I need to export details of a project into a excel. Is there any API which will export JIRA details to EXCEL?

JIRA has a REST API and the generic Web Data Connector inside Excel will happily connect, make a query based on the criteria you specify in the URL, and convert the returned JSON data into a table of data in Excel.


Clone Google spreadsheet using Google sheets V4 and give access to teammates

I'm Using Google.Apis.Sheets.v4 from my Java project and accessing it using service account. I'm trying to duplicate a spreadsheet to create new one with the same data and different spreadsheet id using V4 API but I couldn't. Is it possible to do so?
And how to add new gmail user to access already existing sheet using Google V4 sheets API?
If you plan on copying only a sheet, Sheets API is the right choice in this case but if you want to copy the whole spreadsheet, you need to make use of Drive API's copy file method. You can replicate the behavior by using the below request:
POST https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/fileId/copy
As for creating the permissions to the already existing spreadsheet by adding new users, you need to make use of Drive API as well and use the request below:
POST https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/fileId/permissions
With the following body:
In both of these requests, the fileId here corresponds to the id of the spreadsheet wanted to make a copy of.
Sheets API spreadsheets.sheets.copyTo;
Drive API Files:copy;
Drive API Permissions:create.

The parameters to be passed in fetch API to get data from google sheets

What url should i pass as a parameter of ferch() to connect to my google sheet. Simple google sheet API url is not working as there is no option in it to mention my spreadsheet id. Please help
To get data from a Google Spreadsheet you have to call the spreadsheet.values.get API endpoint by performing a GET request to:
https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/YOU SPREADSHEET ID/values/THE RANGE OF DATA YOU WANT TO GET
You can experiment with the API on this link.

How to use Smartsheet- API to export specific data on Excel file

I am trying to find out if it's possible to use Smartsheet API or any other method to export specific columns data from Report Builder results to Excel file rather than the whole column that was generated from it. I am new to Smartheet and if you need better clarification or if there is any method to this approach, please let me know.
You can get the results of a Report via the Smartsheet API. When you make the request the Report is run to give you the current results of the Report just as if you opened it in your browser. There is also a specific request in the Smartsheet API on Reports to get the data provided as an Excel file. With this you can then work with the data in Excel as you need. This request is listed in the Smartsheet API docs here:

how to invoke server to get data from spreadsheet

I'm using google spreadsheet api to visualize data for users and I want to get feedback if data is wrong. I found how to get data from server side to spreadsheet here
but i can't find out how to request sending data from spreadsheet to server. what i thought is write down url in one cell. so if user click url then get data from user's spreadsheet.
Can you suggest me better idea?
thanks in advance.

Simplest way/tool to automate API calls and to save Json results in a file?

What would be the simplest tool/editor (ideally for Mac) to run web API queries (Stateless RESTful web API) in a loop in order to store Json results in a file ?
Very simple basically, trying just to automate the following :
- a first call to get a list of IDs
- then for each each ID, doing a call to get a few values related to this ID. Values are returned in a Json file, I would like to store them in a file (csv or excel)
To test the queries, I've used "Advanced REST client" to set a request with my authentication information header and do a few API queries tests, it works well but now I basically want to create a script to get the whole set of data which is returned and save in a file. With the idea to run this script from time to time. You can't to that with "Advanced REST client", right?
Sorry it's not (yet!) a super advanced question but any help would be greatly appreciated.
You may try Postman - definitely works on (accursed) Mac