How to disable days in odoo calendar? - odoo

I have an entity "appointment" with a date_appointment attribute. I have also created a Calendar view for that appointment. An appointment should never be scheduled on weekends, so I have disable those days in odoo datepicker (in the doem view). But when I clic on any Satursday or sunday in the Calendar view it shows the form view where I can create an appointment for that day. Is there any way I can disable those days in Odoo Calendar, so the user cannot clic on any weekend an create appointments. I have already disable the quick_add option
<record id="appointment_view_calendar" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">appointment.view.calendar</field>
<field name="model">tico_hospital.appointment</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<calendar string="Consultas programadas" mode="week" date_start="date_appointment" quick_add="False" color="patient_id">
<field name="patient_id"/>
<field name="reason"/>

According to the documentation, there is no option to disable the click on a specific day in the calendar view.
You can add a constraint to alert users when they try to create an appointment for weekdays.
If you need to avoid opening the form view when clicking on weekdays, override the _onOpenCreate method in the calendar controller.
The following example checks if the user has clicked on a weekday, if yes it shows an alert and avoids opening the form view.
odoo.define('web.CustomCalendar', function (require) {
"use strict";
var core = require('web.core');
var Dialog = require('web.Dialog');
var _t = core._t;
var WebCalendarController = require('web.CalendarController');
_onOpenCreate: function (event) {
if('tico_hospital.appointment' && [0, 6].includes( {
Dialog.alert(this, _t("You cannot create an appointment for Sunday or Saturday!"));
return this._super(event);
To add the files in an asset bundle, you need to:
add an assets.xml file in the views/ folder
add the string views/assets.xml in the data key in the manifest file
create an inherited view of the desired bundle (here web.assets_backend), and add the file(s) with an XPath expression. For example,
<template id="assets_backend" name="stack_overflow assets" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/stack_overflow/static/src/js/script.js"></script>
There are many different reasons why a file may not be properly loaded. Here are a few things you can try to solve the issue:
once the server is started, it does not know if an asset file has been modified. So, you can simply restart the server to regenerate the assets.
check the console (in the dev tools, usually opened with F12) to make sure there are no obvious errors
try to add a console.log at the beginning of your file (before any module definition), so you can see if a file has been loaded or not
in the user interface, in debug mode (INSERT LINK HERE TO DEBUG MODE), there is an option to force the server to update its assets files.
use the debug=assets mode. This will actually bypass the asset bundles (note that it does not actually solve the issue. The server still uses outdated bundles)
finally, the most convenient way to do it, for a developer, is to start the server with the –dev=all option. This activates the file watcher options, which will automatically invalidate assets when necessary. Note that it does not work very well if the OS is Windows.
remember to refresh your page!
or maybe to save your code file…


Odoo logged user data dont update for a login user

Please I need help with some custom rules configurations in Odoo 11.
Currently I'm doing a rule that allow an user only access to a certains product categories, for that I have a Many2many field which specify those categories:
product_category_ids = fields.Many2many('product.category')
Here is the rule that only allows access to that categories:
<record model="ir.rule" id="product_template_category_users">
<field name="name">product.template.category.users</field>
<field name="model_id" ref="product.model_product_template"/>
<field name="perm_read" eval="True"/>
<field name="perm_write" eval="True"/>
<field name="perm_unlink" eval="True"/>
<field name="perm_create" eval="True"/>
<field name="domain_force">[('categ_id', 'child_of', user.product_category_ids.ids)]</field>
The rule works fine, but I have this problem:
Login with user "A" who has that rule
Login in another sesion with user "B" and update user "A"
adding a new category to categories field
Return with user "A" and the rule doesn't show the new category added, also reload page doesn't work.
The changes only apply in "A" user when I change the current company or reload the Odoo Service.
I think that it has to be something with the user storing data when the user login, maybe is some way to update that data and allow the rule to read it from "user". I need that the changes doing to users apply in real time to that connected users without have to change the current company or reload the Odoo service.
Thanks for helping.
This is strange that it should work, but only after changing current company or restarting the Odoo server.
Can you try your modifications on a blank database and/or a new database with demo data loaded? If possible, it would be good to test this on an entirely different server to see if the problem might lay there.
Perhaps you can also try modifying your force_domain like this:
['|', ('categ_id', 'in', user.product_category_ids.ids), ('categ_id', 'child_of', user.product_category_ids.ids)]
If anyone has the same problem, I solve it using this funcion every time i made a change in the product categories field of user
That code clear the cache of rules so the rules apply the new domain.
Add self.env['ir.rule'].clear_cache() into create() and write() method of your model.

Odoo 10: Change datetime picker options for a field

This is with Odoo 10 and the default bootstrap-datetimepicker.
I have a field in my view that has a "Start of event" datetime. I'd like the date picker that shows up to work in 5 minute intervals (minuteStepping: 5) and to show the time picker along with the date picker (sideBySide: true).
I've confirmed that this works as I want it to by editing addons/web/static/src/js/widgets/date_picker.js manually.
However, I'd prefer to just give the two options I want to change as a parameter to my <field ..> definition under my <form> tag in the view XML. The source Widget accepts an options parameter in its init method that it extends to end up with the final options object, but I've been unable to insert my configuration options into this object.
I tried giving it as <field ... options="{...}" and as .. t-field-options='..', but I'm guessing the latter won't work since I'm not in a qweb context in my view, and the first one isn't read by widgets.
Is there any way I can do this without creating a new widget? (and hopefully without subclassing or extending the existing widget, but keep it as a pure view configuration option instead)?
You can see a great example in this module.
In the file. static/src/js/form.js.
The module has overridden the fields Many2one to add different options can be set in the XML declaration of field.
Example : <field name="partner_id" options="{'search_more':true}" />
In this example. The search more button is visible in all cases.
You can use the logic of this module as a base of your widget extension.
In a First time, you must download the Github repository.
Select the branch 10.0.
In the repository, there are a named module "web_widget_datepicker_options". This module gives you the possibility to specify any options as you want for a specific field.
After download and install the module on Odoo. You needing to reload the cache of your browser to be sure.
Now you can modify your form view. For an example, I will use the view form sale.order.
In the form view sale.order, you have a field "date_order". If you would like to have the time step 5 by 5.
<field name="date_order" options="{'datepicker':{'minuteStepping': 5}}" attrs="{'invisible': [('state', 'in', ['sale', 'done', 'cancel'])]}"/>
All the options in the dict of the key datepicker will be adding to the option of the bootstrap datepicker.

report print dropdown odoo

I have to add an item in print menu from purchase order tree view in odoo 8.
i am unable to find where is current Purchase Order reports added in print menu. i researched and found there is a tag from below:
also tried below, but i am getting qweb error :
<act_window name="Print Receiving Wkst"
res_model = "purchase.order"
src_model = "purchase.order"
key = "action"
my custom report is in "test" module with id "action_report_print_receivePO"
I am getting error for value tag i think.
Basically i have to add new entry in print menu from purchase order tree view. so that when ever it is clicked custom report is printed. moreover if more than one PO selected, it will create PDF of all the POs
You don't need to go through the stress of creating an action and then adding a new item to the "More dropdown". Odoo already provides a way for you do this. just set menu = True when you're registering your report and a Print option would appear in the "More dropdown" that prints your report.
string="Purchase order"
For more information on what the other parameters mean please refer to the
just in case you might want to generate reports of a different types not fully supported by Odoo, such as py3o you'll definitely need to create a report action as defined in the official doc. For example:
<record id="account.account_invoices" model="">
<field name="report_type">py3o</field>
<field name="py3o_filetype">odt</field>
<field name="module">my_custom_module_base</field>
<field name="py3o_template_fallback">report/account_invoice.odt</field>
However for your action to appear in the Print dropdown list, you must add two more fields to the record
<field name="binding_model_id" ref="model_my_custom_module_base"/>
<field name="binding_type">report</field>
Hope this helps anyone in the future!!
NB: Here I'm using the py3o reporting engine. Check it out as an alternative to the native qweb engine.

OpenERP. Add image into field dynamically in a tree view

I am using v7 and I want to show in a tree view a field with image icons (like a semaphore) depending of other field values in the same row.
Actually, I get the functionality I want with a function field and put the result as string but I really want it as an image. I don't know if is possible to return HTML from the function so I decided to do that with jQuery.
I implemented the jQuery code using the browser console and works but when I put the jQuery code in the view the "data-field" selector does not selected.
Please, can anyone explain me why or tell me another way to get my objective?
The root element of list views is tree. The list view's root can have the following attributes:
editable, default_order, colors, fonts, create, edit, delete, on_write, string
See more about ListView
You can achieve this by defining child elements button in list view.
I have added icon in product to show whether product is available / hold / sold based on product's status.
icon: icon to use to display the button
Xml code to display icon in listview.
<xpath expr="//notebook/page[#string='Order Lines']/field[#name='order_line']/tree[#string='Sales Order Lines']/field[#name='product_id']" position="before">
<field name="product_status" invisible="1" />
<button icon='Hold' readonly="1" attrs="{'invisible':[('product_status', '!=', 'hold')]}"/>
<button icon='Available' readonly="1" attrs="{'invisible':[('product_status', '!=', 'available')]}"/>
<button icon='sold' readonly="1" attrs="{'invisible':[('product_status', '!=', 'sold')]}"/>
Remember base field on which you defined button's visibility must be
present on listview, doesn't matter whether it's visible or not but it
must be there, like product_status in above example.
base field must be store=True.
Why store=True ?
Reason: when you set any function field store=True then it will physically created in database, while you give this field name in
domain the odoo framework add this field directly in WHERE clause,
it will not access through browsable object, so if your field is
store=False then it won't be able to find that field and gives you an error.
icons must be present in web/static/src/img/icons.
if you want to keep icons in your custom module then you have to create the same hierarchy for that in side your module folder create /static/src/img/icons and keep all the icons there.
xpath is used to define at which location you want to add/update fields.
See more about xpath

How to make tabindex in openerp fields

I want to change the tabindex in a form in opererp
how can I change it in the xml file or the python code
I am using openerp 6.1
example to what I need
in sales order form ,user want to change the focus of the element using tab button
he need to write first the order reference field then go to customer service field using a tab button,but when I press tab I go to the date button not the custom service even that the date button has a default value
You can inherit and change both the models (defined in python files) and views (defined in xml files). More details about inheritance can be found here Object Inheritance
and Inheritance in Views
you can overwrite the original xml arch in your view and change the sequence of pages as per your requirement
<record id="**account.invoice_supplier_form**" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">account.invoice.supplier.form</field>
<field name="model">account.invoice</field>
<field name="priority">2</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Supplier Invoice" version="7.0">
as shown above you can write the same xml arch as define in account for supplier invoice,
and you can now change sequence of pages
hope this help