then you can query the API with the email as a parameter.
Personally, I'd rather "trust" the customer's email as a point of identification, because you never know if the Bigcommerce ID's may get changed or not (example: Customers are deleted and then reimported, now having brand new ID's).
On a subject of security though, you cannot trust client side data, and should attempt to mitigate fraudulent requests through the use of a CSRF token or some similar measure. Otherwise, anyone can send you an email address and receive back a list of that person's favorite products -- golden information for say, a targeted advertising company, or just your suspicious next-door neighbor Joe who seems to always be conveniently checking his mail right when you get home from work, but never says anything when you walk by, not even a wave or a smile, despite the fact that you all have been neighbors for quite some time now. Like, should I say something? Hahaha, I kid I kid.

How do you get the contact information for a Foursquare user who checks in to your venue via 4sq's API?

I am currently writing an application as the owner of a particular venue. I want to be able to programmatically reach out to a user who checks in to the location via the contact information associated with their Foursquare account (if they've chosen to make that information public).
Based on the sample code provided with the Real-Time API, it doesn't look like contact information is returned here. Is there a way to crawl to the necessary info from the info returned via this endpoint?
You generally ought to actually be able to get the email from the actual push API response. Inside the user object should be a contact object, and the email field will be populated with their email. You can always also fall back to making a user details call to retrieve a user's contact info once you know their user ID.
However, please keep in mind our API platform policy when it comes to situations like this. From the policy: "You must not take any action that constitutes unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, junk or bulk e-mail."