Building a conditional statement for a calculated field - vba

I have a form with a subform inside with logistic purchase information in several fields. So one field is called PURCHASEid (with the purchase number), another combobox field is called PICKINGCODE and its values can be A, B or C. Then I have another fields called BOXES SUM and PALLETS NUMBER I would like It to work as follows:
When PICKINGCODE field value is A, PALLETS NUMBER value can be filled by typing a number.
When PICKINGCODE field value is B or C:
o PALLETS NUMBER value will be the 1/count of fields that have B value in PICKINGCODE field.
For example for PURCHASEid “4” and 2 records with “B” PICKINGCODE value, I would like to have “0,5” PALLETNUMBER value for both records
In the subform event Afterupdate I wrote:
If Me. PICKINGCODE.Value = "A" Then
Me. [PALLET NUMBER].Value = "*"
Else Me. [PALLETS NUMBER].Value = 1 / acAggregateCount([&PICKINGCODE])
But I know at least the last statement It’s wrong. Could you please help me to build it? I wrote acAggregateCount([&PALETPICKINGCOD]) to count records in a given purchase with the same PALETPICKINGCOD value of the record selected.
Thanks in advance


Limit number of script triggers by field

I am trying to figure out how to limit the number of times an ID can be selected.
I have a list of mentors, some who can be selected 1 time and others who can be selected 2 times. I am using a button that performs a Set Field script. When the button is clicked the ID value is copied to another list. It remains in the original list but also is shown in another. I want to say something like:
If field "mentor count" = 2 then You can select 2 times, else you can select 1 time.
I have no idea how to go about it.
Do you have any suggestions please?
There are a total of 3 lists. One is mentors, 1 is students and the other is both. The user selects a mentor and student to match up. Each row in this table is a new match.
I tried conditional action which failed. I am thinking I will need a script.

SSRS insert exact specific value in a cell of a Matrix using expression

I'm not sure if my question is really stupid, but I found nothing on the internet...
Is it possible to insert a specific value in a cell of a matrix?
for example I have a dataset like below:
Month Prod Amount
2 X 34$
11 Y 12$
7 Z 150$
and a matrix like:
-------| Month |
Prduct |SUM(Amount)|
So the row group are products and column group are the months of a specific year.
If I want to add an extra column, with a specific value chosen dynamically from the amount (for xample 150$) so to have
-------| Month |columnName
Prduct |SUM(Amount)| 150
is that possible? also if the value is repeated through the column (it would be useful if I wanted the new column to have this specific value added for each value)
thanks a lot!! :D
You can insert a value directly in your matrix but it will be repeated for each record.
The best way is to add a new column with conditional values is to do this in your dataset query. Probably with a CASE statement if you are using SQL.
EDIT: If you can't adjust the query for whatever reason, you can add the new column and use SWITCH function inside your textbox to achieve the same.

Populate NULL Values based on Array Formula

New user, so apologies in advance for bad formatting.
Essentially what I'm trying to do is be able to populate the staff_hours column where it equals NULL with the one value that IS NOT NULL. As you can see from the screenshot, there will only be one person who staffs an open cl_hole_staffing_no and as a result will have a start_dt (with time) and end_dt (with time) along with staff_hours. 16 people were offered a shift, and the person in row 15 accepted it is what is going on here.
The ideal output would be the staff_hours column is populated with the amount of time of the one person who ended up taking the open job, so 24.00 in this example. How can I write a formula to do this? I was thinking something like an array function in Excel, but am not sure how to do that in SQL.
Your explanation is a bit confusing about what you are really trying to achieve. However I think that what you really want is just to populate the staff_hours column, which can be achieved with the following:
staff_hours = 24
staff_hours is NULL;
I get it now. You want to operate with the two dates and extract the amount of hours between them. Since you are in sql-server you can actually define a Computed Column in which you can use the values from other columns to compute the value you want.
You will need to create your table again. (The example below contains only the necessary attributes for it to work)
CREATE TABLE your_table_name
, staff_start_dt DATETIME
, staff_end_dt DATETIME
, staff_hours AS DATEDIFF(hh, staff_start_dt , staff_end_dt)
Now every time you insert a record on the table with both staff_start_dt and staff_end_dt, the column staff_hours will automatically compute the number of hours between the two dates.
Code (vb):
1 10 X X
2 11 A Y
3 12 Y Z
4 13 B
5 14 B
6 15 Z
Assuming that the rows in Col A is Named "datarange"
And your criteria is in C1:C3
The following formula will return an array {10,12,15}
=SMALL(COUNTIF(C1:C3,B1:B6)*datarange, ROW(INDEX(A:A,SUMPRODUCT(--(COUNTIF(C1:C3,B1:B6)=0))+1):INDEX(A:A,ROWS(datarange))))
COUNTIF(C1:C3,B1:B6)*datarange returns {10;0;12;0;0;15}
The segment ROW(INDEX(....):INDEX(...)) returns {4;5;6}, indicating the number of non-zero values.
The SMALL() function then returns the 4th smallest, 5th smallest and 6th smallest values.
One disadvantage with this approach is that you get a sorted sub-list. Perhaps that would work for you.

Excel VBA data manipulation

My problem might be simple but i have been stuck on it for a while. I have a list of accounts in column B (XXXXXX). Then in column D i have a quantity of contracts traded. In the column E i have the prices of those contracts. The column next to it has the name of the product traded.
The way i get the raw data i sometimes get a trade split in 2 parts. For example i might have on one row for the same (column B) account XXXXXX , QTY(Column D) 2 and Price(column E) 5.23$ and security(column F) NKE. In the next row i have the same account XXXXX , QTY is 3 , Price is same and the security is same. I want something that will loop through the entire data and add the QTY to 5 and keep everything else the same. So at the end i should have one row with with account XXXXXX with QTY 5 Price 5.23$ and Security NKE. I have tried pivot tables but it adds the price of the security to 10.46$ and that messes up calculations. I cannot figure what sort of a macro i should use. Can someone please help. I am posting a picture to help understand the problem. THanks. enter image description here
A pivot should show you what you want. Don't put Price in VALUES. Account, Security and Price can go in ROWS then Sum of Quantity in VALUES. That should give you the breakdown you're after.
Choose the most unique column (probably F).
Filter your data by this column.
Make an infinite loop. Inside the loop:
declare a variable for row number
check if the current row has the same value in column F as the row below
if yes, add quantities in first row and delete second row
if no, add one to row number and check if there is something in the current row. If no, exit the loop.
To the person who posted a macro. Can you please repost? I was just writing a note to you and I see you deleted the comment

counting and numbering in a select statement in Access SQL

Could you please help me figuring out how to accomplish the following.
I have a table containing the number of products available between one date and another as per below:
TABLE MyProducts
DateProduct ProductId Quantity Price
26/02/2016 7 2 100
27/02/2016 7 3 100
28/02/2016 7 4 100
I have created a form where users need to select a date range and the number of products they are looking for (in my example, the number of products is going to be 1).
In this example, let's say that a user makes the following selection:
SELECT SUM(MyProducts.Price) As TotalPrice
FROM MyProducts WHERE MyProducts.DateProduct
Between #2/26/2016# And #2/29/2016#-1 AND MyProducts.Quantity>=1
Now the user can see the total amount that 1 product costs: 300
For this date range, however, I want to allow users to select from a combobox also the number of products that they can still buy: if you give a look at the Quantity for this date rate, a user can only buy a maximum of 2 products because 2 is the lowest quantity available is in common for all the dates listed in the query.
First question: how can I feed the combobox with a "1 to 2" list (in this case) considering that 2 is lowest quantity available in common for all the dates queried by this user?
Second question: how can I manage the products that a user has purchased.
Let's say that a user has purchased 1 product within this date range and a second user has purchased for the very same date range the same quantity too (which is 1) for a total of 2 products purchased already in this date range. How can I see that for this date rate and giving this case the number of products actually available are:
DateProduct ProductId Quantity Price
26/02/2016 7 0 100
27/02/2016 7 1 100
28/02/2016 7 2 100
Thank you in advance and please let me know should you need further information.
You could create a table with an integer field counting from 1 to whatever max qty you could expect. Then create a query that will only return rows from your new table up to the min() qty in the MyProducts table. Use that query as the control source of your combobox.
EDIT: You will actually need two queries. The first should be:
SELECT Min(MyProducts.Quantity) AS MinQty FROM MyProducts;
which I called "qryMinimumProductQty". I create the table called "Numbering" with a single integer field called "Sequence". The second query:
SELECT Numbering.Sequence FROM Numbering, qryMinimumProductQty WHERE Numbering.Sequence<=qryMinimumProductQty.MinQty;
AFAIK there is no Access function/feature that will fill in a series of numbers in a combobox control source. You have to build the control source yourself. (Anyone with more VBA experience might have a solution to solve this, but I do not.)
It makes me ache thinking of an entire table with a single integer column only being used for a combobox though. A simpler approach to the combobox would just to show the qty available in a control on your form, give an unbound text box for the user to enter their order qty, and add a validation rule to stop the order and notify them if they have chosen a number greater than the qty on hand. (Just a thought)
As for your second question, I don't really understand what you're looking for either. It sounds like there may be another table of purchases? It should be a simple query to relate MyProducts to Purchases and take the difference between your MyProducts!qty and the Purchases!qty. If you don't have a table to store Purchases, it might be warranted based on my cursory understanding of your system.