Keras dense model gradient explosion - optimization

I have a very simple dense layer model takes 10 input values, 20 units in hidden layer, 1 unit in output layer, and "relu" as activation function, adam optimizer with learning rate 0.01
layer_dense(densemodel, input_shape=ncol(trainingX), units=20, activation="relu")
layer_dropout(densemodel, rate=0.1)
layer_dense(densemodel, units=1, activation="relu")
compile(densemodel, optimizer=optimizer, loss="logcosh", metrics = list("mean_squared_error"))
I trained the model with n = 2e4 training data and ran into serious gradient explosion, which was finally confirmed caused by some outliers (n < 10) in the training records.
Without removing the the outlier records, any one or combination of the following strategies failed to address the gradient explosion problem.
kernel_regularizer, bias_regularizer, activity_regularizer, clipnorm=1, clipvalue=0.5 or 0.1, set learning rate to 1e-5, add drop out layer, increase batch size.
basically none of them work.
I expect at least clipnorm or clipvalue should work since according to definition
clipnorm: Gradients will be clipped when their L2 norm exceeds this
clipvalue: Gradients will be clipped when their absolute value exceeds
this value.
but why they failed?


Expected validation accuracy for Keras Mobile Net V1 for CIFAR-10 (training from scratch)

Has anybody trained Mobile Net V1 from scratch using CIFAR-10? What was the maximum accuracy you got? I am getting stuck at 70% after 110 epochs. Here is how I am creating the model. However, my training accuracy is above 99%.
#create mobilenet layer
MobileNet_model = tf.keras.applications.MobileNet(include_top=False, weights=None)
# Must define the input shape in the first layer of the neural network
x = Input(shape=(32,32,3),name='input')
#Create custom model
model = MobileNet_model(x)
model = Flatten(name='flatten')(model)
model = Dense(1024, activation='relu',name='dense_1')(model)
output = Dense(10, activation=tf.nn.softmax,name='output')(model)
model_regular = Model(x, output,name='model_regular')
I used Adam optimizer with a LR= 0.001, amsgrad = True and batch size = 64. Also normalized pixel data by dividing by 255.0. I am not using any Data Augmentation.
optimizer1 = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001, amsgrad=True)
model_regular.compile(optimizer=optimizer1, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
history =, y_train_one_hot,validation_data=(x_test,y_test_one_hot),batch_size=64, epochs=100) # train the model
I think I am supposed to get at least 75% according to
Am I am doing anything wrong or is this the expected accuracy after 100 epochs. Here is a plot of my validation accuracy.
Mobilenet was designed to train Imagenet which is much larger, therefore train it on Cifar10 will inevitably result in overfitting. I would suggest you plot the loss (not acurracy) from both training and validation/evaluation, and try to train it hard to achieve 99% training accuracy, then observe the validation loss. If it is overfitting, you would see that the validation loss will actually increase after reaching minima.
A few things to try to reduce overfitting:
add dropout before fully connected layer
data augmentation - random shift, crop and rotation should be enough
use smaller width multiplier (read the original paper, basically just reduce number of filter per layers) e.g. 0.75 or 0.5 to make the layers thinner.
use L2 weight regularization and weight decay
Then there are some usual training tricks:
use learning rate decay e.g. reduce the learning rate from 1e-2 to 1e-4 stepwise or exponentially
With some hyperparameter search, I got evaluation loss of 0.85. I didn't use Keras, I wrote the Mobilenet myself using Tensorflow.
The OP asked about MobileNetv1. Since MobileNetv2 has been published, here is an update on training MobileNetv2 on CIFAR-10 -
1) MobileNetv2 is tuned primarily to work on ImageNet with an initial image resolution of 224x224. It has 5 convolution operations with stride 2. Thus the GlobalAvgPool2D (penultimate layer) gets a feature map of Cx7x7, where C is the number of filters (1280 for MobileNetV2).
2) For CIFAR10, I changed the stride in the first three of these layers to 1. Thus the GlobalAvgPool2D gets a feature map of Cx8x8. Secondly, I trained with 0.25 on the width parameter (affects the depth of the network). I trained with mixup in mxnet ( This gets me a validation accuracy of 93.27.
3) Another MobileNetV2 implementation that seems to work well for CIFAR-10 is available here - PyTorch-CIFAR
The reported accuracy is 94.43. This implementation changes the stride in the first two of the original layers which downsample the resolution to stride 1. And it uses the full width of the channels as used for ImageNet.
4) Further, I trained a MobileNetV2 on CIFAR-10 with mixup while only setting altering the stride in the first conv layer from 2 to 1 and used the complete depth (width parameter==1.0). Thus the GlobalAvgPool2D (penultimate layer) gets a feature map of Cx2x2. This gets me an accuracy of 92.31.

Confused usage of dropout in mini-batch gradient descent

My question is in the end.
An example CNN trained with mini-batch GD and used the dropout in the last fully-connected layer (line 60) as
fc1 = tf.layers.dropout(fc1, rate=dropout, training=is_training)
At first I thought the tf.layers.dropout or tf.nn.dropout randomly sets neurons to zero in columns. But I recently found it's not the case. The below piece of code prints what the dropout does. I used the fc0 as a 4 sample x 10 feature matrix, and the fc as the dropped out version.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
fc0 = tf.random_normal([4, 10])
fc = tf.nn.dropout(fc0, 0.5)
sess = tf.Session()
a, b =[fc0, fc])
np.savetxt("oo.txt", np.vstack((a, b)), fmt="%.2f", delimiter=",")
And in the output oo.txt (original matrix: line 1-4, dropped out matrix: line 5-8):
My understanding of the proper? dropout is, knocking out p% same units for each sample in a mini-batch or batch gradient descent phase, and the back-propagation updates the weights and biases of the "thinned network". However, in the implementation of the example, the neurons of each sample in one batch were randomly dropped out, as illustrated in the oo.txt line 5 to 8, and for each sample, the "thinned network" is different.
As a comparison, in a stochastic gradient descent case, samples are fed into the neural network one-by-one, and in each iteration, weights of each tf.layers.dropout introduced "thinned network" are updated.
My question is, in the mini-batch or batch training, shouldn't it be implemented to knock out same neurons for all samples in one batch? Maybe by applying one mask to all input batch samples at each iteration?
Something like:
# ones: a 1xN all 1s tensor
# mask: a 1xN 0-1 tensor, multiply fc1 by mask with broadcasting along the axis of samples
mask = tf.layers.dropout(ones, rate=dropout, training=is_training)
fc1 = tf.multiply(fc1, mask)
Now I'm thinking the dropout strategy in the example may be a weighted way of updating weights of a certain neuron, that if a neuron is kept in 1 out of 10 samples in a mini-batch, its weights will be updated by alpha * 1/10 * (y_k_hat-y_k) * x_k, compared with alpha * 1/10 * sum[(y_k_hat-y_k) * x_k] for weights of another neuron kept in all 10 samples?
the screenshot from here
Dropouts are commonly used to prevent overfitting. In this case it would be a huge weight applied to one of the neurons. By randomly making it 0 from time to time, you force the network to use more neurons in determining the outcome. For this to work well you should drop different neurons for each example so that the gradient you compute is more similar to the one you would get without the dropout.
If you were to drop the same neurons for each example in the batch, my guess is that you will have a less stable gradient (might not matter for your application).
In addition dropout up-scales the rest of the values to keep the average activation at about the same level. Without it the network would learn wrong biases or would over-saturate when you turn dropout off.
If you still want the same neurons to be dropped in the batch then apply dropout to a all 1 tensor of shape (1, num_neurons) and then multiply it with the activations.
When using dropout, you are effectively trying to estimate the average performance of the network for a randomly chosen dropout mask, using Monte-Carlo sampling (by differentiation under the integral sign, the average gradient is equal to the gradient of the average). By fixing a dropout mask for each mini-batch, you are just introducing correlation between successive gradient estimates, which increases the variance and leads to slower training.
Imagine using a different dropout-mask for each image in the mini-batch, but forming the mini-batch from k copies of the same image; it's obvious that this would be a complete waste of effort!

Keras LSTM always underfits

I am trying to train an LSTM with Keras and Tensorflow backend but it seems to always underfit; the loss and validation loss curves have an initial drop and then flatten out very fast (see image). I have tried adding more layers, more neurons, no dropout, etc., but can't get it even anywhere near an overfit and I do have a good bit of data (almost 4 hours with 100 samples per second, and I have tried downsampling to 50/sec).
My problem is multidimensional time series prediction with continuous values.
Any ideas would be appreciated!
Here is my basic keras architecture:
data_dim = 30 #input dimensions => each timestep has 30 features
timesteps = 200
out_dim = 30 #output dimensions => each predicted output timestep
# has 30 dimensions
batch_size = 50
num_epochs = 300
learning_rate = 0.0005 #tried values between around 0.001 and 0.0003
#hidden layers size
h1 = 120
h2 = 340
h3 = 340
h4 = 120
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(h1, return_sequences=True,input_shape=(timesteps, data_dim)))
model.add(LSTM(h2, return_sequences=True))
model.add(LSTM(h3, return_sequences=True))
model.add(LSTM(h4, return_sequences=True))
model.add(Dense(out_dim, activation='linear'))
rmsprop_otim = keras.optimizers.RMSprop(lr=learning_rate, rho=0.9, epsilon=1e-08, decay=decay)
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=rmsprop_otim,metrics=['mse'])
#data preparation
[x_train, y_train] = readData()
x_train = x_train.reshape((int(num_samples/timesteps),timesteps,data_dim))
y_train = y_train.reshape((int(num_samples/timesteps),timesteps,num_classes))
history_callback =, y_train, validation_split=0.1,
batch_size=batch_size, epochs=num_epochs,shuffle=False,callbacks=[checkpointer, losses])
When you say 0.06 mse is underfit, this depends lot on data distribution. mse is relative term, so if the data is not normalizaed, 0.06 might even be overfit. In such case, pre-processing might help. Also, check if there is significant noise in the data.
Using 4 LSTM layers with large sizes means a lot of parameters to learn. Lesser number of layers might be enough.
Try non-linear activation in the final layer.
I suspect that your model only learns the weights of the Dense Layer properly, but not those of the LSTM layers below. As a quick check, what kind of performance do you get when you get rid of all LSTM layers and replace the Dense with a TimeDistributed(Dense...) layer? If your graphs look the same, training doesn't work, i.e. error gradients with respect to the lower layer weights may be too small. Another way of checking this is to inspect the gradients directly and/or to compare the final weighs after training with the initial weights. If this is indeed the problem you can try the following 1) Standardize your inputs, 2) use a smaller learning rate (decrease logarithmically), 3) add skip layer connections, 4) use Adam instead of RMSprop, and 5) train for more epochs.

Inception network BatchNorm layer returns None gradient

Hi I am trying to fine tune inception network with a customized loss function. It is a triplet loss funcion.
This function is from
def triplet_loss(value, alpha):
"""Calculate the triplet loss according to the FaceNet paper
value: the embeddings for the anchor, positive, negative images.
the triplet loss according to the FaceNet paper as a float tensor.
# The following function ensuer, it is evenly divided
anchor, positive, negative = tf.split(value, num_or_size_splits=3, axis=0)
with tf.variable_scope('triplet_loss'):
pos_dist = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(anchor, positive)), 1)
neg_dist = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(anchor, negative)), 1)
basic_loss = tf.add(tf.subtract(pos_dist, neg_dist), alpha)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.maximum(basic_loss, 0.0), 0)
# TODO: added by me
tf.add_to_collection('losses', loss)
return loss
Note: the value param is the output of logits layer before the softmax.
When I calculate the gradient, I find out BatchNorm/moving_variance and BatchNorm/moving_variance have None gradient. Why it returns None gradient value?
And with visualization, I found there is no data flow from loss to BatchNorm scope, Why weights has dataflow from the loss node but Batchnorm doesn't ?
These None gradients only belong to batchNorm layers, therefore I do some studies on batchNorm. After reading the blog post I found that
batch normalization has distinct behaviors during training versus test time.
Normalize layer activations according to mini-batch statistics.
During the training step, update population statistics approximation via moving average of mini-batch statistics.
Normalize layer activations according to estimated population statistics. Do not update population statistics according to mini-batch statistics from test data.
After I set the phase key as training in the inference function, the problem is solved.

The CNN model does not learn when adding one/two more convolutional layers

I am trying to implement the model in the picture in tensorflow. Just instead of 6 output neurons I have 1000. I am doing this to have pretrained weights.
I implemented the full model but with only one (14,14,128) layer; just for testing and so on. Now that the porgram is matured I implemented the two more layers (or one). This makes the model not learning anything; loss is constant (around a small noise) and the accuracy tested on the training images is constant at random guess. Befor adding the layers I could get very fast (5-10 min) to accuracy of 70-80 percent in 1000 image-subset from the train dataset. As said this is not the case with the additional layers.
Here is the code for the additional layer where s1 and s2 is the stride of the conv:
w2 = weight_variable([3,3,64,128])
b2 = bias_variable([128])
h2 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d_s2(h1_pool,w2)+b2)
h2_pool = max_pool_2x2(h2)
#Starts additional layer
w3 = weight_variable([3,3,128,128])
b3 = bias_variable([128])
h3 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d_s1(h2_pool,w3)+b3)
#Ends additional layer
w5 = weight_variable([3,3,128,256])
b5 = bias_variable([256])
h5 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d_s1(h3,w5)+b5)
h5_pool = max_pool_2x2(h5)
This extra layer makes the model worthless. I have tried different hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, epochs) without success. Where lies the problem?
Another question could be: does anyone know a small (and/or better) network of this size so I can imprement and test. My goal is to detect grasp positions in different objects (images of objects)?
If it helps, I use one GTX 980 with a very very good xeon.
The repository can be found in
The problem was divergence in loss. Solved by lowering the learning rate
In orange is the accuracy and loss (tensorboard and terminal) when the program showed no learning at all. I was fooled by the loss showed in termminal. As pointed by #hars to check the logs of accuracy and loss I discovered that the loss in tensorboard diverges in the first steps. By changing the learning rate from 0,01 to 0,001 the divergence dissapeared and as you can see in cyan the model was learning (overfited a small subset of imagente in 1 minute).
You have a ReLU layer at the end of the model which might be clipping all gradients, followed by a softmax with logits in the training part. Therefore, the model might get stuck at poor local-minima.
Try removing tf.nn.relu in the last line of your inference and see if it trains well.
Here is your part of the code:
last few lines of model :
# fc1 layer
W_fc3 = weight_variable([512, 1000])
b_fc3 = bias_variable([1000])
output = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(h_fc2, W_fc3) + b_fc3)
#print("output: {}".format(output.get_shape()))
return output
training part of the code:
logits = inference_redmon.inference(images)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
logits=logits, labels=labels_one))
tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)
correct_pred = tf.equal( tf.argmax(logits,1), tf.argmax(labels_one,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean( tf.cast( correct_pred, tf.float32))