In sap hybris, is there any build-in way through which i can display label on product images? - sap

I am new to SAP Hybris. My requirement is to display best seller or some other lable on particular products Images. I just want to know, should hybris provide any of the properties or anything through which i can achieve this. Or i have to add my own field in Product Model.

I would say that there is no approach for it generally. Actually, such "tags" are also derived from other derived values. Stock, Total quantity in OrderEntries, ....
However, if you want to "boost" a product you can make it a "TOP" product which put its automatically in front of a search result. Depending on this, you could implement a tag on the image.
Of course, you would be a able to add a "String imageTag" field to the ProductModul and if set, put on the first image on the category page and/or PDP. But that is not a default feature.


How to add different dimensions in product?

Hello Shopify Developers.
I'm a newbie on Shopify. How can we add a tab in product pages as Dimensions? Through this tab, we should be able to edit and change the dimensions for each specific product.
Would you give me a suggestion to do that? please teach me.
Best regards, Siva.
Shopify is not designed to allow customers to enter custom dimensions and have that affect the final price of the item.
However, this can be accomplished in principle through some roundabout steps, which involve a hidden priced product and a fair bit of javascript and the use of line-item properties to link everything together.
If you're feeling ambitious and want to make such a system yourself, the basic flow would be:
Create a product that either has a $0.01 value (or whatever the lowest denomination is in your currency) or a value of whatever the cost-per-smallest-unit that you want to sell by
Update your store templates so that any products that are marked as a component product (via tags, metafields, product type, or whatever you choose to go with) do not get displayed on collection pages, search results, etc.
For your product pages that need custom dimensions, you will need to create any relevant input fields and add whatever formulas you need to convert user inputs into units of your component product
When the item is added to cart, you will need custom javascript to add the correct quantity of the component item at the same time that the main/visible item is added to the cart. At this step, I would recommend adding line-item properties to both items that would identify that they belong together.
You will need to update your cart to hide the component product and add its price to the main/visible item for display purposes, and the quantity-update and item-remove features in your cart to make sure that when the main/visible product is updated or removed the component product is updated appropriately as well.
This can be quite the undertaking to try to take on yourself, so if any of the above steps seem daunting I would strongly recommend looking for an app in Shopify's app store that can do these steps for you. There are a lot of product option/customization apps available, and many of them have free trials that you can take advantage of to see if they meet your needs.
Of course, if you have the skills and ambition to take this project on, great! The above flow should hopefully get you started, and if you need further advice on any specific step feel free to ask another question.

Shopify variable price for a single product

I am about to display a rack builder in my shopify.
The users can set various customization like the number of rows and columns and the size of each cell and its door option for each cell.
The problem is that I would like to know how to enable variable price for that product. I think I cant use variant product as it will be limited in number.
This will require quite a lot of customisation.
First you will need to split your rack elements into separate products:
You will need to enter variants for each of the different elements.
Once you are done with that you will need to create a page that allows you to customise the product showing the options from the product elements you created above.
You will need to collect the product customisation with JS and add the appropriate amount of each element to the cart.
In case the customer have the option of manual input and the price is changed based on that ( for example the size of the wood ) then the functionality will become even more complex.
Long story short it will be hard to code, the administration will be complex and the user experience won't be nice.
Another way will be to look into some APP that can help you with this, but I'm not sure if there is one that has this kind of functionality.

VirtoCommerce API getting item prices

I am using VirtoCommerce 2.9 and have some questions regarding the API and what would be the best way to get all the information I need, while keeping the number of API requests down.
Right now I am using the endpoint /api/catalog/search to find items that matches a number of attributes. But the response does not include prices and product texts. Both I would like to present to the end user. What would be the correct or best way to retrieve this information?
Currently search service does not return the description and price for the products.
To get this details you need to use separate queries
to get product detail with description and
to retrieve actual products prices. You can call them in parallel for better performance.
Be aware to use WithProperties response group because it may cause
perfomance problem. Anyway product returned with all properties values
and this 'response group' is only responsible for retrieving properties meta-information
(as possible dictionary values, multilingual, required or optional flag etc) this information often used in admin area and in storefront almost not used.
Indexed search module will be serious changed in future versions, and you will be able to have more control over the product details in the search index.

Google listing my product as "Free" in search results

I have used properties on my eCommerce site. Today I listed few new products that don't have prices yet, so listed with $0 price.
Now Google is fetching these products as "Free" item in its search results (find the "Digital Cinema" result and you will see "Free" attribute in result).
What I can do?
I can remove price from itemprop="price" but it will throw an error for my code.
Not sure how to deal with it.
Either you have a price (in which case you provide the price property), or you don’t (in which case you omit the price property).
Getting an error in Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool does not necessarily mean that your code is invalid (there are no required properties in, so having no price is perfectly fine). It just means that Google probably won’t display a Rich Snippet for this content. And rightly so, as you don’t have a price, so what should they display instead?
So omit the price property for now; add it as soon as you have the price.
If you're able to have the display price as a string, you can set it something like "$TBD" (To Be Determined), or even "Out Of Stock". This is how I've seen some other web stores do it.

Ordering products by product type in Shopify

I've been asked by a client is it possible for them to be able to manually order product(Types) on the front-end instead of using the default A-Z option.
For example:
Customer visits product listing page
Selects product type from the filterable options E.G "t-shirts"
Products show based on that query but are organised how they have defined possibly in the backend somewhere, or as a Shopify setting that I setup.
I can't seem to find anything from digging around on the internet and I can't think how I'd do this on my own but wondered if anyone else ha had experience or ideas for how this could be achieved.
You could define a collection with the condition "Product type is equal to your_type". Then after you save the collection you can choose to order the products manually (the default is alphabetically).