Problem while bootstraping ubuntu chef node from chefDK on windows workstation - ssh

I'm new to Chef and I have stuck in a problem. I'm using AWS Chef Automate Server and EC2 ubuntu instance as Chef Node. My workstation is local machine where I have installed ChefDK on windows. I have successfully configured the Chef server with ChefDK.
When I bootstrap the node using Knife Bootstrap command, it bootstraps the ubuntu node but shows this error in the end cannot create /etc/chef/trusted_certs/opsworks-cm-ca-2016-root.pem: Directory nonexistent
The command I used here is knife bootstrap myEC2PublicIPHere -N UmaidNode1 -x ubuntu --sudo --run-list "recipe[nginx]" -i .chef/my_key.pem.
After that I added some other cookbooks in the server and run Knife ssh command from my windows workstation to run Chef-client on the node, but this command is not working. I have tried it with different attributes, but always the similar issue FATAL: 1 node found, but does not have the required attribute to establish the connection. Try setting another attribute to open the connection using --attribute.
The command I tried here is knife ssh 'name:*' --attribute myEC2PublicIpHere -x ubuntu -i .chef/my_key.pem 'sudo chef-client'.
Furthur upon running this command knife node show UmaidNode1, it shows the data about node where IP is blank. I don't know why it is not getting this IP here. Showing the output Node Name: UmaidNode1 Environment: _default FQDN: IP: Run List: recipe[nginx], recipe[apache] Roles: Recipes: Platform: Tags:
enter image description here

The issue is finally resolved. I don't know why, but the problem was with the ChefDK version. I was using the latest version 4.8.23. It always creates directory /etcchef but the chef searches for all files in the directory /etc/chef. So it was unable to get the files like client.rb etc.
NOTE: I even make the required /etc/chef directory by myself, but it didn't work.
I installed an older version of ChefDK and now it's working fine.


How to access a folder via SMB protocol from ASP Net Core [duplicate]

I am trying to setup a script that will:
Connect to a windows share
Using LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE, upload the two files into their appropriate db tables
Umount share
I can currently vpnc into this remote machine
I cannot
mount -t cifs //ip.address/share /mnt/point -o username=u,password=p,port=445
mount error(110) Connection timed out
I am attempting to do this manually first
Remote server is open to port 445
Do I even need to vpnc in first?
Do I need to do route add for the remote ip/mask/gw after vpnc?
Thank you!
The mount.cifs file is provided by the samba-client package. This can be installed from the standard CentOS yum repository by running the following command:
yum install samba samba-client cifs-utils
Once installed, you can mount a Windows SMB share on your CentOS server by running the following command:
SERVER_ADDRESS: Windows system’s IP address or hostname
SHARE_NAME: The name of the shared folder configured on the Windows system
USERNAME: Windows user that has access to this share
MOUNT_POINT: The local mount point on your CentOS server
I am mounting to a share from \\\snaps
Make a directory under mount for your reference
mkdir /mnt/mymount
Now I am mounting the snaps folder from indiafps02, User name is the Domain credentials, i.e. Mydomain in this case
mount.cifs // /mnt/mymount -o user=Girish.KG
Now you could see the content by typing
ls /mnt/mymount
So, after performing your task, just fire umount command
umount /mnt/mymount
That's it. You are done.
no need to install "samba" and "samba-client", only "cifs-utils" using command
yum install cifs-utils
after that in windows share the folder you would like to mount in centos if you didn't do that already ("c:\interpub\wwwroot" in my case).
make sure you share it with a specific username whom your know the password for ("netops" in my case).
create a directory in centos in which you would like to mount the windows share in to ("/mnt/cm" in my case).
after that run that simple command as a root
mount.cifs // /mnt/cm/ -o user=netops
centos will prompt you for the windows username password.
you are done.

Vagrant GuestAdditions issue

Host OS: Windows 10
Vagrant: 2.2.4
VirtualBox: 6.0.6 r130049
When I run vagrant up, it prints this error message:
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
Stdout from the command:
Stderr from the command:
bash: line 4: setup: command not found
The machine can be booted normally and SSH from my host to Virtual machine is OK but the synced folder is not working. I know this may not be a critical issue but still feel frustrated as I use my host machine to develop codes and "sync" these codes so that they can be loaded in my virtual machine.
Any advice is highly appreciated.
ps: When I boot a full UI virtual machine (different from my above mentioned) from my VirtualBox directly, it seems OK to have a "sync" directory and the VBGuestAdditions can be installed without errors.
It is a bug in VirtualBox 6.0.6 and it still exists in 6.0.8. The solution is to downgrade your VirtualBox itself and the Guest Extensions to 6.0.4.

Getting Docker Windows Containers to start automatically on reboot

My OS is Windows 10 and I am running Docker version 17.06.0-ce-win19. I am trying to set up a container so that it will restart automatically on reboot.
When I use the command:
docker run -it microsoft/nanoserver --restart=always
I’m getting the following error:
docker: Error response from daemon: container 35046c88d2564523464ecabc4d48eb0550115e33acb25b0555224e7c43d21e74 encountered an error during CreateProcess: failure in a Windows system call: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) extra info: {"ApplicationName":"","CommandLine":"--restart=always","User":"","WorkingDirectory":"C:\","Environment":{},"EmulateConsole":true,"CreateStdInPipe":true,"CreateStdOutPipe":true,"CreateStdErrPipe":false,"ConsoleSize":[30,120]}.
whereas if I leave out the
everything works fine.
Is there something else I need to do to get --restart options working on Windows?
Parameters shall be coming before image:tag in CLI

Docker-machine : ca.pem not found

Here i am creating a test machine(dev) using the docker machine.
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox dev
Creating CA: C:\Users\xxx\.docker\machine\certs\ca.pem
Creating client certificate: C:\Users\xxx\.docker\machine\certs\cert.pem
Creating VirtualBox VM...
Creating SSH key...
Starting VirtualBox VM...
Starting VM...
The vm gets created and runs with out flaws.
And here is the error when i run the following command:
$ docker-machine env dev
open C:\Users\xxx\.docker\machine\machines\dev\ca.pem: The system cannot fin
d the file specified.
I have no idea how to deal with this problem. Tried restarting boot2docker.
You should try using docker-machine regenerate-certs dev. The problem i think is that somehow your .pem file got deleted or was not created. I had the same issue and regenerating the certs fixed the problem (reboot did not help btw).
I guess you are getting Docker-machine : ca.pem not found error even when you use docker info or any command with docker
Try this command: docker-machine env -u
output will be similar to:
# Run this command to configure your shell:
# eval $(docker-machine env -u)
now enter eval $(docker-machine env -u)
this should do the work. Try docker info to be sure finally.
I was getting the exact same error. It turned out to be the Cisco AnyConnect client affecting my networking settings. It's not enough to quit AnyConnect, you have to reboot your machine to restore your settings.
If someone knows more about how AnyConnect is affecting things and if there are solutions better than rebooting, I'd love to hear about it!
Copy certificates from "C:\Users\xxx\.docker\machine\certs"
Paste certificates to "C:\Users\xxx\.docker\machine\machines\dev"
NOTE: This error was on Windows 10 Docker
Here was my error:
#user ➜ git-repo git(users/user/dev) ✗ docker
unable to resolve docker endpoint: open C:\Users\user\.docker\ca.pem: The system cannot find the file specified.
Here is the link to the shell file I used to recreate the certificates I named it
So I went to that directory that the error output:
cd C:\Users\user\.docker\
Created that file:
Copied the values from the link into there and saved.
Then ran that .sh file:
Then the docker command worked:
#user ➜ git-repo git(users/user/dev) ✗ docker
Usage: docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND
A self-sufficient runtime for containers

Chef-client does not work from Workstation but does work directly on the server

I have a chef recipe that runs a chocolatey install for Microsoft SQL server. From my workbench when I run
knife winrm [IP] 'chef-client -o "recipe[NetDevMachine::default]"' -m -x 'domain\myuser'
over a node it fails with the error:
532459699 or sometimes 2022834173 or 2057043966
However if I log onto the VM as the same user and locally run
chef-client -o "recipe[NetDevMachine::default]"
It works. Does anyone know what the difference is between running chef-client locally and running it remotely from the workbench? What does chef-client do differently here? Both are pulling the recipe from the same chef-server repo.
Additional Details
I am using the same user for both
I have successfully run other recipes from the workstation, it's just this MicrosoftSQLServer install that's not working
running "knife winrm [IP] 'choco install MicrosoftSQLServer' -m -x 'domain\myuser' also does not work
Recipe contents:
powershell_script "choco install MicrosoftSQLServer2014" do
code <<-EOH
choco install MicrosoftSQLServer2014
[ERROR] Running C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Temp\MicrosoftSQLServer2014\setup.exe with
Exit code was '-532459699'.
Edit - the only difference I can see is that one runs in the foreground and the other doesn't. So the location of the compile chef-script is /temp/2 for the failing run. I don't know if there is a way to force chef to run in the foreground or if that will even help.
I never got to the bottom of this and still don't understand how running the chef client remotely using knife was different from running chef client directly on the VM. Perhaps it was something to do with the handling of credentials or permissions when remotely sending commands.
But I did find that removing chocolatey and replacing it a command line silent install inside a chef powershell resource allowed me to install MSSQL.