Warning message: Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated - error-handling

I encountered this warning message while changing the row names:
Warning message: Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.
Can anyone please help me to this warning message/error?
Thanks and regards,


Receive a comma or closed parenthesis

Iā€™m doing an IntelliJ challenge and I was told in the instructions to call a Patient aPatient = createAPatient(); method where I did Patient aPatient = createAPatient(CoronaVaccineRecord aVaccine) and it gave me an error stating ā€˜,ā€™ or )ā€™. Therefore, I would like to know I can resolve this error thank you
I was expecting Patient aPatient = createAPatient(CoronaVaccineRecord aVaccine);, to not have any errors but the error like I mentioned earlier.

How to fix Erreur : Subscript `AMr1.orig` is a matrix, the data `x.imp[, -possibleFactors][AMr1.orig]` must have size 1

I'm trying to run Amelia to impute some missing data on several variables with the following code:
zz[,c("id", "sex", "team", "minsSocial", "satisTravail", "performance")] <-
Amelia::amelia(zz[,c("id", "sex", "team", "minsSocial", "satisTravail", "performance")],
m=1, idvars="id", noms=c("sex","team"))$imputations$imp1
Unfortunately, I get this error message :
Erreur : Subscript AMr1.orig is a matrix, the data x.imp[, -possibleFactors][AMr1.orig] must have size 1.
Any toughts on where is the problem and how I could fix it? Is it because my data contains values <1?
Thank you!
I think this might be due to some recent changes to error handling in tibbles. If you cast your data as a data.frame instead (assuming that zz is a tibble), the error should go away (this worked for me).
zz <- as.data.frame(zz)
Not sure about the reason behind the error message though. I get a similar error message from rlang::last_error(), and the code worked with earlier versions of the packages.
Subscript `AMr1.orig` is a matrix, the data `x.imp[AMr1.orig]` must have size 1.
1. Amelia::amelia(...)
2. Amelia::amelia.default(...)
3. base::lapply(seq_len(m), do.amelia)
4. Amelia:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
5. Amelia:::impfill(...)
7. tibble:::`[<-.tbl_df`(...)
8. tibble:::tbl_subassign_matrix(x, j, value, j_arg, substitute(value))

Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o6756.parquet

While writing the data frame to s3 in parquet format i got the below error:
Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o6756.parquet.
but couldn't find any solution to rectify this issue.
Actually i had an error in udf while removing the element from the list it was going out of range because i was removing the element by index So, to fix that issue i had to make a deepcopy of the list and then started removing the elements.

How do I hide or suppress react-native warning

I am getting the following warning in my react-native which I am told is something that I can ignore, but the actual warning is annoying.
The actual text of the error is the following...
Warning: Failed propType: Required prop sceneRendererProps.isRequired was not specified in SceneView. Check the render method of NavigationCard.
Is there a way I can get rid of, or suppress this error message specifically?
According to This Post
You should be able to do the following...
console.ignoredYellowBox = ['Warning: Failed propType: SceneView'];

NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 41

I am parsing a xml file which giving an error
NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 41
Will anyone tell me what is the reason of this error and how to solve this error.
Thank in Advance.
It's an NSXMLParserAttributeHasNoValueError. One of your attributes is missing a value.
For the future, all these are defined in the NSXMLParserErrorDomain document in the iOS Library.