Create an image out of Quick Shift result -

I've implemented the quickshift Quick Shift image segmentation algorithm in
Now I'm looking for a C++ or source code which converts the results of the Quick Shift back into an image.
I tried the following code but the result is not satisfactory.
In the meantime I've implemented it in myself
but the result is not satisfactory.
Dim qs_obj As VlQS
Dim img_dbl() As Double
Dim result_image As Bitmap
img_dbl = ConvertRGB2LabDouble(Source_Image_PCA)
qs_obj = vl_quickshift_new(img_dbl, Source_Image_PCA.Height, Source_Image_PCA.Width, 3)
vl_quickshift_set_kernel_size(qs_obj, 10)
vl_quickshift_set_max_dist(qs_obj, 10)
result_image = CType(Source_Image_PCA.Clone, Bitmap)
For y As Integer = 0 To Source_Image_PCA.Height - 1
For x As Integer = 0 To Source_Image_PCA.Width - 1
Dim pixelindex As Integer = qs_obj.parents(y * Source_Image_PCA.Width + x)
Dim col As Integer = pixelindex Mod (Source_Image_PCA.Width)
Dim row As Integer = pixelindex \ Source_Image_PCA.Width
Dim pixel_val As Color
pixel_val = Source_Image_PCA.GetPixel(col, row)
result_image.SetPixel(x, y, pixel_val)
picImageSpecialFnc.Image = result_image

Related efficiently finding byte sequence in byte array

so I am creating a piece of software that in short, has a list of original byte sequences and new sequences that those bytes need to be changed into, kinda like this in text form "original location(currently irrelevant as sequence can be in different places) $ 56,69,71,73,75,77 : 56,69,71,80,50,54"
I already have code that works fine, however there can be up to 600+ of these sequences to find and change and in some cases it is taking a really really long time 15 mins +, i think it is down to how long it is taking to find the sequences to them change so i am trying to find a better way to do this as currently it is unusable due to how long it takes.
I have copied the whole code for this function below in hopes one of you kind souls can have a look and help =)
Dim originalbytes() As Byte
Dim fd As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()
fd.Title = "Select the file"
fd.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*|All files (*.*)|*.*"
fd.FilterIndex = 2
If fd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
TextBox2.Text = fd.FileName
originalbytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fd.FileName)
End If
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim y As Integer = 0
Dim textbox1array() = TextBox1.Lines
Dim changedbytes() = originalbytes
Dim startvalue As Integer = 0
Dim databoxarray() As String
Dim databoxarray2() As String
While x < textbox1array.Length - 1
'for each change to make
databoxarray = textbox1array(x).Replace(" $ ", vbCr).Replace(" : ", vbCr).Split
databoxarray2 = databoxarray(1).Replace(",", vbCr).Split
Dim databox2bytes() As String = databoxarray2
'copy original bytes line to databox2 lines
y = 0
While y < (originalbytes.Length - databox2bytes.Length)
'repeat for all bytes in ori file - size of data to find
If originalbytes(y) = databox2bytes(0) Then
startvalue = y
Dim z As String = 1
Dim samebytecounter As Integer = 1
While z < databox2bytes.Length
'repeat for all ori bytes
If originalbytes(y + z) = databox2bytes(z) Then
samebytecounter = samebytecounter + 1
End If
z = z + 1
End While
If samebytecounter = databox2bytes.Length Then
'same original data found, make changes
Dim bytestoinsert() As String = databoxarray(2).Replace(",", vbCr).Split
Dim t As Integer = 0
While t < bytestoinsert.Length
changedbytes(startvalue + t) = bytestoinsert(t)
t = t + 1
End While
End If
End If
y = y + 1
End While
x = x + 1
End While
File.WriteAllBytes(TextBox2.Text & " modified", changedbytes)
Let 's take a look at that inner while loop in your code, there are some things that can be optimized:
There is no need to check the total length all the time
Dim length as Integer = originalbytes.Length - databox2bytes.Length
While y < length
'repeat for all bytes in ori file - size of data to find
If originalbytes(y) = databox2bytes(0) Then
startvalue = y
z is not necessary, samebytecounter does exactly the same
Dim samebytecounter As Integer = 1
This while loop is a real bottleneck, since you always check the full length of your databox2bytes, you should rather quit the while loop when they don't match
While samebytecounter < databox2bytes.Length AndAlso originalbytes(y + samebytecounter ) = databox2bytes(samebytecounter )
samebytecounter = samebytecounter + 1
End While
This seems fine, but you already splitted the data at the top of your while loop, so, no need to create another array that does the same operation again
If samebytecounter = databox2bytes.Length Then
'same original data found, make changes
Dim t As Integer = 0
While t < databoxarray2.Length
changedbytes(startvalue + t) = databoxarray2(t)
t = t + 1
End While
End If
End If
y = y + 1
End While
For the rest I would agree that the algorithm you created is hugely inefficient, theoretically your code could have been rewritten like eg: (didn't really test this code)
Dim text = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(originalbytes, 0, originalbytes.Length)
dim findText = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stringToFind, 0, stringToFind.Length)
dim replaceWith = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stringToSet, 0, stringToSet.Length)
text = text.Replace( findText, replaceWith )
dim outbytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)
which would probably be a huge time saver.
For the rest your code seems to be created in such a way that nobody will really understand it if it's laying around for a month or so, I would say, including yourself

Using Logo to draw sound

I'm using Logo right now and i'm making a project and basically i want to turn your recorded voice into something visual, only problem is when i go to find code it re that works it requires 1: A picture box and 2: to manually grab the sound .wav file and place it. I already made code to record my voice and to make it into a .Wav file and i already have code to visualize it, just when i run it it appears as a thick square of lines rather than the example i shown. Note: I'm not drawing into a picturebox, i'm drawing directly into the Form by using g.drawline(bleh,bleh,bleh,bleh).
(Example: )
The code im trying to run:
Public Sub DrawSound(x As Integer, y As Integer)
Dim samplez As New List(Of Short)
Dim maxamount As Short
Dim pic As New Bitmap(x, y)
Dim ratio As Integer = (samplez.Count - 1) / (y - 1) 'If there are 10000 samples and 200 pixels, this would be every 50th sample is shown
Dim halfpic As Integer = (x / 2) 'Simply half the height of the picturebox
Dim wavefile() As Byte = IO.File.ReadAllBytes("C:\Users\" & Environ$("Username") & "\Documents\Sounds\Mic.wav")
Dim memstream As New IO.MemoryStream(wavefile)
Dim binreader As New IO.BinaryReader(memstream)
Dim ChunkID As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim filesize As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim rifftype As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim fmtID As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim fmtsize As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim fmtcode As Integer = binreader.ReadInt16()
Dim channels As Integer = binreader.ReadInt16()
Dim samplerate As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim fmtAvgBPS As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim fmtblockalign As Integer = binreader.ReadInt16()
Dim bitdepth As Integer = binreader.ReadInt16()
If fmtsize = 18 Then
Dim fmtextrasize As Integer = binreader.ReadInt16()
End If
Dim DataID As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim DataSize As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
For i = 0 To (DataSize - 3) / 2
If samplez(samplez.Count - 1) > maxamount Then 'Using this for the pic
maxamount = samplez(samplez.Count - 1)
End If
For i = 1 To x - 10 Step 2 'Steping 2 because in one go, we do 2 samples
Dim leftdata As Integer = Math.Abs(samplez(i * ratio)) 'Grabbing that N-th sample to display. Using Absolute to show them one direction
Dim leftpercent As Single = leftdata / (maxamount * 2) 'This breaks it down to something like 0.0 to 1.0. Multiplying by 2 to make it half.
Dim leftpicheight As Integer = leftpercent * x 'So when the percent is tied to the height, its only a percent of the height
g.DrawLine(Pens.LimeGreen, i, halfpic, i, leftpicheight + halfpic) 'Draw dat! The half pic puts it in the center
Dim rightdata As Integer = Math.Abs(samplez((i + 1) * ratio)) 'Same thing except we're grabbing i + 1 because we'd skip it because of the 'step 2' on the for statement
Dim rightpercent As Single = -rightdata / (maxamount * 2) 'put a negative infront of data so it goes down.
Dim rightpicheight As Integer = rightpercent * x
g.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, i, halfpic, i, rightpicheight + halfpic)
End Sub
X and Y is the middle of the form. And i also would link where i got the code but i forgot where and also, i modified it in attempt to run it directly into he form rather than a picturebox. It worked sorta haha (And there is so many unused dims but all i know is, once i remove one none of the code works haha) So could anyone help?

Optimization of matrix multiplication in

I'm currently trying to do some work on a neural network class in visual basic. My main drag at the moment is the multiplication of the matrices is so slow! Here's the code I use right now;
Public Function MultiplyMatricesParallel(ByVal matA As Double()(), ByVal matB As Double()()) As Double()()
Dim matACols As Integer = matA(0).GetLength(0)
Dim matBCols As Integer = matB(0).GetLength(0)
Dim matARows As Integer = matA.GetLength(0)
Dim result(matARows - 1)() As Double
For i = 0 To matARows - 1
ReDim result(i)(matBCols - 1)
Dim tempMat()() As Double = MatrixTranspose(matB)
Parallel.For(0, matARows, Sub(i)
For j As Integer = 0 To matBCols - 1
Dim temp As Double = 0
Dim maA() As Double = matA(i)
Dim maB() As Double = tempMat(j)
For k As Integer = 0 To matACols - 1
temp += maA(k) * maB(k)
result(i)(j) += temp
End Sub)
Return result
End Function
I just jagged arrays as they are quicker in vb than rectangular arrays. Of course they really are rectangular otherwise the matrix multiplication wouldn't work (or make sense). Any advice/help would be appreciated, for reference the matrix size can change but it's currently around 7,000 x 2,000 at the maximum.

Operator * Not Defined for types char and string

I added two vb files to a new vs project and I seem to be having a problem with the last line of the code below. I get an error: Operator '*' is not defined for types 'Char' and 'String'.
I don't know too much about vb so can someone explain to me whats going on in this last line and how I may fix the error? mStream is a FileStream
Public Shared Function GetCharImage(Font As Integer, c As Char) As Bitmap
If UnicodeFonts.mStream Is Nothing Then
End If
' The following expression was wrapped in a checked-statement
UnicodeFonts.mStream = UnicodeFonts.Stream(Font - 1)
UnicodeFonts.mReader = UnicodeFonts.Reader(Font - 1)
' The following expression was wrapped in a checked-expression
UnicodeFonts.mStream.Seek(CLng(c * ""), 0)
Edit ***
the line that calls the above method is this:
array(i - 1) = UnicodeFonts.GetCharImage(Font, CharType.FromString(Strings.Mid(Text, i)))
from the following method:
Public Shared Function GetStringImage(Font As Integer, Text As String) As Bitmap
' The following expression was wrapped in a checked-statement
Dim array As Bitmap() = New Bitmap(Strings.Len(Text) - 1 + 1 - 1) {}
Dim arg_19_0 As Integer = 1
Dim num As Integer = Strings.Len(Text)
Dim num2 As Integer
Dim height As Integer
For i As Integer = arg_19_0 To num
array(i - 1) = UnicodeFonts.GetCharImage(Font, CharType.FromString(Strings.Mid(Text, i)))
num2 += array(i - 1).Width
If array(i - 1).Height > height Then
height = array(i - 1).Height
End If
Dim bitmap As Bitmap = New Bitmap(num2, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
Dim graphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)
Dim arg_8C_0 As Integer = 1
Dim num3 As Integer = Strings.Len(Text)
For j As Integer = arg_8C_0 To num3
Dim num4 As Integer
graphics.DrawImage(array(j - 1), num4, 0)
num4 += array(j - 1).Width
Dim arg_C4_0 As Integer = 1
Dim num5 As Integer = Strings.Len(Text)
For k As Integer = arg_C4_0 To num5
array(k - 1).Dispose()
Return bitmap
End Function
The code is working with a file containing fonts.
My best guess is that you're trying to find the data for a font character at a specific offset within a file, based on the character code.
You could try something like:
UnicodeFonts.mStream.Seek(CLng(c) * 4), 0)
I've chosen 4 here, on the assumption whatever you're looking for is in a table of 4-byte integers.
The change here is that I'm converting c to a number using CLng(c) first, then multiplying this by another number, instead of a string.
The problem is that you are trying to multiply a character and a string: c * "" Characters and strings are not numbers, so they cannot be multiplied together.

Attribute a code for every color

Is there any way to attribute a code for every color, and be able to read them? Programatically I mean.
My target is to convert an image into code, then convert it back to image.
Each color has 4 fields (For some images, you only have 3 fields with meaningful information)
These fields include:
Alpha (A) (This represents opacity of the pixel)
Red (R) (Red intensity)
Green (G) (Green intensity)
Blue (B) (Blue intensity)
What you would do is read them and generate a code string for each one by concatenating the values to one another.
This can most likely be considered pseudo-code as I did not check if it compiles, but you should be doing something along the lines of this.
Dim pixelColor As Color
Dim image As BitMap = New BitMap("your_image.png")
Dim a As String
Dim r As String
Dim b As String
Dim g As String
Dim fileString As New StringBuilder()
' Loop over all pixels
For y As Integer = 0 To image.Size.Height - 1
For x As Integer = 0 To image.Size.Width - 1
pixelColor = image.GetPixel(x, y)
' get ARGB values as strings
a = pixelColor.A.ToString()
r = pixelColor.R.ToString()
g = pixelColor.G.ToString()
b = pixelColor.B.ToString()
' Append the colors, one pixel per line
fileString.AppendLine(a & " " & r & " " & g & " " & b)
Using file As New StreamWriter("image_data.txt")
End Using
Again, this probably doesn't compile. (I don't have a compiler with me at the moment)
I realized that the width and height need to be stored as well.
As for reading the file:
Dim file As System.IO.StreamReader
file = File.OpenText("text_file.txt")
Dim width As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(file.ReadLine)
Dim height As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(file.ReadLine)
Dim image As BitMap = New BitMap(width, height)
Dim currentX As Integer = 0
Dim currentY As Integer = 0
Do Until file.EndOfStream
Dim line As String = file.ReadLine
Dim valueArray(4) As String = line.Split(" ")
Dim a As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(valueArray(0))
Dim r As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(valueArray(1))
Dim g As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(valueArray(2))
Dim b As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(valueArray(3))
image.SetPixel(currentX, currentY, Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b))
currentX = currentX + 1
If currentX == width Then
currentX = 0
currentY = currentY + 1
If currentY == height Then
Exit Do ' We're done here.
End If
End If
' At this point, you'll have a BitMap with all the pixels set.
Again, consider this pseudo-code.
each color is actually a ARGB color code just get integer value
Dim myColor As Color = Color.Red
Dim Code As Integer = myColor.ToArgb()
Dim myColorBack As Color = Color.FromArgb(Code)