Access Database - Create a table using data from two different sources - sql

I am a new grad and my programming/database skills are very rudimentary. I was tasked with creating a database and ran into this one issue that I can't solve. I have to create a report that shows some testing results. There are two types of tests - custom tests and core test. All custom tests have a core attached to them. So I have two test IDs - Core ID and Custom ID. The Custom ID always has a Core ID that it can be tracked back to.
So I can't find a way to consolidate both custom and core results in one place and use that as a record source for my report. I tried making a temp table to get custom and core but then I can't consolidate that data that overlaps when I have a custom result that has a core id attached to it as well. Should I look into using VBA? I've tried using update, union, append query etc. but I can't reach a solution.
How can I create a table that extracts data from two different sources? and removes the duplicates. I've used union (tried UNION and UNION ALL as well) query but it omits data that has a core and custom. Some guidance will be greatly appreciated
enter image description here
So I've attached a picture and this is where i get into troubles. The Custom is related to core and the data i need to fetch is in the core table. I have a table that links the custom to a specific core but then how do I tell Access to go to the core to fetch more details from the core table. Like I am having issues putting that logic in.


Extracting and loading data from a rest API whit data factory automatically whenever there is a new report ID

I am aiming to create a service combining Azure Data Factory and Azure Databricks where one or several reports are extracted and stored from a Rest API (swagger). I have managed to obtain the data of the reports maually using each individual ID using copy data from rest API. However, I'd like to obtain all the reports that share the same name, and whenever there is a new one (new ID) automatically extract it and store it.
I asume that dynamizing this, could be done by querying the IDs for that specific name with a periodic trigger and if eventually there is a new one, the data would be queried by using the updated list of IDs obtained. However I can't get my mind around how to use this list as parameters I have neither found a function that could do this.
I have also tried to use Azure functions, but I am not sure if it would cover this need and I gave up as I did struggle in the config.
Could I get some help please?
Thanks in advance!

Populating a table in a .NET GUI View where a given User can only see a subset of rows returned by a Query

I have coded in .NET a GUI which includes a table populated by a Query.
The table shows financial positions owned by different users identified in the application.
I want a given user to only be able to see the rows showing her/his positions.
How should I program that? I think it involves .NET Authorization features at a very granular level (see link below).
Applying Granular Right restriction in ASP.Net core

Is it a good idea to manually create columns in existing AspNetUser table?

I'm using Identity 3 and I want to add some columns in AspNetUser table.
I've tried to do it using EF Core Code first and it's working well but I need to do it DB first.
I was wondering, if I will create the columns manually in database, then create the ApplicationUser class with corresponding properties, will it work?
Yup that should work, I've done it before.
However as time goes on I ended up having to add so many that it got messy.
So eventually I refactored those extra columns into their own related tables:
e.g: User_AdditionalDetails
This was a massive pain as I had live users and had to write scripts to migrate everyone's data etc.
This way you would only need to add a single FK for the related table with all this extra info.
It also neatens the code too, and gives the benefit of being able to load different sets of user properties only when they are needed.
If it's for an application scope property of the user like 'Region' which determines behaviour of core functionality of your app, then I'd say add it straight onto the main ApplicationUser class.

Creating a dasboard-esque page for viewing data

I'm currently working on a web app using .NET Core and Razor pages.
So after getting the CRUD elements pretty much sorted, the final part for me is to create a page so they can view their main data.
At the moment, their requirements for searching data would be by person and / or by project.
My initial plan is to give them two drop downs containing each of these data. And when they're happy to start the search, press a button and a SP will retrieve the data from the data base.
The bit I need help with is displaying the data. Before I was using fairly standard HTML tables in the page.
However now that the data will be refreshed and will be different based on the search parameters I'm not too sure on how to implement this.
The only way I can think of doing this is to create a API to get the data back from the DB in a JSON format and then use JavaScript functions, possibly including the data tables plugin.
Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thank you

does core data create a database for you?

does core data create a database table for you? I am new to core data and iphone programming and all the tutorials that I see bring in a pre populated database. I am trying to create an app that saves data (i.e. Dates and times) and I don't need to use a prepopulated database. I was wondering when you check the box to use core data, does it create an empty database for you or do you have to create a database table with all the empty fields you need and bring in that sqlite file? This probably sounds like a newb question but I appreciate any help you can give me.
Yes, it creates a table for you. You don't need to mess with such these things.
Here is the best starting tutorial: Core Data Programming Guide
When you know these informations, then you can head and learn more from other tutorials. You will have a different look at them.
You specify a filename. If the file doesn't exist (typical first time your app is run on a device) an empty database is created. If the file exists it will be loaded. You wouldn't really want to try to prepopulate some data in there using SQL. The database has to have a specific, unpublished format for Core Data. If it doesn't match there would be an error.