How to write IN clause in hibernate native(createNative) query? - sql

How to complete this query with IN clause?
ArrayList<Long> statusIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
_merchantTransaction.getMerchantTxnStatusList().forEach(statusItem ->{
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select *"
+ " from merchant_transactions mt"
+ " inner join appl_merchant_txn_statuses mts on mt.merchant_txn_status_id = mts.merchant_txn_status_id"
+ " where"
+ " mt.customer_id ="+ _merchantTransaction.getCustomerId()
+ " and mt.merchant_transaction_type_id = "+ _merchantTransaction.getMerchantTransactionType().getMerchantTransactionTypeId()
+ " and mt.merchant_txn_status_id in " + statusIds
While executing, this result following query and it gives
select *
from merchant_transactions mt where
mt.customer_id = 3998
and mt.merchant_transaction_type_id = 2
and mt.merchant_txn_status_id in [1, 8]);
How to solve this?
Thanks & Regards,

You should consider using named parameter bindings instead of adding the parameters directly by concatenation as follows:
Query query =
entityManager.createNativeQuery("select *"
+ " from merchant_transactions mt"
+ " inner join appl_merchant_txn_statuses mts on mt.merchant_txn_status_id = mts.merchant_txn_status_id"
+ " where mt.customer_id = :customer_id"
+ " and mt.merchant_transaction_type_id = :merchant_transaction_type_id"
+ " and mt.merchant_txn_status_id in (:status_ids)", MerchantTransaction.class);
query.setParameter("customer_id", _merchantTransaction.getCustomerId());
query.setParameter("merchant_transaction_type_id", _merchantTransaction.getMerchantTransactionType().getMerchantTransactionTypeId());
query.setParameter("status_ids", statusIds);
Advantages of named parameter bindings as described in hibernate best-practices here:
you do not need to worry about SQL injection,
Hibernate maps your query parameters to the correct types and
Hibernate can do internal optimizations to provide better
As a side note, I see that you are using JPA's Entity Manager createNativeQuery, so this will work:
query.setParameter("status_ids", statusIds);
If you were using Hibernate createSQLQuery, you need this:
query.setParameterList("status_ids", statusIds);


Joining unrelated tables via JPQL

I have the following query which works. All the tables in this query have relations in some way.
#Repository(value = "ARepository")
public interface ARepository extends JpaRepository<CardEntity, String> {
#Query("SELECT xref.shortUtlTx FROM CardEntity card " +
"JOIN card.apexUrlCrossRef xref " +
"JOIN xref.sampleProdOffer offer " +
"WHERE xref.apexCard.cardNumber = :cardNum " +
"AND offer.apexeeOfferId = :myCode"
List<String> getAllValues(#Param("cardNum") String cardNum, #Param("myCode") String myCode);
But I also wish to join another table (Entity name -> UrlCountEntity) to this query but that table has no relation to the other tables in this query. Is there a way I could do this?
Based on reading a blog, I tried the following but throws errors.
Added this line to the query:
AND EXISTS (SELECT referCount FROM UrlCountEntity referCount WHERE
referCount.url.urlTx = xref.shortUtlTx)
#Repository(value = "ARepository")
public interface ARepository extends JpaRepository<CardEntity, String> {
#Query("SELECT xref.shortUtlTx FROM CardEntity card " +
"JOIN card.apexUrlCrossRef xref " +
"JOIN xref.sampleProdOffer offer " +
"WHERE xref.apexCard.cardNumber = :cardNum " +
"AND offer.apexeeOfferId = :myCode " +
"AND EXISTS (SELECT referCount FROM UrlCountEntity referCount WHERE referCount.url.urlTx = xref.shortUtlTx)"
List<String> getAllValues(#Param("cardNum") String cardNum, #Param("myCode") String myCode);
Error as follows:
Method threw
could not extract ResultSet; SQL [n/a]
Based on this article:
Using Hibernate 5.1 or newer you can join two unrelated tables via JQPL same way you would do it in SQL:
SELECT first
FROM First first JOIN
Second second ON =
WHERE = :param
So you would need to change your query to something like this:
#Query("SELECT xref.shortUtlTx FROM CardEntity card " +
"JOIN card.apexUrlCrossRef xref " +
"JOIN xref.sampleProdOffer offer " +
"JOIN UrlCountEntity referCount ON referCount.url.urlTx = xref.shortUtlTx" +
"WHERE xref.apexCard.cardNumber = :cardNum " +
"AND offer.apexeeOfferId = :myCode")
List<String> getAllValues(#Param("cardNum") String cardNum, #Param("myCode") String myCode);

Running HQL query in console

I am trying to run the following query in IntelliJ:
#Query(value = "" +
"SELECT offer FROM OfferEntity offer " +
" JOIN offer.placeOwnership AS owner " +
" JOIN AS place " +
"WHERE " +
" = :placeId AND " +
" offer.dayFrom = :offerDate AND " +
" offer.repeating = false")
as I am doing so, I get ask to provide the parameters placeId and offerDate. My problem is I have no idea about the latter.
I have no idea how I can run this query.
I also tried to run it manually inside the console like this:
SELECT offer FROM OfferEntity offer
JOIN offer.placeOwnership AS owner
JOIN AS place
offer.dayFrom = java.time.LocalDate.parse("2018-10-08") AND
offer.repeating = false
but that gives my a syntax error.

native query with spring data jpa doesn't return result

Hello I have written the following method in spring data jpa repo:
#RestResource(exported = false)
value = "select q.* " +
"from question q " +
"left join question_program qp " +
"on q.question_id = qp.question_id " +
"where " +
"q.difficulty_level_id = ?1 " +
"and " +
"q.paid = false " +
"and " +
"qp.program_id = ?2 " +
"order by random() " +
"limit ?3",
nativeQuery = true
List<Question> getFreeRandomQuestions(
#Param("df") Integer df,
#Param("programId") Integer programId,
#Param("qs") Integer qs);
It is returning an empty list whereas when I run the same query in pgadmin I get all the desired rows. It also works in spring data jpa if I remove the join with question_program. What am I doing wrong?
I have tried select q ... and select * .... Both have the same problem
I kind of solved this by implementing a service which fetches that data using sessionFactory and raw sql query!.

"where" restrictions not working on hql query with join clause

First of all clarify that I am quite bad with databases, so please do not be to mean with my code :P
I have a problem with a query on hibernate using join and restrictions. I have a huge list of Assignments and some of them have an Asr object.
queryString.append("select new"
+ ", assignment.contract.assignmentStatus,"
+ " assignment.contract.beginDate, assignment.contract.endDate,"
+ " assignment.contract.contractType, assignment.organizationalData.homeCountryKey,"
+ " assignment.organizationalData.hostCountryKey,"
+ " assignment.organizationalData.homeOrgUnitKey,"
+ " assignment.associate.globalIdAssociate,"
+ " assignment.associate.localIdHome,"
+ " assignment.associate.firstName,"
+ " assignment.associate.lastName)"
+ " from Assignment assignment left join assignment.asr asr"
+ " where assignment.contract.assignmentStatus.code = 5"
+ " and asr.homeAsrElegibility is not 'X'"
+ " or asr.homeAsrElegibility is null"
I was creating this query step by step. Before I created it without the join clause left join assignment.asr asr and it was working well but of course it was not showing the Assignments that did not have a Asr object. After I added the join clause, now it shows every single Assignment (10.000 records when those who have an assignmentStatus = 5 are just 4.000) and the restrictions like
where assignment.contract.assignmentStatus.code = 5
are not reflected in the result anymore.
So to sum up: I need a list with all assignments with assignmentStatus = 5 and asr.homeAsrElegibility != 'X'. But it needs to include also all assignments with assignmentStatus = 5 even if they do not have an Asr object.
Any ideas?? Thanks!
Parenthesis helps to clarify the situation.
queryString.append("select new"
+ ", assignment.contract.assignmentStatus,"
+ " assignment.contract.beginDate, assignment.contract.endDate,"
+ " assignment.contract.contractType, assignment.organizationalData.homeCountryKey,"
+ " assignment.organizationalData.hostCountryKey,"
+ " assignment.organizationalData.homeOrgUnitKey,"
+ " assignment.associate.globalIdAssociate,"
+ " assignment.associate.localIdHome,"
+ " assignment.associate.firstName,"
+ " assignment.associate.lastName)"
+ " from Assignment assignment left join assignment.asr asr"
+ " where assignment.contract.assignmentStatus.code = 5"
+ " and ((asr.homeAsrElegibility is not null and asr.homeAsrElegibility is not 'X')"
+ " or (asr.homeAsrElegibility is null))"

Casting error after jpa query on database

This query gives a array ob objects instead of giving me the Tracking object back.
In the log i see:
java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to
name = "Tracking.findByNo",
query = "select * " +
"from inet.TRACKING t " +
"where t.prditmNO = ?1"
TypedQuery<Tracking> q = em.createNamedQuery("Tracking.findByNo", Tracking.class);
q.setParameter(1, adno);
List<Tracking> list = q.getResultList();
return list.isEmpty()?null:list.get(0);
Thanks for you help.
You use a native query. You should use a JPA query.
#NamedQuery( name = "Tracking.findByNo",
query = "select t " +
"from Tracking t " +
"where t.prditmNO = ?1" )