Expo is not running - react-native

When I am running my expo app, I am getting this warning: Warning: Problem validating app.json: Unable to perform cache refresh for C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Expo\schema-37.0.0.json: Error: unable to get local issuer certificate.
enter image description here
I tried to ignore this warning, and run the app on Android emulator, but then I am getting this error: Couldn't start project on Android: Error running adb: unable to get local issuer certificate
enter image description here

You need to have the Android emulator opened, then you can open the project on it.


An error occurred while creating the AVD. See idea.log for details

I am having the Error while I am trying to create an emulator on Android studio,
"An error occurred while creating the AVD. See idea.log for details"
See idea.log ERROR
ReactNative Error (No emulator)
I can't choose the CPU/ABI on the AVD
However, when I start AndroidStudio as a Root, I am actually able to create AVD but still having an error running it:
AS Root Error
please note that I am trying to run a ReactNative app and I have downloaded all the required packages and plugins successfully.
*using Linux Ubuntu latest v

Publishing React Native application using expo

I am trying to publish my application on iphone using expo client. When I send the link from my mackbook to iphone. I got an error saying "There was a problem loading the requested app. It looks like you may be using the LAN URL. make sure your device is on the same network as the server or try using a tunnel." I am on the same network. I checked the network twice. These are the steps that I followed 1) I started the application by giving the command in terminal window saying "npm start". 2) I choose the option "s" and then I was prompted to enter my iphone #. I entered the phone number and as soon as I did that, I got the text message on my phone saying "exp://10.21... . I clicked on this link and started getting the error message "There was a problem loading the requested app. It looks like you may be using the LAN URL. make sure your device is on the same network as the server or try using a tunnel." When I choose the option i. Option"i" is to run the application on emulator. I can successfully run the application on emulator, but when I send the link to my iphone, it does not work.
any help will be greatly appreciated.
I downloaded expo xde and that compiled my project and send the permanent link to my iphone and android and it worked well. Directly doing npm start does not send the right link because of some tunneling issues.I downloaed expo XDE from this link:
Expo XDE

Titanium build error on device

I have a serious problem with titanium appcelerator studio build, i cannot build on device due to following error :
[ERROR] : An error occurred during build after 1m 35s 521ms
[ERROR] : Failed to install app on device (0xe8008018)
[ERROR] : For some reason the app failed to install on the device. Try reconnecting your device and check your provisioning profile and entitlements.
It happens just after titanium try to install app to device :
Installing app on device: xxx
Anyone has an idea about it please ?
Thank you.
To run on an iOS device, you need to have a valid signing cert and a valid provisioning profile that has that device's id embedded init.
Validity is important, as an expired signing cert will also return the
same error code (0xe8008018)
You can start up Xcode, visit the Devices window with your device plugged in to see the device console. That might give you more context than the titanium error logs will.
Follow ups would be:
1. Have you ever been able to build to a device with this project?
2. Have you ever been able to build to this device with this project?

Android signed APK failed to load images

I followed this tutorial and generated signed APK , but when i try to run in my android emulator i got Unfortunatley AppName stopped
from adb logcat
E/AndroidRuntime( 3752): com.facebook.react.modules.core.JavascriptException: Requiring unknown module "AppName/images/home.png", stack:
but home.png is bundled in apk!
Note : My app is working fine in development mode

React native Android Example does not work

I cloned the repository: https://github.com/facebook/react-native and try to run the UIExplorer example on Android emulator.
./gradlew :Examples:UIExplorer:android:app:installDebug
I got this error message on the Android emulator:
Unable to download JS Bundle, Did you forget to start the development server or connect your device?
I understand this is somewhat similar to this one:
react native android failed to load JS bundle
But here I had to use the command "./packager/packager.sh" to run the example. So the answer above does not apply to this case.
In order for the app to be able to download the JS Bundle, the packager has to create and serve the JS bundle, and the emulator has to be able to connect to it.
To verify that the bundle is created and served correctly, try browsing to this page in your web browser. This should connect to the packager and get the bundle as the answer. If the packager received the request, the following request message should appear in the packager console:
<START> request:/Examples/UIExplorer/UIExplorerApp.android.bundle?platform=android
If the packager created the correct bundle, it would return get a huge file that starts with something like "__DEV__ = true;. If these two steps did not work, then there's an issue with the packager and you can report the issue on github.
To verify that the emulator can connect to your packager, when you tap Reload JS you should see the same request message in the packager console as above. If no such message appears, then the emulator can't connect to your machine.
It looks like your packager is not accessible from application. You should start React Native Packager at first. It could be done various ways - it depends on your OS and project, examples:
npm start
react-native start
node "local-cli\cli.js" start
node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start
Also check packager configuration in your project (hostname and port at least).