Displaying the sidebar on the landing page in ‘docs-only’ mode - docusaurus

I’m setting up documentation in Docusaurus V2, and have set it up to be ‘docs-only’ by following the instructions in the Docusaurus documentation (setting the routeBasePath and homePageId). That works as expected.
The problem is that when you land on the docs homepage, there is no sidebar. The ‘Next’ button is available at the bottom of the page, and once you use that or any of the top menu bar links to navigate to any other page, the sidebars work perfectly!
What am I missing??

Ensure that you've added that doc page to your sidebars.js file

This is a bug I fixed recently, please upgrade.
Also, remove the file at src/pages/index.js


Unable to add sphinx docs version

I'm trying to add doc's version switch option at the bottom of the sphinx docs sidebar like this.
I've followed the sphinx-versions documentation step by step and facing the error "No docs found in any remote branch/tag." after running the command
sphinx-versioning build -r feature_branch . build/html
feature_branch is a sample branch created for testing the integration, . refers to the current directory and build/html is the path where the doc will be built. master_doc = 'index' is also added in the conf.py file.
I'm not sure which step is missed which is causing the error, please suggest the right way if I'm integrating it wrong. The footer at the bottom left sidebar is what I need to integrate.

Only The 'Welcome to Bonfire' Screen Displays

I tried Installing Bonifre on Xampp. It get's properly installed. But when I try to login into Admin Panel. It redirects back to the "Welcome Screen".
I have tried changing $config['uri_protocol'] to other options provided in config file. But none of them Works. I followed the bonfire docs.
Replace the session.php file in(bonfire\ci3\libraries\Session) with the following which is from an older version.

NuxtJS routing error: Page not found when navigating to an existing route

Just started using Nuxt, and I love it so far. I just have one specific issue, I'm using prismic.io as headless CMS for my personal page. I have a few pages and a "blog" page. I'm having an issue when navigating to the blog route, it returns page not found. Now, it's kind of odd because it's working perfectly in my local host, it's just behaving that way when deployed.
Site's being deployed on Netlify.
I already tried switching the route's links and building the project on my local machine and it's working like charm.
Link to site:
This is my file structure for the pages:
-- blog/
---- _uid.vue
-- About.vue
-- Blog.vue
-- Contact.vue
-- Works.vue
-- index.vue
Steps to replicate the issue
Navigate to about
Navigate to contact
Navigate to blog (Sometimes the error shows on this step)
Click on an article
Navigate back to the blog (here it should display not found)
Steps to navigate back to blog after the error shows up:
On the url bar, paste wonderful-gates-27a024.netlify.com/blog and hit enter.
I'm getting page not found error
It works sometimes because you are navigating to
Which is different from
the page which is /blog
doesn't exist while the page
exists. which is /blog/_uid
so if you want it to work make
-- blog/
---- _uid.vue
---- index.vue// make this file and the /blog will work
-- About.vue
-- Blog.vue
-- Contact.vue
-- Works.vue
-- index.vue
We just had this error occur and it was caused by renaming About.vue to about.vue on a MacOS machine.
Git doesn't recognize it as a new file, so when you deploy the app on a Linux machine, the problem occurs.
The solution is to rename the file from a Linux machine, so that git recognizes it.
You could also probably accomplish it by renaming the file from Blog.vue to new-blog.vue and then renaming it again to blog.vue.
This is all caused by the fact that files aren't case sensitive on MacOS but they are on linux. You will see it where you have:
<NuxtLink :to="{ name: 'blog' }">
It must be blog.vue to match the route name because the filename leads to the route name. On Linux, the crawler will name the route "Blog" if it is Blog.vue.
You don't want uppercase filenames with nuxt, because they will lead to URLs such as /Blog. I don't recommend having uppercase in your pages directory.
We've now released the updated nuxt-prismic module to solve this dynamic routes issue and enable previews. You see how to migrate your project by following this article:
Also you can see a project enabled with the module already here:

Play Framework & IntelliJ - Cannot resolve symbol index/routes

I'm new to playframework/intellij and I have finally managed to import a play-java-intro succesfully (yey!), but when I try to edit the Application.java file, I see the error shown in the picture below "Cannot resolve symbol index" and "Cannot resolve symbol routes".
What does this mean? How do I get rid of these errors/warnings?
I have tried to run the program aswell to see if it works, and the project works. This means that the errors are showing false.
Also, how do I refresh the project in IntelliJ? I once managed to do this, but that was after a popup came in the topright corner. I have never managed to find the refresh button after that. Just a "Synchronize Project", which does nothing.
Do as following:
1- In intelliJ navigate to Project Structure > Modules
2- In the sources tab find target > scala_2.11 > src_managed > main and click on it.
3- Mark in as 'Sources' by clicking the button on top of browsing pane.
4- Click OK
That should be it.
I was having a similar issue and I Have updated my IntelliJ to version 2017.3 and everything is working fine now.
In Intellij 2022 try running sbt run once and hit the url (e.g localhost:9000) .
Tested on Play official samples

how to solve blank home page error in wordpress

getting blank home page, but admin is working fine for me.
i tried to put
define('WP_DEBUG', true) in config file but no help.
check errors in error_log to see where code breaks or try to remove some newly installed plugins