Webrtc disable track doesn't turn off webcam - webrtc

I am trying to implement a toggle video feature using webRTC. Refer to the following code:
<video id="remote" autoPlay></video>
<button onclick="toggleVideo()">Toggle video</button>
let localVideo = document.querySelector('#local');
const toggleVideo = () => {
localVideo.srcObject.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled = !localVideo.srcObject.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled
This turns off video as well as webcam indicator in firefox but not in chrome. Chrome only turns off the video.
According to MDN docs,
If the MediaStreamTrack represents the video input from a camera, disabling the track by setting enabled to false also updates device activity indicators to show that the camera is not currently recording or streaming. For example, the green "in use" light next to the camera in iMac and MacBook computers turns off while the track is muted in this way.
MDN docs
Is there any other workaround?


Video in full Screen not working in Android react-native-video

source={{ uri: "http://clips.vorwaerts-gmbh.de/big_buck_bunny.mp4" }}
fullscreen = {this.state.fullscreen}
fullscreenOrientation = {"landscape"}
//onBuffer={this.onBuffer} // Callback when remote video is buffering
//onError={this.videoError} // Callback when video cannot be loaded
I am using this above code and in the Android manifest orientation in portrait. I am click on the full screen state has been changes according to it. But it just exit in a second. As i am getting a little fluctuation and maybe the app is showing full screen and then exit from full screen. But i am not able to see it. Or you can say full screen is not working. As in the IOS it is working properly. I tried multiple from github but not able to achieve it.

video selected through ImagePicker not visible using react-native-video

I am using react-native-ImagePicker and react-native-video packages.
I selected a video using ImagePicker and it worked perfectly fine.
Now what I want is to display the selected video for which I am using
react-native-video as follows
`<Video source={source}
ref={(ref) => {
this.player = ref
rate={1.0} // 0 is paused, 1 is normal.
volume={1.0} // 0 is muted, 1 is normal.
muted={false} // Mutes the audio entirely.
paused={false} // Pauses playback entirely.
resizeMode="cover" // Fill the whole screen at aspect ratio.*
repeat={true} // Repeat forever.
playInBackground={false} // Audio continues to play when app entering background.
playWhenInactive={false} // [iOS] Video continues to play when control or notification center are shown.
ignoreSilentSwitch={"ignore"} // [iOS] ignore | obey - When 'ignore', audio will still play with the iOS hard silent switch set to silent. When 'obey', audio will toggle with the switch. When not specified, will inherit audio settings as usual.
progressUpdateInterval={250.0} // [iOS] Interval to fire onProgress (default to ~250ms)
onLoadStart={this.loadStart} // Callback when video starts to load
onLoad={this.setDuration} // Callback when video loads
onProgress={this.setTime} // Callback every ~250ms with currentTime
onEnd={this.onEnd} // Callback when playback finishes
onError={this.videoError} // Callback when video cannot be loaded
onBuffer={this.onBuffer} // Callback when remote video is buffering
where source is
`source = videoUrl.split("file://")[1]`
I got it working.
<Video> was missing style. Once i set it it worked perfectly fine.
I more thing sometime an error comes "cannot read constant of undefined" this is because video library is not linked properly. Delete and add again in xCode and the error will go

Black screen for video when testing on iOS simulator

I am trying to show a video using the react-native-video plugin. When testing on the device the video is working but on the iOS simulator it's showing black screen (Testing on simulator is faster and easy for me). Someone having the same issue. Here is my code:
source={{ uri: 'url' }} // Can be a URL or a local file.
ref={(ref) => { this.player = ref; }} // Store reference
rate={1.0} // 0 is paused, 1 is normal.
volume={1.0} // 0 is muted, 1 is normal.
muted={false} // Mutes the audio entirely.
paused={this.state.paused} // Pauses playback entirely.
resizeMode="cover" // Fill the whole screen at aspect ratio.
repeat={false} // Repeat forever.
playInBackground={false} // Audio continues to play when app entering background.
playWhenInactive={false} // [iOS] Video continues to play when control or notification center are shown.
progressUpdateInterval={250.0} // [iOS] Interval to fire onProgress (default to ~250ms)
onLoadStart={this.loadStart} // Callback when video starts to load
onLoad={this.setDuration} // Callback when video loads
onProgress={this.setTime} // Callback every ~250ms with currentTime
onEnd={this.onEnd} // Callback when playback finishes
onError={this.videoError} // Callback when video cannot be loaded
onBuffer={this.onBuffer} // Callback when remote video is buffering
Simulator is designed to assist you in designing, rapidly prototyping, and testing your app, but it should never serve as your sole platform for testing. One reason is that not all apps are available in the simulator. For example, the Camera app is available only on hardware devices and cannot be replicated in the simulator.
The simulator won't use your computer's camera, so anytime you are using the camera for anything, it will just default to a black screen.
More Info: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/iOS_Simulator_Guide/GettingStartedwithiOSSimulator/GettingStartedwithiOSSimulator.html
Your code is fine but you can't play the video in any simulator, you need run the app in real device either android or ios.

Airplay audio only with Safari

I'm trying to use the Safari's Airplay API to play an audio file to an Airplay device:
<audio id="player" src="audio.mp3" controls style="width: 100%"></audio>
<button id="airplay" disabled>airplay</button>
const player = document.getElementById('player');
const airplay = document.getElementById('airplay');
player.addEventListener('webkitplaybacktargetavailabilitychanged', e => {
airplay.disabled = e.availability !== 'available';
airplay.addEventListener('click', () => player.webkitShowPlaybackTargetPicker());
The button is working as expected but the device is unable to play.
I'm trying on an AppleTV and when I try to use it the screen flashes and nothing happen (no music, the player is paused).
I have tried with an AAC file and the behavior is the same.
Any suggestions?

Chaining html5 videos with Video.Js

I am looking fore some code allowing me to launch automatically a video after another one.
I'am using the great video.js library, which has a quite complete API. I found some snippet to get an event listener working at the end of the 1st video, but then I cannot launch the second one.
This is working, displaying an alert at the end of the 1st video :
this.addEvent("ended", function(){
And this is also working, launching a video in fullscreen on page reload :
var leader = this;
But I can't get the 2nd video launching in fullscreen at the end of 1st video...
Last subtility, I would like to entirely build the 2nd video with javascript, not having to write it and just hiding id with CSS.
Thank you folks !
You can simply use the provided 'src' method in the Video.js API, if you want to play a second video right after the first one finishes it would work like this:
this.addEvent("ended", function(){
this.src({ type: "video/mp4", src: "http://path/to/second/video.mp4" });