How to create three key combination hotkey using Autohotkey? - automation
I need to use hotkeys like Ctrl + 9 + 8, or Ctrl + A + B.
Autohotkey documentation here says that combinations of three or more keys are not supported. However Alt + Ctrl + Shift + X modifier key combinations are supported, where X can be an alphanumeric character.
KeyWaiting is showed in the other answer, I'd like to show the other option, which is using #If and GetKeyState().
You create a context sensitive hotkey by setting whatever condition with the #If directive.
In your case you'd want to check if the first key(s) of your hotkey is/are held down.
And then you'd set the last keys as a hotkey.
#If, GetKeyState("Ctrl") ;start of context sensitive hotkeys
8 & 9::
MsgBox, % "Ctrl + 8 + 9 held down"
#If ;end of context sensitive hotkeys
;example of holding down even more keys
;is only going to work if your system can
;recognize this many keys at once
#If, GetKeyState("Ctrl") && GetKeyState("1") && GetKeyState("2") && GetKeyState("3") && GetKeyState("4") && GetKeyState("5")
6 & 7::
MsgBox, % "Ctrl + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 held down"
Whether or not I'd recommend this approach is another thing.
If your script is just about simple hotkeys or something like that, this is a very good approach.
But if your script is more complex than that, you might run into the problems #If can cause. More about that from the documentation.
Basically, just try it out and if you have problems, maybe consider another approach.
There are different workarounds to do this. The following script uses KeyWait to handle multiple keys. Script for handling the hotkey needs be placed inside the If-block.
;Script to handle multiple key combinations ;Press Ctrl first then 9 and 8 in correct order for this to work
KeyWait, 8, D T3
;KeyWait, 7 D T3 ;add if more combinations are required
if (ErrorLevel = 0)
MsgBox, [Ctrl + 98] key combination recognized ; script to handle the hotkey to be placed here
Here's a good way to do it. I use it for shortcuts to various sites:
Check := true
SetTimer, CheckOff, 2000 ; 2 seconds to type in second part of shortcut
Check := false
SetTimer,, Off ; Make sure we turn back off the timer -- otherwise it'll keep calling CheckOff every 2 seconds...
if Check {
WinActivate, ahk_exe chrome.exe
Sleep 50 ; give just a bit of time for Chrome to respond
Send ^t ; To you know -- open a new window :)
Send ^l ; this is the shortcut for focusing on the address bar
Sleep 500 ; give just a bit of time for Chrome to respond
} else {
SendInput bug
if Check {
WinActivate, ahk_exe chrome.exe
Sleep 50 ; give just a bit of time for Chrome to respond
Send ^t ; To you know -- open a new window :)
Send ^l ; this is the shortcut for focusing on the address bar
Sleep 500 ; give just a bit of time for Chrome to respond
} else {
SendInput lll
if Check {
WinActivate, ahk_exe chrome.exe
Sleep 50 ; give just a bit of time for Chrome to respond
Send ^t ; To you know -- open a new window :)
Send ^l ; this is the shortcut for focusing on the address bar
Sleep 500 ; give just a bit of time for Chrome to respond
} else {
SendInput case
Here is a example:
#Include longhotkey.ahk
new LongHotkey("~t&e&f","exe_textify","hhh")
Run D:\xx_zd\Textify\Textify.exe
new LongHotkey("~c&p&z","runprogram_cpuz","hhh")
Run W:\xx_zd\CPU-Z\cpuz.exe
By using the script from the link below,you can define your custom long hotkey easily.
Origin link of how to create more than three custom hotkey combinations
class LongHotkey
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; Author: Helgef
; Date: 2016-10-22
; Instructions:
; Class variables
static instanceArray:=Object() ; Holds references to all objects derived from this class.
static allHotkeys:=Object() ; Holds all registred hotkeys.
static doNothingFunc:=ObjBindMethod(LongHotkey,"doNothing") ; All hotkeys are bound to this function.
static globalContextFunc:="" ; Global context function, set via setGlobalContext()
static allSuspended:=0 ; Used for pseudo-suspending all hotkeys.
static PriorLhk:="" ; Stores the long hotkey that was completed prior to the most recent completed lhk.
static mostRecentLhk:="" ; Stores the most recent lhk.
static TimeOfPriorLongHotkey:="" ; Stores the A_TickCount for the PriorLongHotkey.
static TimeOfMostRecentLongHotkey:="" ; Stores the A_TickCount for the most recently completed LongHotkey.
static hasFirstUps:=0 ; Keeps track of whether any lhk has specified FirstUp option.
static LatestFirstUp:="" ; For the first up option.
; Instance variables
hits:=0 ; Tracks the progress of the long hotkey.
contextFunc:="" ; Specified through setContext() method, to make the long hotkey context sensitive.
suspended:=0 ; Set by suspend() method, for pseudo-suspending hotkey.
FirstUpAllowed:=1 ; Used when enableFirstUp(true) has been called, to determine if upFunc should be called.
upFunc:="" ; See comment on FirstUpAllowed.
TimeOfThisLongHotkey:="" ; Stores the time of the last completion for this lhk.
; Callable instance methods
; Provide a function with an optional number of parameters to act as context function.
; This function should return true if the hotkey should be considered as in context, else false.
; Call setContext() without passing any parameters to remove context.
if IsFunc(function)
else if (function="")
; Pseudo-supend this hotkey. The registred hotkeys will remain, but the evaluation will terminate quick and no triggering is possible.
; Call with bool:=1 or do not pass a parameter at all, to invoke suspension.
; Call with bool:=0 to cancel suspension.
; Call with bool:=-1 to toggle suspension.
; Returns the current suspension state, ie., 1 for being suspended, 0 for not suspended.
return this.suspended:=bool=-1?!this.suspended:bool
; Specify the name of the function that will be called when the long hotkey is completed, along with any number of parameters.
; Can be a label.
; If 'function' is not a function nor label, it is considered to be a string to send, it will be passed to LongHotkey.send()
; By default a reference to this hotkey is pushed into the params* array.
if RegExMatch(function,"#$") ; Mark the function name with an # (at) at the end to omit the reference to this instance in the params* array. Eg, "myFunc#"
if IsFunc(function)
this.function:=Func(function).Bind(params*) ; Function to call when sequence is completed, with params.
else if IsLabel(function)
this.function:=function ; Label to call when sequence is completed.
else if (function!="")
this.function:=ObjBindMethod(LongHotkey,"Send",function) ; The parameter 'function' was not function nor label, send it as string instead.
; Enable the first key in the long hotkey to trigger its normal press event on its release, in the case when no other keys in the long hotkey was pressed.
; Call this function with parameter 0 to disable this behaviour.
if enable
LongHotkey.hasFirstUps:=this.upFunc?LongHotkey.hasFirstUps:++LongHotkey.hasFirstUps ; Only increment hasFirstUps counter if upFunc doesn't exist.
_downKey:=RegExReplace(this.keyList[1].down,"(?:\*|)(\w+)","{$1}") ; Encloses key name in "{ }"
else if (this.UpFunc!="") ; This check is to avoid decrement LongHotkey.hasFirstUps unless it has an upFunc
; Similar to A_ThisHotkey.
; Call this method on the reference passed to the success function, to get back the string that defined the hotkey.
; Eg, A_ThisLongHotkey:=lh.ThisLongHotkey(), where lh is the last parameter of the success function, eg, f(x1,...,xn,lh)
return this.keys
; Similar to A_TimeSinceThisHotkey.
; Returns the time (in ms) since this lhk was triggered.
; If the long hotkey has never been triggered, this method returns -1.
return this.TimeOfThisLongHotkey?A_TickCount-this.TimeOfThisLongHotkey:-1
; Similar to the ThisLongHotkey() method, but here an array is returned. Note that modifers doesn't get their own spots in the array, eg,
; keys:="^ & a & b ! & c" transforms to keyList:=[^a, ^b, ^!c]
; This description is not correct any more < - - NOTE
return this.keyList
; Unregister this long hotkey. To free the object, do lh:="" afterwards, if you wish. Here, lh is an instance of the class LongHotkey.
; To reregister, use reregister() method (not if lh:="" was done, obviously).
Hotkey, If, LongHotkey.Press()
For _k, _key in _clonedList ; For each key(.down) in this long hotkey, check if it is registred in any of the other hotkeys, if it is, do not unregister it, else, do.
For _l, _lh in LongHotkey.instanceArray ; Search for the key in another long hotkey, if it is found, do not delete it.
For _m, _dndKey in _lh.keyList
if (_key.down=_dndKey.down)
_deleteThis:=0 ; do not delete key.
if _deleteThis
Hotkey, % _key.down, Off ; Turn off the hotkey, and remove it from the allHotkeys list.
this.keyList:=_clonedList ; The clone lives.
this.registred:=0 ; This long hotkey is not registred any more.
Hotkey, If
; Reregister a long hotkey, return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
if this.registred
return 0
For _k, _key in this.keyList ; If we get here, this is the clone.
return 1
; Callable class methods
; Pseudo-supend all long hotkeys.
; The registred hotkeys will remain, but the evaluation will terminate quick and no triggering is possible.
; To truly suspend, use the built in Supend command.
; Call with bool:=1 or do not pass a parameter at all, to invoke suspension.
; Call with bool:=0 to cancel suspension.
; Call with bool:=-1 to toggle suspension.
; Returns the current suspension state, ie., 1 for all is suspended, 0 for not suspended
return LongHotkey.allSuspended:=bool=-1?!LongHotkey.allSuspended:bool
; Provide a function with an optional number of parameters to act as global context function.
; If this function is set and returns 0 no hotkey is active.
; This function should return true if the hotkey should be considered as in context, else false.
; Call with setGlobalContext() without any parameters to remove context.
if IsFunc(function)
else if (function="")
; Unregisters all hotkeys.
; Do not pass a parameter
Hotkey, If, LongHotkey.Press()
For _key in LongHotkey.allHotkeys
Hotkey, % _key, % onOff
Hotkey, If,
; Reregisters all hotkeys.
return LongHotkey.unregisterAll("On")
; This is returns the most recently completed long hotkey.
; Call with ref:=0 or without any parameter, to get the key string that defined the hotkey that triggered most recently, eg,
; "a & b & c".
; Call with ref:=1 to recieve a reference to the most recent long hotkey instead.
return !ref?LongHotkey.MostRecentLhk.keys:LongHotkey.MostRecentLhk
; Returns the time since (in ms.) the the most recently lhk was triggered.
; If no long hotkey has been triggered, this method returns -1.
return LongHotkey.TimeOfMostRecentLongHotkey?A_TickCount-LongHotkey.TimeOfMostRecentLongHotkey:-1
; Similar to A_PriorHotkey.
; Call with ref:=0 or without any parameter, to get the key string that defined the hotkey that triggered prior to the most recent one, eg,
; "a & b & c".
; Call with ref:=1 to recieve a reference to the prior long hotkey instead.
; returns blank if no PriorLongHotkey exists.
return !ref?LongHotkey.Priorlhk.keys:LongHotkey.Priorlhk
; Similar to A_TimeSincePriorHotkey
; Returns the time since (in ms.) the prior lhk was last triggered. That is, time since the lhk prior to the most recent one was triggered.
; If there is no prior long hotkey, this method returns -1.
return LongHotkey.TimeOfPriorLongHotkey?A_TickCount-LongHotkey.TimeOfPriorLongHotkey:-1
; End callable methods.
this.length:=this.processKeys(keys) ; Creates a "keyList" for this instance, and returns the appropriate length.
this.registred:=1 ; Indicates that the hotkeys are registred.
; Pre-process routine, runs once per new long hotkey.
; Converts the key string (str) to an array, keyList[n]:={down:modifier key_n, up: "*key_n up", tilde:true/false}
; Eg, "^ & ~a & b & ! & c" -> keyList[1]:={down: "^a", up: "*a up", tilde: 1}
; keyList[2]:={down: "^b", up: "*b up", tilde: 0}
; keyList[3]:={down: "^!c", up: "*c up", tilde: 0}
; Also makes a slightly redunant array: keyUpList[keyList[n].up]:=n. It is used in the Release() function, to quickly determine which part of the hotkey sequnce was released.
; Adjust key string (str) to fit pre-process routine
str:=RegExReplace(str,"\s","") ; Remove spaces.
; Transfrom modifiers given by name to symbol styled modifier, eg, "LCtrl" --> "<^"
_ModifierList := { LControl:"<^",LCtrl:"<^",RControl:">^",RCtrl:">^",Ctrl:"^",Control:"^"
,LWin:"<#",RWin:">#",Win:"#" ; "Win" is not a supported key, but it works here.
; prepend #0 to last key if it is a modifier. Cheap way to make modifiers work as last key. This is an after-constructionm, due to some oversight.
if _ModifierList.HasKey(RegExReplace(str,".*&(.*)","$1"))
For _name, _symbol in _ModifierList
str:=RegExReplace(str,"i)\b" _name "\b", _symbol) ; Swap names for symbols.
; Parse 1, tilde ~
_ctr:=0 ; For correct indexing of tilde ~.
Loop, Parse, str,&
if RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"[\^!#+]+")
this.keyList[_ctr]:={} ; Create an empty "sub-object" at index _ctr, this will have three key-value pairs: down,up,tilde.
if RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"~")
this.keyList[_ctr].tilde:=1 ; If key has tilde, 0 should be returned from Press(), then the key is not suppressed.
this.keyList[_ctr].tilde:=0 ; Keys without tilde, should be suppressed.
str:=RegExReplace(str,"~","") ; Remove all ~
; Parse 2, set up key list and register hotkeys.
_ctr:=0 ; For correct indexing.
Loop, Parse, str,&
if RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"[\^!#+]+") && !InStr(A_LoopField, "#0") ; Check if modifers. #0 is to allow last key as modifier.
_modifiers:=LongHotkey.sortModifiers(_modifiers A_LoopField)
_key:=RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"#0") ; This is a cheap way to make modifiers work as last key
LongHotkey.RegisterHotkey(_modifiers _key) ; Register this hotkey, i.e, modifier+key.
this.keyList[_ctr].down:=_modifiers _key ; Down events will trigger Press()
this.keyList[_ctr].up:=(InStr(_key,"*")?"":"*") _key " up" ; Using this format for the up event is due to that there seemed to be problems with modifiers. That is good english.
; Test
this.keyUpList[this.keyList[_ctr].up]:=_ctr ; This is slightly redundant, but it should improve performance.
LongHotkey.allHotkeys[_modifiers _key]:="" ; This is used for un/re-registerAll().
return _ctr ; Return the length of the sequence.
; Helper function for process keys. Sorts modifiers, to aviod, eg, ^!b and !^b, this enables user to instanciate
; long hotkeys like, "ctrl & a & alt & b" and "alt & a & ctrl & b", simultaneously.
_ModifierList := [{"<^>!":4},{"<^":2},{">^":2},{"<!":2},{">!":2},{"<+":2}
For _k, _mod in _ModifierList ; This is 13 iterations.
For _symbol, _len in _mod ; This loop is one iteration.
if (_p:=InStr(unsorted,_symbol))
_sorted.=SubStr(unsorted,_p,_len), unsorted:=StrReplace(unsorted,_symbol,"")
return _sorted
;; Hotkey evaluation methods.
if (LongHotkey.allSuspended || (LongHotkey.LatestFirstUp!="" && ((LongHotkey.LatestFirstUp:="") || 1))) ; If pseudo-suspended, return 0 immediately, or if first up is needed to be suppressed.
return 0
if (LongHotkey.globalContextFunc!="" && !LongHotkey.globalContextFunc.Call()) ; Global context check
return 0
_upEventRegistred:=0 ; To aviod registring the up event more than once
_oneHit:=0, _tilde:=0 ; These values will togheter determine if the output should be suppressed or not, it is an unfortunate solution, w.r.t. maintainabillity. Hopefully it works and need not be changed.
_priority:=0, _dp:=0 ; In case a lot of hotkeys are triggered at the same time, or any other reason, one can set dp:=1 to make sure the timers for the success functions is set with decreaseing priority, hence they will not interupt eachother, but execute in the order their settimer is created. If you want the timers not to be interupted by other timers and such, set priority to a high enough value.
For _k, _lh in LongHotkey.instanceArray
if (_lh.hits=0 && (_lh.suspended || (_lh.contextFunc!="" && !_lh.contextFunc.Call()))) ; Check if suspended, and check context only when first key is pressed.
if (_lh.hits>0 && _lh.keyList[_lh.hits].down=A_ThisHotkey) ; Key is same as last, suppress and continue.
if (_lh.keyList[_lh.hits+1].down=A_ThisHotkey) ; Check if advanced.
_lh.hits+=1 ; Update hit count.
if (_lh.hits=_lh.length) ; Hotkey completed.
_timerFunction:=_lh.function ; Set up function call.
SetTimer, % _timerFunction,-1,% _priority - _dp ; priority and dp is explaind a few lines up.
_lh.hits-=1 ; Decrement the hit count to enable auto-repeat of the hotkey-
_lh.FirstUpAllowed:=0 ; No "first up" if hotkey completed.
; Manage TimeSince, and PriorLongHotkey stuff.
LongHotkey.PriorLhk:=LongHotkey.mostRecentLhk ; Manage prior long hotkey.
LongHotkey.TimeOfPriorLongHotkey:=LongHotkey.TimeOfMostRecentLongHotkey ; Time stamps.
continue ; No need to bind up-event for last key.
if !_upEventRegistred
_doNothingFunc:=LongHotkey.doNothingFunc ; Hotkey has advanced, but not compeleted.
Hotkey, If, LongHotkey.Release() ; Bind up-event.
Hotkey, % _lh.keyList[_lh.hits].up, % _doNothingFunc, On
Hotkey, If,
return _oneHit*(_tilde=0) ; If there is no hit, no suppress, if there is a tilde but no hotkey advanced/completed, no suppress.
; Every time a key is released, all long hotkeys are set to zero hits.
Critical, On
Hotkey, If, LongHotkey.Release() ; Unbind this up-event.
Hotkey, % A_ThisHotkey, Off
Hotkey, If
; Determine if this up event should reset or decrease the hit count for any long hotkey. Also, manages the "first_up" option
_oneTimerSet:=0 ; For first up option
if LongHotkey.hasFirstUps ; Do this check to avoid calling noMultiHits() unless necessary.
_noMultiHits:=LongHotkey.noMultiHits() ; For first up option
For _k, _lh in LongHotkey.instanceArray
if (_lh.hits=0)
if (_noMultiHits && !_oneTimerSet && _lh.upFunc!="" && _lh.hits=1 && _lh.FirstUpAllowed && _lh.keyList[1].up=A_ThisHotkey)
SetTimer,% _timerFunction,-1
_oneTimerSet:=1 ; Only send one time, in case more than one hotkey has this as first key.
LongHotkey.LatestFirstUp:=_lh.keyList[1].down ; This is needed to disable Press() when the first up is triggered.
; Determine new hit count for this long hotkey.
if (_n!="" && _n<=_lh.hits)
return 0
; Helper function for FirstUp option, called from Release()
For _k, _lh in LongHotkey.instanceArray
if !_lh.FirstUpAllowed
return 0
return 1
; Register key to function doNothing(), under context LongHotkey.Press()
Hotkey, If, LongHotkey.Press()
if !LongHotkey.allHotkeys.HasKey(key) ; Make sure key not already registred.
Hotkey,% key,% _doNothingFunc, On
Hotkey, If
return ; All hotkeys are bound to this, serves two purposes:
} ; 1. The hotkey command require a function/label, 2. calling this function will suppress the "usual" output of the hotkey, when needed.
; Function to send first key in case enableFirstUp(1) has been called
SendLevel,1 ; If there is problems with the first up function, try to increase/remove this.
Send, % key
; Mostly for testing, but works if wanted.
SendInput, % str
; For the hotkey command.
#If LongHotkey.Press()
#If LongHotkey.Release()
I want a simple program to freeze/unfreeze input when I press a key
This seems like such a simple thing, yet I can't find it anywhere. I want a simple program (like AutoHotkey, but I can't find a way to do it with AutoHotkey) that will freeze my keyboard and mouse (whatever I'm pressing at the time keeps being pressed, even if I release the actual key/button) when I press a certain key, and keep it frozen until I press that key again (with the chosen key never being considered pressed by other programs). I just want this so that if a game expects me to hold down some buttons, I can press the buttons, press the designated key, let go, then press the key again when I'm supposed to release the buttons.
This works in text editors. Not sure how it will work in games though. #NoEnv #Warn #SingleInstance Force #UseHook SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% SendMode Input Global isHold := false ; Alternates between "true" and "false" at each "LShift" press. ; Hotkey below will only be active if the game's window is active #IfWinActive "PutYourGameWindowTitleHere" ; Sends {LShift Down} if isHold == false, {LShift Up} if isHold == true ; Asterisk means it will work even if other keys are held at the same time. *LShift::Send % (isHold := !isHold) ? "{LShift Down}" : "{LShift Up}" #IfWinActive Update: Again, testing this in games you will have to do yourself. #NoEnv #Warn #SingleInstance Force #UseHook SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% SendMode Input Global aKeysToFreeze := { LShift: false, a: false }, isFreezeOn := false `::fToggleFreeze() ^`:: ; You can use this to check the logical state of the key If GetKeyState("a") msgbox Key is pressed. else msgbox Key is not pressed. return fToggleFreeze() { Local Global aKeysToFreeze, isFreezeOn If isFreezeOn { ; If there are frozen keys, For sKeyName, isKeyFrozen in aKeysToFreeze { Send % "{" sKeyName " Up}" ; send key up event for each key and aKeysToFreeze[sKeyName] := false ; set the each key's frozen state to false } } else { For sKeyName, isKeyFrozen in aKeysToFreeze If GetKeyState(sKeyName, "P") ; If the key is physically pressed aKeysToFreeze[sKeyName] := true ; set frozen state to true } isFreezeOn := !isFreezeOn ; Frozen mode toggle } *a::Send {Blind}{a DownR} *LShift:: Send {Blind}{LShift DownR} #If !aKeysToFreeze["a"] ; If the key is frozen, the key up hotkey is blocked *a Up::Send {Blind}{a Up} #If !aKeysToFreeze["LShift"] *LShift Up::Send {Blind}{LShift Up} #If
Make win+m followed by win+p execute code
What shoud I do to execute some code (ie: MsgBox "Hello") by: Pressing win+m Unpressing m whithout unpressing win Pressing p
Seems like there's a good answer already, I just wanted to input what I could think of, so here's a version of the earlier answer, but without Sends. I'd say a solution without them is always desirable, though, of course, in something as small as this, you'll struggle to find any difference in practice. ;runs after m is released on a LWin+m press <#m up:: Hotkey, <#p, WinMP_Callback, On ;Enable LWin+p hotkey KeyWait, LWin ;wait for LWin to be released if (A_PriorKey = "m") WinMinimizeAll ;keep win+m functional Hotkey, <#p, , Off ;disable LWin+p hotkey return WinMP_Callback() { ;do stuff ;add this at the end if you dont want ;to be able to keep running this function ;on subsequent presses of p before LWin is released ;Hotkey, <#p, , Off } So pretty much what the difference here is toggling the LWin+p hotkey on and off and just using WinMinimizeAll instead of sending LWin+m, since they're the same thing.
Try this: <#m:: ; "<#" means "LWin" LWin_m := true ; assign the Boolean value "true" or "1" to this variable KeyWait, LWin, L ; wait for LWin to be released LWin_m := false return <#p:: If (LWin_m) ; If this variable has the value "true" msgbox "Hello" ; else ; do sth else return EDIT: For not losing normal win+m and win+p try this: <#m:: ; "<#" means "LWin" LWin_m := true ; assign the Boolean value "true" or "1" to this variable KeyWait, LWin, L ; wait for LWin to be released If (A_PriorKey = "m") Send #m LWin_m := false return <#p:: If (LWin_m) ; If this variable has the value "true" msgbox "Hello" else Send #p return
Is there a way to leave pointy block before its end?
For example: $supply.tap: -> $message { return unless server-is-alive( ); # forbidden! send-to-server( $message ); } I know I can ".tap: sub ($message) { return unless ...; # works! }". But I'd like to know if there is any control flow related to block that simply can interrupt it.
At present, there is no such mechanism. However, it has been suggested that there could be a leave, which would do what you're requesting. When working with a Supply it's usually better to use the supply/react/whenever syntax. If using that, there is another solution: since whenever is an async loop construct, then one could write: whenever $supply -> $message { next unless server-is-alive( ); send-to-server( $message ); } The next here meaning that the rest of the block is skipped.
return is a CONTROL exception -> { return 42 }(); CONTROL { default { .^name.say; # CX::Return } } You could wrap the block in something that has a CONTROL block, or in something that already handles CX::Return like a sub my &c = ->{ return 42 } sub { c(); # call it say 'never gets here'; }().say; # call it and say the result of `return` I think next would make more sense to use on a tap. $supply.tap: -> $message { next unless server-is-alive( ); send-to-server( $message ); } That currently doesn't work. Anyway why aren't you using the nicer [react|supply] / whenever feature? (Which does work with next/last) react whenever $supply -> $message { next unless server-is-alive( ); send-to-server( $message ); } Note that it will block the current thread, to get it so it doesn't add start to the front. Test code: # setup some messages my $supply = Supply.interval(0.1).map: { .Str.uninames.join(' ' x 4); } react { my $server-is-alive = True; sub server-is-alive (){ $server-is-alive } sub send-to-server ( $message ){ say $message } whenever Supply.interval( 0.5 ) { $server-is-alive = !$server-is-alive; say "server is { 'not ' x !$server-is-alive }alive"; } # here is your code whenever $supply -> $message { next unless server-is-alive( ); send-to-server( $message ); } whenever { done } } That results in server is not alive server is alive DIGIT FIVE DIGIT SIX DIGIT SEVEN DIGIT EIGHT DIGIT NINE server is not alive server is alive DIGIT ONE DIGIT FIVE DIGIT ONE DIGIT SIX DIGIT ONE DIGIT SEVEN DIGIT ONE DIGIT EIGHT DIGIT ONE DIGIT NINE server is not alive server is alive DIGIT TWO DIGIT FIVE DIGIT TWO DIGIT SIX DIGIT TWO DIGIT SEVEN DIGIT TWO DIGIT EIGHT DIGIT TWO DIGIT NINE server is not alive
Handle hidden channel in antlr 3
I am writing an ANTRL grammar for translating one language to another but the documentation on using the HIDDEN channel is very scarce. I cannot find an example anywhere. The only thing I have found is the FAQ on which tells you how to access the hidden channel but not how best to use this functionality. The target language is Java. In my grammar file, I pass whitespace and comments through like so: // Send runs of space and tab characters to the hidden channel. WHITESPACE : (SPACE | TAB)+ { $channel = HIDDEN; } ; // Single-line comments begin with -- SINGLE_COMMENT : ('--' COMMENT_CHARS NEWLINE) { $channel=HIDDEN; } ; fragment COMMENT_CHARS : ~('\r' | '\n')* ; // Treat runs of newline characters as a single NEWLINE token. NEWLINE : ('\r'? '\n')+ { $channel = HIDDEN; } ; In my members section I have defined a method for writing hidden channel tokens to my output StringStream... #members { private int savedIndex = 0; void ProcessHiddenChannel(TokenStream input) { List<Token> tokens = ((CommonTokenStream)input).getTokens(savedIndex, input.index()); for(Token token: tokens) { if(token.getChannel() == token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL) { output.append(token.getText()); } } savedIndex = input.index(); } } Now to use this, I have to call the method after every single token in my grammar. myParserRule : MYTOKEN1 { ProcessHiddenChannel(input); } MYTOKEN2 { ProcessHiddenChannel(input); } ; Surely there must be a better way? EDIT: This is an example of the input language: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- Name Description -- ================================== -- IFM1/183 Freq Spectrum Inversion -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE IFM1/183 TITLE "Freq Spectrum Inversion"; HELP Freq Spectrum Inversion ENDHELP; PRIVILEGE CTRL; WINDOW MANDATORY; INPUT $Input : #NO_YES DEFAULT select %YES when /IFMS1/183.VALUE = %NO; %NO otherwise endselect PROMPT "Spec Inv"; $Forced_Cmd : BOOLEAN Default FALSE Prompt "Forced Commanding"; DEFINE &RetCode : #PSTATUS := %OK; &msg : STRING; &Input : BOOLEAN; REQUIRE AVAILABLE(/IFMS1) MSG "IFMS1 not available"; REQUIRE /IFMS1/001.VALUE = %MON_AND_CTRL MSG "IFMS1 not in control mode"; BEGIN -- Procedure Body -- &msg := "IFMS1/183 -> " + toString($Input) + " : "; -- pre-check IF /IFMS1/183.VALUE = $Input AND $Forced_Cmd = FALSE THEN EXIT (%OK, MSG &msg + "already set"); ENDIF; -- command IF $Input = %YES THEN &Input:= TRUE; ELSE &Input:= FALSE; ENDIF; SET &RetCode := SEND IFMS1.FREQPLAN ( $FreqSpecInv := &Input); IF &RetCode <> %OK THEN EXIT (&RetCode, MSG &msg + "command failed"); ENDIF; -- verify SET &RetCode := VERIFY /IFMS1/183.VALUE = $Input TIMEOUT '10'; IF &RetCode <> %OK THEN EXIT (&RetCode, MSG &msg + "verification failed"); ELSE EXIT (&RetCode, MSG &msg + "verified"); ENDIF; END
Look into inheriting CommonTokenStream and feeding an instance of your subclass into ANTLR. From the code example that you give, I suspect that you might be interested in taking a look at the filter and the rewrite options available in version 3. Also, take a look at this other related stack overflow question.
I have just been going through some of my old questions and thought it was worth responding with the final solution that worked the best. In the end, the best way to translate a language was to use StringTemplate. This takes care of re-indenting the output for you. There is a very good example called 'cminus' in the ANTLR example pack that shows how to use it.
Detect a double key press in AutoHotkey
I'd like to trigger an event in AutoHotkey when the user double "presses" the esc key. But let the escape keystroke go through to the app in focus if it's not a double press (say within the space of a second). How would I go about doing this? I've come up with this so far, but I can't work out how to check for the second escape key press: ~Esc:: Input, TextEntry1, L1 T1 endKey=%ErrorLevel% if( endKey != "Timeout" ) { ; perform my double press operation WinMinimize, A } return
Found the answer in the AutoHotkey documentation! ; Example #4: Detects when a key has been double-pressed (similar to double-click). ; KeyWait is used to stop the keyboard's auto-repeat feature from creating an unwanted ; double-press when you hold down the RControl key to modify another key. It does this by ; keeping the hotkey's thread running, which blocks the auto-repeats by relying upon ; #MaxThreadsPerHotkey being at its default setting of 1. ; Note: There is a more elaborate script to distinguish between single, double, and ; triple-presses at the bottom of the SetTimer page. ~RControl:: if (A_PriorHotkey <> "~RControl" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 400) { ; Too much time between presses, so this isn't a double-press. KeyWait, RControl return } MsgBox You double-pressed the right control key. return So for my case: ~Esc:: if (A_PriorHotkey <> "~Esc" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 400) { ; Too much time between presses, so this isn't a double-press. KeyWait, Esc return } WinMinimize, A return
With the script above, i found out that the button i wanted to detect was being forwared to the program (i.e. the "~" prefix). This seems to do the trick for me (i wanted to detect a double "d" press) d:: keywait,d keywait,d,d t0.5 ; Increase the "t" value for a longer timeout. if errorlevel { ; pretend that nothing happened and forward the single "d" Send d return } ; A double "d" has been detected, act accordingly. Send {Del} return Source