Trouble verifying simple programs in F* (FStar) - verification

I'm using F* and I can't get this simple program to pass subtyping checks:
module Test
open FStar.String
let minlen s n = strlen s >= n
let maxlen s n = strlen s <= n
let isLanguageValid s = (minlen s 2) && (maxlen s 8)
type language = s : string { isLanguageValid s }
let english : language = "en"
let invalid : language = "abcdefghi"
I would expect english to pass but invalid to fail. Everything I've tried either leads to both of them being rejected, or both being accepted. What am I doing wrong? I'd just like to accept strings of certain lengths for this type.

Reasoning about strings in F* is quite limited. Most proofs require either treating functions like strlen as uninterpreted, or else triggering some judicious use of normalization.
let test = assert (strlen "English" == 7)
let test = assert_norm (strlen "English" == 7)
Which is to say that the first assertion is not provable in F*---it fails the verifier.
However, the second assertion succeeds by asking F* to prove it using normalization rather than SMT.
To get your program to verify, I revised it like so:
let minlen s n = strlen s >= n
let maxlen s n = strlen s <= n
let isLanguageValid s = (minlen s 2) && (maxlen s 8)
type language = s : string { normalize_term #bool (isLanguageValid s) }
let english : language = "en"
let invalid : language = "abcdefghi"
Notice the use of normalize_term in the definition of language.
You can read a bit about normalization etc. here:
FYI, my examples are with respect to the latest build of F*. Recent binary builds can be found here


Using FsCheck I get different results on tests, once 100% passed and the other time error

I created a generator to generate lists of int with the same lenght and to test the property of zip and unzip.
Running the test I get once in a while the error
Error: System.ArgumentException: list2 is 1 element shorter than list1
but it shouldn't happen because of my generator.
I got three times the test 100% passed and then the error above. Why?
It seems my generator is not working properly.
let samelength (x, y) =
List.length x = List.length y
let arbMyGen2 = Arb.filter samelength Arb.from<int list * int list>
type MyGenZ =
static member genZip() =
new Arbitrary<int list * int list>() with
override x.Generator = arbMyGen2 |> Arb.toGen
override x.Shrinker t = Seq.empty
let _ = Arb.register<MyGenZ>()
let pro_zip (xs: int list, ys: int list) =
(xs, ys) = List.unzip( xs ys)
|> Prop.collect (List.length xs = List.length ys)
do Check.Quick pro_zip
Your code, as written, works for me. So I'm not sure what exactly is wrong, but I can give you a few helpful (hopefully!) hints.
In the first instance, try not using the registrating mechanism, but instead using Prop.forAll, as follows:
let pro_zip =
Prop.forAll arbMyGen2 (fun (xs,ys) ->
(xs, ys) = List.unzip( xs ys)
|> Prop.collect (List.length xs))
do Check.Quick pro_zip
Note I've also changed your Prop.collect call to collect the length of the list(s), which gives somewhat more interesting output. In fact your property already checks that the lists are the same length (albeit implicitly) so the test will fail with a counterexample if they are not.
Arb.filter transforms an existing Arbitrary (i.e. generator and filter) to a new Arbitrary. In other words, arbMyGen2 has a shrinking function that'll work (i.e. only returns smaller pairs of lists that are of equal length), while in genZip() you throw the shrinker away. It would be fine to simply write
type MyGenZ =
static member genZip() = arbMyGen2

Getting syntax error in ocaml

I am trying to make a module that would allow to create a table in ocaml. It would do a query called project to limit the table's values. However on the last line of the definition of the function chooser I am getting syntax error.
module type TABLE =
type database
type table
val create_table: string list * string list* (string list) list -> table
val printTable : table -> string
val listToString : string list -> string
val project : string list * table -> table
val chooser : string list * string list-> string list
module UsingTable : TABLE =
type table = (string list * string list* (string list) list)
type database = table list
let create_table (a,b,c) = (a,b,c)
let chooser inputList = (
for i = 0 to (List.length trueFalseList-1) do
if List.nth trueFalseList i = "True"
(List.nth inputList i)::ans
List.rev ans;;)
let project (conditions, aTable)= (
let rec innerProc tmp= function
n,[],v->List.rev tmp
|n,cH::cT,v-> if List.mem cH conditions
then innerProc (["True"]::tmp) (n,cT,v)
else innerProc (["False"]::tmp) (n,cT,v)
let trueFalseList = innerProc [] aTable
let rec finalListCreator = match aTable with
|n,cH::cT,[]->n,chooser cH ::finalListCreator cT,[]
|n,c,h::t -> n,c,chooser h ::finalListCreator t
let rec listToString aList = match aList with
[] -> ""
| h::t -> "\t"^h^"\t"^listToString t
let rec printTable aTable = match aTable with
[],[],[] -> ""
| [],[],vH::vT -> "\n"^(listToString vH)^printTable ([],[],vT)
| [],cH::cT,v -> "\t"^cH^"\t"^printTable([],cT, v)
| n, c , v-> "\n"^(List.hd n)^"\n\n"^printTable([],c, v)
let atable =UsingTable.create_table (["Student"], ["Id";"Name";"Gender";"Course"],
print_string (UsingTable.printTable atable) ;;
These lines have at least two syntax problems:
let chooser inputList = (
for i = 0 to (List.length trueFalseList-1) do
if List.nth trueFalseList i = "True"
(List.nth inputList i)::ans
List.rev ans;;)
First, the for .. done is one expression, and List.rev ans is another expression. You need a semicolon (;) between them.
Second, you should use ;; only when you want the input up to that point to be processed. But here if you process the input at the ;; you are missing a right parenthesis.
In my opinion, you should be entering ;; only at the toplevel. The best way to think of this token is as an instruction to the toplevel. It's not part of normal OCaml syntax.
These are only the first two errors. There are quite a few other errors in the code. It might be good to add one function at a time to the module so you can concentrate on a few problems at a time.
The environment you're using is a little bit extra complicated because it has an Evaluate button that asks to evaluate what you've typed so far. This makes the ;; token much less useful.
It would be a good discipline to use this environment without using the ;; token at all. Just click the Evaluate button when you want an evaluation.
The main trick is if you want to evaluate a statement (a unit-valued expression in OCaml) at the outer level, like say Printf.printf "hello world\n". The usual idiom to avoid putting ;; before this is to make it into a declaration like so:
let () = Printf.printf "hello world\n"
That is the one non-obvious idiom that people use when writing source code (where the ;; almost never appears in my experience).

Is there a language with higher order conditionals?

Sometimes, I have a control structure (if, for, ...), and depending on a condition I either want to use the control structure, or only execute the body. As a simple example, I can do the following in C, but it's pretty ugly:
if (filter()) {
// do something
Also it doesn't work if I only know apply_filter at runtime. Of course, in this case I can just change the code to:
if (apply_filter && filter())
but that doesn't work in the general case of arbitrary control structures. (I don't have a nice example at hand, but recently I had some code that would have benefited a lot from a feature like this.)
Is there any langugage where I can apply conditions to control structures, i.e. have higher-order conditionals? In pseudocode, the above example would be:
<if apply_filter>
if (filter()) {
// ...
Or a more complicated example, if a varable is set wrap code in a function and start it as a thread:
<if (run_on_thread)>
void thread() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf("%d\n", i);
<if (run_on_thread)>
(Actually, in this example I could imagine it would even be useful to give the meta condition a name, to ensure that the top and bottom s are in sync.)
I could imagine something like this is a feature in LISP, right?
Any language with first-class functions can pull this off. In fact, your use of "higher-order" is telling; the necessary abstraction will indeed be a higher-order function. The idea is to write a function applyIf which takes a boolean (enabled/disabled), a control-flow operator (really, just a function), and a block of code (any value in the domain of the function); then, if the boolean is true, the operator/function is applied to the block/value, and otherwise the block/value is just run/returned. This will be a lot clearer in code.
In Haskell, for instance, this pattern would be, without an explicit applyIf, written as:
example1 = (if applyFilter then when someFilter else id) body
example2 = (if runOnThread then (void . forkIO) else id) . forM_ [1..10] $ \i ->
print i >> threadDelay 1000000 -- threadDelay takes microseconds
Here, id is just the identity function \x -> x; it always returns its argument. Thus, (if cond then f else id) x is the same as f x if cond == True, and is the same as id x otherwise; and of course, id x is the same as x.
Then you could factor this pattern out into our applyIf combinator:
applyIf :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyIf True f x = f x
applyIf False _ x = x
-- Or, how I'd probably actually write it:
-- applyIf True = id
-- applyIf False = flip const
-- Note that `flip f a b = f b a` and `const a _ = a`, so
-- `flip const = \_ a -> a` returns its second argument.
example1' = applyIf applyFilter (when someFilter) body
example2' = applyIf runOnThread (void . forkIO) . forM_ [1..10] $ \i ->
print i >> threadDelay 1000000
And then, of course, if some particular use of applyIf was a common pattern in your application, you could abstract over it:
-- Runs its argument on a separate thread if the application is configured to
-- run on more than one thread.
possiblyThreaded action = do
multithreaded <- (> 1) . numberOfThreads <$> getConfig
applyIf multithreaded (void . forkIO) action
example2'' = possiblyThreaded . forM_ [1..10] $ \i ->
print i >> threadDelay 1000000
As mentioned above, Haskell is certainly not alone in being able to express this idea. For instance, here's a translation into Ruby, with the caveat that my Ruby is very rusty, so this is likely to be unidiomatic. (I welcome suggestions on how to improve it.)
def apply_if(use_function, f, &block)
use_function ? : yield
def example1a
do_when = lambda { |&block| if some_filter then end }
apply_if(apply_filter, do_when) { puts "Hello, world!" }
def example2a
apply_if(run_on_thread, Thread.method(:new)) do
(1..10).each { |i| puts i; sleep 1 }
def possibly_threaded(&block)
apply_if(app_config.number_of_threads > 1, Thread.method(:new), &block)
def example2b
possibly_threaded do
(1..10).each { |i| puts i; sleep 1 }
The point is the same—we wrap up the maybe-do-this-thing logic in its own function, and then apply that to the relevant block of code.
Note that this function is actually more general than just working on code blocks (as the Haskell type signature expresses); you can also, for instance, write abs n = applyIf (n < 0) negate n to implement the absolute value function. The key is to realize that code blocks themselves can be abstracted over, so things like if statements and for loops can just be functions. And we already know how to compose functions!
Also, all of the code above compiles and/or runs, but you'll need some imports and definitions. For the Haskell examples, you'll need the impots
import Control.Applicative -- for (<$>)
import Control.Monad -- for when, void, and forM_
import Control.Concurrent -- for forkIO and threadDelay
along with some bogus definitions of applyFilter, someFilter, body, runOnThread, numberOfThreads, and getConfig:
applyFilter = False
someFilter = False
body = putStrLn "Hello, world!"
runOnThread = True
getConfig = return 4 :: IO Int
numberOfThreads = id
For the Ruby examples, you'll need no imports and the following analogous bogus definitions:
def apply_filter; false; end
def some_filter; false; end
def run_on_thread; true; end
class AppConfig
attr_accessor :number_of_threads
def initialize(n)
#number_of_threads = n
def app_config;; end
Common Lisp does not let you redefine if. You can, however, invent your own control structure as a macro in Lisp and use that instead.

How can i rewrite or convert this C++ code to Haskell code

The c++ code which i wanted to rewrite or convert is:
class numberClass
int value;
int read()
return value;
void load(int x)
value = x;
void increment()
value= value +1;
int main()
numberClass num;
I do not know how to make any entity(like variable in C++) that can hold value throughout the program in haskell.
Please help.
Basically, you can't. Values are immutable, and Haskell has no variables in the sense of boxes where you store values, like C++ and similar. You can do something similar using IORefs (which are boxes you can store values in), but it's almost always a wrong design to use them.
Haskell is a very different programming language, it's not a good idea to try to translate code from a language like C, C++, Java or so to Haskell. One has to view the tasks from different angles and approach it in a different way.
That being said:
module Main (main) where
import Data.IORef
main :: IO ()
main = do
num <- newIORef 5 :: IO (IORef Int)
x <- readIORef num
print x
modifyIORef num (+1)
x <- readIORef num
print x
Well, assuming that it's the wrapping, not the mutability, you can easily have a type that only allows constructing constant values and incrementation:
module Incr (Incr, incr, fromIncr, toIncr) where
newtype Incr a = Incr a deriving (Read, Show)
fromIncr :: Incr a -> a
fromIncr (Incr x) = x
incr :: (Enum a) => Incr a -> Incr a
incr (Incr x) = Incr (succ x)
toIncr :: a -> Incr a
toIncr = Incr
As Daniel pointed out, mutability is out of the question, but another purpose of your class is encapsulation, which this module provides just like the C++ class. Of course to a Haskell programmer, this module might not seem very useful, but perhaps you have use cases in mind, where you want to statically prevent library users from using regular addition or multiplication.
A direct translation of your code to haskell is rather stupid but of course possible (as shown in Daniel's answer).
Usually when you are working with state in haskell you might be able to work with the State Monad. As long as you are executing inside the State Monad you can query and update your state. If you want to be able to do some IO in addition (as in your example), you need to stack your State Monad on top of IO.
Using this approach your code might look like this:
import Control.Monad.State
import Prelude hiding(read)
increment = modify (+1)
load = put
read = get
normal :: StateT Int IO ()
normal = do
load 5
x <- read
lift (print x)
x <- read
lift (print x)
main = evalStateT normal 0
But here you don't have an explicit type for your numberClass. If you want this there is a nice library on hackage that you could use: data-lenses.
Using lenses the code might be a little closer to your C++ version:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Monad.State(StateT,evalStateT,lift)
import Prelude hiding(read)
import Data.Lens.Lazy((~=),access,(%=))
import Data.Lens.Template(makeLenses)
data Number = Number {
_value :: Int
} deriving (Show)
$( makeLenses [''Number] )
increment = value %= succ
load x = value ~= x
read = access value
withLens :: StateT Number IO ()
withLens = do
load 5
x <- read
lift $ print x
x <- read
lift $ print x
main = evalStateT withLens (Number 0)
Still not exactly your code...but well, it's haskell and not yet another OO-language.

Gimpel's PC Lint Value Tracking

I'm a newbie to this site, so if I mess up any question-asking etiquette here I apologize in advance... Thanks!
This is extremely simplified example code, but I think it shows what I'm talking about: I have a C++ method that makes a call into another method to test a value...
char m_array[MAX]; // class member, MAX is a #define
foo(unsigned int n)
if (validNumber(n)) //test n
// do stuff
m_array[n-1] = 0;
where: validNumber(unsigned int val) { return ((val > 0) && (val <= MAX)); }
The irritation I'm having is that PC Lint's Value Tracking seems to ignore the validNumber() call and gives a warning 661 possible access of out-of-bounds pointer (1 beyond end of data) by operator '['
However if I do it like this, Lint is happy:
if ((n > 0) && (n <= MAX)) //test n
So, does Lint's Value Tracking just not work if the test is a method call?
Thanks again,
I'd guess that validNumber is defined after foo, but in any case, PC Lint normally makes one pass over the code, and in such cases it doesn't see validNumber as a check for the boundaries for n.
You could try the option -passes(2) or even 3, and see what Lint makes out of it. I think (but didn't try) that Lint would then correctly note that the value for n is within the correct bounds.