TextInput Not Visible When Keyboard Is Open Expo React Native - react-native

This is my view and this happens when I open the soft keyboard, I'm running on the latest Expo and React Native, the TextInput is not seen. I don't have standalone Android and iOS folders so I cannot add things to manifest or can I?

Use a KeyboardAvoidingView.
Here's the link to the doc https://reactnative.dev/docs/keyboardavoidingview


react native ToastAndroid in ios

I have created several android apps by using react native, I always and like to use ToastAndroid because it can pop up message and app user don't have to close it by clicking screen. Now I want to create IOS version from my apps. I want to ask what is your alternatives for android toast in ios.
You can use react-native-root-toast to make a Toast for both android and iOS.
I also recommend react-native-customizable-toast. It's updated and works with android,ios and expo

How to open ringtone preference in react native app

How to open ringtone preference setting menu in android using react native?
I have checked react-native-ringtone-manager but it's not working well. Any possible solution or any npm libraries is available for this.

React Native : using expo-av does not show Video but when I use the Inspector and select Touchables I can see the elements

I have created an app using npx react-native init AwesomeProject command and I have used the expo-av npm package with Video in the Background (occupying the entire screen) and some Images which can be clicked using Touchable Opacity. I am trying on iOS.
I migrated this code from expo to just react-native. When I try to load the feed I can not see the Video or any elements on it but when I open the Inspector and select Touchables I am able to see all the elements on the screen.
I am not sure why this behaviour.
Did anyone face similar problem ?

React Native Pressables - Creating a native look button

If you create a React Native <Button>, it renders as a UIButton in iOS and an android.widget.Button in android. This means that it looks different on different platforms.
What about Pressables? What is the simplest way to create an iOS button on iOS and an Android button on Android without resorting to a 3rd partly npm library?

map box is not working with expo react native, what is the alternative ?

I found out that map box is not yet supported in expo. Can map box be integrated in react native app without expo ? Or is there any other alternative for map box that works with expo and react native while i need to show custom routes and locations on the map ?
Expo has MapView support - check it out in Expo documentation. If you want to use Mapbox you can detach from expo and add a library from Mapbox (it has some native code, so detach is necessary).