syntax for generic-parameterized variable/constant - kotlin

I'm trying to create a Map that contains generic-parameterized types. For example:
abstract class Foo {
companion object {
val fooInjectors = HashMap<Class<T: Foo>, Injector<T: Foo>>()
The idea is to have fooInjectors (which would be static in Java or in a companion object in Kotlin) contain a cache of sub-classes of Foo and their corresponding Injector.
Unfortunately, I can't get this to compile. I'd very much appreciate it if someone would help me figure out the syntax for this!

As far as I know, you are trying to do something that is impossible in Kotlin. The companion object is a singleton and it doesn't make sense to generify a singleton as there will not be any further objects created hence generic types are irrelevant. So you can't generify the property you declared because it's in the companion object.
However, one way you could make this working is using a backing function. This backing function should annotate with declaration-site variance.
This simply means we tell the compiler that we only return a type T from the method (and don't consume). That allows us to use subtypes and the supertype of the T if required. This is called covariance.
You can look at the docs to understand it further -
Here's what I meant.
interface Injector<T>
class InjectorImpl<T> : Injector<T>
abstract class Foo {
companion object {
val fooInjectors = createMap<Foo>()
private fun <T> createMap(): HashMap<Class<out T>, Injector<out T>> {
return HashMap()
class Bar: Foo()
object Runner {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Foo.fooInjectors[] = InjectorImpl<Bar>()
Foo.fooInjectors[] = InjectorImpl<Bar>()


How to understand Kotlin Functional Interface with companion object inside?

I would like to get some help to understand a Kotlin code snippet about functional interface used in Http4k org.http4k.core package
typealias HttpHandler = (Request) -> Response
fun interface Filter : (HttpHandler) -> HttpHandler {
companion object
I don’t understand the Filter interface, especially the companion object part. A typical functional interface is like this
fun interface IntPredicate {
fun accept(i: Int): Boolean
And you can create a lambda isEven
val isEven = IntPredicate { it % 2 == 0 }
According to this simple example, it looks like the interface Filter extends another interface (HttpHandler) -> HttpHandler? Then it defines a function signature companion object? Is this correct? What does the part companion object really mean?
Filter extends (HttpHandler) -> HttpHandler and the function type (HttpHandler) -> HttpHandler has a single abstract method (operator) - invoke - implicitly declared, like this:
operator fun invoke(HttpHandler): HttpHandler
So that is the function signature for the functional interface, not companion object.
companion object means what it has always meant - a companion object declaration. The companion object might seem empty, just from looking at the code you showed, and it makes one wonder what its purpose is. If you have removed the declaration, the functional interface would still have compiled, and can be used just like a functional interface representing the function type (HttpHandler) -> HttpHandler.
If you look further down the file, however, you'll see that there is (at least) one extension function declared on the companion object:
val Filter.Companion.NoOp: Filter get() = Filter { next -> { next(it) } }
This allows you to do val noOp = Filter.NoOp for example, so the companion object isn't that pointless.

Instantiating classes from non-reified type parameters

I'm building an ORM for use with jasync-sql in Kotlin and there's a fundamental problem that I can't solve. I think it boils down to:
How can one instantiate an instance of a class of type T, given a
non-reified type parameter T?
The well known Spring Data project manages this and you can see it in their CrudRepository<T, ID> interface that is parameterised with a type parameter T and exposes methods that return instances of type T. I've had a look through the source without much success but somewhere it must be able to instantiate a class of type T at runtime, despite the fact that T is being erased.
When I look at my own AbstractRepository<T> abstract class, I can't work out how to get a reference to the constructor of T as it requires accessing T::class.constructors which understandably fails unless T is a reified type. Given that one can only used reified types in the parameters of inline functions, I'm a bit lost as to how this can work?
On the JVM, runtime types of objects are erased, but generic types on classes aren't. So if you're working with concrete specializations, you can use reflection to retrieve the type parameter:
import java.lang.reflect.*
abstract class AbstractRepository<T>
fun <T> Class<out AbstractRepository<T>>.repositoryType(): Class<T> =
generateSequence<Type>(this) {
(it as? Class<*> ?: (it as? ParameterizedType)?.rawType as? Class<*>)
.first { it.rawType == }
.single() as Class<T>
class IntRepository : AbstractRepository<Int>()
class StringRepository : AbstractRepository<String>()
interface Foo
class FooRepository : AbstractRepository<Foo>()
class Bar
class BarRepository : AbstractRepository<Bar>()
fun main() {
class java.lang.Integer
class java.lang.String
interface Foo
class Bar
In your own CrudRepository you can add a companion object with an inline fun which is responsible to instantiate your repository by passing to it the corresponding class.
class MyCrudRepository<T> protected constructor(
private val type: Class<T>,
) {
companion object {
inline fun <reified T : Any> of() = MyCrudRepository(
fun createTypeInstance() = type::class.createInstance()

Is a Kotlin Companion Object just a way to add functions from an interface?

I am reading the Kotlin in Action book and trying to understand Companion Objects better, are there any other uses for Companion Ojbects other than adding method implementations from an interface/abstract class?
I came across a way of instantiating an object which only works if the class is abstract:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
class Fruit(val name: String) {
companion object : Apple()
abstract class Apple {
fun showColor(){
print("I am an apple")
My mental model for companion object is language level support for safe singletons. i.e. instead of static methods on a class for Factory or Util methods, you can provide those related methods on the Singleton companion object.
The Companion status gives you a lot of default scoping wins that are similar to the java class with static methods.
Your example seems invalid, because why is the Fruit "singleton" an Apple?

What is the point of naming a companion object in kotlin

The documentation for companion objects has the following example
class MyClass {
companion object Factory {
fun create(): MyClass = MyClass()
Here Factory is the name of the companion object. It then goes on to say:
The name of the companion object can be omitted, in which case the name Companion will be used:
However there is no example that I can see that uses the name of the companion object.
Since you can only have one companion object per class (otherwise you get a Only one companion object is allowed per class error) the name feels like some pretty useless syntactic sugar to me.
What can the name of the companion object actually be used for?
Why would one bother to use any name for it?
You can use the name of the companion like:
MyClass.create() // not via companion name
MyClass.Companion.create() // via default companion name
MyClass.Factory.create() // via companion name
The name is maybe not that important for Kotlin, because you can just access the method without knowing that there is a companion object (line one above). It is more like a personal style, if you want to make the access to such functions more explicit.
But for java interop it makes a difference, because you have to access the function via the companion name:
MyClass.Factory.create(); // with named companion
MyClass.Companion.create(); // with unnamed comanion
Well, companion objects in Kotlin are not just syntactic sugar. They are actually a type. They are able to do much more thing, and need not to be see as just replacement of static.
You can actually extend class or implement an interface. See an example below.
open class Super {
open fun sayHello() {
class Some {
companion object Child : Super() {
override fun sayHello() {
println("Hello from companion object")
fun main() {
If you do not use an explicit name, the companions name is Companion, thus it can be omitted, like you already quoted.
Sometimes you may want to have an explicit name in your calls, which would be MyClass.Factory.create() in your example. For namespace reasons maybe.
I don't see a many reasons to name a companion object, either. Except if you care about Java interop with your Kotlin code. Then, you need to explicitly write the companions name.
Another reason you might care about the name is, when you define an extension function on it:
fun MyClass.Companion.ext() = "myext"
In this case, it can be clearer when it has a name like Factory, on which specific factory methods are added via extension.
However there is no example that I can see that uses the name of the companion object.
class Person(val name: String) { companion object Loader {
fun fromJSON(jsonText: String): Person = ... }
>>> person = Person.Loader.fromJSON("{name: 'Dmitry'}") >>>
>>> person2 = Person.fromJSON("{name: 'Brent'}") >>>

What does 'by' keyword do in Kotlin?

While developing for android I sometimes come across something that looks like this:
var someModel: someViewModel by notNullAndObservable { vm ->
I don't understand what the significance of the by keyword is.
In simple words, you can understand by keyword as provided by.
From the perspective of property consumer, val is something that has getter (get) and var is something that has getter and setter (get, set). For each var property there is a default provider of get and set methods that we don't need to specify explicitly.
But, when using by keyword, you are stating that this getter/getter&setter is provided elsewhere (i.e. it's been delegated). It's provided by the function that comes after by.
So, instead of using this built-in get and set methods, you are delegating that job to some explicit function.
One very common example is the by lazy for lazy loading properties.
Also, if you are using dependency injection library like Koin, you'll see many properties defined like this:
var myRepository: MyRepository by inject() //inject is a function from Koin
In the class definition, it follows the same principle, it defines where some function is provided, but it can refer to any set of methods/properties, not just get and set.
class MyClass: SomeInterface by SomeImplementation, SomeOtherInterface
This code is saying:
'I am class MyClass and I offer functions of interface SomeInterface which are provided by SomeImplementation.
I'll implement SomeOtherInterface by myself (that's implicit, so no by there).'
In the Kotlin reference you will find two uses for by, the first being Delegated Properties which is the use you have above:
There are certain common kinds of properties, that, though we can implement them manually every time we need them, would be very nice to implement once and for all, and put into a library. Examples include lazy properties: the value gets computed only upon first access,
observable properties: listeners get notified about changes to this property,
storing properties in a map, not in separate field each.
Here you delegate the getter/setter to another class that does the work and can contain common code. As another example, some of the dependency injectors for Kotlin support this model by delegating the getter to receiving a value from a registry of instances managed by the dependency injection engine.
And Interface/Class delegation is the other use:
The Delegation pattern has proven to be a good alternative to implementation inheritance, and Kotlin supports it natively requiring zero boilerplate code. A class Derived can inherit from an interface Base and delegate all of its public methods to a specified object
Here you can delegate an interface to another implementation so the implementing class only needs to override what it wants to change, while the rest of the methods delegate back to a fuller implementation.
A live example would be the Klutter Readonly/Immutable collections where they really just delegate the specific collection interface to another class and then override anything that needs to be different in the readonly implementation. Saving a lot of work not having to manually delegate all of the other methods.
Both of these are covered by the Kotlin language reference, start there for base topics of the language.
The syntax is:
val/var <property name>: <Type> by <expression>.
The expression after by is the delegate
if we try to access the value of property p, in other words, if we call get() method of property p, the getValue() method of Delegate instance is invoked.
If we try to set the value of property p, in other words, if we call set() method of property p, the setValue() method of Delegate instance is invoked.
Delegation for property:
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
class Delegate {
// for get() method, ref - a reference to the object from
// which property is read. prop - property
operator fun getValue(ref: Any?, prop: KProperty<*>) = "textA"
// for set() method, 'v' stores the assigned value
operator fun setValue(ref: Any?, prop: KProperty<*>, v: String) {
println("value = $v")
object SampleBy {
var s: String by Delegate() // delegation for property
#JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) {
s = "textB"
value = textB
Delegation for class:
interface BaseInterface {
val value: String
fun f()
class ClassA: BaseInterface {
override val value = "property from ClassA"
override fun f() { println("fun from ClassA") }
// The ClassB can implement the BaseInterface by delegating all public
// members from the ClassA.
class ClassB(classA: BaseInterface): BaseInterface by classA {}
object SampleBy {
#JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val classB = ClassB(ClassA())
property from ClassA
fun from ClassA
Delegation for parameters:
// for val properties Map is used; for var MutableMap is used
class User(mapA: Map<String, Any?>, mapB: MutableMap<String, Any?>) {
val name: String by mapA
val age: Int by mapA
var address: String by mapB
var id: Long by mapB
object SampleBy {
#JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val user = User(mapOf("name" to "John", "age" to 30),
mutableMapOf("address" to "city, street", "id" to 5000L))
println("name: ${}; age: ${user.age}; " +
"address: ${user.address}; id: ${}")
name: John; age: 30; address: city, street; id: 5000