Is it possible to prevent property changes of an object from triggering didSet{} in Swift/Obj-c - objective-c

I have an object bound to a controller as shown below:
// ViewController
#objc dynamic var objectX: SomeClass {
didSet {
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.bind(NSBindingName(rawValue: "objectX"),
to: controller,
withKeyPath: "selectedObject",
options: nil)
An I expect didSet{} to be called if the controller has a different object selected. However if one of the properties of objectX gets changed then didSet{} is also getting called.
Surely this shouldn't be occurring - and if this is expected then is there any way to prevent property changes on the object itself from triggering the didSet{} or is it necessary to check in the didSet{} whether the object is a different one to the old one?
This is a bit odd because when I test in a Playground changing a property on the object does not trigger the didSet{} callback.


Swift selector method not being called

I create an action class to store the selectors, then addTarget to the button, but when I click it, the method in the action class has not been called
class ItemCardAction {
static var shared: ItemCardAction = ItemCardAction()
private init() {
var action: Selector = #selector(ItemCardAction.shared.buttonPressed)
#objc func buttonPressed(_ sender: UIButton!) {
AppEngine.shared.updateItem(tag: sender.tag)
add target
button.addTarget(self, action: ItemCardAction.shared.action, for: .touchDown)
What you need is
button.addTarget(ItemCardAction.shared, action: ItemCardAction.shared.action, for: .touchUpInside)
If you look at addTarget method carefully, the first argument is target, when button receives (in this specific case) a touch inside event, iOS will look for the specified selector (specified in action parameter) in target specified. In your case you specified the target as self and clearly selector is not available in self's scope hence nothing happens :)

SwiftUI - ObservableObject created multiple times

I have created an ObservableObject in a View.
#ObservedObject var selectionModel = FilterSelectionModel()
I put a breakpoint inside the FilterSelectionModel's init function and it is called multiple times. Because this View is part of a NavigationLink, I understand that it gets created then and along with it, the selectionModel. When I navigate to the View, the selectionModel is created again.
In this same View I have a "sub View" where I pass the selectionModel as an EnvironmentObject so the sub-view can change it.
When the sub view is dismissed, the selectionModel is once more created and the changes made to it have disappeared.
Interesting Note: At the very top level is a NavigationView. IF I add
to this NavigationView, my selectionModel's changes disappear. BUT if I do not add the navigationStyle, the selectionModel's changes made in the sub view remain!! (But I don't want a split nav view, I want a stacked nav view)
In both cases - with or without the navigationStyle, the selectionModel is created multiple times. I can't wrap my head around how any of this is supposed to work reliably.
Latest SwiftUI updates have brought solution to this problem. (iOS 14 onwards)
#StateObject is what we should use instead of #ObservedObject, but only where that object is created and not everywhere in the sub-views where we are passing the same object.
For eg-
class User: ObservableObject {
var name = "mohit"
struct ContentView: View {
#StateObject var user = User()
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("name: \(")
NameCount(user: self.user)
struct NameCount: View {
#ObservedObject var user
var body: some View {
Text("count: \(")
In the above example, only the view responsible (ContentView) for creating that object is annotating the User object with #StateObject and all other views (NameCount) that share the object is using #ObservedObject.
By this approach whenever your parent view(ContentView) is re-created, the User object will not be re-created and it will persist its #State, while your child views just observing to the same User object doesn't have to care about its re-creation.
You can instantiate the observable object in the init method, in this way you will be able to hold its value or the value won't disappear.
Instantiate this way in the view file.
#ObservedObject var selectionModel : FilterSelectionModel
init() {
selectionModel = FilterSelectionModel(value : "value to be saved from disappearing")
Instantiate this way in the viewModel file.
class FilterSelectionModel : ObservableObject {
#Published var value : String
init(value : String) {
self.value = value
This is a workaround that I found, but still, the init method is called multiple times and I didn't get any success with this issue.
In order to stop multiple initializing of the ViewModels as the view is declared in the Navigation View and SwiftUI uses struct which is a value type, so eventually these are initialized before the view is presented, therefore you can convert that view into a LazyView, so that it will only be initialized once the view is about to be presented or shown.
// Use this to delay instantiation when using `NavigationLink`, etc...
struct LazyView<Content: View>: View {
var content: () -> Content
var body: some View {
You can call it like this...
NavigationLink(destination: LazyView { ViewTobePresented() })

Recursive looking Swift extension func, actually isn't. Why not?

I am looking at the Swift code of the ThemeKit theming library.
In particular I would like to understand the following code in NSColor+ThemeKit.swift:
// ThemeKit.set() replacement to use theme-aware color
#objc public func themeKitSet() {
// call original .set() function
// check if the user provides an alternative color
if ThemeManager.shared.isEnabled && isThemeOverriden {
// call ThemeColor.set() function
ThemeColor.color(with: Selector(colorNameComponent)).set()
There is what appears to be an endless recursive call, but presumably can't be, since the code works fine. This is confirmed by setting a breakpoint on the call to themeKitSet(). It is not possible to step into the call and execution continues without recursion.
Earlier in the file there is the following call:
swizzleInstanceMethod(cls: NSClassFromString("NSDynamicSystemColor"), selector: #selector(set), withSelector: #selector(themeKitSet))
With the implementation in NSObject+ThemeKit.swift as follows:
/// Swizzle instance methods.
#objc internal class func swizzleInstanceMethod(cls: AnyClass?, selector originalSelector: Selector, withSelector swizzledSelector: Selector) {
guard cls != nil else {
print("Unable to swizzle \(originalSelector): dynamic system color override will not be available.")
// methods
let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(cls, originalSelector)
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(cls, swizzledSelector)
// add new method
let didAddMethod = class_addMethod(cls, originalSelector, method_getImplementation(swizzledMethod!), method_getTypeEncoding(swizzledMethod!))
// switch implementations
if didAddMethod {
class_replaceMethod(cls, swizzledSelector, method_getImplementation(originalMethod!), method_getTypeEncoding(originalMethod!))
} else {
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod!, swizzledMethod!)
I suspect this is responsible for the magic, but my limited understanding of both Swift and Objective-C is letting me down.
What is happening here? Why is the apparently recursive call not actually recursive?
You correctly identified the magic bit: it's called method swizzling, and it's a way of wholesale replacing an existing method implementation.
You'll see this seemingly-recursive pattern a lot when method swizzling: that themeKitSet call actually runs the original implementation, as the comment says. It's because swizzling swaps the implementations of two methods, in this case themeKitSet and NSDynamicSystemColor.set.
Therefore, post-swizzle, NSDynamicSystemColor.set runs the code you see there, and themeKitSet has become the original implementation.

How to use pointer from other classes in swift

I'm immigrating my old ObjectiveC code to swift. In ObjcC had a separate class to handle my Admob activity.
In this class I've created a pointer in the init func, and when changing scene, I could use this pointer to change the location of the ads banner.
#implementation MyAdsSupport
if (_adsBannerPointer == nil)
_adsBannerPointer = [[KTFAdsSupport alloc]initAds:posIndex];
[_adsBannerPointer setAdsPosition:posIndex];
return _adsBannerPointer;
In Swift I created the Admob class, and managed to present ads on screen but when I try to call the pointer from another class it returns always nil.
Here is my Swift Code:
var adsPointer: My_Ads_Support!
func initAds(myView: UIViewController, atPos: My_Ads_Position) -> KTF_Ads_Support {
if adsPointer == nil {
adsPointer = self
adsPointer.ShowAds(myView: myView, atPos: atPos)
print("adsPointer ALIVE")
adsPointer.setAdsPos( atPos: atPos)
return self.adsPointer!
How can I set a pointer in Swift to be able to reach the ads banner from any scene?
In your Objective-C code you have three methods, the instance methods initAds: and setAdsPosition:, and the class method ShowAds:. The latter uses a variable, presumably declared static, called _adsBannerPointer.
Your Swift code is not the same. It has two methods, the instance methods initAds and setAdsPos, and one variable, the instance variable adsPointer.
In Swift class methods are termed type methods (as they can belong to classes, structs and enumerations) and are indicated by the use of the keyword static, type (class) variables are also indicated with static. So to follow your Objective-C model you need something along the lines of:
static var adsPointer: My_Ads_Support!
// instance init
init(startingPos : My_Ads_Position) { ... }
// instance set position
fun setAdsPos(atPos : My_Ads_Position) { ... }
static func showAds(myView: UIViewController, atPos: My_Ads_Position) -> KTF_Ads_Support { ... }

Swift class properties not initialized when constructed by Objective C code

I'm attempting to create a class in Swift 3 to implement a Cordova plugin. I have this building and running, but the application crashes whenever any properties of the class are accessed. I've tried two ways of initializing the class:
class DSFMediaCentre : CDVPlugin
var players = [UUID:DSFPlayerHandler] ();
class DSFMediaCentre : CDVPlugin
var players :[UUID:DSFPlayerHandler];
override init () {
players = [:];
However, when my players property is used, the result is a EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception, with an address that looks like a null pointer dereference.
The object is being created by Objective C code, which is a language I have no familiarity with at all, but I think this is the line that creates it:
obj = [[NSClassFromString(className)alloc] initWithWebViewEngine:_webViewEngine];
The CDVPlugin class contains a comment stating that initWithWebViewEngine should not be overridden (and indeed I do not seem to be able to override this method, because while it is declared in the CDVPlugin.m file, it isn't mentioned in CDVPlugin.h, so the Swift compiler doesn't seem to know about it), but rather initialization code should be placed in a method called pluginInitialize instead. However, if I do that I get a compiler error ("Class DSFMediaCentre has no initializers").
Furthermore, if I put my init() method back in and set it to call pluginInitialize(), like this:
override init () {
super.init(); // necessary otherwise next line is an error
override func pluginInitialize() {
players = [:];
the error then changes to "Property 'self.players' not initialized at super.init call".
How do I make this class initialize correctly?
You have a mismatch between the strict initialization system required by the language and the procedure used by the framework you're working with.
Swift demands that a) properties be initialized as part of object construction, and b) that construction be chained to the type's supertype. But the CDVPlugin type is doing the construction on your behalf; you don't have the ability to customize it. (This makes more sense in ObjC, because it doesn't have the same compile-time restrictions as Swift.)
The situation is similar to unpacking an object from a nib file. In that case too, because it's the nib loading system that's constructing your object, you don't have the ability to customize the initializer. Your type will always be constructed by init(coder:). In a certain sense, your initialization point moves further down, to awakeFromNib(), and among other things, that forces outlets to other objects in the archive to be declared as optional, usually implicitly unwrapped.
The same solution should avail you here. You should consider pluginInitialize() to be your initialization point. The language then requires that properties be optional, since they are not filled at its initialization point. Therefore, make the property an IUO:
class DSFMediaCentre : CDVPlugin
var players :[UUID:DSFPlayerHandler]!
override func pluginInitialize() {
players = [:];
and all should be well.
The other solution is to use lazy keyword
lazy var players :[UUID:DSFPlayerHandler] = [:]
So, you don't need to initialize players in initializer but still make sure players always non-nulable