When I tap with Detox, the button is not tapped. However it can be tapped if I just click at it - detox

The problem is when I tap with Detox, the button is not tapped. However it can be tapped if I just click at it.
version of Detox: 16.8.2,
version of React Native: 0.57.1

This happened because I used device.openURL({url: 'https://...' }) previously to open the app from a deep link.
Instead, it worked after opening a new instance of the app with a deep link in argument: device.launchApp({newInstance: true, url: 'https://...' });
After this, the interaction can be performed.
It looks like a bug with the method device.openURL()


react-native-image-viewer - Landscape View didn't work on IOS

On Android, Landscape-Mode works like a charm, but on IOs I've found following issue:
Mobile-Device is in Landscape-Mode:
I click on an Image (Touchable-Opacity set the state modalShow
The Landscape-Mode will be switched to Portrait-Mode, after that the Modal appears
If I close the Modal, the App switch back to Landscape-Mode.
Any Idea, why this only happend on Iphone, but working well on Android?
You have to add this (or only some of them like you're needs) to your Modal, which encapsulate the Image-Zoom Component:
Consider using a library to manage the screen rotation https://github.com/yamill/react-native-orientation

RNRF: How open drawer with custom "hamburger?" Not documented in API. Error: "Actions.get" is not a function

I'm using the
tag and it works great, but I don't want the default screen layout with the default "hamburger" menu icon at the top-left of the screen.
I've spent hours trying to get my own button to open the drawer.
I've done my research homework:
The RNRF API for Drawer doesn't list open/close methods:
Was happy to find two EXACT issues "How to open Drawer When use a custom icon in Scene" #1101 and "How to customize drawer button" #1078 on GitHub but none of the solutions work--so close but yet so far!
In Button component:
onPress={() => {Actions.get('drawer').ref.toggle()}}
but get this error:
Here is my main code:

Detect button click on Webview of React Native

I am developing a React Native app. It is a very simple app. I just have to load a website on a webview, which is perfectly done. but my client wants something which I am not sure how to do.
There are some social media buttons on the website. like facebook, twitter etc. so my client wants me to open social media app while user tap on them. suppose user tapped on facebook button then the facebook app will load.
I badly need to know the solution. please help me. thanks in advance.
Make use of onMessage.
Code is untested but you should get the gist of what it's trying to achieve.
function facebookClick() {
window.postMessage("Facebook button done got clicked");
var _fb_button = document.getElementById("your-facebook-button");
_fb_button.addEventListener("click", facebookClick, false);
import { Linking } from 'react-native';
onMessage={(event) => {
let message = event.nativeEvent.data;
if(message.includes("Facebook button done got clicked"))
You'll have to check out the current protocol's details of each of the social apps you're trying to open via deeplink. Once you've done that, you can further improve your code with Linking.canOpenURL

Add Icon with React native Material UI Button

I have used the following Material UI for React Native
React Native Material UI
From that library I have created Button with following code
<Button raised upperCase={false}
The Button Created successfully.
Now i want to place the facebook icon before text facebook. As guided in the above library i have done that with following code
<Button raised upperCase={false} icon="add-circle"
But there is no icon in that library named as 'fb' or 'facebook'.
So now i want to include facebook icon or my fb.png icon file in that button.
I am new to React Native app development. How can i do that using the same library?
If I am doing any thing wrong kindly guided me.
I know it's too late but it might help someone. MaterialIcons doesn't have facebook icon, so you have to get the facebook icon with the following code
icon={{name: 'facebook', type: 'font-awesome'}}
title='Connect With Facebook' />

What is the substitute for WL.App.close?

WL.App.close is deprecated. I know that this is not supported for iOS. But why is it deprecated for Android as well? At the moment, it is still functioning fine, even on 6.2, but since it is deprecated, what is the alternative/substitute for this?
In Android as well, this is not the recommended approach. You should let the user quit the app, and this is done by manually bringing up the "applications view" and swiping the app in order to quit it.
Can be corroborated by these answers by Googlers:
Additionally, there are these approaches:
Close application and launch home screen on Android
You could write a Cordova plug-in that will force-quit the app and trigger it by overriding whatever you'd like (like the Back button), or create a dedicated Quit button, etc.
In MobileFirst 7.0, this method seems to be deprecated in both iOS and Android, but when I call this "deprecated" method in Android, it really works.
I think overriding Android's back button might be a best practice in Android webapp as back button may cause strange page navigating issues (if you use UI frameworks like JQM). This is what I done in WL's main.js.
function backFunc(){
"Sure to quit the app ?",
[ {text : 'Cancel', handler: function() {
{text : 'Yes', handler: function() {
if(WL.Client.getEnvironment() == WL.Environment.ANDROID) {