i observed a major cosmetic change happened to Kubernetes documentation recently, before to that search option was pretty good. Now, it’s not working fine
If I type “security context” or “resource requests” in the search box, in the results, it is showing “fetching results….”, no result even after 15 minutes waiting also.
It works with single words like “security” and “resources” like that, but results are not specific. Please help and suggest.
Are you sure this is a right question here? Is sounds just like a complain.
But anyway, take a screenshot. Everything works fine right now
Note: it is quite possible that I am being an idiot about this issue. If so, I apologize in advance. I did some looking (here and on other sites) and didn't see an answer. Perhaps I didn't properly phrase my search terms. Again, my apologies.
This behavior I am seeing started with VS 2017 and did not happen in prior versions of VS.
What happens is when I am typing an IF statement in VB.Net 2017, Intellisense and auto-complete either does not happen or changes my input to something completely different, and very un-helpful. To get back to the functionality I would expect, I have to stop what I am typing and space over and type: )then and press Enter. Then, when I go back into the body of the IF statement to specify the test condition, Intellisense and auto-complete work as expected, and as they did in previous versions of VS.
Is anyone else having this issue? Is there something that I can do (switch setting, etc.) to get rid of this annoyance? I would have to imagine that there is a setting somewhere that would fix this that I am unaware of.
Thanks in advance,
Bob Kiser
I am just thinking about command typeAndWait in Selenium, because I cant figure out any real purpose of it.
In what situation you type in some input and then the page immedeately starts reloading? I can imagine AJAX, but in this case the page doesn't reload - which is the reason, you have to use waitForXY commands instead of xyAndWait when testing AJAX...
But it was a long day today, maybe I am just dull now and the answer is quite obvious...
The google search while you type is the only situation I can think of where that would happen, except your right that the page wouldn't actually load, but there are some weird cases out there that I'm sure I haven't thought of.
Sometimes when i hit Enter behind a line to write the next line my cursor jumps down like 300 lines of code within the same Java class which is absolutly annoying.
It jumps just to anywhere within the same file but always somewhere faar below the line i hit enter behind ... so its not jumping to a definition or something like that - it literally just places the cursor to a random point.
Did anyone ever had a similar experience? (I cant find anything on the internet hence i think its either a very easy to fix thing or something for the support).
Like could this be a side effect of defined live templates or something like that?
ANY suggestion could help since i tried out anything i could think of (code completion, live templates, editor settings - nothing looks like it would trigger this behaviour)
Note: I dont like this question at all but i am realy lost right now.
I have not seen any one run into this nor have I seen a bug report on such (and something like that would be a critical). I recommend the following steps:
Upgrade to the latest v14.0.3 if you are not at that version
Invalidate your caches and restart, then wait for IntelliJ to re-index your project (this is a bit of a long shot, but worth the couple of minutes it takes)
File/Application > Invalidate Cache
Disable all third party (i.e. non-bundled) plug-ins and restart
My strongest suspicion is that a 3rd party plug-in is causing the issue.
If this solves the issue, isolate the plug-in causing the issue and contact the developer.
If none of the above work, provide as much detail as you can about the issue as #Makoto suggests. What type of file; what are you doing; OS; IDEA version; etc, etc.
we're currently customizing iNotes for a customer (platform currently is Domino 9). We almost reached our goals, but one thing that's on our todo list I can't really figure out: they want us to also customize any possible error pages; see the following example screenshot:
This and other similar pages seem to come from the central Forms9.nsf which I'd love to leave as it is. We so far tried domcfg.nsf mappings, but as this is an iNotes internal error it obviously can't work; I also tried to figure out a way to put seomething into our customized Forms9_x.nsf but without any hint this is too abstract for me.
So my questions are:
has anyone ever done this?
what options do we have (apart from "hacking" Forms9.nsf)?
Many thanks in advance...
After continuing to play with domcfg mappings I suddenly saw a first result; not sure what's the difference to the first attempts, though; maybe moving the error form to Forms9_x.nsf did the trick? I'll keep investigating and post an answer if I can find one...
Alright, this has been an afternoon of wild guessing and hacking along, but finally I think I found it:
first of all, my playing around with domcfg mappings didn't have to do with solving the problem; instead, I just by chance had put my error page form into my Forms9_x.nsf and named it $$ReturnGeneralError (that's simply the name used in Forms9.nsf...; I completely had forgotton about those 4 pre-defined form names back from Domino 5 times).
What did not work was the old method of simply including a text file named MessageString to display the exact error message returned from the server; obviously iNotes is handling those error strings differently.
After a few hours of testing, and comparing codes between the standard iNotes error page and mine I finally found it: include some iNotes specific computed text into the page, in my case that is
#{{MessageString}; html}
See this document for some details (last row in the table)
Hopefully this can help someone else as well...
We've got Localsolr (2.9.1 lucene-spatial library) running on Solr 1.4 with Tomcat 1.6. Everything's looking good, except for a couple little issues.
If we specify fl=id (or fl= anything) and wt=json it seems that the fl parameter is ignored (thus we get a lot more detail in our results than we'd like).
If we specify fl=id and leave out wt=json (which defaults to returning xml results), we get the expected fields back. We'd really prefer to use wt=json because the results are easier for us to deal with (also, the same issue also arises with wt=python and wt=ruby).
Ideas? Known issue? Workarounds?