Multiple sub-regions in FreeFem - finite-element-analysis

I am using FreeFem++ to solve the Poisson equation over a complicated geometry. I want to solve it over a heterogeneous region. The value of f in ΔΦ=f changes between multiple sub-regions. Is there any way to do this? So far I have found only examples of homogenous regions.
I am relatively new to finite element analysis.

I'm not a FreeFEM++ expert by any stretch, but have you tried defining f on the different regions as
func f = f_1(x,y)*(condition_1) + ... + f_n(x,y)*(condition_n)
For example, if I were doing this on a region defined by a smaller circle of radius a on which f=x*y, surrounded by a bigger circle of radius b on which f=sin(x), I'd do
func f = x*y*(sqrt(x^2+y^2)<=a) + sin(x)*(sqrt(x^2+y^2)>a)
Of course, this depends on the conditions being mutually exclusive.


Getting 2 values of focal length when finding Intrinsic camera matrix (F not Fx,Fy)?

The following image is the example that was given in my computer vision class. Now I cant understand why we are getting 2 unique values of f. I can understand if mxf and myf are different, but shouldn't the focal length 'f' be the same?
I believe you have an Fx and a Fy. This is so that the the matrix transforms on f can scale f in two directions x and y. IIRC this is why you get 2 f numbers
If really single f wanted, it should be modeled in the camera model used in calibration.
e.g. give the mx,my as constants to the camera model, and estimate the f.
However, perhaps the calibration process that obtained that K was not that way, but treated the two elements (K(0,0) and K(1,1)) independently.
In other words, mx and my were also estimated in the sense of dealing with the aspect ratio.
The estimation result is not the same as the values of mx and my calculated from the sensor specifications.
This is why you got 2 values.

Graph Between Steiner Tree and Complete Graph

Given a set points P in the plane, and given a threshold t, I'd like to compute a connected graph G to minimize the sum of the lengths of its edges, subject to the following constraints:
The vertices of G contain all the points in P.
For every pair of points u and v in P, their distance in G is no greater than t times their Euclidean distance.
When t=1, this problem is solved by constructing a complete graph on P. When t is infinite (or simply large enough), this problem is the Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem.
If there already a name for this problem, I'm curious what it is. More than that, does anyone have any suggestions for how to make an algorithm for this? Since it contains the Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem as a special case, it can't be simpler, so I'm not looking for anything particularly time efficient. Thanks!

finding pivot point of two 3D transformations

I need to find out what the degrees of freedom are between two arbitrary geometries that may be linked to eachother. for instance a hinge consisting of two parts. I can simulate the motion of the two parts, and I figured that if I fix one of the parts in place, i can deduce what the axes and point of rotation is for the second moving part is from the transformation in each timestep.
I run into some difficulties calculating this (my vector algebra is ok, my (numpy) math skills less so)
How I see it is I have two 4x4 transformation matrices for each timestep, the previous position/orientation of the moving part (A) and the current position/orientation (A')
then the point of rotation can be found by by calculating the transformation matrix B that transforms A into A' which is I believe
B = inverse(A) * A'
and then find the point that does not change under transformation by B:
x = Bx
Is my thinking correct and if so, how do I solve this equation?

Looking for an efficient structure for checking which circles enclose a point

I have a large set of overlapping circles each at a random location with a specific radius.
type Circle =
val x: float
val y: float
val radius: float
Given a new point with type
type Point =
val x: float
val y: float
I would like to know which circles in my set enclose the new point. A linear search is trivial. I'm looking for a structure that can hold the circles and return the enclosing circles with better than O(N) for the presented point.
Ideally the structure should be fast for insertion of new circles and removal of circles as well.
I would like to implement this in F# but ideas in any language are fine.
For your information I'm looking to implement
but it would be an O(N^2) if I use the naive approach of scanning all circles for every new point.
If we assume that circles are distributed over some rectangle with area 1 and the average area of a circle is a then a quadtree with m levels will leave you with an area with size 1/2^m. This leaves
as the expected number of circles left in the remaining area.
However, we have done O(log(m)) comparisons to get to this point. This leaves the total number of comparisons as
O(log(m)) + O(N/2^m)
The second term will be constant if log(m) is proportional to N.
This suggests that a quadtree can cut things down to O(log n)
Quadtree is a structure for efficient plane search. You can use it to hold subdivision of the plane.
For example you can create quad tree with such properties:
1. Every cell of quadtree contains indices of circles, overlapping it.
2. Every cell does contain not more than K circles (for example 10) // may be broken
3. Height of tree is bounded by M (usually O(log n))
You can construct quadtree, by iterating overlapped cells, and if number of circles inside cell exceedes K, then subdivide that cell into four (if not exceeding max height). Also something should be considered in case of cell inside circles, because its subdivision is pointless.
When finding circles you should localise quadtree, then iterate through overlapping circles and find, those which contains point.
In case of sparse circle distribution search will be very efficient.
I have a bachelor thesis, where I adapted quadtree, for closest segment location, with expected time O(log n), I think similar approach could be used here
Actually you search for triangles whose circumcircles include the new point p. Thus your Delaunay triangulation is already the data structure you need: First search for the triangle t which includes p (google for 'delaunay walk'). The circumcircle of t certainly includes p. Then start from t and grow the (connected) area of triangles whose circumcircles include p.
Implementing it in a fast an reliable way is a lot of work. Unless you want to create a new library you may want to use an existing one. My approach for C++ is Fade2D [1] but there are also many others, it depends on your specific needs.

Most efficient way to check if a point is in or on a convex quad polygon

I'm trying to figure out the most efficient/fast way to add a large number of convex quads (four given x,y points) into an array/list and then to check against those quads if a point is within or on the border of those quads.
I originally tried using ray casting but thought that it was a little overkill since I know that all my polygons will be quads and that they are also all convex.
currently, I am splitting each quad into two triangles that share an edge and then checking if the point is on or in each of those two triangles using their areas.
for example
Triangle ABC and test point P.
if (areaPAB + areaPAC + areaPBC == areaABC) { return true; }
This seems like it may run a little slow since I need to calculate the area of 4 different triangles to run the check and if the first triangle of the quad returns false, I have to get 4 more areas. (I include a bit of an epsilon in the check to make up for floating point errors)
I'm hoping that there is an even faster way that might involve a single check of a point against a quad rather than splitting it into two triangles.
I've attempted to reduce the number of checks by putting the polygon's into an array[,]. When adding a polygon, it checks the minimum and maximum x and y values and then using those, places the same poly into the proper array positions. When checking a point against the available polygons, it retrieves the proper list from the array of lists.
I've been searching through similar questions and I think what I'm using now may be the fastest way to figure out if a point is in a triangle, but I'm hoping that there's a better method to test against a quad that is always convex. Every polygon test I've looked up seems to be testing against a polygon that has many sides or is an irregular shape.
Thanks for taking the time to read my long winded question to what's prolly a simple problem.
I believe that fastest methods are:
1: Find mutual orientation of all vector pairs (DirectedEdge-CheckedPoint) through cross product signs. If all four signs are the same, then point is inside
Addition: for every edge
EV[i] = V[i+1] - V[i], where V[] - vertices in order
PV[i] = P - V[i]
Cross[i] = CrossProduct(EV[i], PV[i]) = EV[i].X * PV[i].Y - EV[i].Y * PV[i].X
Cross[i] value is positive, if point P lies in left semi-plane relatively to i-th edge (V[i] - V[i+1]), and negative otherwise. If all the Cross[] values are positive, then point p is inside the quad, vertices are in counter-clockwise order. f all the Cross[] values are negative, then point p is inside the quad, vertices are in clockwise order. If values have different signs, then point is outside the quad.
If quad set is the same for many point queries, then dmuir suggests to precalculate uniform line equation for every edge. Uniform line equation is a * x + b * y + c = 0. (a, b) is normal vector to edge. This equation has important property: sign of expression
(a * P.x + b * Y + c) determines semi-plane, where point P lies (as for crossproducts)
2: Split quad to 2 triangles and use vector method for each: express CheckedPoint vector in terms of basis vectors.
P = a*V1+b*V2
point is inside when a,b>=0 and their sum <=1
Both methods require about 10-15 additions, 6-10 multiplications and 2-7 comparisons (I don't consider floating point error compensation)
If you could afford to store, with each quad, the equation of each of its edges then you could save a little time over MBo's answer.
For example if you have an inward pointing normal vector N for each edge of the quad, and a constant d (which is N.p for one of the vertcies p on the edge) then a point x is in the quad if and only if N.x >= d for each edge. So thats 2 multiplications, one addition and one comparison per edge, and you'll need to perform up to 4 tests per point.This technique works for any convex polygon.