How to convert from string stored yyyymmdd format to date - sql

I have a date that is stored as a string and I want to convert or cast it from varchar to date. It is stored as yyyymmdd in string. The date output should be in yyyymmdd format, date data type:
DECLARE #UntilRule nvarchar(50)
DECLARE #UntilDate date
SET #UntilRule = 20200601
SET #UntilDate = FORMAT(CAST(SUBSTRING(#UntilRule, CHARINDEX('=', #UntilRule) + 1, 8) AS date), 'yyyymmdd')
I get the following error:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

You can just do:
select convert(date, #UntilRule)
Your format is the SQL Server standard for dates.


Convert data and time into a numeric number in sql server

I have a data & time format column which I would like to convert to the following format in Microsoft SQL Server: yyyymmddhhmmss00000
So for example if I have 2021-02-04 11:49:50 this will be converted to 2021020411495000000.
Any one knows how to do it please?
You can use the FORMAT function:
SELECT FORMAT(myDate, 'yyyyMMddHHmmss00000')
By converting the date to NVARCHAR once with format 112 and once with format 8 you can extract the numeric date and the time without milliseconds. After removing : from the time you can concat these two strings and convert them to bigint. Following an example:
SELECT CAST(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(8), #d, 112) + REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(8), #d, 8), ':', '') + '00000' AS BIGINT)

String to Date in SQL

Is there a way to quickly convert this date format to DATE in SQL?
{ “date_from”:”22112017”,”date_to”:”22112017”}
This is needed to filter the data between these dates
(There are a lot of conversion entries on the web, but I haven't found that format)
DECLARE #EndDate DATE = CONVERT(VARCHAR, '22112017', 103)
PRINT #EndDate
Error: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
#StartDate = '22112017'
#EndDate = '22112020'
SELECT * from tblMy WHERE ReceivedDate BETWEEN #StartDate AND #EndDate
If you fix your JSON to not use stylised double quotes (”) and use standard ones (") then you can parse this as JSON. Once you extract the values, you can inject a couple of / characters in and then convert to a date with the style code 103 (dd/MM/yyyy):
DECLARE #String nvarchar(MAX) = N'{ "date_from":"22112017","date_to":"22112017"}';
SELECT CONVERT(date,STUFF(STUFF(OJ.date_from,5,0,'/'),3,0,'/'),103) AS date_from,
CONVERT(date,STUFF(STUFF(OJ.date_to,5,0,'/'),3,0,'/'),103) AS date_to
FROM (VALUES(#String))V(S)
WITH (date_from varchar(8),
date_to varchar(8)) OJ;
Seems the OP has moved their goal posts, this has nothing to do with JSON.
The problem here is your literal strings. When using literal strings for a date and time data type use either yyyyMMdd or yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnnnnn as they are both unambiguous regardless of language and data type:
DECLARE #StartDate date,
#EndDate date;
SET #StartDate = '20171222';
SET #EndDAte = '20201122';
FROM tblMy
WHERE ReceivedDate BETWEEN #StartDate AND #EndDate;
I would suggest converting the value to a standard SQL Server date value. This is pretty simple:
select convert(date, left(val, 4) + substring(val, 3, 2) + right(val, 2))
The standard date format is YYYYMMDD. Yours is DDMMYYYY, so string operations can convert it to the correct format. Of course, what you should probably do is to convert the value to a date in the application layer and pass the date value in as a parameter.
This should fix the error "Error: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string."
DECLARE #EndDate VARCHAR(MAX) = '22112017'
DECLARE #datevar date = CAST(SUBSTRING(#EndDate, 3, 2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(#EndDate,
1, 2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(#EndDate, 5, 4) AS date);
SELECT #datevar;

Issue with conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type

I can't figure out why I'm getting:
'The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type
resulted in an out-of-range value'
error when these three dates '011318'; '011418'; '011518' are being converted into datetime using CONVERT(datetime, [Date]) as[Date], but there is no problem with '011018'; '011118'; and '011218'.
Any help would be appreciated!
Use a style code, and inject some hyphens into the value to create the MM-dd-yy format:
I think this does what you want:
select convert(date, '20' + right(date, 2) + left(date, 2) + substring(date, 3, 2))
This changes your string from MMDDYY to YYYYMMDD, which SQL Server readily converts to a date.
You get the error because if you convert the date '011318'; '011418'; '011518' they would be interpreted as 18.12.2001; 18.14.2001 and 18.15.2001. Default ist yymmdd and therefore it is out of range, becasue one year = 12 months

Convert Varchar field to datetime in SQL Server

I am trying to convert varchar date to date time field and having a really hard time. It is giving me:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
I have 2 datetime formats below :
Date field looks like 21-12-2009, 05-10-2005 etc
Date field looks like 19-03-2018 14:59
select cast(convert(varchar,Stg_hw.date_of_birth,110)as date)
from Stg_Height_and_Weight Stg_hw
where Stg_hw.person_id = 1620458
select CONVERT(datetime,LEFT(date_of_birth,2)+SUBSTRING(Stg_hw.date_of_birth,4,2)+SUBSTRING(Stg_hw.date_of_birth,7,4))
from Stg_Height_and_Weight Stg_hw
where Stg_hw.person_id = 1620458
select cast(Stg_hw.date_of_birth as date)
from Stg_Height_and_Weight Stg_hw
where Stg_hw.person_id = 1620458
CONVERT(DATETIME, DateFieldColumnName, 103) can help to convert those 2 format to datetime.
Sample exection:
CREATE TABLE TestTable (DateVal VARCHAR (20));
('21-12-2009'), ('05-10-2005'), ('19-03-2018 14:59');
FROM TestTable
Please find the working demo on db<>fiddle

Converting a varchar column to datetime

I have a table that has a column for dateofbirth varchar(10). All the data inside is stored like this '02/01/1990'.
I need to convert it to datetime. I've tried
CAST(DateofBirth AS DATEITME) AS BirthDate
But I keep getting this error when I try importing:
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value"
I need it like this:
1990-02-01 00:00:00:000
SELECT CONVERT(Datetime, '2011-09-28 18:01:00', 120) -- to convert it to Datetime SELECT CONVERT( VARCHAR(30), #date ,105) -- italian format [28-09-2011 18:01:00] + ' ' + SELECT CONVERT( VARCHAR(30), #date ,108 ) -- full date [with time/minutes/sec]
You need to convert a Varchar in format MM/DD/YYYY to a Datetime.
Sql server recognizes a set of predefined date formats that it is able to automatically parse. See this cheat list.
Your input format corresponds to sql server date format 101, hence you can do :
SELECT CONVERT(Datetime, '02/01/1990', 101)
If you try to do it in sql query there is syntax to do it .
Here a link ..
SQL Server Convert Varchar to Datetime
Your cast statement works for me:
Declare #dateofbirth varchar(10) = '02/01/1990'
select cast(#dateofbirth as datetime)AS BirthDate
1990-02-01 00:00:00.000