In Kotlin, one can create a range of two numbers by writing a..b, but a < b is necessary for this to not be empty.
Is there a short way for creating the range "between" two arbitrary numbers?
The logic for this would be: min(a,b)..max(a,b)
There's no short way built into the standard library, I'm afraid. But you can easily add your own. Your question gives one way:
fun rangeBetween(a: Int, b: Int) = min(a, b) .. max(a, b)
And here's another:
fun rangeBetween(a: Int, b: Int) = if (a > b) a downTo b else a .. b
(They both behave the same for in checks, but differ in the iteration order: the first one always counts up from the lower to the higher, while the latter will count up or down from the first number to the second.)
Unfortunately those can't be made generic, as both the min()/max() methods and the type of range are different for Ints, Longs, Bytes, Shorts, etc. But you could add overloads for other types if needed.
(I don't know why Kotlin is so fussy about distinguishing ascending and descending ranges. You'd think that this was a fairly common case, and that it would be a simplification to allow ranges to count up or down as needed.)
I have a list of nine numbers (1-9), that I need to shuffle based on a seed, and guarantee that each permutation of that shuffle is unique. I'd like to do that like this:
There are 9! (362,880) possible permutations of this list, and I know that if I pass it the same Random seed twice, those two permutations will be identical, but I need a way to guarantee that for any given seed between 0 and 362,880, the list order will be unique from any other seed in that range.
Is this possible in Kotlin?
This isn't really a question about Kotlin, but algorithms in general.
There could be much better solution, but you can represent your seed as a number with variable base. First digit has base of 9, second has base of 8 and so on. When dealing with numbers of base 10, we need to repeatedly divide it by 10 and note the remainder to split it into digits. In our case we need to divide it by 9, 8, 7 and so on. This way we will convert the seed to a list of 9 digits like this: 0-8, 0-7, 0-6, ... . What is important: each seed has a unique list of such digits.
Now, if we create another list of numbers 1-9, then we can use the list of digits from the previous paragraph to pick numbers from it, removing them at the same time. Initially, we have 9 items in our list, so valid indexes are 0-8 and this is exactly the range of our first digit. Then we have only 8 remaining items, so they have indexes 0-7 and this is exactly what the second digit is. And so on.
This is not that easy to explain in words, code could be better:
fun shuffled1to9(seed: Int): List<Int> {
require(seed in 0 until 362880)
val remaining = (1..9).toMutableList()
val result = mutableListOf<Int>()
var curr = seed
(9 downTo 2).forEach {
val (next, pick) = curr divmod it
result += remaining.removeAt(pick)
curr = next
result += remaining.single()
return result
infix fun Int.divmod(divisor: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
val quotient = this / divisor
return quotient to (this - quotient * divisor)
shuffled1to9(0) returns original order of 1..9. shuffled1to9(362879) returns the order inverted: 9..1. Any number in between should generate a unique ordering.
Of course, it can be very easily generalized to different lists of numbers and to different sizes.
I'm working on this weeks PerlWChallenge.
You are given an array of integers #A. Write a script to create an
array that represents the smaller element to the left of each
corresponding index. If none found then use 0.
Here's my approach:
my #A = (7, 8, 3, 12, 10);
my $L = #A.elems - 1;
say gather for 1 .. $L -> $i { take #A[ 0..$i-1 ].grep( * < #A[$i] ).min };
Which kinda works and outputs:
(7 Inf 3 3)
The Infinity obviously comes from the empty grep. Checking:
> raku -e "().min.say"
But why is the minimum of an empty Seq Infinity? If anything it should be -Infinity. Or zero?
It's probably a good idea to test for the empty sequence anyway.
I ended up using
take .min with #A[ 0..$i-1 ].grep( * < #A[$i] ) or 0
take ( #A[ 0..$i-1 ].grep( * < #A[$i] ) or 0 ).min
Generally, Inf works out quite well in the face of further operations. For example, consider a case where we have a list of lists, and we want to find the minimum across all of them. We can do this:
my #a = [3,1,3], [], [-5,10];
say #a>>.min.min
And it will just work, since (1, Inf, -5).min comes out as -5. Were min to instead have -Inf as its value, then it'd get this wrong. It will also behave reasonably in comparisons, e.g. if #a.min > #b.min { }; by contrast, an undefined value will warn.
TL;DR say min displays Inf.
min is, or at least behaves like, a reduction.
Per the doc for reduction of a List:
When the list contains no elements, an exception is thrown, unless &with is an operator with a known identity value (e.g., the identity value of infix:<+> is 0).
Per the doc for min:
a comparison Callable can be specified with the named argument :by
by is min's spelling of with.
To easily see the "identity value" of an operator/function, call it without any arguments:
say min # Inf
Imo the underlying issue here is one of many unsolved wide challenges of documenting Raku. Perhaps comments here in this SO about doc would best focus on the narrow topic of solving the problem just for min (and maybe max and minmax).
I think, there is inspiration from
(the greatest lower bound). Let we have the set of integers (or real
numbers) and add there the greatest element Inf and the lowest -Inf.
Then infimum of the empty set (as the subset of the previous set) is the
greatest element Inf. (Every element satisfies that is smaller than
any element of the empty set and Inf is the greatest element that
satisfies this.) Minimum and infimum of any nonempty finite set of real
numbers are equal.
Similarly, min in Raku works as infimum for some Range.
1 ^.. 10
andthen .min; #1
but 1 is not from 1 ^.. 10, so 1 is not minimum, but it is infimum
of the range.
It is useful for some algorithm, see the answer by Jonathan
Worthington or
q{3 1 3
-5 10
andthen .map: *.comb( /'-'?\d+/ )».Int # (3, 1, 3), (-2,), (), (-5, 10)
andthen .map: *.min # 1,-2,Inf,-5
andthen .produce: &[min]
andthen .fmt: '%2d',',' # 1,-2,-2,-5
this (from the docs) makes sense to me
method min(Range:D:)
Returns the start point of the range.
say (1..5).min; # OUTPUT: «1»
say (1^..^5).min; # OUTPUT: «1»
and I think the infinimum idea is quite a good mnemonic for the excludes case which also could be 5.1^.. , 5.0001^.. etc.
I have recently sat a computing exam in university in which we were never taught beforehand about the modulus function or any other check for odd/even function and we have no access to external documentation except our previous lecture notes. Is it possible to do this without these and how?
Bitwise AND (&)
Extract the last bit of the number using the bitwise AND operator. If the last bit is 1, then it's odd, else it's even. This is the simplest and most efficient way of testing it. Examples in some languages:
C / C++ / C#
bool is_even(int value) {
return (value & 1) == 0;
public static boolean is_even(int value) {
return (value & 1) == 0;
def is_even(value):
return (value & 1) == 0
I assume this is only for integer numbers as the concept of odd/even eludes me for floating point values.
For these integer numbers, the check of the Least Significant Bit (LSB) as proposed by Rotem is the most straightforward method, but there are many other ways to accomplish that.
For example, you could use the integer division operation as a test. This is one of the most basic operation which is implemented in virtually every platform. The result of an integer division is always another integer. For example:
>> x = int64( 13 ) ;
>> x / 2
ans =
Here I cast the value 13 as a int64 to make sure MATLAB treats the number as an integer instead of double data type.
Also here the result is actually rounded towards infinity to the next integral value. This is MATLAB specific implementation, other platform might round down but it does not matter for us as the only behavior we look for is the rounding, whichever way it goes. The rounding allow us to define the following behavior:
If a number is even: Dividing it by 2 will produce an exact result, such that if we multiply this result by 2, we obtain the original number.
If a number is odd: Dividing it by 2 will result in a rounded result, such that multiplying it by 2 will yield a different number than the original input.
Now you have the logic worked out, the code is pretty straightforward:
%% sample input
x = int64(42) ;
y = int64(43) ;
%% define the checking function
% uses only multiplication and division operator, no high level function
is_even = #(x) int64(x) == (int64(x)/2)*2 ;
And obvisouly, this will yield:
>> is_even(x)
ans =
>> is_even(y)
ans =
I found out from a fellow student how to solve this simplistically with maths instead of functions.
Using (-1)^n :
If n is odd then the outcome is -1
If n is even then the outcome is 1
This is some pretty out-of-the-box thinking, but it would be the only way to solve this without previous knowledge of complex functions including mod.
I'm having trouble understanding what exactly a comparable is in Elm. Elm seems as confused as I am.
On the REPL:
> f1 = (<)
<function> : comparable -> comparable -> Bool
So f1 accepts comparables.
> "a"
"a" : String
> f1 "a" "b"
True : Bool
So it seems String is comparable.
> f2 = (<) 1
<function> : comparable -> Bool
So f2 accepts a comparable.
> f2 "a"
As I infer the type of values flowing through your program, I see a conflict
between these two types:
So String is and is not comparable?
Why is the type of f2 not number -> Bool? What other comparables can f2 accept?
Normally when you see a type variable in a type in Elm, this variable is unconstrained. When you then supply something of a specific type, the variable gets replaced by that specific type:
-- says you have a function:
foo : a -> a -> a -> Int
-- then once you give an value with an actual type to foo, all occurences of `a` are replaced by that type:
value : Float
foo value : Float -> Float -> Int
comparable is a type variable with a built-in special meaning. That meaning is that it will only match against "comparable" types, like Int, String and a few others. But otherwise it should behave the same. So I think there is a little bug in the type system, given that you get:
> f2 "a"
As I infer the type of values flowing through your program, I see a conflict
between these two types:
If the bug weren't there, you would get:
> f2 "a"
As I infer the type of values flowing through your program, I see a conflict
between these two types:
EDIT: I opened an issue for this bug
Compare any two comparable values. Comparable values include String, Char, Int, Float, Time, or a list or tuple containing comparable values. These are also the only values that work as Dict keys or Set members.
taken from the elm docs here.
In older Elm versions:
Comparable types includes numbers, characters, strings,~~
lists of comparable things, and tuples of comparable things. Note that
tuples with 7 or more elements are not comparable; why are your tuples
so big?
This means that:
[(1,"string"), (2, "another string")] : List (Int, String) -- is comparable
But having
(1, "string", True)` : (Int, String, Bool) -- or...
[(1,True), (2, False)] : List (Int, Bool ) -- are ***not comparable yet***.
This issue is discussed here
Note: Usually people encounter problems with the comparable type when they try to use a union type as a Key in a Dict.
Tags and Constructors of union types are not comparable. So the following doesn't even compile.
type SomeUnion = One | Two | Three
Dict.fromList [ (One, "one related"), (Two, "two related") ] : Dict SomeUnion String
Usually when you try to do this, there is a better approach to your data structure. But until this gets decided - an AllDict can be used.
I think this question can be related to this one. Int and String are both comparable in the sense that strings can be compared to strings and ints can be compared to ints. A function that can take any two comparables would have a signature comparable -> comparable -> ... but within any one evaluation of the function both of the comparables must be of the same type.
I believe the reason f2 is confusing above is that 1 is a number instead of a concrete type (which seems to stop the compiler from recognizing that the comparable must be of a certain type, probably should be fixed). If you were to do:
i = 4 // 2
f1 = (<) i -- type Int -> Bool
f2 = (<) "a" -- type String -> Bool
you would see it actually does collapse comparable to the correct type when it can.
This is a part of a book I'm reading to learn Objective-C.
The following defines a macro called MAX that gives the maximum of two
values: #define MAX(a,b) ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
And then there are some exercises in the book that asks the reader to define a macro (MIN) to find the minimum of two values and another that asks to define a macro called MAX3 that gives the maximum of 3 values. I think these two definitions will look similar to MAX, but I don't understand how the MAXformula finds the maximum value. I mean if I just did this
int limits = MAX (4,8)
It'll just assign limits the value of 8. What does that have to do with finding a variable's maximum value?
I think you are confusing value and variable. The macro example you listed expands to a comparison between two values and returns the greater of the two values (i.e. which is greater, a or b). So you are right, int limits = MAX(4,8) just assigns 8 to limits and has nothing to do with finding the maximum value you can store in limits.
The header limits.h defines many values like INT_MAX that will tell you information about the min/max values of variable types on your system.
To break it apart:
The declaration:
#define MAX(a,b)
If a is greater than b, use a else use b:
( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
Then to create a MIN expression, use a similar form:
#define MIN(a,b) ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
Then to create a MAX3 expression, you can combine them:
#define MAX3(a,b,c) ( MAX(a, MAX(b,c)) )
Specifically, this macro's intended to be used with scalars (C builtins) which can be compared using < or >. If you passed an objc variable, it would result in comparison of addresses and MAX would return the one with the higher address (it would be very rare if you actually wanted to compare addresses of objc instances).
Also note that this is the classic example of how macros can bite you. With macros, the preprocessor simply expands (textual copy/paste) the parameters in place, so: int limits = MAX (4,8) literally expands to int limits = (4 > 8 ? 4 : 8). If you write MAX(x,++y), then y will be incremented twice if y is greater than or equal to x because it expands to: int limits = (x > ++y ? x : ++y).
generally, you will use a MAX() or MIN() macro to get whichever is the higher/lower of a pair of variables, or of a variable and a constant, or even a pair of macro constants or other non-literal constant expressions. you generally won't supply 2 literal constants as you have done in your question.
Algorithm for max (Objective-C)
// get max value
- (float)maxValue:(NSArray *)arrValue
float maxValue = 0.0;
for (NSString *value in arrValue) {
float compareValue = [value floatValue];
if (compareValue > maxValue) {
maxValue = compareValue;
return maxValue;
NSArray *number=[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:57.02], [NSNumber numberWithFloat:55.02], [NSNumber numberWithFloat:45.02], nil];
NSLog(#"%f", [self maxValue:number]);
result 57.020000