Wildcard Search for a numeric range - sql

I am trying to filter out a column (plan_name) which have internet plans of customers. Eg (200GB Fast Unlimited,Free Additional Mailbox,Unlimited VDSL...). I specifically want to filter out plans which do not have any numbers in them. The column is of type varchar2 and I'm querying an Oracle database. I have written the following code:
FROM plans
WHERE plan_name NOT LIKE '%[0-9]%'
However, this code still returns plans like 200GB fast that have numbers in them? Can anyone explain why this is?

Oracle's like syntax does not support the kind of pattern matching you are trying. This is SQL Server syntax. Oracle interprets the pattern as a litteral '[0-9]' (which, obviously, something like '200GB'does not match).
However, unlike SQL Server, Oracle has proper suport for regular expression, through the regexp_* functions. If you want values that contain no digit, you can do:
where not regexp_like(plan_name, '\d')


Does array like function exist in SQL

Using SQL I would like to know if its possible to do the following:
If I have a variable that the user inputs mutiple strings into seperated by a comma for example ('aa','bbb','c','dfd'), is it possible using LIKE with a wilcard at the end of each string in stead of having the user to enter each variations in multiple macros.
So say if user was looking for employee numbers that start with ('F','E','C') is it possible without using OR statements is the question I guess am asking?
It would be similar to that of an array I guess
No, LIKE is its own operator and therefore needs separated by an OR.
You might prefer ILIKE to LIKE, as it is a case-insensitive comparison.
You can also try to use REGEXP_LIKE, which is similar to what you want, except you'll have to use regex expressions instead of 'FEC%'
That depends on your SQL dialect; I don't know Impala at all, but other SQL engines have support for regular expressions in string matches, so that you can build a query string like
SELECT fld FROM tbl WHERE fld REGEXP '^[FEC].*$';
No matter what you do, you will need to build a query from your user's input. Passing through user input unprocessed into your SQL processor is a big "nope" anyways, from a "don't accidentally delete a table" point of view:

Pattern matching in Big query vs SSMS-Return strings which contain special characters or numerics

I'm a bit lost.
I've had a look at the documentation but I'm not sure if you can use LIKE and pattern match in Big Query the same as SSMS.
The code shown here works in SSMS but the results are not correct in Big Query, so was wondering if there was another way to do it.
WHERE column_name NOT LIKE '[a-Z]%'
I'm looking to return strings which contain special characters or numerics.
where not regexp_contains(column_name, r'[a-zA-Z]')
Meantime, LIKE is also supported as a comparison operator

Difference between % vs * in string comparison in Hive

When trying to list down all tables names in a database having a specific name format, the following query works fine :
show tables like '*case*';
while the following does not
show tables like '%case%';
On the other hand, when comparing the actual data inside string columns its the vice-versa case
Working query :
select column from database.table where column like '%ABC%' limit 5;
Not working query :
select column from database.table where column like '*ABC*' limit 5;
What's the difference between the 2 operators * and % ?
This is the difference between regular expressions and like patterns.
LIKE is built into the SQL language. It has two wildcards:
% represents any number of characters including zero.
_ represents exactly one character.
Regular expressions are much more flexible for matching almost any pattern in a string.
When SQL was invented, I don't think regular expressions were in common use in computer systems -- at the very least, the folks at IBM who worked on relational databases may not have been familiar with the folks at ATT who were inventing Unix.
Regular expressions are much more powerful than LIKE patterns, of course. And Hive supports them via the RLIKE operator (and some other functions).
The SHOW functionality is not standard SQL. So, the developers of Hive chose the more flexible method for pattern matching.
HiveQL attempts to mimic the SQL, but it does not strictly follow its standards.
The usage of the wildcards are not pertinent to the LIKE clause, but to the statement itself. SHOW statements validate the wildcards based on the Java regular expression whereas when it comes to SELECT statements, Hive tries to stick with the SQL's wildcard validation.

How to use BETWEEN Operator with Text Value in SQL?

How am I going to use BETWEEN Operator with Text Value or what is the right syntax when you will select all products with a ProductName for example ending with any of the letter BETWEEN 'C' and 'M'?
Most SQL dialects provide the RIGHT() function. This allows you to do:
If your database doesn't have this function, you can do something similar with the built-in functions. Also, the exact comparison might depend on the collation of the column/table/database/server. Sometimes comparisons are independent of case and sometimes they are dependent on case.
In case you are interested in an alternative method (which does work with the w3schools SQL editor), you can also use the LIKE operator:
WHERE ProductName LIKE '%[c-m]'
This will get you all Product Names ending on any character between C and M.
(It does work with the w3schools SQL Editor.)
In this case, the LIKE operator is using two wildcard characters:
Any string of zero or more characters.
Any single character within the specified range ([a-f]) or set
You can find more information about the LIKE operator here:

In MySql, find strings with a given prefix

In MySql, I want to locate records where the string value in one of the columns begins with (or is the same as) a query string. The column is indexed with the appropriate collation order. There is no full-text search index on the column though.
A good solution will:
Use the index on the column. Solutions that need to iterate over all the records in the table aren't good enough (several million records in the table)
Work with strings with any character values. Some of the column values contain punctuation characters. The query string might too. Keep this in mind if your solution includes regex characters or similar. The strings are UTF-8 encoded, but if your solution only works with ASCII it could still be useful.
The closest I have at this point is
SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE ColumnName BETWEEN query AND <<query+1>>
Where <<query+1>> is pre-computed to lexicographically follow query in the collation order. For example, if query is "o hai" then <<query+1>> is "o haj".
Surprisingly, a LIKE query will use an index just fine if you're doing a prefix search.
SELECT * from TableName Where ColumnName LIKE 'o hai%'
will indeed use an index since it does not begin with a wildcard character.
This (and other behavior) is documented in the "How MySQL uses Indexes" doc:
You will need to escape the '%' character and follow normal quoting rules, but other than that any utf-8 input prefix ought to work and do the job. Run an EXPLAIN query to make sure, sometimes other reasons can preclude indexes from working such as needing to do an OPTIMIZE TABLE to update index cardinalities (though this can take ages and locks your table)
Try this:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE columname LIKE CONCAT(query, '%');