a problem using LSTM network (neural networks) - tensorflow

im trying to create a speaker diarization system using lstm (im trying to make the network tell the difference between speakers).
this is the model i've created:
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(768, batch_input_shape=(39, 40, 1), return_sequences=True))
model.add(LSTM(768, return_sequences=True))
model.add(LSTM(768, return_sequences=True))
there are 4 different speakers.
in my dataset i have the array 'features' (256 at length for 256 speech segments).
for each segment in 'features' i have 39 vectors to represent each segment and each of these vectors is at size 40.
each of these 39 vectors is extracted from a different time window. (i used log mel filterbank energies).
i also have the array 'lables' which is also 256 at length and contains the lables for each segment.
i used 'to_categorical' for it:
labels = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(labels, num_classes=4)
i tried using a generator to feed it to the network but it didnt work.
this is the class i used:
class KerasBatchGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, features, batch_size, labels):
self.features = features
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.labels = labels
def generate(self):
while True:
for i in self.labels:
for j in self.features:
temp = [j, i]
# temp = np.expand_dims(temp, axis=1)
temp = np.expand_dims(temp, axis=2)
yield tuple(temp)
and the code i used to run the network is:
train_data_generator = KerasBatchGenerator(features, batch_size, labels)
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
model.fit_generator(train_data_generator.generate(), 100, 1)
please help!!!

If i guessed correctly, you want to classify which input in spoke by which speaker.
In that case your final layer should have a shape (batch_size, numOfClasses) or (39, 4)
But if you take close look at the summary the output shape for final layer is (39, 40, 4)
to get the proper shape remove the argument return_sequences=True from last LSTM layer.


Deep Learning model (LSTM) predicts same class label

I am trying to solve the Spoken Digit Recognition task using the LSTM model, where the audio files are converted into spectrograms and fed into an LSTM model after doing Global Average Pooling. Here is the architecture of it
#input layer
input_= Input(shape = (64, 35))
lstm = LSTM(100, activation='tanh', return_sequences= True, kernel_regularizer = l2(0.000001),
recurrent_initializer = 'glorot_uniform')(input_)
lstm = GlobalAveragePooling1D(data_format='channels_first')(lstm)
dense = Dense(20, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer = l2(0.000001), kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform')(lstm)
drop = Dropout(0.8)(dense)
dense1 = Dense(25, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer = l2(0.000001), kernel_initializer= 'he_uniform')(drop)
drop = Dropout(0.95)(dense1)
output = Dense(10,activation = 'softmax', kernel_regularizer = l2(0.000001), kernel_initializer= 'glorot_uniform')(drop)
model_2 = Model(inputs = [input_], outputs = output)
Having summary as -
I need to calculate the F1 score to check the performance of the model, I have implemented a custom callback and used TensorFlow addons F1 score too. However, I won't get the correct result, for every epoch I get the constant F1 score value.
On further digging, I found out that my model predicts the same class label, for the entire epoch, whereas it is supposed to predict 10 classes in one epoch. as there are 10 class label values present.
Here is my model.compile and model.predict commands. I have used TensorFlow addon here -
from tensorflow import keras
opt = keras.optimizers.Adam(0.001, clipnorm=0.8)
model_2.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics = metric)
hist = model_2.fit([X_train_spectrogram],
validation_data= ([X_test_spectrogram], [y_test_converted]),
epochs = 10,
verbose =1,
callbacks=[tensorBoard_callbk2, ClearMemory()],
# steps_per_epoch = 3,
Here is what I mean by getting the same prediction, the entire array is filled with the same predicted values.
Why is the model predicting the same class label? or How to rectify it?
I have tried increasing the number of trainable parameters, increasing - decreasing batch size too, but it won't help me. If anyone knows can you please help me out?

How to use Keras Multiply() with tf.Variable?

How do I multiply tf.keras.layers with tf.Variable?
Context: I am creating a sample dependent convolutional filter, which consists of a generic filter W that is transformed through sample dependent shifting + scaling. Therefore, the convolutional original filter W is transformed into aW + b where a is sample dependent scaling and b is sample dependent shifting. One application of this is training an autoencoder where the sample dependency is the label, so each label shifts/scales the convolutional filter. Because of sample/label dependent convolutions, I am using tf.nn.conv2d which takes the actual filters as input (as opposed to just the number/size of filters) and a lambda layer with tf.map_fn to apply a different "transformed filter" (based on the label) for each sample. Although the details are different, this kind of sample-dependent convolution approach is discussed in this post: Tensorflow: Convolutions with different filter for each sample in the mini-batch.
Here is what I am thinking:
input_img = keras.Input(shape=(28, 28, 1))
label = keras.Input(shape=(10,)) # number of classes
num_filters = 32
shift = layers.Dense(num_filters, activation=None, name='shift')(label) # (32,)
scale = layers.Dense(num_filters, activation=None, name='scale')(label) # (32,)
# filter is of shape (filter_h, filter_w, input channels, output filters)
filter = tf.Variable(tf.ones((3,3,input_img.shape[-1],num_filters)))
# TODO: need to shift and scale -> shift*(filter) + scale along each output filter dimension (32 filter dimensions)
I am not sure how to implement the TODO part. I was thinking of tf.keras.layers.Multiply() for scaling and tf.keras.layers.Add() for shifting, but they do not seem to work with tf.Variable to my knowledge. How do I get around this? Assuming the dimensions/shape broadcasting work out, I would like to do something like this (note: the output should still be the same shape as var and is just scaled along each of the 32 output filter dimensions)
output = tf.keras.layers.Multiply()([var, scale])
It requires some work and needs a custom layer. For example you cannot use tf.Variable with tf.keras.Lambda
class ConvNorm(layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, height, width, n_filters):
super(ConvNorm, self).__init__()
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.n_filters = n_filters
def build(self, input_shape):
self.filter = self.add_weight(shape=(self.height, self.width, input_shape[-1], self.n_filters),
# TODO: Add bias too
def call(self, x, scale, shift):
shift_reshaped = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(shift,1),1)
scale_reshaped = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(scale,1),1)
norm_conv_out = tf.nn.conv2d(x, self.filter*scale + shift, strides=(1,1,1,1), padding='SAME')
return norm_conv_out
Using the layer
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras.layers as layers
input_img = layers.Input(shape=(28, 28, 1))
label = layers.Input(shape=(10,)) # number of classes
num_filters = 32
shift = layers.Dense(num_filters, activation=None, name='shift')(label) # (32,)
scale = layers.Dense(num_filters, activation=None, name='scale')(label) # (32,)
conv_norm_out = ConvNorm(3,3,32)(input_img, scale, shift)
Note: Note that I haven't added bias. You will need bias as well for the convolution layer. But that's straightfoward.

NaN loss in CNN-LSTM on Keras for Time Series forecasting

I've to predict the time dependence of soil wet from the rainfall and some several time series. For all of them I've forecasts and the only to do is prediction of soil wet.
According to guide I build a CNN model, cause Arima's can't take into account outer stohastic influence.
The model work's, but not as it should.
If You have a look on this picture enter image description here, You'll find that the forecasted series(yellow smsfu_sum) doesn't depend on rain (aprec series) as in training set. I want a sharp peak in forecast, but changing the sizes of kernel and pooling don't help.
So I tried to train CNN-LSTM model based on this guide
Here's code of architecture of model :
def build_model(train, n_input):
# prepare data
train_x, train_y = to_supervised(train, n_input)
# define parameters
verbose, epochs, batch_size = 1, 20, 32
n_timesteps, n_features, n_outputs = train_x.shape[1], train_x.shape[2], train_y.shape[1]
# reshape output into [samples, timesteps, features]
train_y = train_y.reshape((train_y.shape[0], train_y.shape[1], 1))
# define model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=3, activation='softmax', input_shape=(n_timesteps,n_features)))
model.add(Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=3, activation='softmax'))
model.add(LSTM(200, activation='relu', return_sequences=True))
model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(100, activation='softmax')))
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')
# fit network
model.fit(train_x, train_y, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose)
return model
I used batch size = 32, and split data with function:
def to_supervised(train, n_input, n_out=300):
# flatten data
data = train.reshape((train.shape[0]*train.shape[1], train.shape[2]))
X, y = list(), list()
in_start = 0
# step over the entire history one time step at a time
for _ in range(len(data)):
# define the end of the input sequence
in_end = in_start + n_input
out_end = in_end + n_out
# ensure we have enough data for this instance
if out_end <= len(data):
X.append(data[in_start:in_end, :])
y.append(data[in_end:out_end, 2])
# move along one time step
in_start += 1
return array(X), array(y)
Using n_input = 1000 and n_output = 480 (I've to predict for this time)
So the first iteration on this Network tends the loss function to Nan.
How should I fix it? There no missing values in my data, I droped every NaNs.

Image Segmentation Tensorflow tutorials

In this tf tutorial, the U-net model has been divided into 2 parts, first contraction where they have used Mobilenet and it is not trainable. In second part, I'm not able to understand what all layers are being trained. As far as I could see, only the last layer conv2dTranspose seems trainable. Am I right?
And if I am how could only one layer is able to do such a complex task as segmentation?
Tutorial link: https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/images/segmentation
The code for the Image Segmentation Model, from the Tutorial is shown below:
def unet_model(output_channels):
inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[128, 128, 3])
x = inputs
# Downsampling through the model
skips = down_stack(x)
x = skips[-1]
skips = reversed(skips[:-1])
# Upsampling and establishing the skip connections
for up, skip in zip(up_stack, skips):
x = up(x)
concat = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()
x = concat([x, skip])
# This is the last layer of the model
last = tf.keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose(
output_channels, 3, strides=2,
padding='same') #64x64 -> 128x128
x = last(x)
return tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=x)
First part of the Model is Downsampling uses not the entire Mobilenet Architecture but only the Layers,
'block_1_expand_relu', # 64x64
'block_3_expand_relu', # 32x32
'block_6_expand_relu', # 16x16
'block_13_expand_relu', # 8x8
of the Pre-Trained Model, Mobilenet, which are non-trainable.
Second part of the Model (which is of your interest), before the layer, Conv2DTranspose is Upsampling part, which is present in the list,
up_stack = [
pix2pix.upsample(512, 3), # 4x4 -> 8x8
pix2pix.upsample(256, 3), # 8x8 -> 16x16
pix2pix.upsample(128, 3), # 16x16 -> 32x32
pix2pix.upsample(64, 3), # 32x32 -> 64x64
It means that it is accessing a Function named upsample from the Module, pix2pix. The code for the Module, pix2pix is present in this Github Link.
Code for the function, upsample is shown below:
def upsample(filters, size, norm_type='batchnorm', apply_dropout=False):
"""Upsamples an input.
Conv2DTranspose => Batchnorm => Dropout => Relu
filters: number of filters
size: filter size
norm_type: Normalization type; either 'batchnorm' or 'instancenorm'.
apply_dropout: If True, adds the dropout layer
Upsample Sequential Model
initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(0., 0.02)
result = tf.keras.Sequential()
tf.keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose(filters, size, strides=2,
if norm_type.lower() == 'batchnorm':
elif norm_type.lower() == 'instancenorm':
if apply_dropout:
return result
This means that the second part of the Model comprises of the Upsampling Layers, whose functionality is defined above, with the Number of Filters being 512, 256, 128 and 64.

Keras (+tensorflow) cannot predict with only part of the sequential

I am now working on building a stereo matching network using Keras with tensorflow as backend. The network has the following structure:
After training the whole network, I need to test it. However, training phase and testing phase are quite different. I have to split the model into two parts. The first part is CNN+Concatenate which only needs to be run once, while the fully-connected part (actually I modify it to be fully-conv form when testing) needs to be run for d times with slightly different input, where d varies from 100 to 228.
The first part network code:
# input image dimensions
img_rows, img_cols = X1.shape[0], X1.shape[1]
input_shape = (img_rows, img_cols, 1)
X1 = X1.reshape(1, img_rows, img_cols, 1)
X2 = X2.reshape(1, img_rows, img_cols, 1)
# number of conv filters to use
nb_filters = 112
# CNN kernel size
kernel_size = (3,3)
left_branch = Sequential()
left_branch.add(Convolution2D(nb_filters, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], border_mode='same', input_shape=input_shape))
left_branch.add(Convolution2D(nb_filters, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], border_mode='same'))
left_branch.add(Convolution2D(nb_filters, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], border_mode='same'))
left_branch.add(Convolution2D(nb_filters, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], border_mode='same'))
right_branch = Sequential()
right_branch.add(Convolution2D(nb_filters, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], border_mode='same', input_shape=input_shape))
right_branch.add(Convolution2D(nb_filters, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], border_mode='same'))
right_branch.add(Convolution2D(nb_filters, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], border_mode='same'))
right_branch.add(Convolution2D(nb_filters, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], border_mode='same'))
merged = Merge([left_branch, right_branch], mode='concat')
cnn = Sequential()
I load the weights gained from training phase into the first part of the network and try to get prediction of it.
def load_cnn_weights(filepath):
f = h5py.File(filepath, mode='r')
weights = []
for i in range(1, 9):
weights.append(f['model_weights/conv2d_{}/conv2d_{}/kernel:0'.format(i, i)][()])
weights.append(f['model_weights/conv2d_{}/conv2d_{}/bias:0'.format(i, i)][()])
return weights
weights = load_cnn_weights("/home/users/shixin.li/segment/Lecun_stereo_rebuild/weights.hdf5")
output_cnn = cnn.predict([X1, X2])
I already check that the weights are read successfully and can fit into the network according to calling get_weights() function. X1 and X2 are not zero, they are normalized gray scale image matrix. I even tried compile the network before predict. But the result output_cnn gives all zero.
I didn't see anyone have this problem and I am stuck for two days. The part which really confuses me is that the input and weights are all not zero, then why the result is zero? If you could help, I would really appreciate that!
You might want to try using tfdbg to find out exactly what the inputs to the op with all-zero outputs are, to try to understand what is going on.