CamelCase for internal capital word - variables

Sorry this might be a very meta question,
What should I name a variable with internal capitalized word? for example, get FX rate,
Or is there some material I can read upon?
Best Regards

One common approach is to use CamelCase only for abbreviations which are three characters ore more, for instance GetXmlSchema. In your example, however, where the abbreviation has only two characters, it would be the third alternative, GetFXRate.


How is the term "Abstract Data Types" interpreted?

What's the right way to process the phrase "Abstract Data Types"? Is it:
Abstract-Data Types
Abstract Data-Types
Neither is a well-explained term.
Precisely, there is no need to write a hyphen among those words.
In some circumstances, there could be the necessity to define conceptual data as ‘abstract-data’. But when it comes to terminology in computer science, it’s more general to use without a hyphen which is called ‘abstract data’.
(If there should be a hyphen in the phrase, ‘abstract data-type’ would be more appropriate than ‘abstract-data type’.)
In conclusion, ‘abstract data type’ is the most generally used term.

How to convert foreign characters to English characters in SQL Query?

I have to create sql function that converts special Characters, International Characters(French, Chinese...) to english.
Is there any special function in sql, can i get??
Thanks for your help.
If you are after English names for the characters, that is an achievable goal, as they all have published names as part of the Unicode standard.
See for example:
Your task then is to simply turn the list of unicode characters into a table with 100,000 or so rows. Unfortunately the names you get will be things like ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH MEEM MEDIAL FORM.
On the other hand, if you want to actually translate the meaning, you need to be looking at machine translation software. Both Microsoft and Google have well-known cloud translation offerings and there are several other well-thought of products too.
I think the short answer is you can't unless you narrow your requirements a lot. It seems you want to take a text sample, A, and convert it into romanized text B.
There are a few problems to tackle:
Languages are typically not romanized on a single character basis. The correct pronunciation of a character is often dependent on the characters and words around it, and can even have special rules for just one word (learning English can be tough because it is filled with these, having borrowed words from many languages without normalizing the spelling).
Even if you code rules for every language you want to support you still have homographs, words that are spelled using exactly the same characters, but that have different pronunciations (and thus romanization) depending on what was meant - for example "sow" meaning a pig, or "sow" (where the w is silent) meaning to plant seeds.
And then you get into the problem of what language you are romanizing: Characters and even words are not unique to one language, but the actual meaning and romanization can vary. The fact that many languages include loan words from those language they share characters with complicates any attempt to automatically determine which language you are trying to romanize.
Given all these difficulties, what it is you actually want to achieve (what problem are you solving)?
You mention French among the languages you want to "convert" into English - yet French (with its accented characters) is already written in the roman alphabet. Even everyday words used in English occasionally make use of accented characters, though these are rare enough that the meaning and pronunciation is understood even if they are omitted (ex. résumé).
Is your problem really that you can't store unicode/extended ASCII? There are numerous ways to correct or work around that.

Pros and Cons of table name having spaces

In one of my project, it was required to have a table with space in between. Some suggest me not to include spaces because it is not a good technique.
we can still implement it using single-double quotes for table name in queries. But i need a solid backing for not opting spaces. Please help.
It makes it harder to read, creates complexity if you ever want to do dynamic SQL. Spaces in the tables names on the other hand add no value whatsoever.
Mr. Anderson points out that its tedious. This is true enough, but more importantly it adds unnecessary tediousness.
I would never use spaces (nor other special characters) in table or column names.
Out of lazyness is one point (so typing SQL queries is a lot easier because you don't need those dreaded quotes)
Secondly a lot of tools out there might still have problems with non-standard table names.
Btw: the quote character for non-standard object names is a double quote (")
If you really go down that road, I would highly recommend to put MySQL into "ANSI Mode" in order to be compatible with the rest of the (DBMS) world.
(Single quotes are for character literals, double quotes for "escaping" non-standard names)

Best methods to make urls friendly?

We're working on revising the url structure for some of our movie content, but we aren't quite sure on the best way to handle odd characters. For example,
'8 1/2 Women'
'Dude, Where's My Car?'
'9-1/2 Weeks'
So far, we're thinking:
Is this the best solution? Is there anything we're forgetting?
Use this format: /movies/123456/8-1-2-women
Set up your web server so that movies are identified by the numeric id (123456), and the rest of the path is ignored (only serves for SEO).
(Stackoverflow uses this approach)
We always use dashes.
I don't have a source off hand, but I have heard that the dash character is good for SEO purposes, better so than something like camel caps (i.e. dudeWheresMyCar) but not sure how it compares to underscores, ampersands, or percentage signs. Apparently with dashes (and maybe other separation characters too) search bots can "read" the links and add it as just one more factor on determining content relevance.
From Seomoz: "When creating URLs with multiple words in the format of a phrase, hyphens are best to separate the terms (e.g. /brands/dolce-and-gabbana/), followed (in order) by, underscores (_), pluses (+) and nothing."
This has been confirmed by Matt Cutts, Google too.

What a single sentence consist of? How to name it?

I'm designing architecture of a text parser. Example sentence: Content here, content here.
Whole sentence is a... sentence, that's obvious. The, quick etc are words; , and . are punctuation marks. But what are words and punctuation marks all together in general? Are they just symbols? I simply don't know how to name what a single sentence consists of in the most reasonable abstract way (because one may write it consists of letters/vowels etc).
Thanks for any help :)
What you're doing is technically lexical analysis ("lexing"), which takes a sequence of input symbols and generates a series of tokens or lexemes. So word, punctuation and white-space are all tokens.
In (E)BNF terms, lexemes or tokens are synonymous with "terminal symbols". If you think of the set of parsing rules as a tree the terminal symbols are the leaves of the tree.
So what's the atom of your input? Is it a word or a sentence? If it's words (and white-space) then a sentence is more akin to a parsing rule. In fact the term "sentence" can itself be misleading. It's not uncommon to refer to the entire input sequence as a sentence.
A semi-common term for a sequence of non-white-space characters is a "textrun".
A common term comprising the two sub-categories "words" and "punctuation", often used when talking about parsing, is "tokens".
Depending on what stage of your lexical analysis of input text you are looking at, these would be either "lexemes" or "tokens."