RequireAuthorization and Swashbuckle IOperationFilter -

I am looking for a way to determine if endpoint requires authorization (.Net Core 3.1) using IOperationFilter.
If Authorization is setup via filter or explicitly as attribute, it can be found in OperationFilterContext context.ApiDescription.ActionDescriptor.FilterDescriptors.Select(filterInfo => filterInfo.Filter).Any(filter => filter is AuthorizeFilter) and context.ApiDescription.CustomAttributes().OfType<AuthorizeAttribute>().
But if authorization is set as
endpoints.MapControllers().RequireAuthorization();, which should add AuthorizationAttribute to all endpoints, it is not appeared neither in filters nor in attributes. Any thoughts on how to catch if auth is applied to endpoints in this case?

I was able to beat this today like so (swashbuckle 5.63):
Make a new class like this
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models;
using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen;
namespace YourNameSpace
public class SwaggerGlobalAuthFilter : IOperationFilter
public void Apply( OpenApiOperation operation, OperationFilterContext context )
context.ApiDescription.TryGetMethodInfo( out MethodInfo methodInfo );
if ( methodInfo == null )
var hasAllowAnonymousAttribute = false;
if ( methodInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method )
// NOTE: Check the controller or the method itself has AllowAnonymousAttribute attribute
hasAllowAnonymousAttribute =
methodInfo.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes( true ).OfType<AllowAnonymousAttribute>().Any() ||
methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes( true ).OfType<AllowAnonymousAttribute>().Any();
if ( hasAllowAnonymousAttribute )
// NOTE: This adds the "Padlock" icon to the endpoint in swagger,
// we can also pass through the names of the policies in the List<string>()
// which will indicate which permission you require.
operation.Security = new List<OpenApiSecurityRequirement>
new OpenApiSecurityRequirement()
new OpenApiSecurityScheme
Reference = new OpenApiReference
Type = ReferenceType.SecurityScheme,
Id = "oauth2" // note this 'Id' matches the name 'oauth2' defined in the swagger extensions config section below
Scheme = "oauth2",
Name = "Bearer",
In = ParameterLocation.Header,
new List<string>()
In swagger config extensions
options.AddSecurityDefinition( "oauth2", new OpenApiSecurityScheme
Type = SecuritySchemeType.OAuth2,
Flows = new OpenApiOAuthFlows
Implicit = new OpenApiOAuthFlow
//_swaggerSettings is a custom settings object of our own
AuthorizationUrl = new Uri( _swaggerSettings.AuthorizationUrl ),
Scopes = _swaggerSettings.Scopes
} );
Put together from docs, other SO and decompiled code of built-in SecurityRequirementsOperationFilter
AFAIK, it is defining a global auth setup for all your routed endpoints except those that explicitly have AllowAnonymousAttribute on controller or endpoint. since, as your original question hints at, using the extension RequireAuthorization() when setting up routing implicitly puts that attribute on all endpoints and the built-in SecurityRequirementsOperationFilter which detect the Authorize attribute fails to pick it up. Since your routing setup effectively is putting Authorize on every controller/route it seems setting up a default global filter like this that excludes AllowAnonymous would be in line with what you are configuring in the pipeline.
I suspect there may be a more 'built-in' way of doing this, but I could not find it.

Apparently, this is an open issue on the NSwag repo as well (for people like me that drive by with the same issue, but with NSwag instead of Swashbuckle):
Where there's also another example of solving the issue (not only securityrequirement, but also its scopes).

I know it's been a long time since this question was asked.
But I was facing a similar issue, and following the advice from an issue in GitHub here, managed to resolve it using this implementation of IOperationFilter (and now works like a charm):
public class AuthorizeCheckOperationFilter : IOperationFilter
private readonly EndpointDataSource _endpointDataSource;
public AuthorizeCheckOperationFilter(EndpointDataSource endpointDataSource)
_endpointDataSource = endpointDataSource;
public void Apply(OpenApiOperation operation, OperationFilterContext context)
var descriptor = _endpointDataSource.Endpoints.FirstOrDefault(x =>
x.Metadata.GetMetadata<ControllerActionDescriptor>() == context.ApiDescription.ActionDescriptor);
var hasAuthorize = descriptor.Metadata.GetMetadata<AuthorizeAttribute>()!=null;
var allowAnon = descriptor.Metadata.GetMetadata<AllowAnonymousAttribute>() != null;
if (!hasAuthorize || allowAnon) return;
operation.Responses.Add("401", new OpenApiResponse { Description = "Unauthorized" });
operation.Responses.Add("403", new OpenApiResponse { Description = "Forbidden" });
operation.Security = new List<OpenApiSecurityRequirement>
new OpenApiSecurityScheme {Reference = new OpenApiReference
Type = ReferenceType.SecurityScheme,
Id = "oauth2"}
] = new[] {"api1"}
The issue stated this:
ControllerActionDescriptor.EndpointMetadata only reflects the metadata
discovered on the controller action. Any metadata configured via the
endpoint APIs do not show up here. It was primarily the reason we
documented it as being infrastructure-only since it's a bit confusing
to use.
There's a couple of options you could use
a) You could decorate your controllers using [Authorize]. That should allow the metadata to show up in the property.
b) You could look up the metadata by reading from EndpointDataSource.


How to define links for OAS3 using Swashbuckle?

I have noticed that in the Swagger UI v3 and in OAS3 we now have support for something called "links"
But I cant really figure out if its possible to use this feature with Swashbuckle, and if it is.. then how? Been searching the net and haven't found anything regarding this..
Anyone been able to use links with Swashbuckle?
You can use an OperationFilter. Create a class that implements IOperationFilter
public class MyLinkFilter : IOperationFilter
into it select the response for which you want to add Links.
public void Apply(OpenApiOperation operation, OperationFilterContext context)
var responses = operation.Responses;
var response = responses.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Key == "200").Value;
then update the Links property
response.Links = new Dictionary<string, OpenApiLink>
,new OpenApiLink {
OperationId = "YourOperationId",
Description = ".............",
Parameters = new Dictionary<string, RuntimeExpressionAnyWrapper>
"yourParam", new RuntimeExpressionAnyWrapper
Any = new OpenApiString("$request.path.number")
Register your OperationFilter into startup.cs
services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
OpenAPI, Response
OpenAPI, Link
Finally, you'll have to implement a mechanism to apply the links to the good Action in your controller.

Can I get a the RouteTemplate from AspNetCore FilterContext?

In AspNetCore, given a FilterContext, I'm looking to get a route template e.g.
In Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi I could get the route template from:
In System.Web.Mvc I could get this from:
ControllerContext.RouteData.Route as RouteBase
In AspNetCore there is:
However, not all routes are attribute routes.
Based on inspection if the attribute is not available, default routes and/or mapped routes can be assembled from:
but I'm looking for a documented or a simply better approach.
Update (24 Jan 2021)
There is a much much simpler way of retrieving the RoutePattern directly via the HttpContext.
FilterContext filterContext;
var endpoint = filterContext.HttpContext.GetEndpoint() as RouteEndpoint;
var template = endpoint?.RoutePattern?.RawText;
if (template is null)
throw new Exception("No route template found, that's absurd");
GetEndpoint() is an extension method provided in EndpointHttpContextExtensions class inside Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http namespace
Old Answer (Too much work)
All the route builders for an ASP.NET Core app (at least for 3.1) are exposed and registered via IEndpointRouteBuilder, but unfortunately, this is not registered with the DI container, so you can't acquire it directly.The only places where I have seen this interface being exposed, are in the middlewares.
So you can build a collection or dictionary out of one of those middlewares, and then use that for your purposes.
Extension class to build your endpoint collection / dictionary
internal static class IEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions
internal static void BuildMap(this IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints)
foreach (var item in endpoints.DataSources)
foreach (RouteEndpoint endpoint in item.Endpoints)
/* This is needed for controllers with overloaded actions
* Use the RoutePattern.Parameters here
* to generate a unique display name for the route
* instead of this list hack
if (Program.RouteTemplateMap.TryGetValue(endpoint.DisplayName, out var overloadedRoutes))
Program.RouteTemplateMap.Add(endpoint.DisplayName, new List<string>() { endpoint.RoutePattern.RawText });
public class Program
internal static readonly Dictionary<string, List<string>> RouteTemplateMap = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
/* Rest of things */
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
/* all other middlewares */
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
//Use this at the last middlware exposing IEndpointRouteBuilder so that all the routes are built by this point
And then you can use that Dictionary or Collection, to retrieve the Route Template from the FilterContext.
FilterContext filterContext;
Program.RouteTemplateMap.TryGetValue(filterContext.ActionDescriptor.DisplayName, out var template);
if (template is null)
throw new Exception("No route template found, that's absurd");
/* Use the ActionDescriptor.Parameters here
* to figure out which overloaded action was called exactly */
Console.WriteLine(string.Join('\n', template));
To tackle the case of overloaded actions, a list of strings is used for route template (instead of just a string in the Dictionary)
You can use the ActionDescriptor.Parameters in conjunction with RoutePattern.Parameters to generate a unique display name for that route.
These are the assembled versions, but still looking for a better answer.
AspNetCore 2.0
FilterContext context;
string routeTemplate = context.ActionDescriptor.AttributeRouteInfo?.Template;
if (routeTemplate == null)
// manually mapped routes or default routes
// todo is there a better way, not 100% sure that this is correct either
IEnumerable<string> segments = context.RouteData.Routers.OfType<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteBase>()
.FirstOrDefault()?.ParsedTemplate.Segments.Select(s => string.Join(string.Empty, s.Parts
.Select(p => p.IsParameter ? $"{{{(p.IsCatchAll ? "*" : string.Empty)}{p.Name}{(p.IsOptional ? "?" : string.Empty)}}}" : p.Text)));
if (segments != null)
routeTemplate = string.Join("/", segments);
AspNetCore 3.0 with Endpoint Routing
RoutePattern routePattern = null;
var endpointFeature = context.HttpContext.Features[typeof(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IEndpointFeature)]
as Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IEndpointFeature;
var endpoint = endpointFeature?.Endpoint;
if (endpoint != null)
routePattern = (endpoint as RouteEndpoint)?.RoutePattern;
string formatRoutePart(RoutePatternPart part)
if (part.IsParameter)
RoutePatternParameterPart p = (RoutePatternParameterPart)part;
return $"{{{(p.IsCatchAll ? "*" : string.Empty)}{p.Name}{(p.IsSeparator ? " ? " : string.Empty)}}}";
else if (part.IsLiteral)
RoutePatternLiteralPart p = (RoutePatternLiteralPart)part;
return p.Content;
else if(part.IsSeparator)
RoutePatternSeparatorPart p = (RoutePatternSeparatorPart)part;
return p.Content;
throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown Route PatterPart");
if (routePattern != null)
routeString = string.Join("/", routePattern.PathSegments.SelectMany(s => s.Parts).Select(p => formatRoutePart(p)));

Swagger 2.0 with API 2.o and Odata 3.0

I been trying to implement swagger, through [Swashbuckle][1] on my application, but i get no endpoints at all on my swagger ui, and my doc just returns this
"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "v1",
"title": "NB.EAM.WebAPI.V4"
"host": "localhost:24320",
"schemes": [
"paths": {},
"definitions": {}
In my webApiConfig i set the following configuration from following the dummys
var swagConfig = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration("http://localhost:24320");
using (var server = new HttpSelfHostServer(swagConfig))
My swagger configuration is the standart one created by Swashbuckle:
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "NB.EAM.WebAPI.Odata");
var baseDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
var commentsFileName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name + ".XML";
var commentsFile = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, "bin", commentsFileName);
c.CustomProvider(defaultProvider => new ODataSwaggerProvider(defaultProvider, c, GlobalConfiguration.Configuration).Configure(odataConfig =>
.EnableSwaggerUi(c =>
Any idea what i might be missing?
here is more information about my setting
full code of my WebApiConfig:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.MessageHandlers.Insert(0, new ServerCompressionHandler(new GZipCompressor(), new DeflateCompressor()));
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
var conventions = ODataRoutingConventions.CreateDefault();
conventions.Insert(0, new CompositeKeyRoutingConvention());
conventions.Insert(1, new CompositeKeyNavigationRoutingConvention());
conventions.Insert(2, new CountODataRoutingConvention());
ODataBatchHandler batchHandler = new UnitOfWorkBatchHandler(GlobalConfiguration.DefaultServer);
config.Routes.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", "odata", GenerateEdmModel(), new CountODataPathHandler(), conventions, batchHandler);
config.Filters.Add(new SqlExceptionFilterAttribute());
config.Filters.Add(new FilterInterceptor());
var swagConfig = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration("http://localhost:24320");
using (var server = new HttpSelfHostServer(swagConfig))
public static Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel GenerateEdmModel()
ODataModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
builder.ContainerName = "NBContext";
----Very long list of enetitySets
return builder.GetEdmModel();
An example of my API
using NB.EAM.DataV2;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.Http.ModelBinding;
using System.Web.Http.OData;
namespace NB.EAM.WebAPI.Controllers
public class wo_hrtypeController : BaseODataController
// GET: odata/wo_hrtype
public IQueryable<wo_hrtype> Getwo_hrtype()
return this.GetWo_HrtypeBll.GetAll();
// GET: odata/wo_hrtype(5)
public SingleResult<wo_hrtype> Getwo_hrtype([FromODataUri] string key)
return SingleResult.Create(this.GetWo_HrtypeBll.Find(wo_hrtype =>
wo_hrtype.lb_tyhr == key));
There is no much information to work there.
We don't know what kind of filters are being aplied on ApplyResourceDocumentation (actually, this class is on the swashbuckle.odata sample proyect and may not fit your necesities:
We can't also check your entities and function definitions. Check this as an example:
And we can't also check if your controllers are defined in a proper way (Methods as verbs. I think custom named methods are only taken into account if they are defined as functions)
I think I just had a similar issue. Try replacing the following line
with this one:
The thing is that you should use here the same configuration instance that you pass to the HttpSelfHostServer constructor.
SwaggerConfig.Register(swagConfig); // pass the swagConfig instance to the auto-generated method
using (var server = new HttpSelfHostServer(swagConfig))

Custom OpenIdClient for Customer URL in MVC 4

I'm working with the default template for MVC 4 and trying to add my own openID provider for example to the list of openID logins and an openID box where the user can type in their openID information.
To add Google I just un-comment
as for other custom solutions you can do something like
OAuthWebSecurity.RegisterClient(new SteamClient(),"Steam",null);
The trouble I have is creating SteamClient (or a generic one) doesn't show anywhere to change the URL.
I think the reason I could not find the answer is that most people thought it was common sense. I prefer my sense to be uncommon.
public class OidCustomClient : OpenIdClient
public OidCustomClient() : base("Oid", "http://localhost:5004/") { }
Based on #Jeff's answer I created a class to handle Stack Exchange OpenID.
OAuthWebSecurity.RegisterClient(new StackExchangeOpenID());
public class StackExchangeOpenID : OpenIdClient
public StackExchangeOpenID()
: base("stackexchange", "")
protected override Dictionary<string, string> GetExtraData(IAuthenticationResponse response)
FetchResponse fetchResponse = response.GetExtension<FetchResponse>();
if (fetchResponse != null)
var extraData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
extraData.Add("email", fetchResponse.GetAttributeValue(WellKnownAttributes.Contact.Email));
extraData.Add("name", fetchResponse.GetAttributeValue(WellKnownAttributes.Name.FullName));
return extraData;
return null;
protected override void OnBeforeSendingAuthenticationRequest(IAuthenticationRequest request)
var fetchRequest = new FetchRequest();
Retrieving extra data:
var result = OAuthWebSecurity.VerifyAuthentication();

NancyFx Authentication per Route

From what I saw in the source code RequiresAuthentication() does an Authentication check for the whole module. Is there any way to do this per Route?
I had the same problem. However it turns out the RequiresAuthentication works at both the module level and the route level. To demonstrate, here is some code ripped out my current project (not all routes shown for brevity).
public class RegisterModule : _BaseModule
public RegisterModule() : base("/register")
Get["/basic-details"] = _ => View["RegisterBasicDetailsView", Model];
Get["/select"] = _ =>
return View["RegisterSelectView", Model];
Of course the only problem with doing it this way is that all the protected routes in the module need to call RequiresAuthentication. In the case of my module above, I have another 5 routes (not shown) all of which need protecting, so that makes six calls to RequiresAuthentication instead of one at the module level. The alternative would be to pull the unprotected route into another module, but my judgement was that a proliferation of modules is worse than the additional RequiresAuthentication calls.
namespace Kallist.Modules {
#region Namespaces
using System;
using Nancy;
public static class ModuleExtensions {
#region Methods
public static Response WithAuthentication(this NancyModule module, Func<Response> executeAuthenticated) {
if ((module.Context.CurrentUser != null) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(module.Context.CurrentUser.UserName)) {
return executeAuthenticated();
return new Response { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized };
I ran into the same issue, here's how I solved it.
var module = new MyModule();
module.AddBeforeHookOrExecute(context => null, "Requires Authentication");
_browser = new Browser(with =>
with.RequestStartup((container, pipelines, ctx) =>
ctx.CurrentUser = new User { UserId = "1234", UserName = "test"};
I can now use this.RequiresAuthentication() at the module level and run my unit tests.