ANTLR rules to match unquoted or quoted multiline string - antlr

I would like my grammar to be able to match either a single line string assignment terminated by a newline (\r\n or \n), possibly with a comment at the end, or a multiline assignment, denoted by double quotes. So for example:
key = value
key = spaces are allowed
key = until a new line or a comment # this is a comment
key = "you can use quotes as well" # this is a comment
key = "and
with quotes
you can also do
Is that doable? I've been bashing my head on this, and got everything working except the multiline. It seems so simple, but the rules simply won't match appropriately.
Add on: this is just a part of a bigger grammar.

Looking at your example input:
# This is the most simple configuration
title = "FML rulez"
# We use ISO notations only, so no local styles
releaseDateTime = 2020-09-12T06:34
# Multiline strings
description = "So,
I'm curious
where this will end."
# Shorcut string; no quotes are needed in a simple property style assignment
# Or if a string is just one word. These strings are trimmed.
protocol = http
# Conditions allow for overriding, best match wins (most conditions)
# If multiple condition sets equally match, the first one will win.
title[env=production] = "One config file to rule them all"
title[env=production & os=osx] = "Even on Mac"
# Lists
hosts = [alpha, beta]
# Hierarchy is implemented using groups denoted by curly brackets
database {
# indenting is allowed and encouraged, but has no semantic meaning
url = jdbc://...
user = "admin"
# Strings support default encryption with a external key file, like maven
password = "FGFGGHDRG#$BRTHT%G%GFGHFH%twercgfg"
# groups can nest
dialect {
database = postgres
servers {
# This is a table:
# - the first row is a header, containing the id's
# - the remaining rows are values
| name | datacenter | maxSessions | settings |
| alpha | A | 12 | |
| beta | XYZ | 24 | |
| "sys 2" | B | 6 | |
# you can have sub blocks, which are id-less groups (id is the column)
| gamma | C | 12 | {breaker:true, timeout: 15} |
# or you reference to another block
| tango | D | 24 | $environment |
# environments can be easily done using conditions
environment[env=development] {
datasource = tst
environment[env=production] {
datesource = prd
I'd go for something like this:
grammar TECL;
: configs EOF
: NL* ( config ( NL+ config )* NL* )?
: property
| group
| table
: WORD conditions? ASSIGN value
: WORD conditions? NL* OBRACE configs CBRACE
: OBRACK property ( AMP property )* CBRACK
: row ( NL+ row )*
: PIPE ( col_value PIPE )+
: ~( PIPE | NL )*
| string
| list
: OBRACK ( value ( COMMA value )* )? CBRACK
ASSIGN : '=';
OBRACK : '[';
CBRACK : ']';
OBRACE : '{';
CBRACE : '}';
COMMA : ',';
PIPE : '|';
AMP : '&';
: '$' WORD
: [\r\n]+
: '"' ( ~[\\"] | '\\' . )* '"'
: ~[ \t\r\n[\]{}=,|&]+
: '#' ~[\r\n]* -> skip
: [ \t]+ -> skip
which will parse the example in the following parse tree:
And the input:
key = value
key = spaces are allowed
key = until a new line or a comment # this is a comment
key = "you can use quotes as well" # this is a comment
key = "and
with quotes
you can also do
into the following:
For now: multiline quoted works, spaces in unquoted string not.
As you can see in the tree above, it does work. I suspect you used part of the grammar in your existing one and that doesn't work.
[...] and am I the process inserting the actions.
I would not embed actions (target code) inside your grammar: it makes it hard to read, and making changes to the grammar will be harder to do. And of course, your grammar will only work for 1 language. Better use a listener or visitor instead of these actions.
Good luck!


Array support for Hplsql.g4 or Hive.g4

Good day everyone,
I am using antlr4 to create a parser and lexer for Hive SQL (Hplsql.g4).
I believe this is the latest grammar file.
However, I found at least two additions that are needed: IF and array indices.
For example, in a select statement, I may have:
a) SELECT if(a>8,12,20) FROM x
b) SELECT column_name[2] FROM x
Both are valid in Hive but both do not parse when I create a parser and lexer for java from the Hplsql.g4 above. I added an expression for the IF and it appears to work.
I added
expr :
| expr_if //I added
and a new rule:
expr_if :
T_IF T_OPEN_P bool_expr T_COMMA expr T_COMMA expr T_CLOSE_P //I added
However, figuring out how to allow an array index is not so easy because the grammar allows aliases:
select a from x
select a alias_of_a from x
select a[1] from x
select a[1] alias_of_a from x
should all be valid.
I tried adding a new expression for this like so:
expr :
| expr_array //I added
expr_array :
This didn't work for me. (T_OPEN_SB L_INT T_OPEN_CB are [ integer ] respectively). I tried so many variations on this as well. My questions are:
Am I using the right grammar file - if not is there a newer one with IF and array handling?
Has anyone been successful in extending this grammar to handle my cases above?
As per Bart's recommendations:
I updated ident.
I updated expr_atom.
I added array_index.
I had // | '[' .*? ']' commented out before.
Test Sql: select a[0] from t
line 1:8 no viable alternative at input 'selecta[0]'
line 1:8 mismatched input '[0]'
(program (block stmt (stmt select) (stmt (expr_stmt (expr (expr_atom (ident a)))))) [0] from t)
I feel like the problem is somehow related to select_list_alias below.
With select_list_alias containing ident and T_AS optional, ident is matching the array index.
I can't reconcile why this happens, especially since ident has been updated.
Excerpt from Hplsql.sql:
select_list :
select_list_set? select_list_limit? select_list_item (T_COMMA select_list_item)*
select_list_item :
(ident T_EQUAL)? expr select_list_alias?
| select_list_asterisk
select_list_alias :
{!_input.LT(1).getText().equalsIgnoreCase("INTO") && !_input.LT(1).getText().equalsIgnoreCase("FROM")}? T_AS? ident
If I pass in a simple SQL stmt to grun such as
select a[1] from t
The parse tree should look similar to this:
Instead of expr_atom, I want to see expr_array where it would split into expr_atom for the a and array_index for the [1].
Note that there is one SQL statement here. With my existing g4, the array index [1] (and the remainder of the stmt) gets parsed as a separate SQL statement.
Bart, I see from your parse tree that parsing resulted in two SQL statements from "select a[0] from t" - I was getting the same situation.
I will continue to explore different approaches - I am still suspicious of the select_list_alias which has T_AS? ident at the end. Just to confirm, I have commented out one line from ident_part like this: // | '[' .*? ']'
As mentioned in the comments: [ ... ] will be tokenised as a L_ID token. If you don;t want that, remove the | '[' .*? ']' part:
[a-zA-Z] ([a-zA-Z] | L_DIGIT | '_')* // Identifier part
| ('_' | '#' | ':' | '#' | '$') ([a-zA-Z] | L_DIGIT | '_' | '#' | ':' | '#' | '$')+ // (at least one char must follow special char)
| '"' .*? '"' // Quoted identifiers
// | '[' .*? ']' <-- removed
| '`' .*? '`'
and create/edit the grammar like this:
expr_atom :
| timestamp_literal
| bool_literal
| expr_array // <-- added
| ident
| string
| dec_number
| int_number
| null_const
// new rule
: ident array_index+
// new rule
The rules above will cause select a[1] alias_of_a from x to be parsed successfully, but wil fail on input like select a[1] alias_of_a from [identifier]: the [identifier] will not be matched as an identifier.
You could try adding something like this:
ident :
| T_OPEN_SB ~T_CLOSE_SB+ T_CLOSE_SB // <-- added
| non_reserved_words
which will parse select a[1] alias_of_a from [identifier] properly, but have no good picture of the whole grammar (or deep knowledge of HPL/SQL) to determine if that will mess up other things :)
With my proposed changes, the grammar looks like this: (I cannot post it here on SO because of the char limit)
Parsing select a[0] from t with this will result in the parse tree:
And parsing select a[0] from [t] with this will result in this parse tree:
You're also able to test it by running the following Java code:
String source = "select a[0] from [t]";
HplsqlLexer lexer = new HplsqlLexer(CharStreams.fromString(source));
HplsqlParser parser = new HplsqlParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
ParseTree root = parser.program();
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Antlr AST");
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
TreeViewer viewer = new TreeViewer(Arrays.asList(parser.getRuleNames()), root);

ANTLR: "for" keyword used for loops conflicts with "for" used in messages

I have the following grammar:
myg : line+ EOF ;
line : ( for_loop | command params ) NEWLINE;
for_loop : FOR WORD INT DO NEWLINE stmt_body;
stmt_body: line+ END;
params : ( param | WHITESPACE)*;
param : WORD | INT;
command : WORD;
fragment LOWERCASE : [a-z] ;
fragment UPPERCASE : [A-Z] ;
fragment DIGIT : [0-9] ;
WHITESPACE : (' ' | '\t')+ -> skip;
NEWLINE : ('\r'? '\n' | '\r')+ -> skip;
FOR: 'for';
DO: 'do';
END: 'end';
My problem is that the 2 following are valid in this language:
message please wait for 90 seconds
This would be a valid command printing a message with the word "for".
for n 2 do
This would be the beginning of a for loop.
The problem is that with the current lexer it doesn't match the for loop since 'for' is matched by the WORD rule as it appears first.
I could solve that by putting the FOR rule before the WORD rule but then 'for' in message would be matched by the FOR rule
This is the typical keywords versus identifier problem and I thought there were quite a number of questions regarding that here on Stackoverflow. But to my surprise I can only find an old answer of mine for ANTLR3.
Even though the principle mentioned there remains the same, you no longer can change the returned token type in a parser rule, with ANTLR4.
There are 2 steps required to make your scenario work.
Define the keywords before the WORD rule. This way they get own token types you need for grammar parts which require specific keywords.
Add keywords selectively to rules, which parse names, where you want to allow those keywords too.
For the second step modify your rules:
param: WORD | INT | commandKeyword;
command: WORD | commandKeyword;
commandKeyword: FOR | DO | END; // Keywords allowed as names in commands.

How to detect an expression result is unused in an interpreted programming language?

I'm working on a simple procedural interpreted scripting language, written in Java using ANTLR4. Just a hobby project. I have written a few DSLs using ANTLR4 and the lexer and parser presented no real problems. I got quite a bit of the language working by interpreting directly from the parse tree but that strategy, apart from being slow, started to break down when I started to add functions.
So I've created a stack-based virtual machine, based on Chapter 10 of "Language Implementation Patterns: Create Your Own Domain-Specific and General Programming Languages". I have an assembler for the VM that works well and I'm now trying to make the scripting language generate assembly via an AST.
Something I can't quite see is how to detect when an expression or function result is unused, so that I can generate a POP instruction to discard the value from the top of the operand stack.
I want things like assignment statements to be expressions, so that I can do things like:
x = y = 1;
In the AST, the assignment node is annotated with the symbol (the lvalue) and the rvalue comes from visiting the children of the assignment node. At the end of the visit of the assignment node, the rvalue is stored into the lvalue, and this is reloaded back into the operand stack so that it can be used as an expression result.
This generates ( for x = y = 1):
CLOAD 1 ; Push constant value
GSTOR y ; Store into global y and pop
GLOAD y ; Push value of y
GSTOR x ; Store into global x and pop
GLOAD x ; Push value of x
But it needs a POP instruction at the end to discard the result, otherwise the operand stack starts to grow with these unused results. I can't see the best way of doing this.
I guess my grammar could be flawed, which is preventing me seeing a solution here.
grammar g;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parser
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: (functionDefinition | compoundStatement)*
: FUNCTION ID parameterSpecification compoundStatement
: '(' (ID (',' ID)*)? ')'
: '{' compoundStatement* '}'
| conditionalStatement
| iterationStatement
| statement ';'
: declaration
| expression
| exitStatement
| printStatement
| returnStatement
: LET ID ASSIGN expression # ConstantDeclaration
| VAR ID ASSIGN expression # VariableDeclaration
: ifStatement
: IF expression compoundStatement (ELSE compoundStatement)?
: WHILE expression compoundStatement # WhileStatement
| DO compoundStatement WHILE expression # DoStatement
| FOR ID IN expression TO expression (STEP expression)? compoundStatement # ForStatement
: PRINT '(' (expression (',' expression)*)? ')' # SimplePrintStatement
| PRINTF '(' STRING (',' expression)* ')' # PrintFormatStatement
: RETURN expression?
: expression '[' expression ']' # Indexed
| ID DEFAULT expression # DefaultValue
| ID op=(INC | DEC) # Postfix
| op=(ADD | SUB | NOT) expression # Unary
| op=(INC | DEC) ID # Prefix
| expression op=(MUL | DIV | MOD) expression # Multiplicative
| expression op=(ADD | SUB) expression # Additive
| expression op=(GT | GE | LT | LE) expression # Relational
| expression op=(EQ | NE) expression # Equality
| expression AND expression # LogicalAnd
| expression OR expression # LogicalOr
| expression IF expression ELSE expression # Ternary
| ID '(' (expression (',' expression)*)? ')' # FunctionCall
| '(' expression ')' # Parenthesized
| '[' (expression (',' expression)* )? ']' # LiteralArray
| ID # Identifier
| NUMBER # LiteralNumber
| STRING # LiteralString
| BOOLEAN # LiteralBoolean
| ID ASSIGN expression # SimpleAssignment
| ID op=(CADD | CSUB | CMUL | CDIV) expression # CompoundAssignment
| ID '[' expression ']' ASSIGN expression # IndexedAssignment
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lexer
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDCHR : [A-Za-z_$];
DIGIT : [0-9];
ESC : '\\' ["\\];
COMMENT : '#' .*? '\n' -> skip;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Keywords
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DO : 'do';
ELSE : 'else';
EXIT : 'exit';
FOR : 'for';
FUNCTION : 'function';
IF : 'if';
IN : 'in';
LET : 'let';
PRINT : 'print';
PRINTF : 'printf';
RETURN : 'return';
STEP : 'step';
TO : 'to';
VAR : 'var';
WHILE : 'while';
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Operators
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADD : '+';
DIV : '/';
MOD : '%';
MUL : '*';
SUB : '-';
DEC : '--';
INC : '++';
ASSIGN : '=';
CADD : '+=';
CDIV : '/=';
CMUL : '*=';
CSUB : '-=';
GE : '>=';
GT : '>';
LE : '<=';
LT : '<';
AND : '&&';
EQ : '==';
NE : '!=';
NOT : '!';
OR : '||';
DEFAULT : '??';
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Literals and identifiers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOLEAN : ('true'|'false');
STRING : '"' (ESC | .)*? '"';
WHITESPACE : [ \t\r\n] -> skip;
So my question is where is the usual place to detect unused expression results, i.e. when expressions are used as plain statements? Is it something I should detect during the parse, then annotate the AST node? Or is this better done when visiting the AST for code generation (assembly generation in my case)? I just can't see where best to do it.
IMO it's not a question of the right grammar, but how you process the AST/parse tree. The fact if a result is used or not could be determined by checking the siblings (and parent siblings etc.). An assignment for instance is made of the lvalue, the operator and the rvalue, hence when you determined the rvalue, check the previous tree node sibling if that is an operator. Similarly you can check if the parent is a parentheses expression (for nested function calls, grouping etc.).
: ...
| expression
If you label this case with # ExpressionStatement, you can generate a pop after every expression statement by overriding exitExpressionStatement() in the listener or visitExpressionStatement in the visitor.

ANTLR - parameters

I have started to learn ANTLR and i was looking at the example grammars.
I found the CSV grammar quite interesting:
grammar CSV;
file: hdr row+ ;
hdr : row ;
row : field (',' field)* '\r'? '\n' ;
TEXT : ~[,\n\r"]+ ;
STRING : '"' ('""'|~'"')* '"' ;
Is it possible to tell antlr that every row should have the same length as the hdr?
In my application i would need such a mechanism. To put it simply Id like to read in a INT variable contaniing the length N of an array and after it N values. Somthing like this:
// example-Input I want to parse
A = 3
a_0 = 2
a_1 = 5 //there have to be exactly A = 3 a_ entries
a_2 = 3
Is this possible with antlr? And if not directly in the grammar, can it be dione afterwards somehow?

Grammar for ANLTR 4

I'm trying to develop a grammar to parse a DSL using ANTLR4 (first attempt at using it)
The grammar itself is somewhat similar to SQL in the sense that should
It should be able to parse commands like the following:
select type1.attribute1 type2./xpath_expression[#id='test 1'] type3.* from source1 source2
fromDate 2014-01-12T00:00:00.123456+00:00 toDate 2014-01-13T00:00:00.123456Z
where (type1.attribute2 = "XX" AND
(type1.attribute3 <= "2014-01-12T00:00:00.123456+00:00" OR
type2./another_xpath_expression = "YY"))
EDIT: I've updated the grammar switching CHAR, SYMBOL and DIGIT to fragment as suggested by [lucas_trzesniewski], but I did not manage to get improvements.
Attached is the parse tree as suggested by Terence. I get also in the console the following (I'm getting more confused...):
warning(125): API.g4:16:8: implicit definition of token 'CHAR' in parser
warning(125): API.g4:20:31: implicit definition of token 'SYMBOL' in parser
line 1:12 mismatched input 'p' expecting {'.', NUMBER, CHAR, SYMBOL}
line 1:19 mismatched input 't' expecting {'.', NUMBER, CHAR, SYMBOL}
line 1:27 mismatched input 'm' expecting {'.', NUMBER, CHAR, SYMBOL}
line 1:35 mismatched input '#' expecting {NUMBER, CHAR, SYMBOL}
line 1:58 no viable alternative at input 'm'
line 3:13 no viable alternative at input '(deco.m'
I was able to put together the bulk of the grammar, but it fails to properly match all the tokens, therefore resulting in incorrect parsing depending on the complexity of the input.
By browsing on internet it seems to me that the main reason is down to the lexer selecting the longest matching sequence, but even after several attempts of rewriting lexer and grammar rules I could not achieve a robust set.
Below are my grammar and some test cases.
What would be the correct way to specify the rules? should I use lexer modes ?
grammar API;
get : K_SELECT (((element) )+ | '*')
'from' (source )+
( K_FROM_DATE dateTimeOffset )? ( K_TO_DATE dateTimeOffset )?
('where' expr )?
element : qualifier DOT attribute;
qualifier : 'raw' | 'std' | 'deco' ;
attribute : ( word | xpath | '*') ;
word : CHAR (CHAR | NUMBER)*;
xpath : (xpathFragment+);
: '/' ( DOT | CHAR | NUMBER | SYMBOL )+
| '[' (CHAR | NUMBER | SYMBOL )+ ']'
source : ( 'system1' | 'system2' | 'ALL') ; // should be generalised.
dateTimeOffset : date 'T' time;
filter : (element OP value) ;
value : QUOTE .+? QUOTE ;
: filter
| '(' expr 'AND' expr ')'
| '(' expr 'OR' expr ')'
K_SELECT : 'select';
K_RANGE : 'range';
K_FROM_DATE : 'fromDate';
K_TO_DATE : 'toDate' ;
QUOTE : '"' ;
MINUS : '-';
SIGN : '+' | '-';
COLON : ':';
COMMA : ',';
DOT : '.';
OP : '=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '!=';
fragment DIGIT : ('0'..'9');
fragment CHAR : [a-z] | [A-Z] ;
fragment SYMBOL : '#' | [-_=] | '\'' | '/' | '\\' ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
NONWS : ~[ \t\r\n];
select raw./priobj/tradeid/margin[#id='222'] deco.* deco.marginType from system1 system2
fromDate 2014-01-12T00:00:00.123456+00:00 toDate 2014-01-13T00:00:00.123456Z
where ( deco.marginType >= "MV" AND ( ( raw.CretSysInst = "RMS_EXODUS" OR deco.ExtSysNum <= "1234" ) OR deco.ExtSysStr = "TEST Spaced" ) )
select * from ALL
select deco./xpath/expr/text() deco./xpath/expr[a='3' and b gt '6] raw.* from ALL where raw.attr3 = "myvalue"
The image shows that my grammar is unable to recognise several parts of the commands
What is a bit puzzling me is that the single parts are instead working properly,
e.g. parsing only the 'expr' as shown by the tree below
That kind of thing: word : (CHAR (CHAR | NUMBER)+); is indeed a job for the lexer, not the parser.
This: DIGIT : ('0'..'9'); should be a fragment. Same goes for this: CHAR : [a-z] | [A-Z] ;. That way, you could write NUMBER : CHAR+;, and WORD: CHAR (CHAR | NUMBER)*;
The reason is simple: you want to deal with meaningful tokens in your parser, not with parts of words. Think of the lexer as the thing that will "cut" the input text at meaningful points. Later on, you want to process full words, not individual characters. So think about where is it most meaningful to make those cuts.
Now, as the ANTLR master has pointed out, to debug your problem, dump the parse tree and see what goes on.