Why redis RENAME executes an implicit DEL rather than UNLINK? - redis

As the docs of RENAME says:
Renames key to newkey. It returns an error when key does not exist. If newkey already exists it is overwritten, when this happens RENAME executes an implicit DEL operation, so if the deleted key contains a very big value it may cause high latency even if RENAME itself is usually a constant-time operation.
As we know, DEL is blocking while UNLINK is non-blocking.
So I have two questions:
If the deleted key contains a very big value, it seems that executing an implicit UNLINK would be better. Why redis determines to use DEL?
If I manully execute UNLINK then RENAME with transaction, will the high latency be avoided?

The "implicit DEL operation" is not the same as a DEL command called by a user.
You can config it to use async or sync delete. The reason behind it is to probably give the user more control.
In the redis config file, on the part of LAZY FREEING, it says
DEL, UNLINK and ASYNC option of FLUSHALL and FLUSHDB are user-controlled.
It's up to the design of the application to understand when it is a good
idea to use one or the other. However the Redis server sometimes has to
delete keys or flush the whole database as a side effect of other operations.**
Specifically Redis deletes objects independently of a user call in the
following scenarios:
For example the RENAME command may delete the old key content when it is replaced with >another one.
In all the above cases the default is to delete objects in a blocking way,
like if DEL was called. However you can configure each case specifically
in order to instead release memory in a non-blocking way like if UNLINK
was called, using the following configuration directives.
Then there's the config
lazyfree-lazy-server-del no
Just switch it to YES then it will behave like UNLINK
I checked the source code,
For Redis version 5.0, this function is called when you call RENAME command
void renameGenericCommand(client *c, int nx) {
// some code....
// When source and dest key is the same, no operation is performed,
// if the key exists, however we still return an error on unexisting key.
if (sdscmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,c->argv[2]->ptr) == 0) samekey = 1;
// some code ...
if (samekey) {
addReply(c,nx ? shared.czero : shared.ok);
/* Overwrite: delete the old key before creating the new one
* with the same name. */
This is the dbDelete function it called
int dbDelete(redisDb *db, robj *key) {
return server.lazyfree_lazy_server_del ? dbAsyncDelete(db,key) :
As you can see, it does refer to the config of lazyfree-lazy-server-del


Should I add lock to ignite cache as it will be read/write in different thread?

I have two thread,
each thread add/modify the values of ignite cache, it likes:
cache = ignite.getOrCreateCache("IniteTestCache")
valMap = cache.get(key)
get the item in value valMap(java map), handle it, and remove it and then
update the cache:
cache.put(key, a) to let the valMap items down,
in another thread:
cache = ignite.getOrCreateCache("IniteTestCache")
valMap = cache.get(key)
add new items to valMap, and put it back to cache
cache.put(key, a) to add new items to it
As i manipulation on the same cache with same key, should i add lock
to as:
modification to value
or I use Atomic to the cache config to make ignite do this automatically for me,
or I need use TRANSACTIONAL to cache, and add lock to cache?
or there are some more better way to avoid lock to achive high performance?
I would recommend using EntryProcessor for this use case: https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/jcache#entryprocessor

App Folder files not visible after un-install / re-install

I noticed this in the debug environment where I have to do many re-installs in order to test persistent data storage, initial settings, etc... It may not be relevant in production, but I mention this anyway just to inform other developers.
Any files created by an app in its App Folder are not 'visible' to queries after manual un-install / re-install (from IDE, for instance). The same applies to the 'Encoded DriveID' - it is no longer valid.
It is probably 'by design' but it effectively creates 'orphans' in the app folder until manually cleaned by 'drive.google.com > Manage Apps > [yourapp] > Options > Delete hidden app data'. It also creates problem if an app relies on finding of files by metadata, title, ... since these seem to be gone. As I said, not a production problem, but it can create some frustration during development.
Can any of friendly Googlers confirm this? Is there any other way to get to these files after re-install?
Try this approach:
Use requestSync() in onConnected() as:
public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) {
Then, in its callback, query the contents of the drive using:
final private ResultCallback<Status> syncCallback = new ResultCallback<Status>() {
public void onResult(#NonNull Status status) {
if (!status.isSuccess()) {
showMessage("Problem while retrieving results");
query = new Query.Builder()
.addFilter(Filters.and(Filters.eq(SearchableField.TITLE, "title"),
Filters.eq(SearchableField.TRASHED, false)))
Drive.DriveApi.query(getGoogleApiClient(), query)
Then, in its callback, if found, retrieve the file using:
final private ResultCallback<DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult> metadataCallback =
new ResultCallback<DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult>() {
public void onResult(#NonNull DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult result) {
if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
showMessage("Problem while retrieving results");
MetadataBuffer mdb = result.getMetadataBuffer();
for (Metadata md : mdb) {
Date createdDate = md.getCreatedDate();
DriveId driveId = md.getDriveId();
Job done!
Hope that helps!
It looks like Google Play services has a problem. (https://stackoverflow.com/a/26541831/2228408)
For testing, you can do it by clearing Google Play services data (Settings > Apps > Google Play services > Manage Space > Clear all data).
Or, at this time, you need to implement it by using Drive SDK v2.
I think you are correct that it is by design.
By inspection I have concluded that until an app places data in the AppFolder folder, Drive does not sync down to the device however much to try and hassle it. Therefore it is impossible to check for the existence of AppFolder placed by another device, or a prior implementation. I'd assume that this was to try and create a consistent clean install.
I can see that there are a couple of strategies to work around this:
1) Place dummy data on AppFolder and then sync and recheck.
2) Accept that in the first instance there is the possibility of duplicates, as you cannot access the existing file by definition you will create a new copy, and use custom metadata to come up with a scheme to differentiate like-named files and choose which one you want to keep (essentially implement your conflict merge strategy across the two different files).
I've done the second, I have an update number to compare data from different devices and decide which version I want so decide whether to upload, download or leave alone. As my data is an SQLite DB I also have some code to only sync once updates have settled down and I deliberately consider people updating two devices at once foolish and the results are consistent but undefined as to which will win.

servicestack redis, when using SetEntry, it will automatic generate a set with key "ids:+objectName" in redis db, how can I disable it?

when using SetEntry, it will automatic generate a set with key "ids:+ objectName" in redis db.
For example:
typedClient.SetEntry("famyly:username:jhon",new Family {FatherName="Jhon",...});
a set with key name of "ids:Family" and a member like "2343443" will be automatic created in redis db,
and each time I update or modify the same key with SetEntry, the set of "ids:Family" will increment with an new auto generated member. And this set will grow extremely large if I update the key frequently.
How can I disable the auto generated set? this set seems useless for the current circumstances.
I ran into this same problem - I discovered that our database contained a couple dozen of these "ids:XXX" sets, each containing tens of millions of items, which were consuming significant amounts of memory.
The solution is to switch to untyped clients. You can still use typed methods on the client so you're really not giving up any type safety or automatic serialization at all. There's a couple ways to create clients; we tend to use the get-in-get-out Exec shortcuts on RedisClientsManager. You should be able to adapt this to the way you do it.
Typed client - creates "ids" sets:
// set:
redis.ExecAs<T>(c => c.SetEntry(key, value));
// get:
T value = redis.ExecAs<T>(c => c.GetValue(key));
Untyped client - no "ids" sets created:
// set:
redis.Exec(c => c.Set(key, value));
// get:
using (var cli = _redis.GetClient())
T value = cli.Get<T>(key);
The inferred auto-generated id's are when you use the high-level Redis Typed Client. Use the IRedisClient.SetEntry on the string-based RedisClient API instead.

Memory leaks Symfony2 Doctrine2 / exceed memory limit

I have a lot of trouble with the combination of symfony2 and doctrine2. I have to deal with huge datasets (around 2-3 million write and read) and have to do a lot of additional effort to avoid running out of memory.
I figgured out 2 main points, that "leak"ing memory (they are actually not really leaking, but allocating a lot).
The Entitymanager entity storage (I don't know the real name of this one) it seems like it keeps all processed entities and you have to clear this storage regularly with
The Doctrine QueryCache - it caches all used Queries and the only configuration I found was, that you are able to decide what kind of Cache you wanna use. I didn't find a global disable neither a useful flag for each query to disable it.
So usually I disable it for every query object with the function
$qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder($a);
$query = $qb->getQuery();
So.. that's all I figured out right now..
My questions are:
Is there a easy way to deny some objects from the Entitymanagerstorage?
Is there a way to set the querycache use in the entitymanager?
Can I configure this caching behaviors somewhere in the Symfony/doctrine configuration?
Would be very cool if someone has some nice tips for me.. otherwise this may help some rookie..
As stated by the Doctrine Configuration Reference by default logging of the SQL connection is set to the value of kernel.debug, so if you have instantiated AppKernel with debug set to true the SQL commands get stored in memory for each iteration.
You should either instantiate AppKernel to false, set logging to false in you config YML, or either set the SQLLogger manually to null before using the EntityManager
Try running your command with --no-debug. In debug mode the profiler retains informations about every single query in memory.
1. Turn off logging and profiling in app/config/config.yml
driver: ...
logging: false
profiling: false
or in code
2. Force garbage collector. If you actively use CPU then garbage collector waits and you can find yourself with no memory soon.
At first enable manual garbage collection managing. Run gc_enable() anywhere in the code. Then run gc_collect_cycles() to force garbage collector.
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
// I'm initing $this->entityManager in __construct using DependencyInjection
$customers = $this->entityManager->getRepository(Customer::class)->findAll();
$counter = 0;
foreach ($customers as $customer) {
// process customer - some logic here, $this->em->persist and so on
if (++$counter % 100 == 0) {
$this->entityManager->flush(); // save unsaved changes
$this->entityManager->clear(); // clear doctrine managed entities
gc_collect_cycles(); // PHP garbage collect
// Note that $this->entityManager->clear() detaches all managed entities,
// may be you need some; reinit them here
// don't forget to flush in the end
If your table is very large, don't use findAll. Use iterator - http://doctrine-orm.readthedocs.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/latest/reference/batch-processing.html#iterating-results
Set SQL logger to null
Manually call function gc_collect_cycles() after $em->clear()
Don't forget to set zend.enable_gc to 1, or manually call gc_enable() before use gc_collect_cycles()
Add --no-debug option if you run command from console.
got some "funny" news from doctrine developers itself on the symfony live in berlin - they say, that on large batches, us should not use an orm .. it is just no efficient to build stuff like that in oop
.. yeah.. maybe they are right xD
As per the standard Doctrine2 documentation, you'll need to manually clear or detatch entities.
In addition to that, when profiling is enabled (as in the default dev environment). The DoctrineBundle in Symfony2 configures a several loggers use quite a bit of memory. You can disable logging completely, but it is not required.
An interesting side effect, is the loggers affect both Doctrine ORM and DBAL. One of loggers will result in additional memory usage for any service that uses the default logger service. Disabling all of these would be ideal in commands-- since the profiler isn't used there yet.
Here is what you can do to disable the memory-intense loggers while keeping profiling enabled in other parts of Symfony2:
$c = $this->getContainer();
* The default dbalLogger is configured to keep "stopwatch" events for every query executed
* the only way to disable this, as of Symfony 2.3, Doctrine Bundle 1.2, is to reinistiate the class
$dbalLoggerClass = $c->getParameter('doctrine.dbal.logger.class');
$dbalLogger = new $dbalLoggerClass($c->get('logger'));
$c->set('doctrine.dbal.logger', $dbalLogger);
// sometimes you need to configure doctrine to use the newly logger manually, like this
$doctrineConfiguration = $c->get('doctrine')->getManager()->getConnection()->getConfiguration();
* If profiling is enabled, this service will store every query in an array
* fortunately, this is configurable with a property "enabled"
$c->get('doctrine.dbal.logger.profiling.default')->enabled = false;
* When profiling is enabled, the Monolog bundle configures a DebugHandler that
* will store every log messgae in memory.
* As of Monolog 1.6, to remove/disable this logger: we have to pop all the handlers
* and then push them back on (in the correct order)
$handlers = array();
while($handler = $logger->popHandler())
if($handler instanceOf \Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\DebugHandler)
array_unshift($handlers, $handler);
catch(\LogicException $e)
* As of Monolog 1.6, there is no way to know if there's a handler
* available to pop off except for the \LogicException that's thrown.
if($e->getMessage() != 'You tried to pop from an empty handler stack.')
* this probably doesn't matter, and will probably break in the future
* this is here for the sake of people not knowing what they're doing
* so than an unknown exception is not silently discarded.
// remove at your own risk
throw $e;
// push the handlers back on
foreach($handlers as $handler)
Try disabling any Doctrine caches that exist. (If you're not using APC / other as a cache then memory is used).
Remove Query Cache
$qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder($a);
$query = $qb->getQuery();
There's no way to globally disable it
Also this is an alternative to clear that might help (from here)
$connection = $em->getCurrentConnection();
$tables = $connection->getTables();
foreach ( $tables as $table ) {
I just posted a bunch of tips for using Symfony console commands with Doctrine for batch processing here.

Flushing in NHibernate

This question is a bit of a dupe, but I still don't understand the best way to handle flushing.
I am migrating an existing code base, which contains a lot of code like the following:
private void btnSave_Click()
private void SaveForm()
var foo = FooRepository.Get(_editingFooId);
foo.Name = txtName.Text;
private void ReloadList()
fooRepeater.DataSource = FooRepository.LoadAll();
Now that I am changing the FooRepository to Nhibernate, what should I use for the FooRepository.Save method? Should the FooRepository always flush the session when the entity is saved?
I'm not sure if I understand your question, but here is what I think:
Think in "putting objects to the session" instead of "getting and storing data". NH will store all new and changed objects in the session without any special call to it.
Consider this scenarios:
Data change:
Get data from the database with any query. The entities are now in the NH session
Change entities by just changing property values
Commit the transaction. Changes are flushed and stored to the database.
Create a new object:
Call a constructor to create a new object
Store it to the database by calling "Save". It is in the session now.
You still can change the object after Save
Commit the changes. The latest state will be stored to the database.
If you work with detached entities, you also need Update or SaveOrUpdate to put detached entities to the session.
Of course you can configure NH to behave differently. But it works best if you follow this default behaviour.
It doesn't matter whether or not you explicitly flush the session between modifying a Foo entity and loading all Foos from the repository. NHibernate is smart enough to auto-flush itself if you have made changes in the session that may affect the results of the query you are trying to run.
Ideally I try to use one session per "unit of work". This means one cohesive piece of work which may involve several smaller steps. If you feel that you do not have a seam in your architecture where you can achieve this, then managing the session inside the repository will also work. Just be aware that you are missing out on some of the power that NHibernate provides you.
I'd vote up Stefan Moser's answer if I could - I'm still getting to grips with Nh myself but I think it's nice to be able to write code like this:
private void SaveForm()
using (var unitofwork = UnitOfWork.Start())
var foo = FooRepository.Get(_editingFooId);
var bar = BarRepository.Get(_barId);
foo.Name = txtName.Text;
bar.SomeOtherProperty = txtBlah.Text;
so this way either the whole action succeeds or it fails and rolls back, keeping flushing/transaction management outside of the Repositories.