Cognos 11 How to Stop AutoSubmit Radio Button from running report - radio-button

I have an HTML report that has the prompts right on the report page. There are several prompts on this page. One of the prompts is a static radio button prompt that is used for 3 hidden conditional date prompts (using a render variable). In order for the radio button to work, it is set to auto submit. The default is set to the first date prompt. Every time the user selects the second or third option radio button, the report automatically runs. Is there a way to stop the report from running every time the radio button is selected and just have the corresponding date prompt display? No other prompts are auto submit. Once all the prompts are set, the user submits the report. User can then change prompts as needed. I just don't want the report to run every time that one radio button is selected. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Validation on textbox VBA Word prevents button click executing

I am working on a Word template that has 5 text boxes on a user form (frmMain).
I have a validation routine for each text box, that checks if the correct format is used (i.e. date format in one text box, only allowing the use of numeric values in another, preventing all text boxes left empty and so on). One of my text boxes is called txtNumber.
As of now, one of the validation sub routine fires on txtNumber_Exit.
I also have a command button (cmdHelp) on the same user form that, when clicked, fires the sub routine that shows another user form (frmHelp) that contains a help text on how to use this template.
My problem is that when I click this command button (cmdHelp), the validation routine for the text box "txtNumber" fires. Hence I am stuck with a message (written by me) in a msgbox that says "Number can not be blank", and the frmHelp is not showing.
After this, none of my text boxes have the focus, but my cmdHelp button does.
So if I click the cmdHelp button now, the frmHelp is correctly showing.
But this is messing up the workflow, making the visual experience a bit fuzzy for the user, given the fact that the user gets unnecessary info on invalid input in the txtNumber text box, and that the user needs to click twice on the cmdHelp button.
How can I avoid this?

Multiple forms, keep original input even though form is never used again

in my project I have 3 forms.
On the first form is a textbox which gathers a username, which is then checked against a database and, if confirmed, logs the user into the project.
On the third form, there is a label that displays the username that was entered in the first forms' textbox. When the user is done with a project, they click a button that gives them the choice if they wish to start over...if yes is clicked, they start over from the second form (I don't want them to have to "login" again.
The first general run through the program works fine (first -> second -> third form)...
My problem is, since the first form was closed, never to be seen again, the data that was entered in the first forms' textbox is now gone and the third forms' label just displays "label1"
Is there a way to make it so they user logs in once (the first form) and then continues on about the project (going through the second and third forms over and over again) without having to login again? And having that label KEEP the original "username"?
Thanks to everyone in advance!

Select Image File and Display it in Forms (Visual Basic)

I have a form, in which it has a few pictureBoxes that i intended to use as a normal button.
first button is the select file button where when the users click the button, a window will pop up allowing the users to select files to be analyzed.
the second button is a run button where when the users have selected the desired files, clicking this will run the application to analyze the image file.
third button is a stop button to stop the analyzing process.
last button is a help button that provide the help and support.
the question is that how do i display the selected files on the form in a tabular format with basic information like file name, file type, date created and date modified?
You can use a listview control with the .View property set to Details. Add an item and subitems for each file.

MS Access VBA to set current selection/record to null on a continuous form

I have a form with a subform that is a continuous form. I have a tab control that displays information related to the record selected in the continuous form; the tab control displays as soon as a record is selected/clicked. That all is grand.
However, after the user updates information in the tab control and clicks a button, I want to hide the tab control until a record is actually clicked on the continuous form.
What is currently happening is that the first record in the continuous subform is selected and I'd like for no record to be selected.
Is there a way to set the current record/selection of a continuous form to nothing or null? I've tried setting the bookmark on the continuous form to null in the button click event using Parent.SubApptList.Form.Bookmark = Null and that does not work for me.
Seems like it should be easy, but I can't figure it out.
After the button click event could you set focus to the parent form? Doing this would force the user to click on a record. Maybe I'm not fully understanding exactly what you're trying to do but if all you want is for nothing to have focus after a button event then that's the route I would take. That's assuming you don't having any on focus events for thr main form.

Click differences between text box and a button

On a form where I display data, if the user clicks the text box I open a virtual keyboard (form) and allow them to click buttons to enter data. When this virtual keyboard is opened, if the path to open was from clicking a text box, the first click in the new form (virtual keyboard) is ignored. If the virtual keyboard form is opened from clicking a button (from the first form), it works fine. I can't find a difference between triggering the virtual keyboard form from either control.
It seems to me that your issue is one of focus. When you trigger the virtual keyboard form to open because of the textbox click, you are somehow immediately returning focus to the caller, and not to the newly opened form. Therefore, you might need something as simple as:
myForm.Focus() the end of the code that is opening the form.
I say this because the first click is "ignored", as you say. I would guess that it's actually consuming that first click as a focus event, and then you get the clicks you want registered as you want after that.