Load Confguration Documents - ravendb

I have a question.
In ravenDB documentation and in the document modeling chapter, Author say that it's better that we use configuration document for reference data. for example for city document we can create doucment:
"NY":"New York",
"WS": "Washington"
Now how can read this document from client API? The Load method is generic: Load. that mean we need to c# class for that. but I don't know how to define this c# class and how load this document in C#

Start by going to https://demo.ravendb.net/ and learn from:
Create Related Documents https://demo.ravendb.net/demos/csharp/related-documents/create-related-documents
Load Related Documents https://demo.ravendb.net/demos/csharp/related-documents/load-related-documents
Go through the Walkthrough steps


How do I reference a hosted docx rather sending every time when creating a pdf (document generation api)

I have asked this question on https://community.adobe.com/ and have not received an answer. If I do, I will include the response here.
I am able to create a pdf using the basic approach outlined by adobe at https://developer.adobe.com/document-services/docs/overview/document-generation-api/
Ideally, I don't want to have to send the base docx word document across in the api call each time I generate a new pdf. I would rather host the docx which can be retrieved at document generation time. One approach would be a reference url to a docx hosted on acrobat.adobe.com. At the moment I have to send the docx as well as the json data which seems inefficient.
I am using https://cpf-ue1.adobe.io/ops/:create
I guess if it can't be done, then that's okay, I just would like to know so I can implement accordingly.
thank you

Windward Document Generation - PDF Copy Protected

In our application, we generate a few reports and documents through Windward. The documents are generated based on specific user conditions and the user is able to download the document.
As part of a new requirement, we would like to enable copy protection of the generated PDF -- basically, users would not be able to Copy the contents of the document.
Is there anyway we can achieve this through Windward? Or do we have to integrate with external third party software like LockLizard or Win2PDF?
We did think of converting the document to an image and recreating the PDF but this is unacceptable as the document formatting became off the mark.
Appreciate any insights or alternate solutions.
Windward does this. If you're using the Java engine use the following calls (javadoc):
For the .NET engine use the following calls (api docs):
Is this what you need?

How to implement HATEOAS in Rails

I've started with ActiveResource, but quickly hit the wall. Could not get ActiveResource to work when overriding to_json and to_xml on the underlying model. Plus, could not make resource representation inject links into the generated xml document. Oh btw, I'm using Rails 3.2.1.
I did a bit of research and found out about its gem. Tried it, for some reason didn't work for me. So my question is:
If I have one resource (say books) hosted in one web site (something like http://books.org), and another resource (say students, http://students.org), hosted in another web site, how can I get books to represent themselves to a student in their full HATEOS glory?
I was able to get the book resource to represent itself to the asking student as an XML document. I did that by using vanilla Rails ActiveResource in the students site. I've created Books resource that inherits from ActiveResource::Base. Then I specified the self.site and self.element_name, after which I was able to perform some rudimentary ActiveRecord-like queries against the remote books site. The only thing that worked for me was Book.all and Book.find(1). Even that was not satisfactory because the representation contained all database columns, and I wanted to at least remove some of those, which turned out not to be possible.
Now that I've abandoned that approach, I am wondering if there is a working example in Rails where it is possible to build a more sophisticated representation of a resource (i.e. books) that will contain links that will drive the application state transfer? I find it simply unbelievable that such a simple requirement seems so devilishly difficult to implement in Rails. All I'm trying to do is create a representation of a resource that will include some links which will guide the consumer on its discovery of what that resource is capable of. I'm mostly interested in implementing the workflow, which is a layered, peeling-the-onion type of conversational process of discovery.
In Rails, you'd need to change the way the serialization of your object happens if you're looking to do this in JSON. (You need to override the way Rails gives back representations of resources.) The most common gem for doing that would be: https://github.com/rails-api/active_model_serializers
If you don't want to use AMS or want to return HTML, consider following this presenter pattern: http://blog.steveklabnik.com/posts/2012-01-06-implementing-hateoas-with-presenters

simple wiki and reference tracking

I'm trying to wrap my head around designing a simple Wiki style app. In a traditional wiki, say wikipedia, are 'links' referenced in any kind of backend/complex way? Ie HABTM... or are links simply links?
I'm trying to decide myself what to do, a bit different but similar. I have pages written by individuals which they can attribute to themselves or credit a.. say a famous author. Should I save this attribution as merely a tag? The tag would create a reference to the famous person, which may or may not exist, but could also be created, but nothing more than a link. OR, do I dive deep and create a real data relationship (HABTM) ?
A SQL-style Has And Belongs To Many mapping table is never necessary in Mongo.
If you'd like to provide, for example, a "what links here" view for a page, then I would do something like this for each page in your Wiki. I'll give an example of a page about pandas:
_id: "Panda",
text: "Page's contents go here",
links: ["Raccoon", "Weasel"]
You're using the page's title as its _id. To find titles of pages that link to "Raccoon", you can query like:
db.pages.find({"links": "Raccoon"})
Obviously, you should make an index on "links".

Semantic store and entity hub

I am working on a content platform that should provide semantic features such as querying with SPARQL and providing rdf documents for the contained content.
I would be very thankful for some
clarification on the following
Did I get that right, that an entity
hub can connect several semantic
stores to a single point of access?
And if not, what is the difference
between a semantic store and an
entity hub?
What frameworks would you use to
store content documents as well as
their semantic annotation?
It is important for the solution to be able to later on retrieve the document (html page / docs such as pdf, doc,...) and their annotated version.
Thanks in advance,
The only Entityhub term that I know is belong to Apache Stanbol project. And here is a paragraph from the original documentation explaining what Entityhub does:
The Entityhub provides two main services. The Entityhub provides the
connection to external linked open data sites as well as using indexes
of them locally. Its services allow to manage a network of sites to
consume entity information and to manage entities locally.
Entityhub documentation:
Enhancer component of Apache Stanbol provides extracting external entities related with the submitted content using the linked open data sites managed by Entityhub. These enhancements of contents are formed as RDF data. Then, it is also possible to store those content items in Apache Stanbol and run SPARQL queries on top of RDF enhancements. Contenthub component of Apache Stanbol also provides faceted search functionality over the submitted content items.
Documentation of Apache Stanbol:
Access to running demos:
You can also ask your further questions to stanbol-dev AT incubator.apache.org.
Alternative suggestion...
Drupal 7 has in-built RDFa support for annotation and is more of a general purpose CMS than Semantic MediaWiki
In more detail...
I'm not really sure what you mean by entity hub, where are you getting that definition from or what do you mean by it?
Yes one can easily write a system that connects to multiple semantic stores, given the context of your question I assume you are referring to RDF Triple Stores?
Any decent CMS should be assigning documents some form of unique/persistent ID to documents so even if the system you go with does not support semantic annotation natively you could build your own extension for this. The extension would simply store annotations against the documents ID in whatever storage layer you chose (I'd assume a Triple Store would be appropriate) and then you can build appropriate query and presentation layers for querying and viewing this data as required.
Apache Stanbol
Do you want to implement a traditional CMS extended with some Semantic capabilities, or do you want to build a Semantic CMS? It could look the same, but actually both a two completely opposite approaches.
It is important for the solution to be able to later on retrieve the document (html page / docs such as pdf, doc,...) and their annotated version.
You can integrate Apache Stanbol with a JCR/CMIS compliant CMS like Alfresco. To get custom annotations, I suggest creating your own custom enhancement engine (maven archetype) based on your domain and adding it to the enhancement engine chain.
One this is done, you can use the REST API endpoints provided by Stanbol to retrieve the results in RDF/Turtle format.