Repast - eliminate/delete agents permanently - repast-simphony

The model I have contains huge number of agents. However, I wish to partially delete/elminate some agents who have done their job during the run-time, in order to release computing memory, speed up model execution and avoid OOM.
Is context.remove() really eliminates/kills the agent(object) permanently? Is memory released after this operation? If not, what is the correct procedure?

Yes, that's right. Unless you have some other reference to the agent, removing it from the context will allow the memory to be garbage collected.


Vulkan WaW hazard & memory barrier

Vulkan spec states:
Write-after-read hazards can be solved with just an execution dependency, but read-after-write and write-after-write hazards need appropriate memory dependencies to be included between them.
I thought that WaW can be solved with only execution barrier as well.
Why do we need a memory barrier to solve WaW hazard if we're not going to read data?
Execution dependencies ensure the ordering of operations. Memory dependencies ensure the visibility of memory operations. These aren't the same thing.
In order for a write-after-write to work correctly, the second write has to happen after the first write, but also you have to make sure that the first write is visible to the operation doing the second write. Otherwise, it's possible for the second write to be overwritten by the first, even if the second write happened after the first.
If you want a more hardware-based explanation, consider what happens if the first write uses one cache, and the second write uses a separate cache from the first (GPUs have a lot of caches). Execution dependencies don't affect caches. So the second write's cache may write its data before the first write's cache does, which means that the first write will eventually overwrite the second.
Memory dependencies force data out of caches, thus ensuring that when the second write takes place, there isn't a write sitting around in a cache somewhere.

What would be the value of VkAccessFlags for a VkBuffer or VkImage after being allocated memory?

So I create a bunch of buffers and images, and I need to set up a memory barrier for some reason.
How do I know what to specify in the srcAccessMask field for the barrier struct of a newly created buffer or image, seeing as at that point I wouldn't have specified the access flags for it? How do I decide what initial access flags to specify for the first memory barrier applied to a buffer or image?
Specifying initial values for other parameters in Vk*MemoryBarrier is easy since I can clearly know, say, the original layout of an image, but it isn't apparent to me what the value of srcAccessMask could be the first time I set up a barrier.
Is it based on the usage flags specified during creation of the object concerned? Or is there some other way that can be used to find out?
So, let's assume vkCreateImage and VK_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED.
Nowhere the specification says it defines some scheduled operation. So it is healthy to assume all its work is done as soon as it returns. Plus, it does not even have memory.
So any synchronization needs would be of the memory you bind to it. Let's assume it is just fresh memory from vkAllocate. Similarly, nowhere it is said in the specification that it defines some scheduled operation.
Even so, there's really only two options. Either the implementation does nothing with the memory, or it null-fills it (for security reason). In the case it null-fills it, that must be done in a way you cannot access the original data (even using synchronization errors). So it is healthy to assume the memory has no "synchronization baggage" on it.
So simply srcStageMask = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT (no previous outstanding scheduled operation) and srcAccessMask = 0 (no previous writes) should be correct.

What's the point of using NSPurgeabledata in NSCache?

I've read some article about using suggestion of NSCache, for many it mentioned a recommendation is that to use NSPurgeabledata in an NSCache.
However I just can't catch the point, while the NSCache already be able to evict its content when memory is tight or it reached its count/cost limit, why we still need to use NSPurgeabledata here? Isn't that just potentially slower than using the data object we already have? What kind of advantage can we take here?
The count limit and the total-cost limit are not strictly enforced. That is, when the cache goes over one of its limits, some of its objects might get evicted immediately, later, or never, all depending on the implementation details of the cache.
So the advantages of using NSPurgeabledata here is :-
By using purgeable memory, you allow the system to quickly recover memory if it needs to, thereby increasing performance. Memory that is marked as purgeable is not paged to disk when it is reclaimed by the virtual memory system because paging is a time-consuming process. Instead, the data is discarded, and if needed later, it will have to be recomputed.
It works like a locking mechanism or we can say that it works like synchronization. If data is accessing by one thread then no other thread can access the same one, until unless the first one get completed.

What causes page fault and how to minimize them?

When examining a process in Process Explorer, what does it mean when there are several page faults? The application is processing quite a bit of data and the UI is not very responsive. Are there optimizations to the code that could reduce or eliminate page faults? Would increasing the physical RAM of the system make a difference?
Increasing the physical RAM on your machine could result in fewer page faults, although design changes to your application will do much better than adding RAM. In general, having a smaller memory footprint, and having things that will often be accessed around the same time be on the same page will decrease the number of page faults. It can, also, be helpful to try to do everything you can with some bit of data in memory all at once so that you don't need to access it many different times, which may cause page faults (aka thrashing).
It might also be helpful to make sure that memory that is accessed after each other is near to each other (eg if you have some objects, place them in an array) if these objects have lots of data that is very infrequently used, place it in another class and make the first class have a reference to the second one. This way you will use less memory most of the time.
A design option would be to write a memory cache system, lazy creating memory (create on demand). such cache would have a collection of pre-allocated memory chunks, accessed by their size. For example, an array of N lists, each list having M buffers.each list is responsible to bring you memory in a certain size range. (for example, from each list bringing you memory in the range of 2^i (i = 0..N-1). even if you want to use less then 2^i, you just dont use the extra memory in the buffer.
this would be a tradeoff of small memory waste, vs caching and less page faults.
another option is to use nedmalloc
good luck

Are we asking too much of transactional memory?

I've been reading up a lot about transactional memory lately. There is a bit of hype around TM, so a lot of people are enthusiastic about it, and it does provide solutions for painful problems with locking, but you regularly also see complaints:
You can't do I/O
You have to write your atomic sections so they can run several times (be careful with your local variables!)
Software transactional memory offers poor performance
[Insert your pet peeve here]
I understand these concerns: more often than not, you find articles about STMs that only run on some particular hardware that supports some really nifty atomic operation (like LL/SC), or it has to be supported by some imaginary compiler, or it requires that all accesses to memory be transactional, it introduces type constraints monad-style, etc. And above all: these are real problems.
This has lead me to ask myself: what speaks against local use of transactional memory as a replacement for locks? Would this already bring enough value, or must transactional memory be used all over the place if used at all?
Yes, some of the problems you mention can be real ones now, but things evolve.
As any new technology, first there is a hype, then the new technology shows that there are some unresolved problems, and then some of these problems are solved and others not. This result in another possibility to solve your problems, for which this technology is the more adapted.
I will say that you can use STM for a part of your application that can leave with the constraints the currents state of the art have. Part of the application that don't mind about a lost of efficiency for example.
Communication between the transaction and non transactional parts is the big problem. There are STM that are lock aware, so them can interact in a consistent way with non transactional parts.
I/O is also possible, but your transaction becomes irrevocable, that is, can not be aborted. That means that only one transaction can use I/O at the same time. You can also use I/O once the top level transaction has succeed, on a non-transactional world, as now.
Most of the STM library base systems force the user to make the difference between transactional and non transactional data. So yes, you need to understand what this exactly means. On the other hand, compilers can deduce what access must be transactional or not, the problem been that they can be too conservative, decreasing the efficiency we can get when we manage explicitly the different kind of variables. This is the same as having static, local and dynamic variables. You need to know the constraints each one have to make a correct program.
I've been reading up a lot about transactional memory lately.
You might also be interested in this podcast on software transactional memory, which also introduces STM using an analogy based on garbage collection:
The paper is about an analogy between garbage collection and transactional memory.
In addition to seeing the beauty of the analogy, the discussion also serves as a good
introduction to transactional memory (which was mentioned in the Goetz/Holmes episode)
and - to some extent - to garbage collection.
If you use transactional memory as a replacement for locks, all the code that executes with that lock held could be rolled back upon completion. Thus the code that was previously using locks must be transactional, and will have all the same drawbacks (and benefits).
So, you could possibly restrict the influence of TM to only those parts of the code that hold locks, right? Every piece of code that can be called during a held lock must support TM, in that scenario. How much of your program does not hold locks and is never called by code that holds locks?