Error in loading image_dataset_from_directory in tensorflow? - tensorflow

This is the code
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
# generate a dataset
image_size = (180,180)
batch_size = 32
train_ds = tf.keras.preprocessing.image_dataset_from_directory(
validation_split = 0.2,
subset = "training",
seed = 1337,
image_size = image_size,
batch_size = batch_size,
Error is
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-21-bb7f2d14bf63> in <module>
3 batch_size = 32
----> 5 train_ds = tf.keras.preprocessing.image_dataset_from_directory(
6 "PetImages",
7 validation_split = 0.2,
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.keras.preprocessing' has no attribute 'image_dataset_from_directory'
Any smallest detail which I am overlooking now?

It has been addressed under this issue.
The specific function (tf.keras.preprocessing.image_dataset_from_directory) is not available under TensorFlow v2.1.x or v2.2.0 yet. It is only available with the tf-nightly builds and is existent in the source code of the master branch.
Too bad they didn't indicate it anywhere on site. Better to use flow_from_directory for now. Or switch to tf-nightly and carry on.

I got the same error using that code:
changing it to:
fix my problem

I also had the same problem. When I upgraded the TensorFlow version to 2.3.0, it worked.


Loaded model gives either 0 or 1 with Keras

Im using Kaggle to train my model. My model definition is as follows:
from tensorflow.keras.applications import EfficientNetB4
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
base_model = EfficientNetB4(input_tensor=Input(shape=(IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH, 3)),
output=Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(x)
model=Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=output)
After fitting the model, I'm saving the model with this:
MODEL_DIR = "../working/tfx_model/"
version = "alpha"
export_path = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, str(version))
print('export_path = {}\n'.format(export_path))
print('\nSaved model:')
!ls -l {export_path}
Im simply importing the model to my local computer with the following:
model = load_model('models/tfx_model')
However the result of model.predict(input_image) returns an array of 0 or 1. However on Kaggle, I can have the confidence values.
I have already suspected a weird bug with EfficientNet implementation of Keras yet I haven't found anything on the subject. Also I tried saving .h5 and weights only and it had still the same issue.
The model is not over-fitted.
Kaggle environment versions:
'Tensorflow Version 2.9.2,Keras Version:2.9.0'
Local environment versions:
'Tensorflow Version 2.10.0,Keras Version:2.10.0'
It is probably due to different keras versions.
To get the probabilities try:
After a certain keras version (I think 2.6), predict and predict_proba return probabilities but for previous versions predict returns 0 or 1

how to use CRF in tensorflow keras?

The code is like this:
import tensorflow as tf
from keras_contrib.layers import CRF
from tensorflow import keras
def create_model(max_seq_len, adapter_size=64):
"""Creates a classification model."""
# adapter_size = 64 # see - arXiv:1902.00751
# create the bert layer
with, "r") as reader:
bc = StockBertConfig.from_json_string(
bert_params = map_stock_config_to_params(bc)
bert_params.adapter_size = adapter_size
bert = BertModelLayer.from_params(bert_params, name="bert")
input_ids = keras.layers.Input(shape=(max_seq_len,), dtype='int32', name="input_ids")
# token_type_ids = keras.layers.Input(shape=(max_seq_len,), dtype='int32', name="token_type_ids")
# output = bert([input_ids, token_type_ids])
bert_output = bert(input_ids)
print("bert_output.shape: {}".format(bert_output.shape)) # (?, 100, 768)
crf = CRF(len(tag2idx))
logits = crf(bert_output)
model = keras.Model(inputs=input_ids, outputs=logits), max_seq_len))
# load the pre-trained model weights
load_stock_weights(bert, bert_ckpt_file)
# freeze weights if adapter-BERT is used
if adapter_size is not None:
model.compile('adam', loss=crf.loss_function, metrics=[crf.accuracy])
return model
I am using tensorflow keras and also use keras_contrib package, to do NER. it seems the tensorflow keras package does not work well with keras_contrib package.
The Traceback information is listed below:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:/_gitclone3/bert_examples/", line 120, in <module>
model = create_model(max_seq_len, adapter_size=adapter_size)
File "F:/_gitclone3/bert_examples/", line 101, in create_model
logits = crf(bert_output)
File "C:\Users\yuexiang\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\", line 443, in __call__
previous_mask = _collect_previous_mask(inputs)
File "C:\Users\yuexiang\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\", line 1311, in _collect_previous_mask
mask = node.output_masks[tensor_index]
AttributeError: 'Node' object has no attribute 'output_masks'
How do I use CRF with tensorflow keras?
I run into a similar problem and spent a lot of time trying to get things to work. Here's what worked for me using python 3.6.5:
pip install seqeval==0.0.5
pip install keras==2.2.4
Keras-contrib (2.0.8):
git clone
cd keras-contrib
python install
pip install tensorflow==1.14.0
Do pip list to make sure you have actually installed those versions (eg pip seqeval may automatically update your keras)
Then in your code import like so:
from keras.models import *
from keras.layers import LSTM, Embedding, Dense, TimeDistributed, Dropout, Bidirectional, Input
from keras_contrib.layers import CRF
Hope this helps, good luck!
You can try tensorflow add-ons.(If you are using tensorflow version 2).
You can try tf-crf-layer (if you are using tensorflow==1.15.0)
They have it mentioned on their README.
git clone
cd keras-contrib
USE_TF_KERAS=1 python install
I have gone through the possible solutions, mentioning which worked for me:
Install tf2crf ( It provides a simple CRF layer for TensorFlow 2 keras.
Use TensorFlow SIG Addons: ( It provides the functionality that is not available in core TensorFlow.

Can't import frozen graph with BatchNorm layer

I have trained a Keras model based on this repo.
After the training I save the model as checkpoint files like this:
saver = tf.train.Saver(), current_run_path + '/checkpoint_files/model_{}.ckpt'.format(date))
Then I restore the graph from the checkpoint files and freeze it using the standard tf freeze_graph script. When I want to restore the frozen graph I get the following error:
Input 0 of node Conv_BN_1/cond/ReadVariableOp/Switch was passed float from Conv_BN_1/gamma:0 incompatible with expected resource
How can I fix this issue?
Edit: My problem is related to this question. Unfortunately, I can't use the workaround.
Edit 2:
I have opened an issue on github and created a gist to reproduce the error.
Just resolved the same issue. I connected this few answers: 1, 2, 3 and realized that issue originated from batchnorm layer working state: training or learning. So, in order to resolve that issue you just need to place one line before loading your model:
Complete example, to export model
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_io
from tensorflow.keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3
def freeze_graph(graph, session, output):
with graph.as_default():
graphdef_inf = tf.graph_util.remove_training_nodes(graph.as_graph_def())
graphdef_frozen = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(session, graphdef_inf, output)
graph_io.write_graph(graphdef_frozen, ".", "frozen_model.pb", as_text=False)
tf.keras.backend.set_learning_phase(0) # this line most important
base_model = InceptionV3()
session = tf.keras.backend.get_session()
INPUT_NODE = base_model.inputs[0]
OUTPUT_NODE = base_model.outputs[0]
freeze_graph(session.graph, session, [ for out in base_model.outputs])
to load *.pb model:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
im ="/home/chichivica/Pictures/eagle.jpg").resize((299, 299), Image.BICUBIC)
im = np.array(im) / 255.0
im = im[None, ...]
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
with tf.gfile.GFile("frozen_model.pb", "rb") as f:
graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():
net_inp, net_out = tf.import_graph_def(
graph_def, return_elements=["input_1", "predictions/Softmax"]
with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess:
out =[0], feed_dict={net_inp.outputs[0]: im})
This is bug with Tensorflow 1.1x and as another answer stated, it is because of the internal batch norm learning vs inference state. In TF 1.14.0 you actually get a cryptic error when trying to freeze a batch norm layer.
Using set_learning_phase(0) will put the batch norm layer (and probably others like dropout) into inference mode and thus the batch norm layer will not work during training, leading to reduced accuracy.
My solution is this:
Create the model using a function (do not use K.set_learning_phase(0)):
def create_model():
inputs = Input(...)
return model
model = create_model()
Train model
Save weights:
Clear session (important so layer names are the same) and set learning phase to 0:
Recreate model and load weights:
model = create_model()
Freeze as before
Thanks for pointing the main issue! I found that keras.backend.set_learning_phase(0) to be not working sometimes, at least in my case.
Another approach might be: for l in keras_model.layers: l.trainable = False

Error when implementing tensorflow high level api

I am trying to implement tensorflows provided high level api's, specifically the baseline classifier. However when trying to train the model, I get the following
NotFoundError (see above for traceback): Key baseline/bias not found in checkpoint
[[Node: save/RestoreV2 = RestoreV2[dtypes=[DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT, DT_INT64], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"](_arg_save/Const_0_0, save/RestoreV2/tensor_names, save/RestoreV2/shape_and_slices)]]
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
def digit_cross():
# Number of classes, one class for each of 10 digits.
num_classes = 10
digit = datasets.load_digits()
x =
y =
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=.3, random_state=42)
y_train_index = np.arange(y_train.size)
train_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(
x={"x": np.array(x_train)},
# Build BaselineClassifier
classifier = tf.estimator.BaselineClassifier(n_classes=num_classes,
# Fit model.
It seems that you have a checkpoint in model_dir="./checkpoints_tutorial17-1/", which is from another model and is not from a BaselineClassifier. To be specific, you have a checkpoint file and model.ckpt-* files in that folder.
As tensorflow documented:
model_dir: Directory to save model parameters, graph and etc. This can also be used to load checkpoints from the directory into a estimator to continue training a previously saved model. If PathLike object, the path will be resolved. If None, the model_dir in config will be used if set. If both are set, they must be same. If both are None, a temporary directory will be used.
Here, BaselineClassifier will first build a graph which uses baseline/bias. Then it finds out that there is a previous checkpoint in model_dir. It will try to load this checkpoint and you should see an info (if you've done tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO)) saying something like
"INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from .../checkpoints_tutorial17-1\model.ckpt-..."
Because this checkpoint in model_dir is not from a BaselineClassifier, it won't have baseline/bias. BaselineClassifier cannot find it and will thus throw an error.

Keras: Load checkpoint weights HDF5 generated by multiple GPUs

Checkpoint snippet:
checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(filepath=os.path.join(savedir, "mid/weights.{epoch:02d}.hd5"), monitor='val_loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=False, save_weights_only=False)
hist = model.fit_generator(
gen.generate(batch_size = batch_size, nb_classes=nb_classes), samples_per_epoch=593920, nb_epoch=nb_epoch, verbose=1, callbacks=[checkpointer], validation_data = gen.vld_generate(VLD_PATH, batch_size = 64, nb_classes=nb_classes), nb_val_samples=10000
I trained my model on a multiple GPU host which dumps mid files in HDF5 format. When I loaded them on a single GPU machine with keras.load_weights('mid'), an error was raised:
Using TensorFlow backend.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 171, in <module>
model = load_model_and_weights('zhch.yml', '7_weights.52.hd5')
File "", line 16, in load_model_and_weights
model.load_weights(os.path.join('model', weights_name))
File "/home/lz/code/ProjectGo/meta/project/libpolicy-server/.virtualenv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/keras/engine/", line 2701, in load_weights
File "/home/lz/code/ProjectGo/meta/project/libpolicy-server/.virtualenv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/keras/engine/", line 2753, in load_weights_from_hdf5_group
str(len(flattened_layers)) + ' layers.')
ValueError: You are trying to load a weight file containing 1 layers into a model with 21 layers.
Is there any way to load checkpoint weights generated by multiple GPUs on a single GPU machine? It seems that no issue of Keras discussed this problem thus any help would be appreciated.
You can load your model on a single GPU like this:
from keras.models import load_model
multi_gpus_model = load_model('mid')
origin_model = multi_gpus_model.layers[-2] # you can use multi_gpus_model.summary() to see the layer of the original model
'single_gpu_model.hdf5' is the file that you can load to the single GPU machine model.
Try this function:
def keras_model_reassign_weights(model_cpu,model_gpu):
weights_temp ={}
print('_'*5,'Collecting weights from GPU model','_'*5)
for layer in model_gpu.layers:
for layer_unw in layer.layers:
#print('Weights extracted for: ',
weights_temp[] = layer_unw.get_weights()
print('Skipped: ',
print('_'*5,'Writing weights to CPU model','_'*5)
for layer in model_cpu.layers:
print(,'weights does not set for this layer!')
return model_cpu
But you need to load weights to your gpu model first:
#load or initialize your keras multi-gpu model
model_gpu = None
#load or initialize your keras model with the same structure, without using keras.multi_gpu function
model_cpu = None
#load weights into multigpu model
#execute function
model_cpu = keras_model_reassign_weights(model_cpu,model_gpu)
#save obtained weights for cpu model
After transferring you can use weights with a single GPU or CPU model.