GraphQL & Sequelize: Users and followers/following - sql

I'm attempting to set up my User GraphQL model to have followers and following attributes to query on. However I'm having trouble setting up the relationship in Sequelize. I'm trying to use a Follower model as a Join Table and setup a BelongsToMany association, but haven't been able to get it working. Can anyone suggest what to do or point out what I'm doing wrong?
I've come up with a temporary solution by manually querying, which you can see in my User.model.ts, but I believe there is a better way to do it using proper configuration.
I'm using typescript wrappers around GraphQL and Sequelize, TypeGraphQL and sequelize-typescript respectively, as well as PostgreSQL.
import { ObjectType, Field, ID } from 'type-graphql';
import { Model, Table, Column, PrimaryKey, Unique, IsUUID, HasMany, DefaultScope, AllowNull, DataType, BelongsToMany } from 'sequelize-typescript';
// APP
import Post from '../post/post.types';
import Follower from '../follower/follower.types';
/** User model for GraphQL & Database */
#Table({ timestamps: false, tableName: 'users' }) // tell sequelize to treat class as table model
#DefaultScope(() => ({ include: [{ model: Post.scope(), as: 'posts' }] })) // tell sequelize to include posts in its default queries
#ObjectType() // tell GraphQL to treat class as GraphQL model
export default class User extends Model<User>{
#Field(() => ID)
id: string;
ci_username: string;
username: string;
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
#Field({ nullable: true })
profile_picture?: string;
// #BelongsToMany(() => User, { otherKey: 'user_id', as: 'followers', through: () => Follower })
// #Field(() => [User])
// followers: User[];
#Field(() => [User])
get followers(): Promise<User[]> {
return Follower.findAll({ where: { user_id: } })
.then(records => => record.follower_id))
.then((follower_ids: string[]) => {
return User.findAll({ where: { id: follower_ids }});
#BelongsToMany(() => User, { otherKey: 'follower_id', as: 'following', through: () => Follower })
#Field(() => [User])
following: User[];
#HasMany(() => Post)
#Field(() => [Post])
posts: Post[];
import { Model, Table, Column, PrimaryKey, Unique, IsUUID, AllowNull, DataType, Index, ForeignKey, AutoIncrement } from 'sequelize-typescript';
// APP
import User from '../user/user.types';
/** Follower model for Database */
#Table({ timestamps: false, tableName: 'followers' }) // tell sequelize to treat class as table model
export default class Follower extends Model<Follower>{
id: number;
#ForeignKey(() => User)
user_id: string;
#ForeignKey(() => User)
follower_id: string;
GraphQL Query
users: allUsers {
following {
GraphQL Response / Error
"errors": [
"message": "Cannot return null for non-nullable field User.following.",
"locations": [
"line": 7,
"column": 5
"path": [
"extensions": {
"exception": {
"stacktrace": [
"Error: Cannot return null for non-nullable field User.following.",
" at completeValue (/Users/jsainz237/Projects/trueview/trueview-api/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:560:13)",
" at /Users/jsainz237/Projects/trueview/trueview-api/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:492:16"
"data": null
Any help is appreciated.

You need to write a #FieldResolver manually that will resolve the relation and return proper data.
Another solution is to rely on ORM capabilities and lazy relations - when the returned base entity contains a promise as a field, so when .then() is called, it automatically fetches the relation for the database.


updateMany can't find argument

I have a query:
createNotification: async (_, args, {req, res}) => {
const followedBy = await prisma.user.updateMany({
where: {
following: {
some: {
id: req.userId
data: {
notifications: {
create: {
message: args.message,
watched: false,
And User and Notification models:
model User {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
email String #unique
name String
user_name String #unique
password String
movies Movie[]
notifications Notification[]
followedBy User[] #relation("UserFollows", references: [id])
following User[] #relation("UserFollows", references: [id])
model Notification {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
link String?
movie_id Int?
message String
icon String?
thumbnail String?
user User #relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
watched Boolean
When I run my query I get an error:
Unknown arg `notifications` in data.notifications for type UserUpdateManyMutationInput. Did you mean `email`? Available args:
type UserUpdateManyMutationInput {
email?: String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput
name?: String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput
user_name?: String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput
password?: String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput
The strange thing is that this works:
const followedBy = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {id: req.userId},
include: {
followedBy: true,
}); => {
await prisma.user.update({
where: {id:},
data: {
notifications: {
create: {
message: args.message,
watched: false,
But this isn't making the best of what Prisma offers.
As of September 2021, Prisma does not support mutating nested relations in a top-level updateMany query. This is what the typescript error is trying to tell you, that you can only access email, name, user_name and password fields inside data. There's an open feature request for this which you could follow if you're interested.
For the schema that you have provided, here's a possible workaround that's slightly less readable but more optimized than your current solution.
createNotification: async (_, args, {req, res}) => {
// get the followers array of req.userId
const followedBy = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: { id: req.userId },
include: {
followedBy: true,
// array of notification objects to be created, one for each follower of req.userId
let messageDataArray = => {
return {
message: args.message,
watched: false,
// do a bulk createMany.
// Since it's one query, it should be more optimized than running an update for each user in a loop.
await prisma.notification.createMany({
data: messageDataArray,
If you're interested, here's the docs reference for the kinds of nested updates that are possible.

How to return the entity with its relations after saving it?

I am building a storage application, with GraphQL as the backend, using Typegraphql and TypeORM.
The categories need to be added separately and then when adding a product, you choose from a dropdown one of the available categories. This in turn passes the categoryId to the product in a one-to-many/many-to-one relationship.
Here is my Category entity:
import {
} from 'typeorm';
import Product from './Product';
export default class Category extends BaseEntity {
categoryId: string;
categoryName: string;
#OneToMany(() => Product, (product: Product) => product.category)
products: Product[];
and here is my Product entity
import {
} from 'typeorm';
import Category from './Category';
export default class Product extends BaseEntity {
productID: string;
productName: string;
#Field(() => Category)
#ManyToOne(() => Category, (category: Category) => category.products, {
cascade: true,
lazy: true
category: Category;
productQuantity: number;
#Column({ type: 'decimal', precision: 2 })
productPrice: number;
#Column({ type: 'decimal', precision: 2 })
productPriceRA: number;
#Column({ type: 'decimal', precision: 2 })
productPriceKK: number;
#Column('varchar', { length: 255 })
productSupplier: string;
#Column('varchar', { length: 255 })
productOrderLink: string;
productImage: string;
For the save mutation, I've created an Input type as well:
export default class ProductInput implements Partial<Product> {
productName: string;
#Field(() => String)
category: Category;
productQuantity: number;
productPrice: number;
productPriceRA: number;
productPriceKK: number;
productSupplier: string;
productOrderLink: string;
productImage: string;
The relations work, as I am able to query the products, along with their category data with the following query:
getProducts {
category {
However, when saving a product it always returns
"message": "Cannot return null for non-nullable field Category.categoryName."
This is the Mutation's code in the Resolver:
#Mutation(() => Product, { description: 'Add new product' })
async addProduct(
#Arg('product') productInput: ProductInput
): Promise<Product | any> {
try {
const product = await Product.create(productInput).save();
console.log('product: ', product);
return product;
} catch (error) {
return error;
I've been trying different things, however nothing seems to work and I am wondering if it's even possible to directly return the entity with its relations. If it's not, the other option I can think of is to return true/false based on the result and re-query all of the data. But this seems very inefficient and I am actively trying to avoid going this route.
Any help will be much appreciated.
After some more research and I decided to go with the following approach:
try {
const { productID } = await Product.create(productInput).save();
return await Product.findOne(productID);
} catch (error) {
return error;
This allows me to directly return the product, based on the productID after it's saved in the database and properly returns the object with it's relationship.
GraphQL uses an notation to recognize data. You can see it as __typename object property. Of course, this must be turned on in the GraphQL server configuration. If you see it, it's already clear. You can reach the correct result without refetching the relation changes in the cached data on the client side with a trick like this.
For example, let's say we have updated the Product with category. In the data to return from the update mutation, it is sufficient to return only the id of the relation.
For this to work, category and product must be cached separately on the client beforehand.
for example:
mutation UpdateProduct($product: UpdateProductInput!) {
updateProduct(product: $product) {
category {
You can also write in writeFragment, which is a separate method, which is the most stingy, but it can make your job difficult in nested data.
export class ProductFragmentService {
constructor(private apollo: Apollo) {}
updateProduct(product: Product): void {
const client = this.apollo.client;
id: `Product:${}`,
fragment: gql`
fragment UpdateProductCategoryFragment on Product {
category {
data: {
__typename: 'Product',
If you want all the fields belonging to category, you need to send them to resolver and return as a response from there. Otherwise, yes, it gives a warning that I could not find the name property.
The more profitable way of doing it is to send this data to the resolver with the input, as I wrote above, and return to the client as a response from the server.
If you still have to make another SQL request, it is necessary to call the same id after registration.
#Mutation(() => Product, { description: 'Add new product' })
async addProduct(
#Arg('product') productInput: ProductInput
): Promise<Product> {
return await this.productRepo.findOne({ where: { id: } });
that's all :)

Populaing a query in Typeorm

Can anyone help me to know how to populate a query in typeorm. Like I have this entity
export class User extends BaseEntity {
userName : string;
email : string;
#OneToMany(() => UserFollowing, (userFollowing) => userFollowing.followee)
followers: User[];
#OneToMany(() => UserFollowing, (userFollowing) => userFollowing.follower)
followees: User[];
export class UserFollowing extends FakeBaseEntity {
#JoinColumn({ name : 'follower_id' })
#ManyToOne(() => User, user => user.followees)
follower : User;
#JoinColumn({ name : 'followee_id' })
#ManyToOne(() => User, user => user.followers)
followee : User;
Now to get all the followers and followees of a particular userid
Here are my two approaches : both giving same output
const info = await this.userRepo
.leftJoinAndSelect('userFollowing.followees', 'followees')
.where(' = :userid', { userid })
return info;
const info = this.userRepo.find({
where: {
id : userid,
relations: ["followers", "followees"],
return info;
output I am recieving : and I want all the info about followers and followees
"id": "e8651d4f-3c7b-4f5a-8205-7370b107d98c",
"userName": "something",
"email" : "",
"followers": [
"id": "f54b8574-10ea-4133-85bd-5f8fcda4eeb9",
"createdAt": "2021-08-12T03:58:39.198Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-08-12T03:58:39.198Z"
"followees": [
"id": "eb2cb728-a1c0-4bea-9230-712827c714c7",
"createdAt": "2021-08-12T03:59:32.260Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-08-12T03:59:32.260Z"
If I have understood your question correctly, then what you are looking for is to get the data of followers and followees as well.
You can easily achieve this with the find function.
This is how your query should look:
const info = this.userRepo.find({
where: {
id : userid,
relations: ["followers", "followees", "followers.follower", "followees.followee"],
As you can see, I have passed two more string values in the relations.
Using this, it will load the sub-relations as well (stated in the TypeORM Find Options).
You can achieve the same using query builder as well by adding more .leftJoinAndSelect method chain.
External Links:
TypeORM Find Options

About how to use many to one in TypeORM

For the table which has Foreign key, I want to assign ManyToOne's decorator.
I know #ManyToOne(() => User, user => is just table relation,
What its argument () => User, user => means?
And please tell me user: User's property and value mean.
import {Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, ManyToOne} from "typeorm";
import {User} from "./User";
export class Photo {
id: number;
url: string;
#ManyToOne(() => User, user =>
user: User;
import {Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, OneToMany} from "typeorm";
import {Photo} from "./Photo";
export class User {
id: number;
name: string;
#OneToMany(() => Photo, photo => photo.user)
photos: Photo[];
it just sets the inverse relationship so if you want you could query the other way back. For example:
await this.photoRepository.find({
loadEagerRelations: true,
relations: ['user'],
and you would have something like :
"id": 1,
"url": "https://twetew",
"user": {
"id": 1,
TypeORM needs this to understand the relation and create the correct reference. In your photos database table it will create a user_id column. User won't have a photo_id.
#ManyToOne(() => User, user =>
user: User;
creates a user_id column on photos database table and lets you query the other way back.

TypeORM - Getting objects of provided id, which is one relation away

I want to get objects from table providing id, which is in relation with table, which is in another relation. It looks like this:
Hand is in relation manyToOne with Action (hand can have only one action),
Action is in relation manyToOne with Situation (action can have only one situation)
I'm trying to make GET request for hands in which I'm providing situationId.
Simplified entities:
export class Hand {
hand_id: number;
hand: string;
#ManyToOne(type => Action, action => action.simplifiedhands, { eager: true, onDelete: 'CASCADE', onUpdate: 'CASCADE' })
action: Action;
export class Action {
action_id: number;
#ManyToOne(type => Situation, situation => situation.actions, { onDelete: 'CASCADE', onUpdate: 'CASCADE' })
#JoinColumn({name: 'situation'})
situation: Situation;
#OneToMany(type => Hand, hand => hand.action)
hands: Hand[];
#OneToMany(type => Hand, hand => hand.action)
hands: Hand[];
export class Situation {
situation_id: number;
#ManyToOne(type => Strategy, strategy => strategy.situations, { onDelete: 'CASCADE', onUpdate: 'CASCADE' })
strategy: Strategy;
#OneToMany(type => Action, action => action.situation)
actions: Action[];
What approaches didn't work for me so far (just example variants):
return await this.handsRepository.find({
relations: ["action", "action.situation"],
where: {
"situation": id
return await this.handsRepository.find({
join: {
alias: "hands",
leftJoinAndSelect: {
"action": "hand.action",
"situation": "action.situation"
where: {
"situation": id
Generally both 'works' but provide all the records, like there were no where condition.
The keys in the object you assign to where should be members of the entity of the repository, in your case Hand, since situation is a member of action it's not working. I'm surprised you didn't mention any errors.
You can do one of the following (example for postgres)
Using query builder:
return await this.handsRepository.createQueryBuilder(Hand, 'hand')
.leftJoin('hand.action', 'action')
.leftJoin('action.situation', 'situation')
.where(' = :id', { id })
Or, you can try the following (success is not guaranteed):
return await this.handsRepository.find({
relations: ["action", "action.situation"],
where: {
action: {
situation: { id }