Click hidden element using selenium webdriver - selenium

I need to click on the fields bug, epic, feature, issue and task which appear on click the "+" icon.
I inspect each of the elements and the see the same common xpath highlighted in the image in developer tool.
How do i find the xpath of each of the elements highlighted and click on them using selenium webdriver?
<body class="lwp">
<noscript><div class="absolute-fill flex-column flex-center"><h2>JavaScript is Disabled</h2><p>Please enable javascript and refresh the page</p></div></noscript>
<input type="hidden" name="__RequestVerificationToken" value="t6WnlqRwnH3QtDIOt2b3JiHWYI1V5vB3MheOCOTH7Fx6QaBNoXWz4k8P4luP9i7TYw70KVq4O2vuwa8DQRuLcdUxo_KKVjcmxorJTHAE3c42sdjYqojLZkOSNt1gad70mD0BBA2" />
<div data-componentregion="page" class="full-size"></div>
<div class="bolt-portal-host absolute-fill no-events scroll-hidden"></div>

You need to handle windows here because when you click "+" new window appearing with elements "bug","epic","feature",,,etc
should be parent window and "epic",,,, are child window

I could not identify unique xpath for the elements as all the elements had same xpath. using sikulix library solved my problem


What could be a reason for not finding a web element by its id?

I have been using Robot Framework for a couple of days now to automate some basic flows tests in my working web app and found a problem:
Can't find some web elements using the id locator
I've been using the SeleniumLibrary for this. Tried with different locators such as xPath and CSS selector, setting an implicit wait before looking for the element and the keywords Wait Until Page Contains Element and Wait Until Element Is Visible, but still it gives the same result.
First of all I check if a certain element is present:
Page Should Contain Element id=some-button
then I try to send some keys to an input:
Input Text id=some-input Some characters
and then I get the error Element with locator 'id=some-button' not found
The page has the following structure:
<button id=some-button />
<!--- 8 opening div tags -->
<input id=some-input />
<!--- 8 closing div tags -->
Does any one have any idea why it happens?
instead of
and that worked perfectly.
What could be a reason for not finding a web element by its id?
These are the reasons I can think of off the top of my head:
the element truly isn't on the page at the time you're looking for it. This could be because you aren't waiting for the page to finish rendering, or it could be that it's genuinely not there.
you could have a typo in the id
the element is in a frame
the element was there, but then got deleted by some executing javascript
Whenever you're using any Xpath or a CSS selector, you should always check in it in Chrome Developer tools.
1. Right click the page and click 'Inspect'
2. Go to Console tab
3. If it is a XPath evaluate using: $x and if it is a CSS selector, evaluate using $$

selenium click using span class or onclick

I am a newbie to java and selenium webdriver. I am having an issue clicking an image. Below is the page source.
<a href="javascript:void(0);">
<span class="HomeButton" onclick="javascript:onBtnHomeClick();"/>
I tried below codes but did not work and still getting the Unable to locate element error.
I have to click the homebutton. Any help would be much appreciated
I don't know why By.className("HomeButton") didn't work but you have errors in the other two.
In driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#onclick='onBtnHomeClick()']")).click(); the tag for onclick is <span> not <a>. It also not onBtnHomeClick() but javascript:onBtnHomeClick();
If you want to use onBtnHomeClick() use contains
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(#onclick, 'onBtnHomeClick')]")).click();
And in wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(".//*[#id='js_AppContainer']/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/span"))).click(); the <span> parent tag is <a>, not <div>
You simply need the correct locator IF your element will be eventually visible.
Xpath = "//span[contains(#class,'HomeButton') and contains(#onclick,'onBtnHomeClick')]"
Add wait as needed above exanmple, that should work.

Failed click using Selenium and XPath

For test automation on a web app I am currently using Robot framework and the Selenium library. There comes the moment I want to click on a button and then I wait for an element to appear. Alas, the click, although recorded successful in the log, does not lead to the apparition of the element I wish. In fact it is as if the click never happened.
To click on the button, I retrieve it using xpath. Using Firepath I successfully verified that the element is unique and does exist but what it shows leads me to think I have found why the button is not clicked correctly
You can see in light blue the button I want to click on and wrapped with dotted line the zone detected by firepath.
Is it possible that the click is done next to the button instead on it ?
Here is the incriminated line :
Click Element xpath=(.//button[contains(#id,'editContract')])[1
Edit :
HTML of the page :
<button id="listContractTableForm:listContractTable:0:editContract" name="listContractTableForm:listContractTable:0:editContract" type="button" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-icon-only" onclick="window.location.href='destinationPage?faces-redirect=true&contractEntityContractId=678'">
<span class="ui-button-icon-left ui-icon ui-c ui-icon-search"></span>
<span class="ui-button-text ui-c">ui-button</span>
Assuming you want the span with class containing ui-button-icon-left ui-icon ui-c ui-icon-search
if you want the span with class="ui-button-text ui-c" simply change the class in the xpath

How To Write Selenium Xpath

I am stuck here. I am trying a write Xpath for the following. I am trying to click "Browse". The ID is changing every time.
I have tried this as my Xpath:
<a id="ext-gen43" class="x-tab-right" href="#">
<em class="x-tab-left">
<span class="x-tab-strip-inner">
<span class="x-tab-strip-text ">Browse</span>
Inorder to write xpath's by yourself you must first install firebug
and firepath plugins, they are the plugins available for Firefox
You can also install xpath checker which is another plugin available for firefox. It's a awesome plugin because you can actually
see the UI elements in the xpath checker as you are writing the
Inorder to write xpath's by yourself you must following the child and parent hierarchy available in the HTML tab in firebug.
Hover on the element you want to write xpath for using the small blue arrow available in the firebug toolbar in the top left corner.
Now click on the element, you would observe that the tag for the respective element in the firebug is highlighted.
Say your tag looks like :-
<label> class="control-label col-sm-3" for="name"> Your Name <label>
So the xpath for respective tag would be :-
//label[#class="control-label col-sm-3"]
So the above xpath specifies //parent tag which is label and into the bracket we should specify the locator, locator can be id, class, name anything.
And in your case the xpath would be :-
Have You tried copy xpath for given element in your browser(check element -> copy xpath)?
Then delete id and check once again.
It should be easy if you know how to select element by xpath with given class.
Try to use firepath to get xpath. It`s addon for FireFox

How to click on <input type=file> across browsers using Selenium Webdriver?

I'm working on dealing with a file-chooser dialog using Selenium 2 - WebDriver. Believe it or not, my problem is NOT dealing with the OS-native file-chooser. That part I can handle!
The problem is getting Selenium to properly click on the "Choose File" button. Since the original source html is simply <input type='file'>, the browser determines how to render it as a field and a button. As a result, the placement and naming of the button changes depending on browser. I've got it working in Chrome, but only because Chrome places the button on the leftmost alignment and Selenium happens to click there by default.
Any ideas? It's not clear to me if an input of this type is truly navigable from within the DOM anyway...
The proper way to upload a file on any OS is to
Find the <input type='file'> element. You need not to worry about different implementations and exact positioning. Just find the element for example by xpath //input[#type='file']
sendKeys() or type() (or whatever method writes text into elements in your language) the path to file to that input element.
Sample Java code:
// find the input element
WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#type='file']"));
// 'type' the file location to it as it were a usual <input type='text' /> element
This works on every OS and browser in WebDriver.
Have exactly the same situation with element <input type='file'>. In my case it is created using ExtJS.
I don't know whether you have solved this question or not but let me provide my solution.
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor)getDriver();
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", element);
Neither sendKeys() or type() nor using ActionBuilder was helpful for me. The only JavascriptExecutor works like a charm.
I tested with the following element:
<INPUT style="WIDTH: 550px; background-color:yellow" type="file">
IE: doubleclick on any area of the element, the "Choose File" dialogue would occur;
Firefox: click on any area of the element, the "Choose File" dialogue would occur.