video/mp2t browser live streaming support - html5-video

Is there any way we could live stream "video/mp2t" content in the browser? I'm building a live stream app where some urls don't have any mimetype specified but the content is "video/mp2t". I've tried to use the major html 5 players: jwplayer, shaka-player, video.js, and none of them seem to support this kind of content out of the box. I've read that might be possible to transmux on the fly to mp4, do you guys know any example or some guidelines?
Android and ios seem to support this but the browser not, why is that? Do you think it's something to be incorporated in the future?

I've read that might be possible to transmux on the fly to mp4
Yes, you can write the code yourself, or base it on a another library like mux.js. But as you said, nothing does this out of the box.
Android and ios seem to support this but the browser not, why is that?
There are dozens or hundreds of container formats. Supporting them all would be ridiculous. Different companies, and different standard bodies make different decisions on what they think their users will require.
Do you think it's something to be incorporated in the future?
No, I don't.


Extract Font from PDF using GdPicture

According to their website ( you have the ability to extract fonts from a PDF file. However, I can't seem to find the functionality to do this. I have encountered several methods to add them, but none to extract them (and they don't show as embedded files). Has anyone tried to do this, or have experience with GdPicture?
Version: 14 (Current)
Disclosure: I am part of the ORPALIS technical staff that edits the GdPicture.NET SDK, that's why I know there's an ongoing communication about this already.
It is my understanding that you have a support case open for a merging issue relative to fonts and as you know, our development team is currently working on a fix that will solve it so I strongly recommend that you wait for them to finish.
There's no extraction of the embedded font as you might expect at the moment but the development team is also working on one, we will let you know as soon as it is available (it should be very soon).
You can get information about (already) embedded fonts using the GetFontCount, IsFontEmbedded, GetFontName and GetFontType methods.
You can also add new embedded fonts (of different types) using the AddFontFromFileU, AddStandardFont, AddTrueTypeFont, AddTrueTypeFontFromFile, AddTrueTypeFontFromFileU and AddTrueTypeFontU methods.

Embedded ASS subtitle track in streamed video?

We'd like to build a small specialized clone of the ill-fated popcorn-time project, that is to say a node-webkit frontend for peerflix. The videos we'd like to play are mkv files that have embedded ASS subtitle tracks, and we can't seem to get the embedded subtitles to show up: while VLC nicely shows them, html5 video players in webkit-based things don't, not even in Google Chrome (so it's not a matter of Chromium's reduced codec support).
Now, I'm a bit out of our depths here, I don't really know much about these things, but it seems to me the media engine underneath webkit just ignores the ASS subtitle track here. Is it because it's ASS? Is it a matter of codecs somehow? Or is it, after all, a html5 thing? Now, the html5 video "living standard" mentions that "captions can be provided, either embedded in the video stream or as external files using the track element" - so the feature is at least planned, but I do realize that implementation is lacking. However, given that node-webkit uses ffmpeg as the underlying engine, it seems strange to me that the subtitles are not picked up at all.
Could someone more knowledgeable please advise us the problem? Also, is there anything we could do about it?
Extracting the subtitles beforehand is not an option, though I have been playing with the idea of extracting the subtitles on the fly, and feeding that stream back to the player - I had some modest success with this, and it looks like it could be done with some effort, but I'm really out of my depth here, and the whole idea is pretty contrived anyway.
However, I find it improbable that nobody has run into this problem before, hence this question: is there any way to show embedded (ASS) subtitle tracks in a streamed video in node-webkit?
Not sure if this would help but according to this page node-webkit doesn't ship with codec for patented media formats. They do have a few suggestions on the page, one of which is to compile your own node-webkit.
You could try using Popcorn Time's ffmpegsumo file which is what I used when I needed mp3 support and Chrome's version didn't work. Although, I don't know if that supports ASS subtitle format(considering its use, I would think it has to).
Note: I would have commented this answer but unfortunately I don't have commenting privileges yet. A couple of upvotes sure would be nice ;)

Which is the correct technical name of those products, and a list of availables

I'm trying to find other type of products which allows me to create a desktop app through html5 + javascript. Actually I found these three but I still don't know their technical name so I really can't search for them on google. Any suggestion about this?
Also, I'm looking for a list of similar products, to choose the one that fits my needs.
I really like how you build interfaces with html + css + javascripts with great results, but I need quite good interaction with the O.S. to handle window. Expecially, I were looking for transparent windows which seems not implemented on node-webkit at the moment, while on AppJS seems ok but I don't like the idea of serving the content like a webserver, I prefer the node-webkit approach.
Search for "HTML5 Desktop" and you will find all the platforms that allows you to build desktop apps using html5 in the first page like appjs, tidesk, pokki, node-webkit etc.

Technique to identify a video in iOS camera roll

I'm trying to solve a specific problem (but this could benefit others) which from googling around doesn't seem to have a definitive solution. I think there are probably several partial solutions out there, I'd like to find the best of those (or a combination) that does the trick most of the time.
My specific example is: users in my app can send videos to each other and I'm going to allow them to save videos they have received to their camera roll. I would like to prevent them from forwarding the video on to others. I don't need to identify a particular video, just that it was originally saved from my app.
I have achieved a pretty good solution for images by saving some EXIF metadata that I can use to identify that the image was saved from my app and reject any attempts to forward it on, but the same solution doesn't work for videos.
I'm open to any ideas. So far I've seen suggested:
Using ALAssetRepresentation in some way to save a filename and then compare it when reading in, but I've read that upgrading iOS wipes these names out
x-Saving metadata. Not possible.
MD5. I suspect iOS would modify the video in some way on saving which would invalidate this.
I've had a thought about appending a frame or two to the start of the video, perhaps an image which is a solid block of colour, magenta for example. Then when reading in, get the first frame, do some kind of processing to identify this. Is this practical or even possible?
What are your thoughts on these, and/or can you suggest anything better?
There are 2 approaches you could try. Both solutions only work under iOS5.
1) Save the url returned by [ALAssetRepresentation url]. Under iOS 5 this URL contains a CoreData objectID and should be persistent.
2) Use the customMetadata property of ALAsset to append custom info to any asset you saved yourself.

Global object for Javascript to interact with Safari plug-in

The issue is that I've written a Safari plug-in (Growler) that allows web applications to send Growl notifications by calling Javascript functions. However, at the moment the way it is written, people need to use <embed> to initialise the plug-in so that Javascript can begin using it (something I picked up from Apple's examples).
I was wondering if there was a way I could define something like window.<pluginName> so that they didn't have to embed it everytime? That'll allow a lot of sites to begin using it without changing any code.
I've looked at a lot of examples and documentation, and two things came up — 'WebView' and 'WebScriptObject'. I'm pretty new to this, so I'm not really sure what to do.
There's no way to write a WebKit plug-in that doesn't handle a content type. That's why so many Safari “plug-ins” or “extensions” (including GrowlSafari) are implemented as input manager hacks.
The way you've done it is the only reliable, safe, supported, and not doomed way to do it.